12,249 research outputs found

    General practitioners' and nurses' experiences of using computerised decision support in screening for diabetic foot disease:implementing Scottish Clinical Information - Diabetes Care in routine clinical practice

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    <strong>Objective</strong> The Scottish Care Information - Diabetes Collaboration (SCI-DC) developed a computer- based information system to create a shared electronic record for use by all involved in the care of patients with diabetes mellitus. The objectives of this study were to understand primary care practitioners' views towards screening for diabetic foot disease and their experience of the SCI-DC system. <strong>Method</strong> We conducted an exploratory study using qualitativemethods. Semi-structured interviews were audiotape-recorded, transcribed and subjected to thematic analysis. Seven practice nurses and six general practitioners (GPs) with special responsibility for diabetes care inNHS Lothian participated. <strong>Results</strong> Primary care clinicians reported good systems in place to screen for diabetes-related complications and to refer their patients to specialist care. Foot ulceration was rarely observed; other diabetesrelated conditions were seen as a higher priority. Most had heard of the SCI-DC foot assessment tool, but its failure to integrate with other primary care information technology (IT) systems meant it was not used in these general practices. <strong>Conclusions</strong> Adoption of the SCI-DC foot assessment tool in primary care is not perceived as clinically necessary. Although information recorded by specialist services on SCI-DC is helpful, important structural barriers to its implementation mean the potential benefits associated with its use are unlikely to be realised; greater engagement with primary care priorities for diabetes management is needed to assist its successful implementation and adoption

    A quantitative analysis of the impact of a computerised information system on nurses' clinical practice using a realistic evaluation framework

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    Objective: To explore nurses' perceptions of the impact on clinical practice of the use of a computerised hospital information system. Design: A realistic evaluation design based on Pawson and Tilley's work has been used across all the phases of the study. This is a theory-driven approach and focuses evaluation on the study of what works, for whom and in what circumstances. These relationships are constructed as context-mechanisms-outcomes (CMO) configurations. Measurements: A questionnaire was distributed to all nurses working in in-patient units of a university hospital in Spain (n = 227). Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS 13.0. Descriptive statistics were used for an overall overview of nurses' perception. Inferential analysis, including both bivariate and multivariate methods (path analysis), was used for cross-tabulation of variables searching for CMO relationships. Results: Nurses (n = 179) participated in the study (78.8% response rate). Overall satisfaction with the IT system was positive. Comparisons with context variables show how nursing units' context had greater influence on perceptions than users' characteristics. Path analysis illustrated that the influence of unit context variables are on outcomes and not on mechanisms. Conclusion: Results from the study looking at subtle variations in users and units provide insight into how important professional culture and working practices could be in IT (information technology) implementation. The socio-technical approach on IT systems evaluation suggested in the recent literature appears to be an adequate theoretical underpinning for IT evaluation research. Realistic evaluation has proven to be an adequate method for IT evaluation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Nurses and Computers: An international perspective on how nurses are, and how they would like to be, using ICT in the workplace, and the support they consider that they need.

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    The use of IT in nursing (nursing informatics) is increasing, and has the potential to improve patient care. Research, and the experience of the author, have shown however that nurses lack basic IT skills and informatics knowledge. This study sought to explore what nurses’ want from IT in the workplace, and how pre-registration education can help to prepare nurses for working in this changing environment. The study, undertaken in New Zealand, a country also seeking to drive forwards its use of IT in healthcare, found that nurses want systems that save them time, and equipment readily available at the patients’ bedside. Nurses who had recently completed their pre-registration programmes tended to have better skills than nurses who had trained some time ago. Nurses who lacked skills, or confidence, wanted support available that understood the role of nurse, and could provide help when it was needed. Nursing schools in New Zealand tend to have a lecturer leading nursing informatics. Nursing informatics is included in pre-registration education programmes, and I was able to see several innovative developments supporting this. Qualified nurses and students generally considered that pre-registration programmes should include information security, legal and ethical issues and supporting patients in meeting their information needs as well as basic IT skills

    A review of clinical decision-making: Models and current research

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    Aims and objectives: The aim of this paper was to review the current literature with respect to clinical decision-making models and the educational application of models to clinical practice. This was achieved by exploring the function and related research of the three available models of clinical decision making: information processing model, the intuitive-humanist model and the clinical decision making model. Background: Clinical decision-making is a unique process that involves the interplay between knowledge of pre-existing pathological conditions, explicit patient information, nursing care and experiential learning. Historically, two models of clinical decision making are recognised from the literature; the information processing model and the intuitive-humanist model. The usefulness and application of both models has been examined in relation the provision of nursing care and care related outcomes. More recently a third model of clinical decision making has been proposed. This new multidimensional model contains elements of the information processing model but also examines patient specific elements that are necessary for cue and pattern recognition. Design: Literature review Methods: Evaluation of the literature generated from MEDLINE, CINAHL, OVID, PUBMED and EBESCO systems and the Internet from 1980 – November 2005

    The impact of using computer decision-support software in primary care nurse-led telephone triage:Interactional dilemmas and conversational consequences

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    Telephone triage represents one strategy to manage demand for face-to-face GP appointments in primary care. Although computer decision-support software (CDSS) is increasingly used by nurses to triage patients, little is understood about how interaction is organized in this setting. Specifically any interactional dilemmas this computer-mediated setting invokes; and how these may be consequential for communication with patients. Using conversation analytic methods we undertook a multi-modal analysis of 22 audio-recorded telephone triage nurse-caller interactions from one GP practice in England, including 10 video-recordings of nurses' use of CDSS during triage. We draw on Goffman's theoretical notion of participation frameworks to make sense of these interactions, presenting 'telling cases' of interactional dilemmas nurses faced in meeting patient's needs and accurately documenting the patient's condition within the CDSS. Our findings highlight troubles in the 'interactional workability' of telephone triage exposing difficulties faced in aligning the proximal and wider distal context that structures CDSS-mediated interactions. Patients present with diverse symptoms, understanding of triage consultations, and communication skills which nurses need to negotiate turn-by-turn with CDSS requirements. Nurses therefore need to have sophisticated communication, technological and clinical skills to ensure patients' presenting problems are accurately captured within the CDSS to determine safe triage outcomes. Dilemmas around how nurses manage and record information, and the issues of professional accountability that may ensue, raise questions about the impact of CDSS and its use in supporting nurses to deliver safe and effective patient care

    NHS Direct: consistency of triage outcomes

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    OBJECTIVES: To examine the consistency of triage outcomes by nurses using four types of computerised decision support software in NHS Direct. METHODS: 119 scenarios were constructed based on calls to ambulance services that had been assigned the lowest priority category by the emergency medical dispatch systems in use. These scenarios were presented to nurses working in four NHS Direct call centres using different computerised decision support software, including the NHS Clinical Assessment System. RESULTS: The overall level of agreement between the nurses using the four systems was “fair” rather than “moderate” or “good” (k=0.375, 95% CI: 0.34 to 0.41). For example, the proportion of calls triaged to accident and emergency departments varied from 22% (26 of 119) to 44% (53 of 119). Between 21% (25 of 119) and 31% (37 of 119) of these low priority ambulance calls were triaged back to the 999 ambulance service. No system had both high sensitivity and specificity for referral to accident and emergency services. CONCLUSIONS: There were large differences in outcome between nurses using different software systems to triage the same calls. If the variation is primarily attributable to the software then standardising on a single system will obviously eliminate this. As the calls were originally made to ambulance services and given the lowest priority, this study also suggests that if, in the future, ambulance services pass such calls to NHS Direct then at least a fifth of these may be passed back unless greater sensitivity in the selection of calls can be achieved

    Medication administration errors for older people in long-term residential care

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    Background Older people in long-term residential care are at increased risk of medication errors. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a computerised barcode medication management system designed to improve drug administrations in residential and nursing homes, including comparison of error rates and staff awareness in both settings. Methods All medication administrations were recorded prospectively for 345 older residents in thirteen care homes during a 3-month period using the computerised system. Staff were surveyed to identify their awareness of administration errors prior to system introduction. Overall, 188,249 attempts to administer medication were analysed to determine the prevalence of potential medication administration errors (MAEs). Error classifications included attempts to administer medication at the wrong time, to the wrong person or discontinued medication. Analysis compared data at residential and nursing home level and care and nursing staff groups. Results Typically each resident was exposed to 206 medication administration episodes every month and received nine different drugs. Administration episodes were more numerous (p < 0.01) in nursing homes (226.7 per resident) than in residential homes (198.7). Prior to technology introduction, only 12% of staff administering drugs reported they were aware of administration errors being averted in their care home. Following technology introduction, 2,289 potential MAEs were recorded over three months. The most common MAE was attempting to give medication at the wrong time. On average each resident was exposed to 6.6 potential errors. In total, 90% of residents were exposed to at least one MAE with over half (52%) exposed to serious errors such as attempts to give medication to the wrong resident. MAEs rates were significantly lower (p < 0.01) in residential homes than nursing homes. The level of non-compliance with system alerts was low in both settings (0.075% of administrations) demonstrating virtually complete error avoidance. Conclusion Potentially inappropriate administration of medication is a serious problem in long-term residential care. A computerised barcode system can accurately and automatically detect inappropriate attempts to administer drugs to residents. This tool can reliably be used by care staff as well as nurses to improve quality of care and patient safety

    A study of general practitioners' perspectives on electronic medical records systems in NHS Scotland

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    &lt;b&gt;Background&lt;/b&gt; Primary care doctors in NHSScotland have been using electronic medical records within their practices routinely for many years. The Scottish Health Executive eHealth strategy (2008-2011) has recently brought radical changes to the primary care computing landscape in Scotland: an information system (GPASS) which was provided free-of-charge by NHSScotland to a majority of GP practices has now been replaced by systems provided by two approved commercial providers. The transition to new electronic medical records had to be completed nationally across all health-boards by March 2012. &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;b&gt; Methods&lt;/b&gt; We carried out 25 in-depth semi-structured interviews with primary care doctors to elucidate GPs' perspectives on their practice information systems and collect more general information on management processes in the patient surgical pathway in NHSScotland. We undertook a thematic analysis of interviewees' responses, using Normalisation Process Theory as the underpinning conceptual framework. &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Results&lt;/b&gt; The majority of GPs' interviewed considered that electronic medical records are an integral and essential element of their work during the consultation, playing a key role in facilitating integrated and continuity of care for patients and making clinical information more accessible. However, GPs expressed a number of reservations about various system functionalities - for example: in relation to usability, system navigation and information visualisation. &lt;b&gt;Conclusion &lt;/b&gt;Our study highlights that while electronic information systems are perceived as having important benefits, there remains substantial scope to improve GPs' interaction and overall satisfaction with these systems. Iterative user-centred improvements combined with additional training in the use of technology would promote an increased understanding, familiarity and command of the range of functionalities of electronic medical records among primary care doctors

    The Toowoomba adult trauma triage tool

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    Since the introduction of the Australasian Triage Scale (ATS) there has been considerable variation in its application. Improved uniformity in the application of the ATS by triage nurses is required. A reproducible, reliable and valid method to classify the illness acuity of Emergency Department patients so that a triage category 3 by one nurse means the same as a triage category 3 by another, not only in the same ED but also in another institution would be of considerable value to emergency nurses. This has been the driving motivation behind developing the Toowoomba Adult Trauma Triage Tool (TATTT). It is hoped the TATTT will support emergency nurses working in this challenging area by promoting standardisation and decreasing subjectivity in the triage decision process