37 research outputs found

    As questões de género na perceção das competências para o uso de tecnologias da comunicação: um estudo entre os alunos do ensino superior público português

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    A investigação apresentada neste artigo teve como principal objetivo contribuir para uma compreensão mais alargada do uso que os estudantes do Ensino Superior Público Português (ESPP) fazem das Tecnologias da Comunicação (TC) para suporte à aprendizagem. Especificamente, procurou-se estudar a influência do género neste contexto e, no âmbito do presente artigo, apresenta-se parte da fundamentação teórica que sustenta o estudo, os objetivos e as opções metodológicas, bem como alguns dos resultados obtidos, em particular os que dizem respeito às diferenças de género na perceção das competências para o uso de TC para suporte à aprendizagem. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a maioria dos estudantes classifica as suas competências como sendo boas ou muito boas e, no que se refere à influência do género, os testes estatísticos sugerem a existência de diferenças significativas entre o sexo masculino e o sexo feminino na perceção das suas competências para o uso de TC

    Exploring the behavioral intention to use e-government services : validating the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

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    This study explores the online users’ behavioral intention to utilize the governments’ websites and their electronic services. The research methodology validates the measuring items from the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to better understand the participants’ attitudes toward their performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social norms, facilitating condition and behavioral intention to use the electronic government (e-gov) services. The findings from the structural equations modeling approach reported a satisfactory fit for this study’s research model. The results suggest that there were highly significant, direct effects from the UTAUT constructs, where the utilitarian motives predicted the online users’ behavioral intentions to use e-gov. Moreover, there were significant moderating influences from the demographic variables, including age, gender and experiences that effected the individuals’ usage of the governments’ online services. In conclusion, this contribution identifies its limitations and suggests possible research avenues to academia.peer-reviewe

    Exploring the influence of group characteristics on interactions during collaborative gaming

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    Teachers Attitude towards and Actual Use of Gamification

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    [EN] Gamification represents an innovative and engaging methodology to motivate students and enhance their learning process. Nevertheless despite an increasing academic interest in gamification over the last years, teachers’ attitude towards gamification and actual use of gamification remains a neglected research area. This exploratory study aims to gain a better knowledge of teachers’ serving in higher education institutions attitude towards gamification. Actual use of gamification is also explored. Main findings suggest only a small percentage of teachers (11.30%) use gamification on a regular basis in their courses although teachers’ attitude towards gamification is positive and high. Results show no differences in use of gamification by age, gender or type of institution (public or private). Nevertheless there is a significant more positive attitude towards gamification for teachers serving in private universities than in public universities. Results revealed no age dissimilarities in use or attitude towards gamification. Results also suggest an attitude-use gap.This work was supported by Laureate International Universities through the David A. Wilson Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning under Grant LIU-WIL2015.Martí Parreño, J.; Seguí Mas, DM.; Seguí Mas, E. (2016). Teachers Attitude towards and Actual Use of Gamification. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 228:682-688. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.07.104S68268822

    Voices from Sudan: the use of electronic puzzles in an adult refugee community learning

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    This research highlights the use of electronic puzzles in an online learning environment, which was part of an adult refugee community learning program for Sudanese women who were uneducated and largely illiterate. The aim of the research project was firstly to introduce the women to the use of electronic games and secondly, to improve their elementary English language ability in order to support them to resettle in the community. In this study, an electronic puzzle game became a powerful instructional teaching tool. Due to cultural differences and the disadvantaged background of this focus group, the teaching strategies adapted as the study unfolded. The proverb 'a picture is worth more than a thousand words', was exemplified through the study with this specific group. This also inspired the researchers to listen to the voices that matter, and focus specifically on pictures and puzzles during specific sessions. Although time consuming and less comprehensive, the researchers gathered 'rich' qualitative data through interviews and questionnaires. Sensory curiosity stimulated by sight, motivated students to learn. If a game is enjoyable, students will be aroused through curiosity, thus promoting a sense of satisfaction in performance encouraging further participation

    Computer Games Attıtude Scale (Cgas): Psychometric Properties of Parent Form

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    Bu a ra ştırma nın ama cı bilgisa ya r oyunla rına ilişkin tutum ölçeği ebeveyn formunun geliştirilerek geçerlik ve güvenirlik ça lışma la rının ya pılma sıdır. Ara ştırma da iki fa rklı ça lışma grubu bulunma kta dır. Birinci ça lışma grubu a çımla yıcı fa ktör a na lizi ya pma k üzere 421, İkinci ça lışma grubu ise, doğrula yıcı fa ktör a na lizi ya pma k üzere 297 ebeveynden oluşma kta dır. Bu a na liz sonucunda 0.38 ile 0.64 a ra sında yük değerleri a la n 6 şa r ma ddelik iki fa ktörlü ya pı edilmiştir. Bu ya pı, toplam va rya nsın %54,7’sini a çıklama kta dır. Birinci fa ktör olumsuz ya kla şım, ikinci fa ktör olumlu ya kla şım ola ra k a dla ndırılmıştır. Doğrula yıcı fa ktör a nalizi son u ç la rı na göre, modelin iyi uyum gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Ya pıla n güvenirlik ça lışma sında birinci boyutun iç tuta rlılık ka tsa yısı, .85; ikinci boyutun iç tuta rlılık ka tsa yısı .81’dir. Ölçeğin, üç ha fta a ra yla ya pıla n test -tekrar test ça lışma sı sonucunda iki ölçüm a ra sında ki Pea rson momentler ça rpım korela syonu ka tsayısı olumsuz y a k la şı m için.74, olumlu ya kla şım için .76 bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçla r ölçeğin geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme a ra cı olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca ölçeğin boyutla rının cinsiyete, ya şa ve eğitim düzeyine göre fa rklıla şıp fa rklıla şma dığı incelenmiştir. Analizler sonucunda ba ba la rın olumlu ya kla şım pua nı a nnelerden, 40 ya ş üstü ebeveynlerin olumlu ya kla şım pua nla rı 40 ya ş a ltı ebeveynlerden da ha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Diğer değişkenlere göre bilgisa ya r oyunla rı tutumla rında a nlamlı fa rklılık yoktur.The purpose of the study is to conduct validity and reliability studies by developing the Parent Form of Computer Games Attitude Scale. In this study, there were two different study groups. The first study group consists of 421 parents, applied exploratory factor analysis. The second group consists of 297 parents, applied confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis resulted two factor structures consisting of 6 items which have factor loadings between 0.38 and 0.64. This structure explained 54.7 % of the total variance. The first factor was named as negative attitude, while the second factor was named as positive attitude. According to the results of confirmatory factor analysis, the model fits with the factors. The internal consistency of the first dimension is .85 and the internal consistency of the second dimension is .81. The scale retested after 3 weeks from the first test. The results of test retest reliability indicated that there are positive correlations between two results of negative attitude (r = .74) and there are positive correlations between two results of positive attitudes (r = .76). These results showed that this scale is a reliable and valid measurement instrument. In addition, it has be en examined that whether dimensions of the scale differentiate according to gender, age and education level. The results showed that fathers have higher positive attitudes than mothers; parents who are older than 40 have higher positive attitudes than parents whose ages are under 40. There is no significant difference in computer game attitudes in accordance with other variables

    E-innovación en Educación Superior. Claves para la institucionalización en las universidades

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    La responsabilidad de la formación, calidad y transferencia que tiene la institución universitaria obliga a asumir profundas reflexiones sobre directrices que sustentan la política de la e-innovación. Insertos en procesos de cambio e innovación, la emergencia de las TICs (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) ha constituido un despegue sin precedentes. Con tal fin se realiza, a través de una metodología descriptiva y cuantitativa en las bases de datos de mayor impacto y reconocimiento internacional, Web of Science (WoS) y SCOPUS durante el periodo comprendido entre 1987 y 2016, una revisión bibliométrica principalmente de los títulos, keywords, abstracts y contenido en general de los 367 artículos considerados en la muestra para valorar el impacto de la e-innovación en las citadas bases de datos. Asimismo, se plantea el análisis de las relaciones que se establecen entre las palabras clave, por medio de la representación en grafo de las mismas, a través del programa informático de visualización de datos VOSviewer. Los resultados presentados permiten marcar pasos para guiar eficaz y efectivamente la institucionalización de la e-innovación en el espacio superior de educación. La responsabilidad debe ser asumida por las instituciones educativas

    How do presence, flow, and character identification affect players’ empathy and interest in learning from a serious computer game?

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    This study develops and tests an integrated model of how three psychological variables—presence, flow, and character identification—contribute to interest in learning and empathy with people from other cultures through a simulation game. U.S. college students played one of two roles (an American journalist or Haitian survivor) in the game that dealt with the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Presence was a powerful predictor of flow, character identification, and empathy felt during the games. Furthermore, empathy experienced by game play significantly predicted interest in learning more about the game topics. Flow and identification made secondary contributions to learning outcomes, with flow mediating the effect of presence on males’ empathy and identification contributing to females’ interest in learning. While the proposed model was generally successful at predicting outcomes, it did a better job of accounting for the experience of participants who played a role rooted in their own culture (the journalist) than in a different culture (the survivor), and for female than male players. Our results suggest that serious game designers should prioritize inducing empathy and immersive presence in players, giving secondary attention to designing for flow and character identification

    Does Technology Change Families? A Tri -Angulation Discussion on the Relation of Family & Technology

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    Families have moved, or have been moved, from the streets into their homes or more specifically, into their bedrooms. Digital technology – computer games, mobiles & the internet and email are referred to as new technology when they are discussed in relation to Health & structure of families and Many parents, clinicians, researchers, and policy makers are concerned that electronic tools, especially those featuring violent content, may be harmful to individuals especially youths. This article is a documentary study, combination of multiple focus is chosen. In this article, Internet, Mobile and computer games. This article looks into the role of the technology on families. Specifically, it examines how the mediated space that this technology creates matters. Technological change often creates ungrounded fears but also overinflated hopes. In order to minimize risks and to seize chances, systematic, empirical, and ideally experimental research is crucial in all over the world. Major changes in family structure and environments might potentially severely disrupt family functioning, thus diminishing a family’s ability to cope with stress, so by the advent of a technology

    What Leads to Player\u27s Enjoyment and Achievement in a Mobile Learning Game?

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    This study investigated students’ perceptions of competence and enjoyment of a mobile game within the context of mobile game-based learning. The proposed model showed that perceived competence and game attitude were the main predictors of enjoyment, while no direct relationship was found between perceived competence and achievement. The model simultaneously considered other factors such as prior game experience and intensity of use, and final analysis revealed that these two variables were directly related. Another important finding was the strong impact of prior game experience on perceived competence. Results are interpreted with reference to implications for possible means of improving learning outcomes when using mobile learning games in the academic context