25 research outputs found

    Statistical analysis of hyper-spectral data: a non-Gaussian approach

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    We investigate the statistical modeling of hyper-spectral data. The accurate modeling of experimental data is critical in target detection and classification applications. In fact, having a statistical model that is capable of properly describing data variability leads to the derivation of the best decision strategies together with a reliable assessment of algorithm performance. Most existing classification and target detection algorithms are based on the multivariate Gaussian model which, in many cases, deviates from the true statistical behavior of hyper-spectral data. This motivated us to investigate the capability of non-Gaussian models to represent data variability in each background class. In particular, we refer to models based on elliptically contoured (EC) distributions. We consider multivariate EC-t distribution and two distinct mixture models based on EC distributions. We describe the methodology adopted for the statistical analysis and we propose a technique to automatically estimate the unknown parameters of statistical models. Finally, we discuss the results obtained by analyzing data gathered by the multispectral infrared and visible imaging spectrometer (MIVIS) sensor

    Adaptive target detection in hyperspectral imaging from two sets of training samples with different means

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    In this paper, we consider local detection of a target in hyperspectral imaging and we assume that the spectral signature of interest is buried in a background which follows an elliptically contoured distribution with unknown parameters. In order to infer the background parameters, two sets of training samples are available: one set, taken from pixels close to the pixel under test, shares the same mean and covariance while a second set of farther pixels shares the same covariance but has a different mean. When the whole data samples (pixel under test and training samples) follow a matrix-variate distribution, the one-step generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) is derived in closed-form. It is shown that this GLRT coincides with that obtained under a Gaussian assumption and that it guarantees a constant false alarm rate. We also present a two-step GLRT where the mean and covariance of the background are estimated from the training samples only and then plugged in the GLRT based on the pixel under test only

    Robust Estimation of Mahalanobis Distance in Hyperspectral Images

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    This dissertation develops new estimation methods that fit Johnson distributions and generalized Pareto distributions to hyperspectral Mahalanobis distances. The Johnson distribution fit is optimized using a new method which monitors the second derivative behavior of exceedance probability to mitigate potential outlier effects. This univariate distribution is then used to derive an elliptically contoured multivariate density model for the pixel data. The generalized Pareto distribution models are optimized by a new two-pass method that estimates the tail-index parameter. This method minimizes the mean squared fitting error by correcting parameter values using data distance information from an initial pass. A unique method for estimating the posterior density of the tail-index parameter for generalized Pareto models is also developed. Both the Johnson and Pareto distribution models are shown to reduce fitting error and to increase computational efficiency compared to previous models

    Robust adaptive target detection in hyperspectral imaging

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    One of the main issue in detecting a target from an hyperspectral image relies on properly identifying the background. Many assumptions about its distribution can be advocated, even if the Gaussian hypothesis prevails. Nevertheless, the huge majority of the resulting detection schemes assume that the background distribution remains the same whether the target is present or not. In practice, because of the spectral variability of the target and the non-linear mixing with the background radiance, this hypothesis is not strictly true. In this paper, we consider that an unknown background mismatch exists between the two hypotheses. Under the assumption that this mismatch is small, we derive an approximation of the Likelihood Ratio for the problem at hand. This general formulation is then applied to the case of Gaussian distributed background, leading to a robust Adaptive Matched Filter. The behaviour of this new detector is analysed and compared to popular detectors. Numerical simulations, based on real data, show the possible improvement in case of target signature mismatch

    DĂ©tection robuste de cibles en imagerie Hyperspectrale.

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) extends from the fact that for any given material, the amount of emitted radiation varies with wavelength. HSI sensors measure the radiance of the materials within each pixel area at a very large number of contiguous spectral bands and provide image data containing both spatial and spectral information. Classical adaptive detection schemes assume that the background is zero-mean Gaussian or with known mean vector that can be exploited. However, when the mean vector is unknown, as it is the case for hyperspectral imaging, it has to be included in the detection process. We propose in this work an extension of classical detection methods when both covariance matrix and mean vector are unknown.However, the actual multivariate distribution of the background pixels may differ from the generally used Gaussian hypothesis. The class of elliptical distributions has already been popularized for background characterization in HSI. Although these non-Gaussian models have been exploited for background modeling and detection schemes, the parameters estimation (covariance matrix, mean vector) is usually performed using classical Gaussian-based estimators. We analyze here some robust estimation procedures (M-estimators of location and scale) more suitable when non-Gaussian distributions are assumed. Jointly used with M-estimators, these new detectors allow to enhance the target detection performance in non-Gaussian environment while keeping the same performance than the classical detectors in Gaussian environment. Therefore, they provide a unified framework for target detection and anomaly detection in HSI.L'imagerie hyperspectrale (HSI) repose sur le fait que, pour un matériau donné, la quantité de rayonnement émis varie avec la longueur d'onde. Les capteurs HSI mesurent donc le rayonnement des matériaux au sein de chaque pixel pour un très grand nombre de bandes spectrales contiguës et fournissent des images contenant des informations à la fois spatiale et spectrale. Les méthodes classiques de détection adaptative supposent généralement que le fond est gaussien à vecteur moyenne nul ou connu. Cependant, quand le vecteur moyen est inconnu, comme c'est le cas pour l'image hyperspectrale, il doit être inclus dans le processus de détection. Nous proposons dans ce travail d'étendre les méthodes classiques de détection pour lesquelles la matrice de covariance et le vecteur de moyenne sont tous deux inconnus.Cependant, la distribution statistique multivariée des pixels de l'environnement peut s'éloigner de l'hypothèse gaussienne classiquement utilisée. La classe des distributions elliptiques a été déjà popularisée pour la caractérisation de fond pour l’HSI. Bien que ces modèles non gaussiens aient déjà été exploités dans la modélisation du fond et dans la conception de détecteurs, l'estimation des paramètres (matrice de covariance, vecteur moyenne) est encore généralement effectuée en utilisant des estimateurs conventionnels gaussiens. Dans ce contexte, nous analysons de méthodes d’estimation robuste plus appropriées à ces distributions non-gaussiennes : les M-estimateurs. Ces méthodes de détection couplées à ces nouveaux estimateurs permettent d'une part, d'améliorer les performances de détection dans un environment non-gaussien mais d'autre part de garder les mêmes performances que celles des détecteurs conventionnels dans un environnement gaussien. Elles fournissent ainsi un cadre unifié pour la détection de cibles et la détection d'anomalies pour la HSI

    Inference and Mixture Modeling with the Elliptical Gamma Distribution

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    We study modeling and inference with the Elliptical Gamma Distribution (EGD). We consider maximum likelihood (ML) estimation for EGD scatter matrices, a task for which we develop new fixed-point algorithms. Our algorithms are efficient and converge to global optima despite nonconvexity. Moreover, they turn out to be much faster than both a well-known iterative algorithm of Kent & Tyler (1991) and sophisticated manifold optimization algorithms. Subsequently, we invoke our ML algorithms as subroutines for estimating parameters of a mixture of EGDs. We illustrate our methods by applying them to model natural image statistics---the proposed EGD mixture model yields the most parsimonious model among several competing approaches.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    A New Generation of Mixture-Model Cluster Analysis with Information Complexity and the Genetic EM Algorithm

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    In this dissertation, we extend several relatively new developments in statistical model selection and data mining in order to improve one of the workhorse statistical tools - mixture modeling (Pearson, 1894). The traditional mixture model assumes data comes from several populations of Gaussian distributions. Thus, what remains is to determine how many distributions, their population parameters, and the mixing proportions. However, real data often do not fit the restrictions of normality very well. It is likely that data from a single population exhibiting either asymmetrical or nonnormal tail behavior could be erroneously modeled as two populations, resulting in suboptimal decisions. To avoid these pitfalls, we develop the mixture model under a broader distributional assumption by fitting a group of multivariate elliptically-contoured distributions (Anderson and Fang, 1990; Fang et al., 1990). Special cases include the multivariate Gaussian and power exponential distributions, as well as the multivariate generalization of the Student’s T. This gives us the flexibility to model nonnormal tail and peak behavior, though the symmetry restriction still exists. The literature has many examples of research generalizing the Gaussian mixture model to other distributions (Farrell and Mersereau, 2004; Hasselblad, 1966; John, 1970a), but our effort is more general. Further, we generalize the mixture model to be non-parametric, by developing two types of kernel mixture model. First, we generalize the mixture model to use the truly multivariate kernel density estimators (Wand and Jones, 1995). Additionally, we develop the power exponential product kernel mixture model, which allows the density to adjust to the shape of each dimension independently. Because kernel density estimators enforce no functional form, both of these methods can adapt to nonnormal asymmetric, kurtotic, and tail characteristics. Over the past two decades or so, evolutionary algorithms have grown in popularity, as they have provided encouraging results in a variety of optimization problems. Several authors have applied the genetic algorithm - a subset of evolutionary algorithms - to mixture modeling, including Bhuyan et al. (1991), Krishna and Murty (1999), and Wicker (2006). These procedures have the benefit that they bypass computational issues that plague the traditional methods. We extend these initialization and optimization methods by combining them with our updated mixture models. Additionally, we “borrow” results from robust estimation theory (Ledoit and Wolf, 2003; Shurygin, 1983; Thomaz, 2004) in order to data-adaptively regularize population covariance matrices. Numerical instability of the covariance matrix can be a significant problem for mixture modeling, since estimation is typically done on a relatively small subset of the observations. We likewise extend various information criteria (Akaike, 1973; Bozdogan, 1994b; Schwarz, 1978) to the elliptically-contoured and kernel mixture models. Information criteria guide model selection and estimation based on various approximations to the Kullback-Liebler divergence. Following Bozdogan (1994a), we use these tools to sequentially select the best mixture model, select the best subset of variables, and detect influential observations - all without making any subjective decisions. Over the course of this research, we developed a full-featured Matlab toolbox (M3) which implements all the new developments in mixture modeling presented in this dissertation. We show results on both simulated and real world datasets. Keywords: mixture modeling, nonparametric estimation, subset selection, influence detection, evidence-based medical diagnostics, unsupervised classification, robust estimation

    Spectral image utility for target detection applications

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    In a wide range of applications, images convey useful information about scenes. The “utility” of an image is defined with reference to the specific task that an observer seeks to accomplish, and differs from the “fidelity” of the image, which seeks to capture the ability of the image to represent the true nature of the scene. In remote sensing of the earth, various means of characterizing the utility of satellite and airborne imagery have evolved over the years. Recent advances in the imaging modality of spectral imaging have enabled synoptic views of the earth at many finely sampled wavelengths over a broad spectral band. These advances challenge the ability of traditional earth observation image utility metrics to describe the rich information content of spectral images. Traditional approaches to image utility that are based on overhead panchromatic image interpretability by a human observer are not applicable to spectral imagery, which requires automated processing. This research establishes the context for spectral image utility by reviewing traditional approaches and current methods for describing spectral image utility. It proposes a new approach to assessing and predicting spectral image utility for the specific application of target detection. We develop a novel approach to assessing the utility of any spectral image using the target-implant method. This method is not limited by the requirements of traditional target detection performance assessment, which need ground truth and an adequate number of target pixels in the scene. The flexibility of this approach is demonstrated by assessing the utility of a wide range of real and simulated spectral imagery over a variety ii of target detection scenarios. The assessed image utility may be summarized to any desired level of specificity based on the image analysis requirements. We also present an approach to predicting spectral image utility that derives statistical parameters directly from an image and uses them to model target detection algorithm output. The image-derived predicted utility is directly comparable to the assessed utility and the accuracy of prediction is shown to improve with statistical models that capture the non-Gaussian behavior of real spectral image target detection algorithm outputs. The sensitivity of the proposed spectral image utility metric to various image chain parameters is examined in detail, revealing characteristics, requirements, and limitations that provide insight into the relative importance of parameters in the image utility. The results of these investigations lead to a better understanding of spectral image information vis-à-vis target detection performance that will hopefully prove useful to the spectral imagery analysis community and represent a step towards quantifying the ability of a spectral image to satisfy information exploitation requirements

    Models and Methods for Automated Background Density Estimation in Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection

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    Detecting targets with unknown spectral signatures in hyperspectral imagery has been proven to be a topic of great interest in several applications. Because no knowledge about the targets of interest is assumed, this task is performed by searching the image for anomalous pixels, i.e. those pixels deviating from a statistical model of the background. According to the hyperspectral literature, there are two main approaches to Anomaly Detection (AD) thus leading to the definition of different ways for background modeling: global and local. Global AD algorithms are designed to locate small rare objects that are anomalous with respect to the global background, identified by a large portion of the image. On the other hand, in local AD strategies, pixels with significantly different spectral features from a local neighborhood just surrounding the observed pixel are detected as anomalies. In this thesis work, a new scheme is proposed for detecting both global and local anomalies. Specifically, a simplified Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) decision strategy is derived that involves thresholding the background log-likelihood and, thus, only needs the specification of the background Probability Density Function (PDF). Within this framework, the use of parametric, semi-parametric (in particular finite mixtures), and non-parametric models is investigated for the background PDF estimation. Although such approaches are well known and have been widely employed in multivariate data analysis, they have been seldom applied to estimate the hyperspectral background PDF, mostly due to the difficulty of reliably learning the model parameters without the need of operator intervention, which is highly desirable in practical AD tasks. In fact, this work represents the first attempt to jointly examine such methods in order to asses and discuss the most critical issues related to their employment for PDF estimation of hyperspectral background with specific reference to the detection of anomalous objects in a scene. Specifically, semi- and non-parametric estimators have been successfully employed to estimate the image background PDF with the aim of detecting global anomalies in a scene by means of the use of ad hoc learning procedures. In particular, strategies developed within a Bayesian framework have been considered for automatically estimating the parameters of mixture models and one of the most well-known non-parametric techniques, i.e. the fixed kernel density estimator (FKDE). In this latter, the performance and the modeling ability depend on scale parameters, called bandwidths. It has been shown that the use of bandwidths that are fixed across the entire feature space, as done in the FKDE, is not effective when the sample data exhibit different local peculiarities across the entire data domain, which generally occurs in practical applications. Therefore, some possibilities are investigated to improve the image background PDF estimation of FKDE by allowing the bandwidths to vary over the estimation domain, thus adapting the amount of smoothing to the local density of the data so as to more reliably and accurately follow the background data structure of hyperspectral images of a scene. The use of such variable bandwidth kernel density estimators (VKDE) is also proposed for estimating the background PDF within the considered AD scheme for detecting local anomalies. Such a choice is done with the aim to cope with the problem of non-Gaussian background for improving classical local AD algorithms involving parametric and non-parametric background models. The locally data-adaptive non-parametric model has been chosen since it encompasses the potential, typical of non-parametric PDF estimators, in modeling data regardless of specific distributional assumption together with the benefits deriving from the employment of bandwidths that vary across the data domain. The ability of the proposed AD scheme resulting from the application of different background PDF models and learning methods is experimentally evaluated by employing real hyperspectral images containing objects that are anomalous with respect to the background