2,101 research outputs found

    A low-cost high-speed twin-prefetching DSP-based shared-memory system for real-time image processing applications

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    This dissertation introduces, investigates, and evaluates a low-cost high-speed twin-prefetching DSP-based bus-interconnected shared-memory system for real-time image processing applications. The proposed architecture can effectively support 32 DSPs in contrast to a maximum of 4 DSPs supported by existing DSP-based bus- interconnected systems. This significant enhancement is achieved by introducing two small programmable fast memories (Twins) between the processor and the shared bus interconnect. While one memory is transferring data from/to the shared memory, the other is supplying the core processor with data. The elimination of the traditional direct linkage of the shared bus and processor data bus makes feasible the utilization of a wider shared bus i.e., shared bus width becomes independent of the data bus width of the processors. The fast prefetching memories and the wider shared bus provide additional bus bandwidth into the system, which eliminates large memory latencies; such memory latencies constitute the major drawback for the performance of shared-memory multiprocessors. Furthermore, in contrast to existing DSP-based uniprocessor or multiprocessor systems the proposed architecture does not require all data to be placed on on-chip or off-chip expensive fast memory in order to reach or maintain peak performance. Further, it can maintain peak performance regardless of whether the processed image is small or large. The performance of the proposed architecture has been extensively investigated executing computationally intensive applications such as real-time high-resolution image processing. The effect of a wide variety of hardware design parameters on performance has been examined. More specifically tables and graphs comprehensively analyze the performance of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 DSP-based systems, for a wide variety of shared data interconnect widths such as 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512. In addition, the effect of the wide variance of temporal and spatial locality (present in different applications) on the multiprocessor\u27s execution time is investigated and analyzed. Finally, the prefetching cache-size was varied from a few kilobytes to 4 Mbytes and the corresponding effect on the execution time was investigated. Our performance analysis has clearly showed that the execution time converges to a shallow minimum i.e., it is not sensitive to the size of the prefetching cache. The significance of this observation is that near optimum performance can be achieved with a small (16 to 300 Kbytes) amount of prefetching cache

    From plasma to beefarm: Design experience of an FPGA-based multicore prototype

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    In this paper, we take a MIPS-based open-source uniprocessor soft core, Plasma, and extend it to obtain the Beefarm infrastructure for FPGA-based multiprocessor emulation, a popular research topic of the last few years both in the FPGA and the computer architecture communities. We discuss various design tradeoffs and we demonstrate superior scalability through experimental results compared to traditional software instruction set simulators. Based on our experience of designing and building a complete FPGA-based multiprocessor emulation system that supports run-time and compiler infrastructure and on the actual executions of our experiments running Software Transactional Memory (STM) benchmarks, we comment on the pros, cons and future trends of using hardware-based emulation for research.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modelling Heterogeneous DSP–FPGA Based System Partitioning with Extensions to the Spinach Simulation Environment

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    In this paper we present system-on-a-chip extensions to the Spinach simulation environment for rapidly prototyping heterogeneous DSP/FPGA based architectures, specifically in the embedded domain. This infrastructure has been successfully used to model systems varying from multiprocessor gigabit ethernet controllers to Texas Instruments C6x series DSP based systems with tightly coupled FPGA based coprocessors for computational offloading. As an illustrative example of this toolsets functionality, we investigate workload partitioning in heterogeneous DSP/FPGA based embedded environments. Specifically, we focus on computational offloading of matrix multiplication kernels across DSP/FPGA based embedded architectures

    Multiprocessor design for real-time embedded systems

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    Multiprocessor design for real-time embedded system

    Design and Performance of Scalable High-Performance Programmable Routers - Doctoral Dissertation, August 2002

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    The flexibility to adapt to new services and protocols without changes in the underlying hardware is and will increasingly be a key requirement for advanced networks. Introducing a processing component into the data path of routers and implementing packet processing in software provides this ability. In such a programmable router, a powerful processing infrastructure is necessary to achieve to level of performance that is comparable to custom silicon-based routers and to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. This work aims at the general design of such programmable routers and, specifically, at the design and performance analysis of the processing subsystem. The necessity of programmable routers is motivated, and a router design is proposed. Based on the design, a general performance model is developed and quantitatively evaluated using a new network processor benchmark. Operational challenges, like scheduling of packets to processing engines, are addressed, and novel algorithms are presented. The results of this work give qualitative and quantitative insights into this new domain that combines issues from networking, computer architecture, and system design

    Predictable embedded multiprocessor architecture for streaming applications

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    The focus of this thesis is on embedded media systems that execute applications from the application domain car infotainment. These applications, which we refer to as jobs, typically fall in the class of streaming, i.e. they process on a stream of data. The jobs are executed on heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms, for performance and power efficiency reasons. Most of these jobs have firm real-time requirements, like throughput and end-to-end latency. Car-infotainment systems become increasingly more complex, due to an increase in the supported number of jobs and an increase of resource sharing. Therefore, it is hard to verify, for each job, that the realtime requirements are satisfied. To reduce the verification effort, we elaborate on an architecture for a predictable system from which we can verify, at design time, that the job’s throughput and end-to-end latency requirements are satisfied. This thesis introduces a network-based multiprocessor system that is predictable. This is achieved by starting with an architecture where processors have private local memories and execute tasks in a static order, so that the uncertainty in the temporal behaviour is minimised. As an interconnect, we use a network that supports guaranteed communication services so that it is guaranteed that data is delivered in time. The architecture is extended with shared local memories, run-time scheduling of tasks, and a memory hierarchy. Dataflow modelling and analysis techniques are used for verification, because they allow cyclic data dependencies that influence the job’s performance. Shown is how to construct a dataflow model from a job that is mapped onto our predictable multiprocessor platforms. This dataflow model takes into account: computation of tasks, communication between tasks, buffer capacities, and scheduling of shared resources. The job’s throughput and end-to-end latency bounds are derived from a self-timed execution of the dataflow graph, by making use of existing dataflow-analysis techniques. It is shown that the derived bounds are tight, e.g. for our channel equaliser job, the accuracy of the derived throughput bound is within 10.1%. Furthermore, it is shown that the dataflow modelling and analysis techniques can be used despite the use of shared memories, run-time scheduling of tasks, and caches

    FPGA implementation of a Cholesky algorithm for a shared-memory multiprocessor architecture

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    Solving a system of linear equations is a key problem in the field of engineering and science. Matrix factorization is a key component of many methods used to solve such equations. However, the factorization process is very time consuming, so these problems have traditionally been targeted for parallel machines rather than sequential ones. Nevertheless, commercially available supercomputers are expensive and only large institutions have the resources to purchase them or use them. Hence, efforts are on to develop more affordable alternatives. This thesis presents one such approach. The work presented here is an implementation of a parallel version of the Cholesky matrix factorization algorithm on a single-chip multiprocessor built on an APEX20K series FPGA developed by Altera. This multiprocessor system uses an asymmetric, shared-memory MIMD architecture, built using a configurable processor core called Nios, which was also developed by Altera. The whole system was developed on Altera\u27s SOPC Development Kit using the Quartus 11 development environment. The Cholesky algorithm is based on an algorithm described in George, et al. [9]. The key features of this algorithm are that it is scalable and uses a queue of tasks approach [9], which ensures dynamic load-balancing among the processing elements. The implementation also assumes dense matrices in the input. Timing, speedup and efficiency results based on experiments run on uniprocessor and multiprocessor implementations are also presented

    Castell: a heterogeneous cmp architecture scalable to hundreds of processors

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    Technology improvements and power constrains have taken multicore architectures to dominate microprocessor designs over uniprocessors. At the same time, accelerator based architectures have shown that heterogeneous multicores are very efficient and can provide high throughput for parallel applications, but with a high-programming effort. We propose Castell a scalable chip multiprocessor architecture that can be programmed as uniprocessors, and provides the high throughput of accelerator-based architectures. Castell relies on task-based programming models that simplify software development. These models use a runtime system that dynamically finds, schedules, and adds hardware-specific features to parallel tasks. One of these features is DMA transfers to overlap computation and data movement, which is known as double buffering. This feature allows applications on Castell to tolerate large memory latencies and lets us design the memory system focusing on memory bandwidth. In addition to provide programmability and the design of the memory system, we have used a hierarchical NoC and added a synchronization module. The NoC design distributes memory traffic efficiently to allow the architecture to scale. The synchronization module is a consequence of the large performance degradation of application for large synchronization latencies. Castell is mainly an architecture framework that enables the definition of domain-specific implementations, fine-tuned to a particular problem or application. So far, Castell has been successfully used to propose heterogeneous multicore architectures for scientific kernels, video decoding (using H.264), and protein sequence alignment (using Smith-Waterman and clustalW). It has also been used to explore a number of architecture optimizations such as enhanced DMA controllers, and architecture support for task-based programming models. ii

    Performance analysis of Intel Core 2 Duo processor

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    With the emergence of thread level parallelism as a more efficient method of improving processor performance, Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) technology is being more widely used in developing processor architectures. Also, the widening gap between CPU and memory speed has evoked the interest of researchers to understand performance of memory hierarchical architectures. As part of this research, performance characteristic studies were carried out on the Intel Core 2 Duo, a dual core power efficient processor, using a variety of new generation benchmarks. This study provides a detailed analysis of the memory hierarchy performance and the performance scalability between single and dual core processors. The behavior of SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks running on Intel Core 2 Duo processor is also explained. Lastly, the overall execution time and throughput measurement using both multi-programmed and multi-threaded workloads for the Intel Core 2 Duo processor is reported and compared to that of the Intel Pentium D and AMD Athlon 64X2 processors. Results showed that the Intel Core 2 Duo had the best performance for a variety of workloads due to its advanced micro-architectural features such as the shared L2 cache, fast cache to cache communication and smart memory access
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