761,097 research outputs found

    Environmentally conscious consumption patterns in Hungarian households

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    This article provides a comprehensive review of the literature on the theoretical aspects of sustainable consumption. The conditions for consumers’ social responsibility and the formation of environmentally conscious behavior patterns will also be discussed, along with possible methods for motivating behavioral changes. The authors have completed a primary research study with the purpose of surveying environmentally conscious consumption patterns in Hungary. They also examined how the provision of appropriate information and the raising of awareness might encourage sustainable consumption. According to their findings, the respondents’ knowledge on environmentally conscious behavior was rather limited, and reinforcement was needed in identifying appropriate activity alternatives. This paper provides a summary of the qualitative research phase which employed in-depth interviews, logging and focus groups. The consecutive application of these methods enabled the authors to keep track of the process and the consequences of raising awareness

    Cognitive loading affects motor awareness and movement kinematics but not locomotor trajectories during goal-directed walking in a virtual reality environment.

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    The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive loading on movement kinematics and trajectory formation during goal-directed walking in a virtual reality (VR) environment. The secondary objective was to measure how participants corrected their trajectories for perturbed feedback and how participants' awareness of such perturbations changed under cognitive loading. We asked 14 healthy young adults to walk towards four different target locations in a VR environment while their movements were tracked and played back in real-time on a large projection screen. In 75% of all trials we introduced angular deviations of ±5° to ±30° between the veridical walking trajectory and the visual feedback. Participants performed a second experimental block under cognitive load (serial-7 subtraction, counter-balanced across participants). We measured walking kinematics (joint-angles, velocity profiles) and motor performance (end-point-compensation, trajectory-deviations). Motor awareness was determined by asking participants to rate the veracity of the feedback after every trial. In-line with previous findings in natural settings, participants displayed stereotypical walking trajectories in a VR environment. Our results extend these findings as they demonstrate that taxing cognitive resources did not affect trajectory formation and deviations although it interfered with the participants' movement kinematics, in particular walking velocity. Additionally, we report that motor awareness was selectively impaired by the secondary task in trials with high perceptual uncertainty. Compared with data on eye and arm movements our findings lend support to the hypothesis that the central nervous system (CNS) uses common mechanisms to govern goal-directed movements, including locomotion. We discuss our results with respect to the use of VR methods in gait control and rehabilitation

    Pedagogical support of formation of moral awareness of students

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    The purpose of this article is to consider the features of pedagogical support of the formation of moral awareness of students, its main components and principles, to describe the components of the professional culture of the teacher, to determine the pedagogical conditions of development of moral awareness of students on the basis of the realization of the principle of the educative training of modern specialists. Methods. Methods involve comparative analysis of literary sources, analysis of documents, systematization and generalization of theoretical material, logicaland-historical analysis, causal analysis, functional analysis, system-andstructural analysis. Results. It is shown that the global goal of modern high school is the formation of a constructive, creative personality, embodying a highly qualified specialist, a good family man, a conscious citizen and patriot of his/her homeland, responsible for its present and future. The importance of ideological and educational functions of the teacher significantly increases and is aimed at updating the ideological position of student, his professional, civic, and spiritual-and-moral formation. Moral development of personality is a process of the formation and changing of the individual as the subject of morality, involving the development of individual systems of moral values on the basis of the adoption of moral experience of mankind, which is the evidence of moral self-affirmation and personal integrity. Modern social-and-cultural conditions require updating the content, forms and methods of education in an establishment of higher education with the reorientation from the traditional educational work to personal-oriented educational process based on the use of active (interactive) pedagogical tools. An important requirement for effective organization of educational process of students is the realization of proved organizational and psycho-pedagogical conditions. Wellorganized process of education is an integral element of the education of the person as a whole and it contributes to the choice of the person’s own life and development. The effectiveness of educational work depends largely on the level of preparedness of a pedagogue to a realization of the goals and objectives of education, possession of modern educational technologies of psycho-and-pedagogical interaction in the social-and-cultural educational environment, personal development in the conditions of information society. Scientific novelty. The paper gives valuable information on the concrete definition and systematization of the features of pedagogical support of the formation of moral awareness of students. Practical significance. Research materials can be used in the practice of curators, teachers, employees of the Department of ideological and educational work, workers, psycho-and-pedagogical service for the identification and correction of value orientations of the individual, for the creating the best conditions for their self-development and self-realization, for the creation of a favorable educational environment at the establishment of higher education Цели статьи – рассмотреть педагогическое обеспечение и особенности формирования нравственного сознания студентов, его основные компоненты и принципы; охарактеризовать составляющие профессиональной культуры преподавателя; определить педагогические условия развития нравственности студентов на основе реализации принципа воспитывающего обучения современного специалиста. Методы, использованные в работе, – сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ литературных источников, анализ документов, систематизация и обобщение теоретического материала, логико-исторический, причинный, функциональный и системно-структурный анализ. Результаты. Показано, что глобальной целью современной высшей школы является формирование созидательной, творческой личности, олицетворяющей собой высококвалифицированного специалиста, добропорядочного семьянина, сознательного гражданина и патриота своей Родины, ответственного за ее настоящее и будущее. Сегодня существенно возрастает значимость идеологической и воспитательной функций преподавателя, направленных на актуализацию мировоззренческой позиции студента, его профессионально-трудовое, гражданское и духовно-нравственное становление. Нравственное развитие личности представляет собой процесс становления и изменения индивида как субъекта морали, предполагающий выработку на основе усвоения нравственного опыта человечества индивидуальной системы моральных ценностей, которая свидетельствует о целостности личности. Современные социокультурные условия требуют обновления содержания, форм и методов воспитания в учреждении высшего образования на основе использования активных (интерактивных) педагогических средств. При этом важным требованием к эффективной организации воспитательного процесса студентов является реализация обоснованных организационных и психологопедагогических условий. Грамотно построенный процесс воспитания является неотъемлемым элементом образования человека в целом, способствует выбору молодого человека собственного жизненного пути и развития. Эффективность воспитательной работы во многом зависит от уровня подготовленности педагога, его владения современными воспитательными технологиями психологопедагогического взаимодействия в социокультурном образовательном и информационном пространстве. Научная новизна работы заключается в конкретизации и систематизации педагогического инструментария формирования нравственного сознания студентов. Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования могут быть использованы в практической деятельности кураторов, преподавателей, сотрудников отдела идеологической и воспитательной работы, специалистов психолого-педагогической службы по выявлению и корректировке ценностных ориентаций личности, созданию наилучших условий для ее саморазвития и самореализации

    Analisis Pengaruh Internet Marketing Terhadap Pembentukan Word of Mouth and Brand Awareness Untuk Memunculkan Intention to Buy

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    The purposes of this research are to prove whether internet marketing does give positive influence to the formation of brand awareness and word of mouth, then whether if internet marketing is directly give positive influence to formation of intention to buy. Furthermore, the writer wants to analyze the relationship between brand awareness and word of mouth to create intention to buy. The data was analyzed using structural equation modeling with Amos software. Sample of this research was 130 respondents who are taken by judgment sampling.This research found that internet marketing positively influence brand awareness and word of mouth, but it does not directly give positive influence to intention to buy. Brand awareness also does not give positive influence to word of mouth. Both brand awareness and word of mouth do influence positively to formation of intention to buy

    Thomas Reid, Hume and theology

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    Joe Houston unfolds the subtlety of some of the fundamental aspects of Thomas Reid’s response to Hume’s scepticism and religious agnosticism. He discusses Hume’s awareness of the tension between scepticism and daily life; his foundationalist notions of rational belief; and the relation of modes of belief to the physical world, past events and causation. He then considers Reid’s counter-argument, that as humans we are constituted with belief-forming dispositions, and that there are no non-circular justifications available for each of the modes of belief-formation, only the principles of common sense.Publisher PD

    Analisis pengaruh internet marketing terhadap pembentukan word of mouth and brand awareness untuk memunculkan intention to buy

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    The purposes of this research are to prove whether internet marketing does give positive influence to the formation of brand awareness and word of mouth, then whether if  internet marketing is directly give positive  influence  to  formation  of  intention  to  buy.  Furthermore,  the  writer  wants  to  analyze  the relationship between brand awareness and word of mouth to create intention to buy.  The data was analyzed using structural equation modeling with Amos software. Sample of this research was 130 respondents who are taken by judgment sampling.This research found that internet marketing positively influence brand awareness and word of mouth, but it does not directly give positive influence to intention to buy. Brand awareness also does not give positive influence to word of mouth. Both brand awareness and word of mouth do influence positively to formation of intention to buy.Keywords: Internet Marketing, Brand Awareness, Word of Mouth, Intention to Bu

    Role of Language in Identity Formation: An Analysis of Influence of Sanskrit on Identity Formation

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    The contents of Brahmajnaana, the Buddhism, the Jainism, the Sabdabrahma Siddhanta and Shaddarsanas will be discussed to present the true meaning of individual’s identity and I. The influence of spirituality contained in Upanishadic insight in the development of Sanskrit language structure, Indian culture, and individual identity formation will be developed. The cultural and psychological aspects of a civilization on the formation of its language structure and prominence given to various parts of speech and vice versa will be touched upon. These aspects will be also compared and contrasted with German, French, Telugu and Hindi and their respective influence on cultural and identity formation and vice versa. A cognitive science interpretation of advaita and dvaita phases of mind and bhakti and vibhakti modes of language acquisition and communication in terms of physics and electronics will be given and be clubbed to present an inclusive and comprehensive modern scientific and social scientific understanding and interpretation of Brahmajnaana, the Buddhism, the Jainism and rest of current theistic and atheistic awareness of I and its spiritual, linguistic, cognitive scientific and rationalistic ideas and opinions. The use of this study for national integration and oneness of Indians will be highlighted

    Translanguaging and Multilingual Picturebooks : Gloria Anzaldúa’s Friends from the Other Side / Amigos Del Otro Lado

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    nglish language teaching (ELT) is overcoming its monolingual character with students increasingly bringing additional languages to the classroom. Closely related to this, there is a growing awareness of the fact that students’ experiences with multilingualism are a valuable resource which should also be harnessed in language classrooms. Even if English is the language of instruction, the learners’ home languages, other languages and language varieties spoken in the school and personal environments, all influence their learning process and the formation of cultural identities. This paper looks critically at the traditional concept of the monolingual language classroom and explores the potential of multilingual literature which supports the learners’ second language development while, at the same time, raising their awareness of multilingualism and developing their plurilingual literacies. The English-Spanish children’s book Friends from the Other Side/Amigos del Otro Lado (1995) by American writer and Chicana cultural theorist Gloria Anzaldúa serves as an example of how working with multilingual literature can enrich the English learning experience of children from different age groups.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio