604 research outputs found

    An Analysis on Adversarial Machine Learning: Methods and Applications

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    Deep learning has witnessed astonishing advancement in the last decade and revolutionized many fields ranging from computer vision to natural language processing. A prominent field of research that enabled such achievements is adversarial learning, investigating the behavior and functionality of a learning model in presence of an adversary. Adversarial learning consists of two major trends. The first trend analyzes the susceptibility of machine learning models to manipulation in the decision-making process and aims to improve the robustness to such manipulations. The second trend exploits adversarial games between components of the model to enhance the learning process. This dissertation aims to provide an analysis on these two sides of adversarial learning and harness their potential for improving the robustness and generalization of deep models. In the first part of the dissertation, we study the adversarial susceptibility of deep learning models. We provide an empirical analysis on the extent of vulnerability by proposing two adversarial attacks that explore the geometric and frequency-domain characteristics of inputs to manipulate deep decisions. Afterward, we formalize the susceptibility of deep networks using the first-order approximation of the predictions and extend the theory to the ensemble classification scheme. Inspired by theoretical findings, we formalize a reliable and practical defense against adversarial examples to robustify ensembles. We extend this part by investigating the shortcomings of \gls{at} and highlight that the popular momentum stochastic gradient descent, developed essentially for natural training, is not proper for optimization in adversarial training since it is not designed to be robust against the chaotic behavior of gradients in this setup. Motivated by these observations, we develop an optimization method that is more suitable for adversarial training. In the second part of the dissertation, we harness adversarial learning to enhance the generalization and performance of deep networks in discriminative and generative tasks. We develop several models for biometric identification including fingerprint distortion rectification and latent fingerprint reconstruction. In particular, we develop a ridge reconstruction model based on generative adversarial networks that estimates the missing ridge information in latent fingerprints. We introduce a novel modification that enables the generator network to preserve the ID information during the reconstruction process. To address the scarcity of data, {\it e.g.}, in latent fingerprint analysis, we develop a supervised augmentation technique that combines input examples based on their salient regions. Our findings advocate that adversarial learning improves the performance and reliability of deep networks in a wide range of applications


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    Biometrics-Unique and Diverse Applications in Nature, Science, and Technology provides a unique sampling of the diverse ways in which biometrics is integrated into our lives and our technology. From time immemorial, we as humans have been intrigued by, perplexed by, and entertained by observing and analyzing ourselves and the natural world around us. Science and technology have evolved to a point where we can empirically record a measure of a biological or behavioral feature and use it for recognizing patterns, trends, and or discrete phenomena, such as individuals' and this is what biometrics is all about. Understanding some of the ways in which we use biometrics and for what specific purposes is what this book is all about

    Novel parallel approaches to efficiently solve spatial problems on heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems

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    Addressing this task is difficult as (i) it requires analysing large databases in a short time, and (ii) it is commonly addressed by combining different methods with complex data dependencies, making it challenging to exploit parallelism on heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems. Moreover, most efforts in this context focus on improving the accuracy of the approaches and neglect reducing the processing time—the most accurate algorithm was designed to process the fingerprints using a single thread. We developed a new methodology to address the latent fingerprint identification problem called “Asynchronous processing for Latent Fingerprint Identification” (ALFI) that speeds up processing while maintaining high accuracy. ALFI exploits all the resources of CPU-GPU systems using asynchronous processing and fine-coarse parallelism to analyse massive fingerprint databases. We assessed the performance of ALFI on Linux and Windows operating systems using the well-known NIST/FVC databases. Experimental results revealed that ALFI is on average 22x faster than the state-of-the-art identification algorithm, reaching a speed-up of 44.7x for the best-studied case. In terrain analysis, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are relevant datasets used as input to those algorithms that typically sweep the terrain to analyse its main topological features such as visibility, elevation, and slope. The most challenging computation related to this topic is the total viewshed problem. It involves computing the viewshed—the visible area of the terrain—for each of the points in the DEM. The algorithms intended to solve this problem require many memory accesses to 2D arrays, which, despite being regular, lead to poor data locality in memory. We proposed a methodology called “skewed Digital Elevation Model” (sDEM) that substantially improves the locality of memory accesses and exploits the inherent parallelism of rotational sweep-based algorithms. Particularly, sDEM applies a data relocation technique before accessing the memory and computing the viewshed, thus significantly reducing the execution time. Different implementations are provided for single-core, multi-core, single-GPU, and multi-GPU platforms. We carried out two experiments to compare sDEM with (i) the most used geographic information systems (GIS) software and (ii) the state-of-the-art algorithm for solving the total viewshed problem. In the first experiment, sDEM results on average 8.8x faster than current GIS software, despite considering only a few points because of the limitations of the GIS software. In the second experiment, sDEM is 827.3x faster than the state-of-the-art algorithm considering the best case. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with multiple onboard sensors has grown enormously in tasks involving terrain coverage, such as environmental and civil monitoring, disaster management, and forest fire fighting. Many of these tasks require a quick and early response, which makes maximising the land covered from the flight path an essential goal, especially when the area to be monitored is irregular, large, and includes many blind spots. In this regard, state-of-the-art total viewshed algorithms can help analyse large areas and find new paths providing all-round visibility. We designed a new heuristic called “Visibility-based Path Planning” (VPP) to solve the path planning problem in large areas based on a thorough visibility analysis. VPP generates flyable paths that provide high visual coverage to monitor forest regions using the onboard camera of a single UAV. For this purpose, the hidden areas of the target territory are identified and considered when generating the path. Simulation results showed that VPP covers up to 98.7% of the Montes de Malaga Natural Park and 94.5% of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park, both located in the province of Malaga (Spain). In addition, a real flight test confirmed the high visibility achieved using VPP. Our methodology and analysis can be easily applied to enhance monitoring in other large outdoor areas.In recent years, approaches that seek to extract valuable information from large datasets have become particularly relevant in today's society. In this category, we can highlight those problems that comprise data analysis distributed across two-dimensional scenarios called spatial problems. These usually involve processing (i) a series of features distributed across a given plane or (ii) a matrix of values where each cell corresponds to a point on the plane. Therefore, we can see the open-ended and complex nature of spatial problems, but it also leaves room for imagination to be applied in the search for new solutions. One of the main complications we encounter when dealing with spatial problems is that they are very computationally intensive, typically taking a long time to produce the desired result. This drawback is also an opportunity to use heterogeneous systems to address spatial problems more efficiently. Heterogeneous systems give the developer greater freedom to speed up suitable algorithms by increasing the parallel programming options available, making it possible for different parts of a program to run on the dedicated hardware that suits them best. Several of the spatial problems that have not been optimised for heterogeneous systems cover very diverse areas that seem vastly different at first sight. However, they are closely related due to common data processing requirements, making them suitable for using dedicated hardware. In particular, this thesis provides new parallel approaches to tackle the following three crucial spatial problems: latent fingerprint identification, total viewshed computation, and path planning based on maximising visibility in large regions. Latent fingerprint identification is one of the essential identification procedures in criminal investigations. Addressing this task is difficult as (i) it requires analysing large databases in a short time, and (ii) it is commonly addressed by combining different methods with complex data dependencies, making it challenging to exploit parallelism on heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems. Moreover, most efforts in this context focus on improving the accuracy of the approaches and neglect reducing the processing time—the most accurate algorithm was designed to process the fingerprints using a single thread. We developed a new methodology to address the latent fingerprint identification problem called “Asynchronous processing for Latent Fingerprint Identification” (ALFI) that speeds up processing while maintaining high accuracy. ALFI exploits all the resources of CPU-GPU systems using asynchronous processing and fine-coarse parallelism to analyse massive fingerprint databases. We assessed the performance of ALFI on Linux and Windows operating systems using the well-known NIST/FVC databases. Experimental results revealed that ALFI is on average 22x faster than the state-of-the-art identification algorithm, reaching a speed-up of 44.7x for the best-studied case. In terrain analysis, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are relevant datasets used as input to those algorithms that typically sweep the terrain to analyse its main topological features such as visibility, elevation, and slope. The most challenging computation related to this topic is the total viewshed problem. It involves computing the viewshed—the visible area of the terrain—for each of the points in the DEM. The algorithms intended to solve this problem require many memory accesses to 2D arrays, which, despite being regular, lead to poor data locality in memory. We proposed a methodology called “skewed Digital Elevation Model” (sDEM) that substantially improves the locality of memory accesses and exploits the inherent parallelism of rotational sweep-based algorithms. Particularly, sDEM applies a data relocation technique before accessing the memory and computing the viewshed, thus significantly reducing the execution time. Different implementations are provided for single-core, multi-core, single-GPU, and multi-GPU platforms. We carried out two experiments to compare sDEM with (i) the most used geographic information systems (GIS) software and (ii) the state-of-the-art algorithm for solving the total viewshed problem. In the first experiment, sDEM results on average 8.8x faster than current GIS software, despite considering only a few points because of the limitations of the GIS software. In the second experiment, sDEM is 827.3x faster than the state-of-the-art algorithm considering the best case. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with multiple onboard sensors has grown enormously in tasks involving terrain coverage, such as environmental and civil monitoring, disaster management, and forest fire fighting. Many of these tasks require a quick and early response, which makes maximising the land covered from the flight path an essential goal, especially when the area to be monitored is irregular, large, and includes many blind spots. In this regard, state-of-the-art total viewshed algorithms can help analyse large areas and find new paths providing all-round visibility. We designed a new heuristic called “Visibility-based Path Planning” (VPP) to solve the path planning problem in large areas based on a thorough visibility analysis. VPP generates flyable paths that provide high visual coverage to monitor forest regions using the onboard camera of a single UAV. For this purpose, the hidden areas of the target territory are identified and considered when generating the path. Simulation results showed that VPP covers up to 98.7% of the Montes de Malaga Natural Park and 94.5% of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park, both located in the province of Malaga (Spain). In addition, a real flight test confirmed the high visibility achieved using VPP. Our methodology and analysis can be easily applied to enhance monitoring in other large outdoor areas

    A Survey of the methods on fingerprint orientation field estimation

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    Fingerprint orientation field (FOF) estimation plays a key role in enhancing the performance of the automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS): Accurate estimation of FOF can evidently improve the performance of AFIS. However, despite the enormous attention on the FOF estimation research in the past decades, the accurate estimation of FOFs, especially for poor-quality fingerprints, still remains a challenging task. In this paper, we devote to review and categorization of the large number of FOF estimation methods proposed in the specialized literature, with particular attention to the most recent work in this area. Broadly speaking, the existing FOF estimation methods can be grouped into three categories: gradient-based methods, mathematical models-based methods, and learning-based methods. Identifying and explaining the advantages and limitations of these FOF estimation methods is of fundamental importance for fingerprint identification, because only a full understanding of the nature of these methods can shed light on the most essential issues for FOF estimation. In this paper, we make a comprehensive discussion and analysis of these methods concerning their advantages and limitations. We have also conducted experiments using publically available competition dataset to effectively compare the performance of the most relevant algorithms and methods

    Occlusion handling in video surveillance systems

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    Extraction of Structural Metrics from Crossing Fiber Models

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    Diffusion MRI (dMRI) measurements allow us to infer the microstructural properties of white matter and to reconstruct fiber pathways in-vivo. High angular diffusion imaging (HARDI) allows for the creation of more and more complex local models connecting the microstructure to the measured signal. One of the challenges is the derivation of meaningful metrics describing the underlying structure from the local models. The aim hereby is to increase the specificity of the widely used metric fractional anisotropy (FA) by using the additional information contained within the HARDI data. A local model which is connected directly to the underlying microstructure through the model of a single fiber population is spherical deconvolution. It produces a fiber orientation density function (fODF), which can often be interpreted as superposition of multiple peaks, each associated to one relatively coherent fiber population (bundle). Parameterizing these peaks one is able to disentangle and characterize these bundles. In this work, the fODF peaks are approximated by Bingham distributions, capturing first and second order statistics of the fiber orientations, from which metrics for the parametric quantification of fiber bundles are derived. Meaningful relationships between these measures and the underlying microstructural properties are proposed. The focus lies on metrics derived directly from properties of the Bingham distribution, such as peak length, peak direction, peak spread, integral over the peak, as well as a metric derived from the comparison of the largest peaks, which probes the complexity of the underlying microstructure. These metrics are compared to the conventionally used fractional anisotropy (FA) and it is shown how they may help to increase the specificity of the characterization of microstructural properties. Visualization of the micro-structural arrangement is another application of dMRI. This is done by using tractography to propagate the fiber layout, extracted from the local model, in each voxel. In practice most tractography algorithms use little of the additional information gained from HARDI based local models aside from the reconstructed fiber bundle directions. In this work an approach to tractography based on the Bingham parameterization of the fODF is introduced. For each of the fiber populations present in a voxel the diffusion signal and tensor are computed. Then tensor deflection tractography is performed. This allows incorporating the complete bundle information, performing local interpolation as well as using multiple directions per voxel for generating tracts. Another aspect of this work is the investigation of the spherical harmonic representation which is used most commonly for the fODF by means of the parameters derived from the Bingham distribution fit. Here a strong connection between the approximation errors in the spherical representation of the Dirac delta function and the distribution of crossing angles recovered from the fODF was discovered. The final aspect of this work is the application of the metrics derived from the Bingham fit to a number of fetal datasets for quantifying the brain’s development. This is done by introducing the Gini-coefficient as a metric describing the brain’s age

    Protein interface prediction using graph convolutional networks

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    2017 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Proteins play a critical role in processes both within and between cells, through their interactions with each other and other molecules. Proteins interact via an interface forming a protein complex, which is difficult, expensive, and time consuming to determine experimentally, giving rise to computational approaches. These computational approaches utilize known electrochemical properties of protein amino acid residues in order to predict if they are a part of an interface or not. Prediction can occur in a partner independent fashion, where amino acid residues are considered independently of their neighbor, or in a partner specific fashion, where pairs of potentially interacting residues are considered together. Ultimately, prediction of protein interfaces can help illuminate cellular biology, improve our understanding of diseases, and aide pharmaceutical research. Interface prediction has historically been performed with a variety of methods, to include docking, template matching, and more recently, machine learning approaches. The field of machine learning has undergone a revolution of sorts with the emergence of convolutional neural networks as the leading method of choice for a wide swath of tasks. Enabled by large quantities of data and the increasing power and availability of computing resources, convolutional neural networks efficiently detect patterns in grid structured data and generate hierarchical representations that prove useful for many types of problems. This success has motivated the work presented in this thesis, which seeks to improve upon state of the art interface prediction methods by incorporating concepts from convolutional neural networks. Proteins are inherently irregular, so they don't easily conform to a grid structure, whereas a graph representation is much more natural. Various convolution operations have been proposed for graph data, each geared towards a particular application. We adapted these convolutions for use in interface prediction, and proposed two new variants. Neural networks were trained on the Docking Benchmark Dataset version 4.0 complexes and tested on the new complexes added in version 5.0. Results were compared against the state of the art method partner specific method, PAIRpred [1]. Results show that multiple variants of graph convolution outperform PAIRpred, with no method emerging as the clear winner. In the future, additional training data may be incorporated from other sources, unsupervised pretraining such as autoencoding may be employed, and a generalization of convolution to simplicial complexes may also be explored. In addition, the various graph convolution approaches may be applied to other applications with graph structured data, such as Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) learning, and knowledge base inference

    Radio Galaxy Zoo: Knowledge Transfer Using Rotationally Invariant Self-Organising Maps

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    With the advent of large scale surveys the manual analysis and classification of individual radio source morphologies is rendered impossible as existing approaches do not scale. The analysis of complex morphological features in the spatial domain is a particularly important task. Here we discuss the challenges of transferring crowdsourced labels obtained from the Radio Galaxy Zoo project and introduce a proper transfer mechanism via quantile random forest regression. By using parallelized rotation and flipping invariant Kohonen-maps, image cubes of Radio Galaxy Zoo selected galaxies formed from the FIRST radio continuum and WISE infrared all sky surveys are first projected down to a two-dimensional embedding in an unsupervised way. This embedding can be seen as a discretised space of shapes with the coordinates reflecting morphological features as expressed by the automatically derived prototypes. We find that these prototypes have reconstructed physically meaningful processes across two channel images at radio and infrared wavelengths in an unsupervised manner. In the second step, images are compared with those prototypes to create a heat-map, which is the morphological fingerprint of each object and the basis for transferring the user generated labels. These heat-maps have reduced the feature space by a factor of 248 and are able to be used as the basis for subsequent ML methods. Using an ensemble of decision trees we achieve upwards of 85.7% and 80.7% accuracy when predicting the number of components and peaks in an image, respectively, using these heat-maps. We also question the currently used discrete classification schema and introduce a continuous scale that better reflects the uncertainty in transition between two classes, caused by sensitivity and resolution limits
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