28 research outputs found

    Evolutionary robotics and neuroscience

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    Evolutionary robotics in high altitude wind energy applications

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    Recent years have seen the development of wind energy conversion systems that can exploit the superior wind resource that exists at altitudes above current wind turbine technology. One class of these systems incorporates a flying wing tethered to the ground which drives a winch at ground level. The wings often resemble sports kites, being composed of a combination of fabric and stiffening elements. Such wings are subject to load dependent deformation which makes them particularly difficult to model and control. Here we apply the techniques of evolutionary robotics i.e. evolution of neural network controllers using genetic algorithms, to the task of controlling a steerable kite. We introduce a multibody kite simulation that is used in an evolutionary process in which the kite is subject to deformation. We demonstrate how discrete time recurrent neural networks that are evolved to maximise line tension fly the kite in repeated looping trajectories similar to those seen using other methods. We show that these controllers are robust to limited environmental variation but show poor generalisation and occasional failure even after extended evolution. We show that continuous time recurrent neural networks (CTRNNs) can be evolved that are capable of flying appropriate repeated trajectories even when the length of the flying lines are changing. We also show that CTRNNs can be evolved that stabilise kites with a wide range of physical attributes at a given position in the sky, and systematically add noise to the simulated task in order to maximise the transferability of the behaviour to a real world system. We demonstrate how the difficulty of the task must be increased during the evolutionary process to deal with this extreme variability in small increments. We describe the development of a real world testing platform on which the evolved neurocontrollers can be tested

    Emergence of Leadership in a Group of Autonomous Robots

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    For modern biology and ethology, the reason for the emergence of leaders-followers patterns in groups of living organisms, is the need of social coordination. In this paper we attempt to examine factors contributing to the emergence of leadership, trying to understand the relation between leader role and behavioral capabilities. In order to achieve this goal, we use a simulation technique where a group of foraging robots has to choose between two identical food zones. Thus, robots must coordinate in some way in order to select the same food zone and collectively gathering food. Behavioral and quantitative analysis indicate that a form of leadership emerges and the emergence of leadership relates with high level of fitness. Moreover, we show that more skilled individuals in a group tend to assume a leadership role, in agreement with literature

    Development of Cognitive Capabilities in Humanoid Robots

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/645 on 03.04.2017 by CS (TIS)Building intelligent systems with human level of competence is the ultimate grand challenge for science and technology in general, and especially for the computational intelligence community. Recent theories in autonomous cognitive systems have focused on the close integration (grounding) of communication with perception, categorisation and action. Cognitive systems are essential for integrated multi-platform systems that are capable of sensing and communicating. This thesis presents a cognitive system for a humanoid robot that integrates abilities such as object detection and recognition, which are merged with natural language understanding and refined motor controls. The work includes three studies; (1) the use of generic manipulation of objects using the NMFT algorithm, by successfully testing the extension of the NMFT to control robot behaviour; (2) a study of the development of a robotic simulator; (3) robotic simulation experiments showing that a humanoid robot is able to acquire complex behavioural, cognitive, and linguistic skills through individual and social learning. The robot is able to learn to handle and manipulate objects autonomously, to cooperate with human users, and to adapt its abilities to changes in internal and environmental conditions. The model and the experimental results reported in this thesis, emphasise the importance of embodied cognition, i.e. the humanoid robot's physical interaction between its body and the environment

    Engineering evolutionary control for real-world robotic systems

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    Evolutionary Robotics (ER) is the field of study concerned with the application of evolutionary computation to the design of robotic systems. Two main issues have prevented ER from being applied to real-world tasks, namely scaling to complex tasks and the transfer of control to real-robot systems. Finding solutions to complex tasks is challenging for evolutionary approaches due to the bootstrap problem and deception. When the task goal is too difficult, the evolutionary process will drift in regions of the search space with equally low levels of performance and therefore fail to bootstrap. Furthermore, the search space tends to get rugged (deceptive) as task complexity increases, which can lead to premature convergence. Another prominent issue in ER is the reality gap. Behavioral control is typically evolved in simulation and then only transferred to the real robotic hardware when a good solution has been found. Since simulation is an abstraction of the real world, the accuracy of the robot model and its interactions with the environment is limited. As a result, control evolved in a simulator tends to display a lower performance in reality than in simulation. In this thesis, we present a hierarchical control synthesis approach that enables the use of ER techniques for complex tasks in real robotic hardware by mitigating the bootstrap problem, deception, and the reality gap. We recursively decompose a task into sub-tasks, and synthesize control for each sub-task. The individual behaviors are then composed hierarchically. The possibility of incrementally transferring control as the controller is composed allows transferability issues to be addressed locally in the controller hierarchy. Our approach features hybridity, allowing different control synthesis techniques to be combined. We demonstrate our approach in a series of tasks that go beyond the complexity of tasks where ER has been successfully applied. We further show that hierarchical control can be applied in single-robot systems and in multirobot systems. Given our long-term goal of enabling the application of ER techniques to real-world tasks, we systematically validate our approach in real robotic hardware. For one of the demonstrations in this thesis, we have designed and built a swarm robotic platform, and we show the first successful transfer of evolved and hierarchical control to a swarm of robots outside of controlled laboratory conditions.A Robótica Evolutiva (RE) é a área de investigação que estuda a aplicação de computação evolutiva na conceção de sistemas robóticos. Dois principais desafios têm impedido a aplicação da RE em tarefas do mundo real: a dificuldade em solucionar tarefas complexas e a transferência de controladores evoluídos para sistemas robóticos reais. Encontrar soluções para tarefas complexas é desafiante para as técnicas evolutivas devido ao bootstrap problem e à deception. Quando o objetivo é demasiado difícil, o processo evolutivo tende a permanecer em regiões do espaço de procura com níveis de desempenho igualmente baixos, e consequentemente não consegue inicializar. Por outro lado, o espaço de procura tende a enrugar à medida que a complexidade da tarefa aumenta, o que pode resultar numa convergência prematura. Outro desafio na RE é a reality gap. O controlo robótico é tipicamente evoluído em simulação, e só é transferido para o sistema robótico real quando uma boa solução tiver sido encontrada. Como a simulação é uma abstração da realidade, a precisão do modelo do robô e das suas interações com o ambiente é limitada, podendo resultar em controladores com um menor desempenho no mundo real. Nesta tese, apresentamos uma abordagem de síntese de controlo hierárquica que permite o uso de técnicas de RE em tarefas complexas com hardware robótico real, mitigando o bootstrap problem, a deception e a reality gap. Decompomos recursivamente uma tarefa em sub-tarefas, e sintetizamos controlo para cada subtarefa. Os comportamentos individuais são então compostos hierarquicamente. A possibilidade de transferir o controlo incrementalmente à medida que o controlador é composto permite que problemas de transferibilidade possam ser endereçados localmente na hierarquia do controlador. A nossa abordagem permite o uso de diferentes técnicas de síntese de controlo, resultando em controladores híbridos. Demonstramos a nossa abordagem em várias tarefas que vão para além da complexidade das tarefas onde a RE foi aplicada. Também mostramos que o controlo hierárquico pode ser aplicado em sistemas de um robô ou sistemas multirobô. Dado o nosso objetivo de longo prazo de permitir o uso de técnicas de RE em tarefas no mundo real, concebemos e desenvolvemos uma plataforma de robótica de enxame, e mostramos a primeira transferência de controlo evoluído e hierárquico para um exame de robôs fora de condições controladas de laboratório.This work has been supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) under the grants SFRH/BD/76438/2011, EXPL/EEI-AUT/0329/2013, and by Instituto de Telecomunicações under the grant UID/EEA/50008/2013

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Male and female robots

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    A population of male and female robots evolves in an environment in which to remain alive they must eat the food contained in the environment and to reproduce they must mate with a robot of the opposite sex. The only difference between male and female robots is that after mating males can mate again (reproductively) while females have a fixed period during which they are nonreproductive. The results show that males have a greater variance in reproductive success compared to females and they tend to be always very active looking for the ?scarce resource? constituted by reproductive females and eating any food they are able to find while they are looking for reproductive females. Reproductive females are less active than males and they adopt the reproductive strategy of waiting for males to find and mate with them. On the contrary, nonreproductive females are as active as males but they look for food and are not interested in anything else. We also find a number of differences between males and females in their preferences for different types of food and in offspring care if males do not have parental certainty

    The Mini-Robot Khepera as a Foraging Animate: Synthesis and Analysis of Behaviour

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    Löffler A, Klahold J, Rückert U. The Mini-Robot Khepera as a Foraging Animate: Synthesis and Analysis of Behaviour. In: Rückert U, Sitte J, Witkowski U, eds. Proceedings of the 5th International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium: Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE01). Vol 97. Paderborn, Germany: Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Universität Paderborn; 2001: 93-130.The work presented in this paper deals with the development of a methodology for resource-efficient behaviour synthesis on autonomous systems. In this context, a definition of a maximal problem with respect to the resources of a given system is introduced. It is elucidated by means of an exemplary implementation of the solution to such a problem using the mini-robot Khepera as the experimental platform. The described task consists of exploring an unknown and dynamically changing environment, collecting and transporting objects, which are associated with light-sources, and navigating to a home-base. The critical point is represented by the accumulated positioning errors in odometrical path-integration due to slippage. Therefore, adaptive sensor calibration using a specific variant of Kohonen’s algorithm is applied in two cases to extract symbolic, e.g. geometric, information from the sub-symbolic sensor data, which is used to enhance position control by landmark mapping and orientation. In order to successfully handle the arising complex interactions, a heterogeneous control-architecture based on a parallel implementation of basic behaviours coupled by a rule-based central unit is proposed

    A bottom-up approach to emulating emotions using neuromodulation in agents

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    A bottom-up approach to emulating emotions is expounded in this thesis. This is intended to be useful in research where a phenomenon is to be emulated but the nature of it can not easily be defined. This approach not only advocates emulating the underlying mechanisms that are proposed to give rise to emotion in natural agents, but also advocates applying an open-mind as to what the phenomenon actually is. There is evidence to suggest that neuromodulation is inherently responsible for giving rise to emotions in natural agents and that emotions consequently modulate the behaviour of the agent. The functionality provided by neuromodulation, when applied to agents with self-organising biologically plausible neural networks, is isolated and studied. In research efforts such as this the definition should emerge from the evidence rather than postulate that the definition, derived from limited information, is correct and should be implemented. An implementation of a working definition only tells us that the definition can be implemented. It does not tell us whether that working definition is itself correct and matches the phenomenon in the real world. If this model of emotions was assumed to be true and implemented in an agent, there would be a danger of precluding implementations that could offer alternative theories as to the relevance of neuromodulation to emotions. By isolating and studying different mechanisms such as neuromodulation that are thought to give rise to emotions, theories can arise as to what emotions are and the functionality that they provide. The application of this approach concludes with a theory as to how some emotions can operate via the use of neuromodulators. The theory is explained using the concepts of dynamical systems, free-energy and entropy.EPSRC Stirling University, Computing Science departmental gran

    Cyclic Incrementality in Competitive Coevolution: Evolvability through Pseudo-Baldwinian Switching-Genes

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    Coevolving systems are notoriously difficult to understand. This is largely due to the Red Queen effect that dictates heterospecific fitness interdependence. In simulation studies of coevolving systems, master tournaments are often used to obtain more informed fitness measures by testing evolved individuals against past and future opponents. However, such tournaments still contain certain ambiguities. We introduce the use of a phenotypic cluster analysis to examine the distribution of opponent categories throughout an evolutionary sequence. This analysis, adopted from widespread usage in the bioinformatics community, can be applied to master tournament data. This allows us to construct behavior-based category trees, obtaining a hierarchical classification of phenotypes that are suspected to interleave during cyclic evolution. We use the cluster data to establish the existence of switching-genes that control opponent specialization, suggesting the retention of dormant genetic adaptations, that is, genetic memory. Our overarching goal is to reiterate how computer simulations may have importance to the broader understanding of evolutionary dynamics in general. We emphasize a further shift from a component-driven to an interaction-driven perspective in understanding coevolving systems. As yet, it is unclear how the sudden development of switching-genes relates to the gradual emergence of genetic adaptability. Likely, context genes gradually provide the appropriate genetic environment wherein the switching-gene effect can be exploite