8 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis of STM Approaches to Reduction Operations in Irregular Applications

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    As a recently consolidated paradigm for optimistic concurrency in modern multicore architectures, Transactional Memory (TM) can help to the exploitation of parallelism in irregular applications when data dependence information is not available up to run- time. This paper presents and discusses how to leverage TM to exploit parallelism in an important class of irregular applications, the class that exhibits irregular reduction patterns. In order to test and compare our techniques with other solutions, they were implemented in a software TM system called ReduxSTM, that acts as a proof of concept. Basically, ReduxSTM combines two major ideas: a sequential-equivalent ordering of transaction commits that assures the correct result, and an extension of the underlying TM privatization mechanism to reduce unnecessary overhead due to reduction memory updates as well as unnecesary aborts and rollbacks. A comparative study of STM solutions, including ReduxSTM, and other more classical approaches to the parallelization of reduction operations is presented in terms of time, memory and overhead.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Matching non-uniformity for program optimizations on heterogeneous many-core systems

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    As computing enters an era of heterogeneity and massive parallelism, it exhibits a distinct feature: the deepening non-uniform relations among the computing elements in both hardware and software. Besides traditional non-uniform memory accesses, much deeper non-uniformity shows in a processor, runtime, and application, exemplified by the asymmetric cache sharing, memory coalescing, and thread divergences on multicore and many-core processors. Being oblivious to the non-uniformity, current applications fail to tap into the full potential of modern computing devices.;My research presents a systematic exploration into the emerging property. It examines the existence of such a property in modern computing, its influence on computing efficiency, and the challenges for establishing a non-uniformity--aware paradigm. I propose several techniques to translate the property into efficiency, including data reorganization to eliminate non-coalesced accesses, asynchronous data transformations for locality enhancement and a controllable scheduling for exploiting non-uniformity among thread blocks. The experiments show much promise of these techniques in maximizing computing throughput, especially for programs with complex data access patterns

    Efficient parameterized algorithms for data packing

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    There is a huge gap between the speeds of modern caches and main memories, and therefore cache misses account for a considerable loss of efficiency in programs. The predominant technique to address this issue has been Data Packing: data elements that are frequently accessed within time proximity are packed into the same cache block, thereby minimizing accesses to the main memory. We consider the algorithmic problem of Data Packing on a two-level memory system. Given a reference sequence R of accesses to data elements, the task is to partition the elements into cache blocks such that the number of cache misses on R is minimized. The problem is notoriously difficult: it is NP-hard even when the cache has size 1, and is hard to approximate for any cache size larger than 4. Therefore, all existing techniques for Data Packing are based on heuristics and lack theoretical guarantees. In this work, we present the first positive theoretical results for Data Packing, along with new and stronger negative results. We consider the problem under the lens of the underlying access hypergraphs, which are hypergraphs of affinities between the data elements, where the order of an access hypergraph corresponds to the size of the affinity group. We study the problem parameterized by the treewidth of access hypergraphs, which is a standard notion in graph theory to measure the closeness of a graph to a tree. Our main results are as follows: We show there is a number q* depending on the cache parameters such that (a) if the access hypergraph of order q* has constant treewidth, then there is a linear-time algorithm for Data Packing; (b)the Data Packing problem remains NP-hard even if the access hypergraph of order q*-1 has constant treewidth. Thus, we establish a fine-grained dichotomy depending on a single parameter, namely, the highest order among access hypegraphs that have constant treewidth; and establish the optimal value q* of this parameter. Finally, we present an experimental evaluation of a prototype implementation of our algorithm. Our results demonstrate that, in practice, access hypergraphs of many commonly-used algorithms have small treewidth. We compare our approach with several state-of-the-art heuristic-based algorithms and show that our algorithm leads to significantly fewer cache-misses

    Cache locality exploiting methods and models for sparse matrix-vector multiplication

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and Information Science and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2009.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2009.Includes bibliographical references leaves 52-56.The sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMxV) is an important kernel operation widely used in linear solvers. The same sparse matrix is multiplied by a dense vector repeatedly in these solvers to solve a system of linear equations. High performance gains can be obtained if we can take the advantage of today’s deep cache hierarchy in SpMxV operations. Matrices with irregular sparsity patterns make it difficult to utilize data locality effectively in SpMxV computations. Different techniques are proposed in the literature to utilize cache hierarchy effectively via exploiting data locality during SpMxV. In this work, we investigate two distinct frameworks for cacheaware/oblivious SpMxV: single matrix-vector multiply and multiple submatrix-vector multiplies. For the single matrix-vector multiply framework, we propose a cache-size aware top-down row/column-reordering approach based on 1D sparse matrix partitioning by utilizing the recently proposed appropriate hypergraph models of sparse matrices, and a cache oblivious bottom-up approach based on hierarchical clustering of rows/columns with similar sparsity patterns. We also propose a column compression scheme as a preprocessing step which makes these two approaches cache-line-size aware. The multiple submatrix-vector multiplies framework depends on the partitioning the matrix into multiple nonzero-disjoint submatrices. For an effective matrixto-submatrix partitioning required in this framework, we propose a cache-size aware top-down approach based on 2D sparse matrix partitioning by utilizing the recently proposed fine-grain hypergraph model. For this framework, we also propose a traveling salesman formulation for an effective ordering of individual submatrix-vector multiply operations. We evaluate the validity of our models and methods on a wide range of sparse matrices. Experimental results show that proposed methods and models outperforms state-of-the-art schemes.Akbudak, KadirM.S

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationSparse matrix codes are found in numerous applications ranging from iterative numerical solvers to graph analytics. Achieving high performance on these codes has however been a significant challenge, mainly due to array access indirection, for example, of the form A[B[i]]. Indirect accesses make precise dependence analysis impossible at compile-time, and hence prevent many parallelizing and locality optimizing transformations from being applied. The expert user relies on manually written libraries to tailor the sparse code and data representations best suited to the target architecture from a general sparse matrix representation. However libraries have limited composability, address very specific optimization strategies, and have to be rewritten as new architectures emerge. In this dissertation, we explore the use of the inspector/executor methodology to accomplish the code and data transformations to tailor high performance sparse matrix representations. We devise and embed abstractions for such inspector/executor transformations within a compiler framework so that they can be composed with a rich set of existing polyhedral compiler transformations to derive complex transformation sequences for high performance. We demonstrate the automatic generation of inspector/executor code, which orchestrates code and data transformations to derive high performance representations for the Sparse Matrix Vector Multiply kernel in particular. We also show how the same transformations may be integrated into sparse matrix and graph applications such as Sparse Matrix Matrix Multiply and Stochastic Gradient Descent, respectively. The specific constraints of these applications, such as problem size and dependence structure, necessitate unique sparse matrix representations that can be realized using our transformations. Computations such as Gauss Seidel, with loop carried dependences at the outer most loop necessitate different strategies for high performance. Specifically, we organize the computation into level sets or wavefronts of irregular size, such that iterations of a wavefront may be scheduled in parallel but different wavefronts have to be synchronized. We demonstrate automatic code generation of high performance inspectors that do explicit dependence testing and level set construction at runtime, as well as high performance executors, which are the actual parallelized computations. For the above sparse matrix applications, we automatically generate inspector/executor code comparable in performance to manually tuned libraries

    Locality Enhancement and Dynamic Optimizations on Multi-Core and GPU

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    Enhancing the match between software executions and hardware features is key to computing efficiency. The match is a continuously evolving and challenging problem. This dissertation focuses on the development of programming system support for exploiting two key features of modern hardware development: the massive parallelism of emerging computational accelerators such as Graphic Processing Units (GPU), and the non-uniformity of cache sharing in modern multicore processors. They are respectively driven by the important role of accelerators in today\u27s general-purpose computing and the ultimate importance of memory performance. This dissertation particularly concentrates on optimizing control flows and memory references, at both compilation and execution time, to tap into the full potential of pure software solutions in taking advantage of the two key hardware features.;Conditional branches cause divergences in program control flows, which may result in serious performance degradation on massively data-parallel GPU architectures with Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) parallelism. On such an architecture, control divergence may force computing units to stay idle for a substantial time, throttling system throughput by orders of magnitude. This dissertation provides an extensive exploration of the solution to this problem and presents program level transformations based upon two fundamental techniques --- thread relocation and data relocation. These two optimizations provide fundamental support for swapping jobs among threads so that the control flow paths of threads converge within every SIMD thread group.;In memory performance, this dissertation concentrates on two aspects: the influence of nonuniform sharing on multithreading applications, and the optimization of irregular memory references on GPUs. In shared cache multicore chips, interactions among threads are complicated due to the interplay of cache contention and synergistic prefetching. This dissertation presents the first systematic study on the influence of non-uniform shared cache on contemporary parallel programs, reveals the mismatch between the software development and underlying cache sharing hierarchies, and further demonstrates it by proposing and applying cache-sharing-aware data transformations that bring significant performance improvement. For the second aspect, the efficiency of GPU accelerators is sensitive to irregular memory references, which refer to the memory references whose access patterns remain unknown until execution time (e.g., A[P[i]]). The root causes of the irregular memory reference problem are similar to that of the control flow problem, while in a more general and complex form. I developed a framework, named G-Streamline, as a unified software solution to dynamic irregularities in GPU computing. It treats both types of irregularities at the same time in a holistic fashion, maximizing the whole-program performance by resolving conflicts among optimizations