1,754 research outputs found

    Design Influencing: A Formulaic Approach to an Alternative Career Path

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    The rising popularity of social media over the past two decades has resulted in many changes to the marketing world. Not only have companies turned to these social platforms for their own marketing efforts, but the surge has given rise to an entirely new industry, Influencing. Influencers can be found in any genre, opening up entirely new avenues of income for many professionals. Professional influencers are those influencers that are able to garner a monetary value large enough to sustain their way of life based on their social media following. For designers and illustrators, this avenue has resulted in the potential to market oneself in an entirely new way. Design influencers, as this research will refer to them, are no longer marketing themselves in a B2B format, they have created entirely customizable careers based on their social media presence that allows them to market themselves in a manner more similar to B2C practices, they have become the brand and their audience is the consumer. This research will examine the patterns and circumstances that have allowed these designers to build careers in this manner and determine whether or not it can be replicated in a consistent manner that would validate its acknowledgment as a viable career path, rooted in strategy, that can be prepared for in post-secondary institutions

    ESG investing themes in developing countries research progress and future prospects : a systematic literature review

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    Purpose – This thesis aims to evaluate the research progress in the field of ESG investment in developing countries based on academic articles retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) database. Design/Methodology/Approach – This research used a mix of quantitative and qualitative manual content analysis. For this purpose, 46 articles about ESG in developing countries were retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) database to conduct a systematic review of the research progress in the field of ESG investment for identifying research gaps and laying down the research agenda for the future. Findings – This research found that most of the reviewed papers focus on the correlation between ESG and corporate financial performance by analyzing empirical data. Research Limitations – The articles included in the study were sourced from only one index (Web of Science), limiting the capacity to explore various literature available on sustainable investment from other sources, especially in languages other than English. Originality – To the author's best knowledge, this is the first study to conduct a systematic literature review about ESG investing themes in developing countries.Propósito – Esta tese tem como objetivo avaliar o progresso da pesquisa no campo dos investimentos em ESG nos países em desenvolvimento com base em artigos acadêmicos recuperados do banco de dados da Web of Science (WoS). Projeto/Metodologia/Abordagem – Esta pesquisa utilizou uma mistura de análise de conteúdo manual quantitativo e qualitativo. Para este fim, 45 artigos sobre ESG nos países em desenvolvimento foram recuperados do banco de dados da Web of Science (WoS). Isto permitiu conduzir uma revisão sistemática do progresso da pesquisa no campo do investimento em ESG para identificar lacunas de pesquisa e propor uma agenda de pesquisa para o futuro. Resultados – Esta pesquisa descobriu que a maioria dos artigos revisados se concentra na correlação entre a ESG e o desempenho financeiro corporativo através da análise de dados empíricos. Limitações da pesquisa – Os artigos incluídos no estudo foram obtidos de apenas um índice (Web of Science), limitando a capacidade de explorar várias literaturas disponíveis sobre investimento sustentável de outras fontes, especialmente em idiomas outros que não o inglês Originalidade – Do melhor conhecimento do autor, este é o primeiro estudo a realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os temas de investimento em ESG nos países em desenvolvimento

    Vztah mezi principy a modely v sémantickém pojetí vědeckých teorií

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    Zkoumání je založeno na reflexi sémantického pojetí vědec- kých teorií Ronalda Giera. Gierova východiska a závěry jsou podrobeny kritice, na jejímž základě autor buduje svou vlastní variantu modelově založeného pojetí teorií. Hlavním cílem příspěvku je konceptualizace vztahu mezi principy a modely s důrazem na to, že tento vztah může zakládat dynamiku teorie, respektive posloupnosti teorií. Souhrnně bude v příspěvku prověřována řada tezí: 1) Základními prvky teorie jsou modely, které slouží jako nosiče principů. 2) Modely hrají rozhodující roli při pojmové výstavbě teorie. 3) Modely artikulací principů odhalují poznatky, které ze samotných principů neplynou. 4) Principy mohou být někdy souhrnně definovány až poté, co existuje odpovídající množina modelů. 5) Nová teorie nastoupí ve chvíli, kdy je cluster nových modelů dostatečně komplexní a když si vědecké společenství ujasní, že tento nový cluster je založen na určité množině nových principů

    Modely chaotické dynamiky a problém reprezentace reálného systému

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    Příspěvek přináší základní matematické zakotvení pojmů „teorie chaosu". Představuje klíčové vlastnosti modelů chaotického chování dynamického systému s ohledem na explanační a prediktivní sílu modelů. Z pozice filosofie vědy podrobuje analýze především reprezentační aspekty modelů chaotické dynamiky systému. Nejzajímavějším aspektem těchto modelů je přísné omezení jejich reprezentační úlohy s ohledem na splnění podmínky hyperbolicity nutné pro platnost stínového lemma

    Representation in the Missouri General Assembly

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    Thomassen's Choosability Argument Revisited

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    Thomassen (1994) proved that every planar graph is 5-choosable. This result was generalised by {\v{S}}krekovski (1998) and He et al. (2008), who proved that every K5K_5-minor-free graph is 5-choosable. Both proofs rely on the characterisation of K5K_5-minor-free graphs due to Wagner (1937). This paper proves the same result without using Wagner's structure theorem or even planar embeddings. Given that there is no structure theorem for graphs with no K6K_6-minor, we argue that this proof suggests a possible approach for attacking the Hadwiger Conjecture

    Peer-to-peer Lecture Films – A Successful Study Concept for a First Year Laboratory Material Science Course

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    AbstractMaterial science is believed to be one of the more complicated subjects in mechanical engineering because the scientific background is generally not taught at school during job training. First year students of mechanical and automotive engineering at HTW Berlin are required to take 2 classes in material science. Laboratory exercises accompany the education, but basic knowledge upon theory is necessary to work practically. Lecture films show the laboratory routine prior to lab hours and show students what they are going to experience and learn. These films were initially inspired by students and conducted during a one term semester project supervised by lecturers and film experts (peer-to-peer approach). It was found that students watching the films were prepared better and gained more knowledge during practical work than those who did not have access to the films. Watching the introductory films lead to more download activity and actual studying of the lectures provided to prepare the experiments and furthermore lead to slightly better testing results. Peer-to-peer lecture films were also successfully implemented teaching general phase diagrams and the iron-carbon-phase diagram

    On the Euler characteristic of spherical polyhedra and the Euler relation

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    Let En+1, for some integer n ≥ 0, be the (n + 1)-dimensional Euclidean space, and denote by Sn the standard n-sphere in En+1, . It is convenient to introduce the (-1)-dimensional sphere , where denotes the empty set. By an i-dimensional subsphere T of Sn, i = 0 n, we understand the intersection of Sn with some (i+1)-dimensional subspace of En+1. The affine hull of T always contains, with this definition, the origin of En+1. is the unique (-1)-dimensional subsphere of Sn. By the spherical hull, sph X, of a set , we understand the intersection of all subspheres of Sn containing X. Further we set dim X: = dim sph X. The interior, the boundary and the complement of an arbitrary set , with respect to Sn, shall be denoted by int X, bd X and cpl X. Finally we define the relative interior rel int X to be the interior of with respect to the usual topology sphZ . For each (n-1)-dimensional subsphere of Sn defines two closed hemispheres of Sn, whose common boundary it is. The two hemispheres of the sphere Sº are denned to be the two one-pointed subsets of Sº. A subset is called a closed (spherical) polytope, if it is the intersection of finitely many closed hemispheres, and, if, in addition, it does not contain a subsphere of Sn. is called an i-dimensional, relatively open polytope, , or shortly an i-open polytope, if there exists a closed polytope such that dim P = i and Q = rel int P. is called a closed polyhedron, if it is a finite union of closed polytopes P1 ..., Pr. The empty set is the only (-1)-dimensional closed polyhedron of Sn. We denote by the set of all closed polyhedra of Sn. is called an i-open polyhedron, for some , if there are finitely many i-open polytopes Q1 ..., Qr in Sn such that , and dim . By we denote the set of all i-open polyhedra. Clearly for all , and each i-dimensional subsphere of Sn, , belongs to and to , For each i-dimensional subsphere T of Sn, set . A map is defined by , for all , and, for al

    Cavlectometry: Towards Holistic Reconstruction of Large Mirror Objects

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    We introduce a method based on the deflectometry principle for the reconstruction of specular objects exhibiting significant size and geometric complexity. A key feature of our approach is the deployment of an Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) as pattern generator. To unfold the full power of this extraordinary experimental setup, an optical encoding scheme is developed which accounts for the distinctive topology of the CAVE. Furthermore, we devise an algorithm for detecting the object of interest in raw deflectometric images. The segmented foreground is used for single-view reconstruction, the background for estimation of the camera pose, necessary for calibrating the sensor system. Experiments suggest a significant gain of coverage in single measurements compared to previous methods. To facilitate research on specular surface reconstruction, we will make our data set publicly available

    Plant-based foods for future. Results of consumer and professional expert interviews in five European countries - EIT-Food Project The V-Place

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    This working paper documents the methodology of the qualitative studies and the resulting insights, as part one of the two-stage study of the Project The V-Place - Enabling consumer choice in Vegan or Vegetarian food products in six European countries. The interviews with 70 consumers and professional experts in total has already been completed. Still in 2020, a quantitative consumer survey will be conducted in Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain and Poland. The project is led by the Hohenheim Research Center for Bioeconomy, University of Hohenheim. The Department of Agricultural Markets at the University of Hohenheim is responsible for the qualitative studies. This project is funded by EIT Food, the Food Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). EIT is an EU institution under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.Im vorliegenden Arbeitsbericht werden Methodik und Ergebnisse der qualitativen Studien des Projekts "The V-Place - Enabling consumer choice in Vegan or Vegetarian food products" in sechs europäischen Ländern beschrieben. Die Interviews mit insgesamt 70 Verbrauchern und Fachexperten sind bereits abgeschlossen. Noch im Jahr 2020 folgt eine quantitative Befragung von Verbrauchern in Deutschland, Dänemark, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien und Polen. Das Projekt wird vom Hohenheimer Forschungszentrum für Bioökonomie der Universität Hohenheim geleitet. Für die qualitativen Studien ist die Abteilung Agrarmärkte der Universität Hohenheim verantwortlich. Das Projekt wird von EIT Food, der Food Innovation Community des Europäischen Instituts für Innovation und Technologie (EIT), finanziert, einer EU-Institution im Rahmen von Horizon 2020, dem EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation