119,840 research outputs found

    Integal futures based on the paradigm approach

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    The study discusses the interpretation of integral futures in the context of paradigm. The dynamic matrix model of futures paradigm has been developed for carrying out meta-analysis of futures. As a result of meta-analysis integral futures and its new paradigms are defined by way of reconstructing futures paradigm history as responses to changing societal needs and through the outcomes of dynamic and comparative analysis of futures paradigms. The study sets the argument that integral futures: a) is entering a new phase in development of futures that responses to societal demands for sustainability, democratic participation and continuous knowledge production and integration, b) it is the phase of cooperation building between theoretical and practical futures, c) it is the complementary development of co-evolutionary and participatory paradigms, d) it unfolds further research perspectives for futures

    Africa's changing agricultural development strategies: past and present paradigms as a guide to the future

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    In this paper, Christopher L. Delgado, of IFPRI's senior research staff, takes a critical look at the changing paradigms of agricultural development that have influenced agricultural policy in Africa since the colonial era. The review shows how current approaches to meeting Africa's agricultural challenges to the year 2020 developed. It concludes that Africans have had relatively little input into the intellectual bases of strategies affecting their rural areas, a situation that must be changed if future strategies are to be effective in dealing with Africa's problems of development.Agricultural policy Africa., Agricultural economics and policies, agricultural development,

    What Do We Know about the Internationalization of Central and Eastern European Countries and Firms?

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    This article is the first comprehensive literature review concerning the internationalization of countries and firms from Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs). The study covers 42articles published during the years 1989-2010, both in leading world journals on international business and management and in regional journals concentrating on the CEECs. The purpose of the study is classification of the research topics undertaken, defining the differences in internationalization between CEECs, and verification whether the studies on outward FDI from CEECs has made an important contribution to international business theory.ArtykuƂ jest pierwszym przeglądem literatury dotyczącej internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstw z paƄstw Europy ƚrodkowej i Wschodniej. Badanie objęƂo w sumie 42 artykuƂy opublikowane w latach 1989-2010 zarĂłwno w wiodących ƛwiatowych czasopismach ekonomicznych, jak i w czasopismach, ktĂłre koncentrują swoje badania jedynie na Europyie ƚrodkowej i Wschodniej. Celem przeprowadzonej analizy byƂa klasyfikacja dotychczas przeprowadzonych badaƄ nad internacjonalizacją przedsiębiorstw z tej częƛci Europy, zidentyfikowanie rĂłĆŒnic występujących pomiędzy poszczegĂłlnymi krajami, a takĆŒe weryfikacja, czy badania nad internacjonalizacją przedsiębiorstw i paƄstw z Europy ƚrodkowej i Wschodniej wniosƂy istotny wkƂad w rozwĂłj teoriiekonomii

    Crossing Disciplinary Borders: Latino/a Studies and Latin American Studies in the 1990s

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    Over the 30 years of their existence, studies of Latinos/as in the U.S. and the field of Latin American Studies have emerged largely as divided disciplines. That is, despite what would appear to be similar sensibilities including comparable criticisms of Western hegemony and the neocolonial practices of the U.S., as well as the political, economic, and cultural displacement of similar populations, the two areas of study have more often regarded each other as competitive colleagues rather than complimentary practices. In the following study, I examine the nature of the two disciplines paying particular attention to the political context surrounding their formations and the foundations of their discursive frameworks. I examine changes to these disciplines in the methodological and ideological shifts surrounding the emergence of empirical and postmodern studies, and the relationship between these theoretical shifts and the expansion of globalization. Finally, I conclude with a discussion of the emerging field of transnational and bi-national studies and the opportunities for crossing the disciplinary borders between Latino/as studies in the U.S. and Latin American Studies presented in this literature
