368 research outputs found

    Modular Remote Reprogramming of Sensor Nodes

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    Wireless sensor networks are envisioned to be deployed in the absence of permanent network infrastructure and in environments with limited or no human accessibility. Hence, such deployments demand mechanisms to remotely (i.e., over the air) reconfigure and update the software on the nodes. In this paper we introduce DyTOS, a TinyOS based remote reprogramming approach that enables the dynamic exchange of software components and thus incrementally update the operating system and its applications. The core idea is to preserve the modularity of TinyOS, i.e., its componentisation, which is lost during the normal compilation process, and enable runtime composition of TinyOS components on the sensor node. The proposed solution integrates seamlessly into the system architecture of TinyOS: It does not require any changes to the programming model of TinyOS and all existing components can be reused transparently. Our evaluation shows that DyTOS incurs a low performance overhead while keeping a smaller – up to one third – memory footprint than other comparable solutions

    Efficient and Reliable Task Scheduling, Network Reprogramming, and Data Storage for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) typically consist of a large number of resource-constrained nodes. The limited computational resources afforded by these nodes present unique development challenges. In this dissertation, we consider three such challenges. The first challenge focuses on minimizing energy usage in WSNs through intelligent duty cycling. Limited energy resources dictate the design of many embedded applications, causing such systems to be composed of small, modular tasks, scheduled periodically. In this model, each embedded device wakes, executes a task-set, and returns to sleep. These systems spend most of their time in a state of deep sleep to minimize power consumption. We refer to these systems as almost-always-sleeping (AAS) systems. We describe a series of task schedulers for AAS systems designed to maximize sleep time. We consider four scheduler designs, model their performance, and present detailed performance analysis results under varying load conditions. The second challenge focuses on a fast and reliable network reprogramming solution for WSNs based on incremental code updates. We first present VSPIN, a framework for developing incremental code update mechanisms to support efficient reprogramming of WSNs. VSPIN provides a modular testing platform on the host system to plug-in and evaluate various incremental code update algorithms. The framework supports Avrdude, among the most popular Linux-based programming tools for AVR microcontrollers. Using VSPIN, we next present an incremental code update strategy to efficiently reprogram wireless sensor nodes. We adapt a linear space and quadratic time algorithm (Hirschberg\u27s Algorithm) for computing maximal common subsequences to build an edit map specifying an edit sequence required to transform the code running in a sensor network to a new code image. We then present a heuristic-based optimization strategy for efficient edit script encoding to reduce the edit map size. Finally, we present experimental results exploring the reduction in data size that it enables. The approach achieves reductions of 99.987% for simple changes, and between 86.95% and 94.58% for more complex changes, compared to full image transmissions - leading to significantly lower energy costs for wireless sensor network reprogramming. The third challenge focuses on enabling fast and reliable data storage in wireless sensor systems. A file storage system that is fast, lightweight, and reliable across device failures is important to safeguard the data that these devices record. A fast and efficient file system enables sensed data to be sampled and stored quickly and batched for later transmission. A reliable file system allows seamless operation without disruptions due to hardware, software, or other unforeseen failures. While flash technology provides persistent storage by itself, it has limitations that prevent it from being used in mission-critical deployment scenarios. Hybrid memory models which utilize newer non-volatile memory technologies, such as ferroelectric RAM (FRAM), can mitigate the physical disadvantages of flash. In this vein, we present the design and implementation of LoggerFS, a fast, lightweight, and reliable file system for wireless sensor networks, which uses a hybrid memory design consisting of RAM, FRAM, and flash. LoggerFS is engineered to provide fast data storage, have a small memory footprint, and provide data reliability across system failures. LoggerFS adapts a log-structured file system approach, augmented with data persistence and reliability guarantees. A caching mechanism allows for flash wear-leveling and fast data buffering. We present a performance evaluation of LoggerFS using a prototypical in-situ sensing platform and demonstrate between 50% and 800% improvements for various workloads using the FRAM write-back cache over the implementation without the cache

    A network access control framework for 6LoWPAN networks

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    Low power over wireless personal area networks (LoWPAN), in particular wireless sensor networks, represent an emerging technology with high potential to be employed in critical situations like security surveillance, battlefields, smart-grids, and in e-health applications. The support of security services in LoWPAN is considered a challenge. First, this type of networks is usually deployed in unattended environments, making them vulnerable to security attacks. Second, the constraints inherent to LoWPAN, such as scarce resources and limited battery capacity, impose a careful planning on how and where the security services should be deployed. Besides protecting the network from some well-known threats, it is important that security mechanisms be able to withstand attacks that have not been identified before. One way of reaching this goal is to control, at the network access level, which nodes can be attached to the network and to enforce their security compliance. This paper presents a network access security framework that can be used to control the nodes that have access to the network, based on administrative approval, and to enforce security compliance to the authorized nodes

    A Low-Overhead Script Language for Tiny Networked Embedded Systems

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    With sensor networks starting to get mainstream acceptance, programmability is of increasing importance. Customers and field engineers will need to reprogram existing deployments and software developers will need to test and debug software in network testbeds. Script languages, which are a popular mechanism for reprogramming in general-purpose computing, have not been considered for wireless sensor networks because of the perceived overhead of interpreting a script language on tiny sensor nodes. In this paper we show that a structured script language is both feasible and efficient for programming tiny sensor nodes. We present a structured script language, SCript, and develop an interpreter for the language. To reduce program distribution energy the SCript interpreter stores a tokenized representation of the scripts which is distributed through the wireless network. The ROM and RAM footprint of the interpreter is similar to that of existing virtual machines for sensor networks. We show that the interpretation overhead of our language is on par with that of existing virtual machines. Thus script languages, previously considered as too expensive for tiny sensor nodes, are a viable alternative to virtual machines


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     In this paper, we present a precise delta extraction scheme and tool for use in wireless sensor network reprogramming processes. Our approach involves the use of a novel algorithm based on SET theory and the unique pattern of the Execution Link File (ELF) structure to extract delta from two distinct firmware (original and the modified). The delta consist of two set of unique values: one set clearly indicate the address of where the change has occurred and the second relays the change Data content. In addition, we developed a set of metrics that relays the degree of modification made with respect to the original file. The scheme capabilities, when compared with similar utilities referred in literature, shows an appreciable capacity to reduce energy consumption rate as well as effect a reduction in the amount of memory space used during reprogramming processes.  http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v35i1.2

    On-the-fly dynamic reprogramming mechanism for increasing the energy efficiency and supporting multi-experimental capabilities in WSNs

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    Remote reprogramming capabilities are one of the major concerns in WSN platforms due to the limitations and constraints that low power wireless nodes poses, especially when energy efficiency during the reprogramming process is a critical factor for extending the battery life of the devices. Moreover, WSNs are based on low-rate protocols in which as greater the amount of data is sent, the more the possibility to lose packets during the transmitting process is. In order to overcome these limitations, in this work a novel on-the-fly reprogramming technique for modifying and updating the application running on the wireless sensor nodes is designed and implemented, based on a partial reprogramming mechanism that significantly reduces the size of the files to be downloaded to the nodes, therefore diminishing their power/time consumption. This powerful mechanism also addresses multi-experimental capabilities because it provides the possibility to download, manage, test and debug multiple applications into the wireless nodes, based on a memory map segmentation of the core. Being an on-the-fly reprogramming process, no additional resources to store and download the configuration file are needed

    An efficient scheme for applying software updates in pervasive computing applications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a vast infrastructure of numerous interconnected devices capable of communicating and exchanging data. Pervasive computing applications can be formulated on top of the IoT involving nodes that can interact with their environment and perform various processing tasks. Any task is part of intelligent services executed in nodes or the back end infrastructure for supporting end users’ applications. In this setting, one can identify the need for applying updates in the software/firmware of the autonomous nodes. Updates are extensions or patches significant for the efficient functioning of nodes. Legacy methodologies deal with centralized approaches where complex protocols are adopted to support the distribution of the updates in the entire network. In this paper, we depart from the relevant literature and propose a distributed model where each node is responsible to, independently, initiate and conclude the update process. Nodes monitor a set of metrics related to their load and the performance of the network and through a time-optimized scheme identify the appropriate time to conclude the update process. We report on an infinite horizon optimal stopping model on top of the collected performance data. The aim is to make nodes capable of identifying when their performance and the performance of the network are of high quality to efficiently conclude the update process. We provide specific formulations and the analysis of the problem while extensive simulations and a comparison assessment reveal the advantages of the proposed solution
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