90,534 research outputs found

    Robust semi-automated path extraction for visualising stenosis of the coronary arteries

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    Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is useful for diagnosing and planning treatment of heart disease. However, contrast agent in surrounding structures (such as the aorta and left ventricle) makes 3-D visualisation of the coronary arteries difficult. This paper presents a composite method employing segmentation and volume rendering to overcome this issue. A key contribution is a novel Fast Marching minimal path cost function for vessel centreline extraction. The resultant centreline is used to compute a measure of vessel lumen, which indicates the degree of stenosis (narrowing of a vessel). Two volume visualisation techniques are presented which utilise the segmented arteries and lumen measure. The system is evaluated and demonstrated using synthetic and clinically obtained datasets

    Image database system for glaucoma diagnosis support

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    Tato práce popisuje přehled standardních a pokročilých metod používaných k diagnose glaukomu v ranném stádiu. Na základě teoretických poznatků je implementován internetově orientovaný informační systém pro oční lékaře, který má tři hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je možnost sdílení osobních dat konkrétního pacienta bez nutnosti posílat tato data internetem. Druhým cílem je vytvořit účet pacienta založený na kompletním očním vyšetření. Posledním cílem je aplikovat algoritmus pro registraci intenzitního a barevného fundus obrazu a na jeho základě vytvořit internetově orientovanou tři-dimenzionální vizualizaci optického disku. Tato práce je součásti DAAD spolupráce mezi Ústavem Biomedicínského Inženýrství, Vysokého Učení Technického v Brně, Oční klinikou v Erlangenu a Ústavem Informačních Technologií, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg.This master thesis describes a conception of standard and advanced eye examination methods used for glaucoma diagnosis in its early stage. According to the theoretical knowledge, a web based information system for ophthalmologists with three main aims is implemented. The first aim is the possibility to share medical data of a concrete patient without sending his personal data through the Internet. The second aim is to create a patient account based on a complete eye examination procedure. The last aim is to improve the HRT diagnostic method with an image registration algorithm for the fundus and intensity images and create an optic nerve head web based 3D visualization. This master thesis is a part of project based on DAAD co-operation between Department of Biomedical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Eye Clinic in Erlangen and Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg.

    Focal Spot, Spring 1990

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    CT diagnosis of early stroke : the initial approach to the new CAD tool based on multiscale estimation of ischemia

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    Background: Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) becomes one of the most important diagnostic tools for urgent states in cerebral stroke and other life-threatening conditions where time plays a crucial role. Routine CT is still diagnostically insufficient in hyperacute stage of stroke that is in the therapeutic window for thrombolytic therapy. Authors present computer assistant of early ischemic stroke diagnosis that supports the radiologic interpretations. A new semantic-visualization system of ischemic symptoms applied to noncontrast, routine CT examination was based on multiscale image processing and diagnostic content estimation. Material/Methods: Evaluation of 95 sets of examinations in patients admitted to a hospital with symptoms suggesting stroke was undertaken by four radiologists from two medical centers unaware of the final clinical findings. All of the consecutive cases were considered as having no CT direct signs of hyperacute ischemia. At the first test stage only the CTs performed at the admission were evaluated independently by radiologists. Next, the same early scans were evaluated again with additional use of multiscale computer-assistant of stroke (MulCAS). Computerized suggestion with increased sensitivity to the subtle image manifestations of cerebral ischemia was constructed as additional view representing estimated diagnostic content with enhanced stroke symptoms synchronized to routine CT data preview. Follow-up CT examinations and clinical features confirmed or excluded the diagnosis of stroke constituting 'gold standard' to verify stroke detection performance. Results: Higher AUC (area under curve) values were found for MulCAS -aided radiological diagnosis for all readers and the differences were statistically significant for random readers-random cases parametric and non-parametric DBM MRMC analysis. Sensitivity and specificity of acute stroke detection for the readers was increased by 30% and 4%, respectively. Conclusions: Routine CT completed with proposed method of computer assisted diagnosis provided noticeable better diagnosis efficiency of acute stroke according to the rates and opinions of all test readers. Further research includes fully automatic detection of hypodense regions to complete assisted indications and formulate the suggestions of stroke cases more objectively. Planned prospective studies will let evaluate more accurately the impact of this CAD tool on diagnosis and further treatment in patients suffered from stroke. It is necessary to determine whether this method is possible to be applied widely

    Combined Inflammatory and Metabolic Defects Reflected by Reduced Serum Protein Levels in Patients with Buruli Ulcer Disease

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    Buruli ulcer is a skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans that is spreading in tropical countries, with major public health and economic implications in West Africa. Multi-analyte profiling of serum proteins in patients and endemic controls revealed that Buruli ulcer disease down-regulates the circulating levels of a large array of inflammatory mediators, without impacting on the leukocyte composition of peripheral blood. Notably, several proteins contributing to acute phase reaction, lipid metabolism, coagulation and tissue remodelling were also impacted. Their down-regulation was selective and persisted after the elimination of bacteria with antibiotic therapy. It involved proteins with various functions and origins, suggesting that M. ulcerans infection causes global and chronic defects in the host’s protein metabolism. Accordingly, patients had reduced levels of total serum proteins and blood urea, in the absence of signs of malnutrition, or functional failure of liver or kidney. Interestingly, slow healers had deeper metabolic and coagulation defects at the start of antibiotic therapy. In addition to providing novel insight into Buruli ulcer pathogenesis, our study therefore identifies a unique proteomic signature for this disease

    Barnes Hospital Bulletin

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    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography, supplement 216

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    One hundred twenty reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in January 1981 are listed. Topics include: sanitary problems; pharmacology; toxicology; safety and survival; life support systems; exobiology; and personnel factors

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing supplement 180, May 1978

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    This special bibliography lists 201 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1978

    Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Gd-DTPA Enhancement in dynamic three-dimensional MRI of breast lesions

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    The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that dynamic MRI covering both breasts can provide sensitivity for tumor detection as well as specificity and sensitivity for differentiation of tumor malignancy. Three-dimensional gradient echo scans were used covering both breasts. Before Gd-DTPA bolus injection, two scans were obtained with different flip angles, and after injection, a dynamic series followed. Thirty-two patients were scanned according to this protocol. From these scans, in addition to enhancement, the value of T1 before injection was obtained. This was used to estimate the concentration of Gd-DTPA as well as the pharmacokinetic parameters governing its time course. Signal enhancement in three-dimensional dynamic scanning was shown to be a sensitive basis for detection of tumors. In our series, all but two mam-mographically suspicious lesions did enhance, and in three cases, additional enhancing lesions were found, two of which were in the contralateral breast. The parameter most suited for classification of breast lesions into benign or malignant was shown to be the pharmacokinetically defined permeability k31, which, for that test, gave a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 70%. Our three-dimensional dynamic MRI data are sensitive for detection of mammographically occult breast tumors and specific for classification of these as benign or malignant

    Conduct disorder : the achievement of a diagnosis'

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    This paper explores the historical shapings behind the diagnosis of conduct disorders. We take as our point of purchase oppositional ways of knowing the subject of conduct disorder—as either pathologically motivated or as the victim of a repressive mandate to control disorderly conduct. We take our cue from Foucault's suggestion that the pursuit of singular motivations behind a phenomenon is not the most fruitful means of understanding its historical appearance. We explore the emergence of the individual with conduct disorder as an appearance contingent upon dispersed agencies of government—an artefact of dispersed technologies for channelling and directing a population