2,140 research outputs found

    Vegetation height products between 60° S and 60° N from ICESat GLAS data.

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    We present new coarse resolution (0.5� ×0.5�)vegetation height and vegetation-cover fraction data sets between 60� S and 60� N for use in climate models and ecological models. The data sets are derived from 2003–2009 measurements collected by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), the only LiDAR instrument that provides close to global coverage. Initial vegetation height is calculated from GLAS data using a development of the model of Rosette et al. (2008) with further calibration on desert sites. Filters are developed to identify and eliminate spurious observations in the GLAS data, e.g. data that are affected by clouds, atmosphere and terrain and as such result in erroneous estimates of vegetation height or vegetation cover. Filtered GLAS vegetation height estimates are aggregated in histograms from 0 to 70m in 0.5m intervals for each 0.5�×0.5�. The GLAS vegetation height product is evaluated in four ways. Firstly, the Vegetation height data and data filters are evaluated using aircraft LiDAR measurements of the same for ten sites in the Americas, Europe, and Australia. Application of filters to the GLAS vegetation height estimates increases the correlation with aircraft data from r =0.33 to r =0.78, decreases the root-mean-square error by a factor 3 to about 6m (RMSE) or 4.5m (68% error distribution) and decreases the bias from 5.7m to −1.3 m. Secondly, the global aggregated GLAS vegetation height product is tested for sensitivity towards the choice of data quality filters; areas with frequent cloud cover and areas with steep terrain are the most sensitive to the choice of thresholds for the filters. The changes in height estimates by applying different filters are, for the main part, smaller than the overall uncertainty of 4.5–6m established from the site measurements. Thirdly, the GLAS global vegetation height product is compared with a global vegetation height product typically used in a climate model, a recent global tree height product, and a vegetation greenness product and is shown to produce realistic estimates of vegetation height. Finally, the GLAS bare soil cover fraction is compared globally with the MODIS bare soil fraction (r = 0.65) and with bare soil cover fraction estimates derived from AVHRR NDVI data (r =0.67); the GLAS treecover fraction is compared with the MODIS tree-cover fraction (r =0.79). The evaluation indicates that filters applied to the GLAS data are conservative and eliminate a large proportion of spurious data, while only in a minority of cases at the cost of removing reliable data as well. The new GLAS vegetation height product appears more realistic than previous data sets used in climate models and ecological models and hence should significantly improve simulations that involve the land surface

    Predicting growing stock volume of Eucalyptus plantations using 3-D point clouds derived from UAV imagery and ALS data

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    Estimating forest inventory variables is important in monitoring forest resources and mitigating climate change. In this respect, forest managers require flexible, non-destructive methods for estimating volume and biomass. High-resolution and low-cost remote sensing data are increasingly available to measure three-dimensional (3D) canopy structure and to model forest structural attributes. The main objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the individual tree volume estimates derived from high-density point clouds obtained from airborne laser scanning (ALS) and digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP) in Eucalyptus spp. plantations. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) techniques were applied for individual tree crown (ITC) delineation. The ITC algorithm applied correctly detected and delineated 199 trees from ALS-derived data, while 192 trees were correctly identified using DAP-based point clouds acquired fromUnmannedAerialVehicles(UAV), representing accuracy levels of respectively 62% and 60%. Addressing volume modelling, non-linear regression fit based on individual tree height and individual crown area derived from the ITC provided the following results: Model E ciency (Mef) = 0.43 and 0.46, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = 0.030 m3 and 0.026 m3, rRMSE = 20.31% and 19.97%, and an approximately unbiased results (0.025 m3 and 0.0004 m3) using DAP and ALS-based estimations, respectively. No significant di erence was found between the observed value (field data) and volume estimation from ALS and DAP (p-value from t-test statistic = 0.99 and 0.98, respectively). The proposed approaches could also be used to estimate basal area or biomass stocks in Eucalyptus spp. plantationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3D Remote Sensing Applications in Forest Ecology: Composition, Structure and Function

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    Dear Colleagues, The composition, structure and function of forest ecosystems are the key features characterizing their ecological properties, and can thus be crucially shaped and changed by various biotic and abiotic factors on multiple spatial scales. The magnitude and extent of these changes in recent decades calls for enhanced mitigation and adaption measures. Remote sensing data and methods are the main complementary sources of up-to-date synoptic and objective information of forest ecology. Due to the inherent 3D nature of forest ecosystems, the analysis of 3D sources of remote sensing data is considered to be most appropriate for recreating the forest’s compositional, structural and functional dynamics. In this Special Issue of Forests, we published a set of state-of-the-art scientific works including experimental studies, methodological developments and model validations, all dealing with the general topic of 3D remote sensing-assisted applications in forest ecology. We showed applications in forest ecology from a broad collection of method and sensor combinations, including fusion schemes. All in all, the studies and their focuses are as broad as a forest’s ecology or the field of remote sensing and, thus, reflect the very diverse usages and directions toward which future research and practice will be directed

    Estimating logged-over lowland rainforest aboveground biomass in Sabah, Malaysia using airborne LiDAR data

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    Unprecedented deforestation and forest degradation in recent decades have severely depleted the carbon storage in Borneo. Estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) with high accuracy is crucial to quantifying carbon stocks for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation-plus implementation (REDD+). Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a promising remote sensing technology that provides fine-scale forest structure variability data. This paper highlights the use of airborne LiDAR data for estimating the AGB of a logged-over tropical forest in Sabah, Malaysia. The LiDAR data was acquired using an Optech Orion C200 sensor onboard a fixed wing aircraft. The canopy height of each LiDAR point was calculated from the height difference between the first returns and the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) constructed from the ground points. Among the obtained LiDAR height metrics, the mean canopy height produced the strongest relationship with the observed AGB. This single-variable model had a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 80.02 t ha-1 or 22.31% of the mean AGB, which performed exceptionally when compared with recent tropical rainforest studies. Overall, airborne LiDAR did provide fine-scale canopy height measurements for accurately and reliably estimating the AGB in a logged-over forest in Sabah, thus supporting the state's effort in realizing the REDD+ mechanism

    Vegetation Dynamics in Ecuador

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    Global forest cover has suffered a dramatic reduction during recent decades, especially in tropical regions, which is mainly due to human activities caused by enhanced population pressures. Nevertheless, forest ecosystems, especially tropical forests, play an important role in the carbon cycle functioning as carbon stocks and sinks, which is why conservation strategies are of utmost importance respective to ongoing global warming. In South America the highest deforestation rates are observed in Ecuador, but an operational surveillance system for continuous forest monitoring, along with the determination of deforestation rates and the estimation of actual carbon socks is still missing. Therefore, the present investigation provides a functional tool based on remote sensing data to monitor forest stands at local, regional and national scales. To evaluate forest cover and deforestation rates at country level satellite data was used, whereas LiDAR data was utilized to accurately estimate the Above Ground Biomass (AGB; carbon stocks) at catchment level. Furthermore, to provide a cost-effective tool for continuous forest monitoring of the most vulnerable parts, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was deployed and equipped with various sensors (RBG and multispectral camera). The results showed that in Ecuador total forest cover was reduced by about 24% during the last three decades. Moreover, deforestation rates have increased with the beginning of the new century, especially in the Andean Highland and the Amazon Basin, due to enhanced population pressures and the government supported oil and mining industries, besides illegal timber extractions. The AGB stock estimations at catchment level indicated that most of the carbon is stored in natural ecosystems (forest and páramo; AGB ~98%), whereas areas affected by anthropogenic land use changes (mostly pastureland) lost nearly all their storage capacities (AGB ~2%). Furthermore, the LiDAR data permitted the detection of the forest structure, and therefore the identification of the most vulnerable parts. To monitor these areas, it could be shown that UAVs are useful, particularly when equipped with an RGB camera (AGB correlation: R² > 0.9), because multispectral images suffer saturation of the spectral bands over dense natural forest stands, which results in high overestimations. In summary, the developed operational surveillance systems respective to forest cover at different spatial scales can be implemented in Ecuador to promote conservation/ restoration strategies and to reduce the high deforestation rates. This may also mitigate future greenhouse gas emissions and guarantee functional ecosystem services for local and regional populations

    Capability of GLAS/ICESat data to estimate forest canopy height and volume in mountainous forests of Iran

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    International audienceThe importance of measuring biophysical properties of forest for ecosystem health monitoring and forest management encourages researchers to find precise, yet low cost methods especially in mountainous and large area. In the present study Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on board ICESat was used to estimate three biophysical characteristics of forests located in north of Iran: 1) maximum canopy height (Hmax), 2) Lorey's height (HLorey), and 3) Forest volume (V). A large number of Multiple Linear Regressions (MLR) and also Random Forest (RF) regressions were developed using different set of variables: waveform metrics, Principal Components (PCs) produced from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Wavelet Coefficients (WCs) generated from wavelet transformation. To validate and compare different models, statistical criteria were calculated based on a five-fold cross validation. The best model concerning the maximum canopy height was an MLR with an RMSE of 5.0 m which combined two metrics extracted from waveforms (waveform extent "Wext" and height at 50% of waveform energy "H50"), and one from the Digital Elevation Model (Terrain Index: TI). The mean absolute error (MAPE) of maximum canopy height estimates is about 16.4%. For Lorey's height, a simple MLR model including two metrics (Wext and TI) represents the highest performance (RMSE=5.1 m, MAPE=24.0%). Totally, MLR models showed better performance rather than RF models, and accuracy of height estimations using waveform metrics was greater than those based on PCs or WCs. Concerning forest volume, employing regression models to estimate volume directly from GLAS data led to a better result (RMSE=128.8 m3/ha) rather than volume-HLorey relationship (RMSE=167.8 m3/ha)

    Aboveground forest biomass estimation with Landsat and LiDAR data and uncertainty analysis of the estimates.

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    Landsat Thematic mapper (TM) image has long been the dominate data source, and recently LiDAR has offered an important new structural data stream for forest biomass estimations. On the other hand, forest biomass uncertainty analysis research has only recently obtained sufficient attention due to the difficulty in collecting reference data. This paper provides a brief overview of current forest biomass estimation methods using both TM and LiDAR data. A case study is then presented that demonstrates the forest biomass estimation methods and uncertainty analysis. Results indicate that Landsat TM data can provide adequate biomass estimates for secondary succession but are not suitable for mature forest biomass estimates due to data saturation problems. LiDAR can overcome TM?s shortcoming providing better biomass estimation performance but has not been extensively applied in practice due to data availability constraints. The uncertainty analysis indicates that various sources affect the performance of forest biomass/carbon estimation. With that said, the clear dominate sources of uncertainty are the variation of input sample plot data and data saturation problem related to optical sensors. A possible solution to increasing the confidence in forest biomass estimates is to integrate the strengths of multisensor data