270 research outputs found

    Evaluating the boundary and covering degree of planar Minkowski sums and other geometrical convolutions

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    AbstractAlgorithms are developed, based on topological principles, to evaluate the boundary and “internal structure” of the Minkowski sum of two planar curves. A graph isotopic to the envelope curve is constructed by computing its characteristic points. The edges of this graph are in one-to-one correspondence with a set of monotone envelope segments. A simple formula allows a degree to be assigned to each face defined by the graph, indicating the number of times its points are covered by the Minkowski sum. The boundary can then be identified with the set of edges that separate faces of zero and non-zero degree, and the boundary segments corresponding to these edges can be approximated to any desired geometrical accuracy. For applications that require only the Minkowski sum boundary, the algorithm minimizes geometrical computations on the “internal” envelope edges, that do not contribute to the final boundary. In other applications, this internal structure is of interest, and the algorithm provides comprehensive information on the covering degree for different regions within the Minkowski sum. Extensions of the algorithm to the computation of Minkowski sums in R3, and other forms of geometrical convolution, are briefly discussed

    Properties of the Volume Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity I: Results

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    We analyze the spectral properties of the volume operator of Ashtekar and Lewandowski in Loop Quantum Gravity, which is the quantum analogue of the classical volume expression for regions in three dimensional Riemannian space. Our analysis considers for the first time generic graph vertices of valence greater than four. Here we find that the geometry of the underlying vertex characterizes the spectral properties of the volume operator, in particular the presence of a `volume gap' (a smallest non-zero eigenvalue in the spectrum) is found to depend on the vertex embedding. We compute the set of all non-spatially diffeomorphic non-coplanar vertex embeddings for vertices of valence 5--7, and argue that these sets can be used to label spatial diffeomorphism invariant states. We observe how gauge invariance connects vertex geometry and representation properties of the underlying gauge group in a natural way. Analytical results on the spectrum on 4-valent vertices are included, for which the presence of a volume gap is proved. This paper presents our main results; details are provided by a companion paper arXiv:0706.0382v1.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX. See also companion paper arXiv:0706.0382v1. Version as published in CQG in 2008. See arXiv:1003.2348 for important remarks regarding the sigma configurations. Subsequent computations have revealed some minor errors, which do not change the qualitative results but modify some of the numbers presented her

    Analysis and new constructions of generalized barycentric coordinates in 2D

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    Different coordinate systems allow to uniquely determine the position of a geometric element in space. In this dissertation, we consider a coordinate system that lets us determine the position of a two-dimensional point in the plane with respect to an arbitrary simple polygon. Coordinates of this system are called generalized barycentric coordinates in 2D and are widely used in computer graphics and computational mechanics. There exist many coordinate functions that satisfy all the basic properties of barycentric coordinates, but they differ by a number of other properties. We start by providing an extensive comparison of all existing coordinate functions and pointing out which important properties of generalized barycentric coordinates are not satisfied by these functions. This comparison shows that not all of existing coordinates have fully investigated properties, and we complete such a theoretical analysis for a particular one-parameter family of generalized barycentric coordinates for strictly convex polygons. We also perform numerical analysis of this family and show how to avoid computational instabilities near the polygon’s boundary when computing these coordinates in practice. We conclude this analysis by implementing some members of this family in the Computational Geometry Algorithm Library. In the second half of this dissertation, we present a few novel constructions of non-negative and smooth generalized barycentric coordinates defined over any simple polygon. In this context, we show that new coordinates with improved properties can be obtained by taking convex combinations of already existing coordinate functions and we give two examples of how to use such convex combinations for polygons without and with interior points. These new constructions have many attractive properties and perform better than other coordinates in interpolation and image deformation applications

    Algorithms for curved schematization

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    B-spline techniques for volatility modeling

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    This paper is devoted to the application of B-splines to volatility modeling, specifically the calibration of the leverage function in stochastic local volatility models and the parameterization of an arbitrage-free implied volatility surface calibrated to sparse option data. We use an extension of classical B-splines obtained by including basis functions with infinite support. We first come back to the application of shape-constrained B-splines to the estimation of conditional expectations, not merely from a scatter plot but also from the given marginal distributions. An application is the Monte Carlo calibration of stochastic local volatility models by Markov projection. Then we present a new technique for the calibration of an implied volatility surface to sparse option data. We use a B-spline parameterization of the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the underlying's risk-neutral probability density with respect to a roughly calibrated base model. We show that this method provides smooth arbitrage-free implied volatility surfaces. Finally, we sketch a Galerkin method with B-spline finite elements to the solution of the partial differential equation satisfied by the Radon-Nikodym derivative.Comment: 25 page

    Arbitrary topology meshes in geometric design and vector graphics

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    Meshes are a powerful means to represent objects and shapes both in 2D and 3D, but the techniques based on meshes can only be used in certain regular settings and restrict their usage. Meshes with an arbitrary topology have many interesting applications in geometric design and (vector) graphics, and can give designers more freedom in designing complex objects. In the first part of the thesis we look at how these meshes can be used in computer aided design to represent objects that consist of multiple regular meshes that are constructed together. Then we extend the B-spline surface technique from the regular setting to work on extraordinary regions in meshes so that multisided B-spline patches are created. In addition, we show how to render multisided objects efficiently, through using the GPU and tessellation. In the second part of the thesis we look at how the gradient mesh vector graphics primitives can be combined with procedural noise functions to create expressive but sparsely defined vector graphic images. We also look at how the gradient mesh can be extended to arbitrary topology variants. Here, we compare existing work with two new formulations of a polygonal gradient mesh. Finally we show how we can turn any image into a vector graphics image in an efficient manner. This vectorisation process automatically extracts important image features and constructs a mesh around it. This automatic pipeline is very efficient and even facilitates interactive image vectorisation

    Patch-wise Quadrature of Trimmed Surfaces in Isogeometric Analysis

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    This work presents an efficient quadrature rule for shell analysis fully integrated in CAD by means of Isogeometric Analysis (IGA). General CAD-models may consist of trimmed parts such as holes, intersections, cut-offs etc. Therefore, IGA should be able to deal with these models in order to fulfil its promise of closing the gap between design and analysis. Trimming operations violate the tensor-product structure of the used Non-Uniform Rational B-spline (NURBS) basis functions and of typical quadrature rules. Existing efficient patch-wise quadrature rules consider actual knot vectors and are determined in 1D. They are extended to further dimensions by means of a tensor-product. Therefore, they are not directly applicable to trimmed structures. The herein proposed method extends patch-wise quadrature rules to trimmed surfaces. Thereby, the number of quadrature points can be signifficantly reduced. Geometrically linear and non-linear benchmarks of plane, plate and shell structures are investigated. The results are compared to a standard trimming procedure and a good performance is observed

    Blending techniques in Curve and Surface constructions

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    Source at https://www.geofo.no/geofoN.html. <p
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