7 research outputs found

    Compact union of disjoint boxes: An efficient decomposition model for binary volumes

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    This paper presents in detail the CompactUnion of Disjoint Boxes (CUDB), a decomposition modelfor binary volumes that has been recently but brieflyintroduced. This model is an improved version of aprevious model called Ordered Union of Disjoint Boxes(OUDB). We show here, several desirable features thatthis model has versus OUDB, such as less unitary basicelements (boxes) and thus, a better efficiency in someneighborhood operations. We present algorithms forconversion to and from other models, and for basiccomputations as area (2D) or volume (3D). We alsopresent an efficient algorithm for connected-componentlabeling (CCL) that does not follow the classical two-passstrategy. Finally we present an algorithm for collision (oradjacency) detection in static environments. We test theefficiency of CUDB versus existing models with severaldatasets.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Methods for 3D Geometry Processing in the Cultural Heritage Domain

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    This thesis presents methods for 3D geometry processing under the aspects of cultural heritage applications. After a short overview over the relevant basics in 3D geometry processing, the present thesis investigates the digital acquisition of 3D models. A particular challenge in this context are on the one hand difficult surface or material properties of the model to be captured. On the other hand, the fully automatic reconstruction of models even with suitable surface properties that can be captured with Laser range scanners is not yet completely solved. This thesis presents two approaches to tackle these challenges. One exploits a thorough capture of the object’s appearance and a coarse reconstruction for a concise and realistic object representation even for objects with problematic surface properties like reflectivity and transparency. The other method concentrates on digitisation via Laser-range scanners and exploits 2D colour images that are typically recorded with the range images for a fully automatic registration technique. After reconstruction, the captured models are often still incomplete, exhibit holes and/or regions of insufficient sampling. In addition to that, holes are often deliberately introduced into a registered model to remove some undesired or defective surface part. In order to produce a visually appealing model, for instance for visualisation purposes, for prototype or replica production, these holes have to be detected and filled. Although completion is a well-established research field in 2D image processing and many approaches do exist for image completion, surface completion in 3D is a fairly new field of research. This thesis presents a hierarchical completion approach that employs and extends successful exemplar-based 2D image processing approaches to 3D and fills in detail-equipped surface patches into missing surface regions. In order to identify and construct suitable surface patches, selfsimilarity and coherence properties of the surface context of the hole are exploited. In addition to the reconstruction and repair, the present thesis also investigates methods for a modification of captured models via interactive modelling. In this context, modelling is regarded as a creative process, for instance for animation purposes. On the other hand, it is also demonstrated how this creative process can be used to introduce human expertise into the otherwise automatic completion process. This way, reconstructions are feasible even of objects where already the data source, the object itself, is incomplete due to corrosion, demolition, or decay.Methoden zur 3D-Geometrieverarbeitung im Kulturerbesektor In dieser Arbeit werden Methoden zur Bearbeitung von digitaler 3D-Geometrie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Anwendungsbereichs im Kulturerbesektor vorgestellt. Nach einem kurzen Überblick über die relevanten Grundlagen der dreidimensionalen Geometriebehandlung wird zunächst die digitale Akquise von dreidimensionalen Objekten untersucht. Eine besondere Herausforderung stellen bei der Erfassung einerseits ungünstige Oberflächen- oder Materialeigenschaften der Objekte dar (wie z.B. Reflexivität oder Transparenz), andererseits ist auch die vollautomatische Rekonstruktion von solchen Modellen, die sich verhältnismäßig problemlos mit Laser-Range Scannern erfassen lassen, immer noch nicht vollständig gelöst. Daher bilden zwei neuartige Verfahren, die diesen Herausforderungen begegnen, den Anfang. Auch nach der Registrierung sind die erfassten Datensätze in vielen Fällen unvollständig, weisen Löcher oder nicht ausreichend abgetastete Regionen auf. Darüber hinaus werden in vielen Anwendungen auch, z.B. durch Entfernen unerwünschter Oberflächenregionen, Löcher gewollt hinzugefügt. Für eine optisch ansprechende Rekonstruktion, vor allem zu Visualisierungszwecken, im Bildungs- oder Unterhaltungssektor oder zur Prototyp- und Replik-Erzeugung müssen diese Löcher zunächst automatisch detektiert und anschließend geschlossen werden. Obwohl dies im zweidimensionalen Fall der Bildbearbeitung bereits ein gut untersuchtes Forschungsfeld darstellt und vielfältige Ansätze zur automatischen Bildvervollständigung existieren, ist die Lage im dreidimensionalen Fall anders, und die Übertragung von zweidimensionalen Ansätzen in den 3D stellt vielfach eine große Herausforderung dar, die bislang keine zufriedenstellenden Lösungen erlaubt hat. Nichtsdestoweniger wird in dieser Arbeit ein hierarchisches Verfahren vorgestellt, das beispielbasierte Konzepte aus dem 2D aufgreift und Löcher in Oberflächen im 3D unter Ausnutzung von Selbstähnlichkeiten und Kohärenzeigenschaften des Oberflächenkontextes schließt. Um plausible Oberflächen zu erzeugen werden die Löcher dabei nicht nur glatt gefüllt, sondern auch feinere Details aus dem Kontext rekonstruiert. Abschließend untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit noch die Modifikation der vervollständigten Objekte durch Freiformmodellierung. Dies wird dabei zum einen als kreativer Prozess z.B. zu Animationszwecken betrachtet. Zum anderen wird aber auch untersucht, wie dieser kreative Prozess benutzt werden kann, um etwaig vorhandenes Expertenwissen in die ansonsten automatische Vervollständigung mit einfließen zu lassen. Auf diese Weise werden auch Rekonstruktionen ermöglicht von Objekten, bei denen schon die Datenquelle, also das Objekt selbst z.B. durch Korrosion oder mutwillige Zerstörung unvollständig ist

    Three-dimensional modeling of natural heterogeneous objects

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    En la medicina y otros campos relacionados cuando se va a estudiar un objeto natural, se toman imágenes de tomografía computarizada a través de varios cortes paralelos. Estos cortes se apilan en datos de volumen y se reconstruyen en modelos computacionales con el fin de estudiar la estructura de dicho objeto. Para construir con éxito modelos tridimensionales es importante la identificación y extracción precisa de todas las regiones que comprenden el objeto heterogéneo natural. Sin embargo, la construcción de modelos tridimensionales por medio del computador a partir de imágenes médicas sigue siendo un problema difícil y plantea dos problemas relacionados con las inexactitudes que surgen de, y son inherentes al proceso de adquisición de datos. El primer problema es la aparición de artefactos que distorsionan el límite entre las regiones. Este es un problema común en la generación de mallas a partir de imágenes médicas, también conocido como efecto de escalón. El segundo problema es la extracción de mallas suaves 3D que se ajustan a los límites de las región que conforman los objetos heterogéneos naturales descritos en las imágenes médicas. Para resolver estos problemas, se propone el método CAREM y el método RAM. El énfasis de esta investigación está puesto en la exactitud y fidelidad a la forma de las regiones necesaria en las aplicaciones biomédicas. Todas las regiones representadas de forma implícita que componen el objeto heterogéneo natural se utilizan para generar mallas adaptadas a los requisitos de los métodos de elementos finitos a través de un enfoque de modelado de ingeniería reversa, por lo tanto, estas regiones se consideran como un todo en lugar de piezas aisladas ensambladas.In medicine and other related fields when a natural object is going to be studied, computed tomography images are taken through several parallel slices. These slices are then stacked in volume data and reconstructed into 3D computer models. In order to successfully build 3D computer models of natural heterogeneous objects, accurate identification and extraction of all regions comprising the natural heterogeneous object is important. However, building 3D computer models of natural heterogeneous objects from medical images is still a challenging problem, and poses two issues related to the inaccuracies which arise from and are inherent to the data acquisition process. The first issue is the appearance of aliasing artifacts in the boundary between regions, a common issue in mesh generation from medical images, also known as stair-stepped artifacts. The second issue is the extraction of smooth 3D multi-region meshes that conform to the region boundaries of natural heterogeneous objects described in the medical images. To solve these issues, the CAREM method and the RAM method are proposed. The emphasis of this research is placed on accuracy and shape fidelity needed for biomedical applications. All implicitly represented regions composing the natural heterogeneous object are used to generate meshes adapted to the requirements of finite element methods through a reverse engineering modeling approach, thus these regions are considered as whole rather than loosely assembled parts.Doctor en IngenieríaDoctorad

    Contribution to structural parameters computation: volume models and methods

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    Bio-CAD and in-silico experimentation are getting a growing interest in biomedical applications where scientific data coming from real samples are used to compute structural parameters that allow to evaluate physical properties. Non-invasive imaging acquisition technologies such as CT, mCT or MRI, plus the constant growth of computer capabilities, allow the acquisition, processing and visualization of scientific data with increasing degree of complexity. Structural parameters computation is based on the existence of two phases (or spaces) in the sample: the solid, which may correspond to the bone or material, and the empty or porous phase and, therefore, they are represented as binary volumes. The most common representation model for these datasets is the voxel model, which is the natural extension to 3D of 2D bitmaps. In this thesis, the Extreme Vertices Model (EVM) and a new proposed model, the Compact Union of Disjoint Boxes (CUDB), are used to represent binary volumes in a much more compact way. EVM stores only a sorted subset of vertices of the object¿s boundary whereas CUDB keeps a compact list of boxes. In this thesis, methods to compute the next structural parameters are proposed: pore-size distribution, connectivity, orientation, sphericity and roundness. The pore-size distribution helps to interpret the characteristics of porous samples by allowing users to observe most common pore diameter ranges as peaks in a graph. Connectivity is a topological property related to the genus of the solid space, measures the level of interconnectivity among elements, and is an indicator of the biomechanical characteristics of bone or other materials. The orientation of a shape can be defined by rotation angles around a set of orthogonal axes. Sphericity is a measure of how spherical is a particle, whereas roundness is the measure of the sharpness of a particle's edges and corners. The study of these parameters requires dealing with real samples scanned at high resolution, which usually generate huge datasets that require a lot of memory and large processing time to analyze them. For this reason, a new method to simplify binary volumes in a progressive and lossless way is presented. This method generates a level-of-detail sequence of objects, where each object is a bounding volume of the previous objects. Besides being used as support in the structural parameter computation, this method can be practical for task such as progressive transmission, collision detection and volume of interest computation. As part of multidisciplinary research, two practical applications have been developed to compute structural parameters of real samples. A software for automatic detection of characteristic viscosity points of basalt rocks and glasses samples, and another to compute sphericity and roundness of complex forms in a silica dataset.El Bio-Diseño Asistido por Computadora (Bio-CAD), y la experimentacion in-silico est an teniendo un creciente interes en aplicaciones biomedicas, en donde se utilizan datos cientificos provenientes de muestras reales para calcular par ametros estructurales que permiten evaluar propiedades físicas. Las tecnologías de adquisicion de imagen no invasivas como la TC, TC o IRM, y el crecimiento constante de las prestaciones de las computadoras, permiten la adquisicion, procesamiento y visualizacion de datos científicos con creciente grado de complejidad. El calculo de parametros estructurales esta basado en la existencia de dos fases (o espacios) en la muestra: la solida, que puede corresponder al hueso o material, y la fase porosa o vacía, por tanto, tales muestras son representadas como volumenes binarios. El modelo de representacion mas comun para estos conjuntos de datos es el modelo de voxeles, el cual es una extension natural a 3D de los mapas de bits 2D. En esta tesis se utilizan el modelo Extreme Verrtices Model (EVM) y un nuevo modelo propuesto, the Compact Union of Disjoint Boxes (CUDB), para representar los volumenes binarios en una forma mucho mas compacta. El modelo EVM almacena solo un subconjunto ordenado de vertices de la frontera del objeto mientras que el modelo CUDB mantiene una lista compacta de cajas. En esta tesis se proponen metodos para calcular los siguientes parametros estructurales: distribucion del tamaño de los poros, conectividad, orientacion, esfericidad y redondez. La distribucion del tamaño de los poros ayuda a interpretar las características de las muestras porosas permitiendo a los usuarios observar los rangos de diametro mas comunes de los poros mediante picos en un grafica. La conectividad es una propiedad topologica relacionada con el genero del espacio solido, mide el nivel de interconectividad entre los elementos, y es un indicador de las características biomecanicas del hueso o de otros materiales. La orientacion de un objeto puede ser definida por medio de angulos de rotacion alrededor de un conjunto de ejes ortogonales. La esfericidad es una medida de que tan esferica es una partícula, mientras que la redondez es la medida de la nitidez de sus aristas y esquinas. En el estudio de estos parametros se trabaja con muestras reales escaneadas a alta resolucion que suelen generar conjuntos de datos enormes, los cuales requieren una gran cantidad de memoria y mucho tiempo de procesamiento para ser analizados. Por esta razon, se presenta un nuevo metodo para simpli car vol umenes binarios de una manera progresiva y sin perdidas. Este metodo genera una secuencia de niveles de detalle de los objetos, en donde cada objeto es un volumen englobante de los objetos previos. Ademas de ser utilizado como apoyo en el calculo de parametros estructurales, este metodo puede ser de utilizado en otras tareas como transmision progresiva, deteccion de colisiones y calculo de volumen de interes. Como parte de una investigacion multidisciplinaria, se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones practicas para calcular parametros estructurales de muestras reales. Un software para la deteccion automatica de puntos de viscosidad característicos en muestras de rocas de basalto y vidrios, y una aplicacion para calcular la esfericidad y redondez de formas complejas en un conjunto de datos de sílice

    Accuracy of the objects modelling using terrestrial laser scanning technology

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    Skorašnja unapređenja performansi sistema terestričkog laserskog skeniranja (TLS) i trend opadanja cene ukazuju na značajan potencijal ove tehnologije i u zahtevnim inženjerskim zadacima. Pored činjenice da pojedini TLS poseduju frekvenciju skeniranja i preko 1.000.000 Hz, aspekt tačnosti ove metode geodetskog merenja igra presudnu ulogu u inženjerstvu. Postizanje adekvatne tačnosti modeliranja objekata tehnologijom TLS se osigurava projektovanjem geodetskog eksperimenta. To podrazumeva optimizaciju relevantnih parametara merenja i metodologije obrade podataka, kroz analizu uticaja različitih izvora grešaka u procesu merenja, instrumentalne preciznosti i performansi TLS, sagledavanja prostorne konfiguracije objekta i analize grešaka modela registracije i georeferenciranja. U radu su date osnove tehnologije TLS, matematički modeli opažanja, registracije i georeferenciranja. Predstavljeni su i analizirani različiti izvori grešaka merenja TLS koje potiču od instrumenta, sredine, objekta skeniranja i metodologije registracije i georeferenciranja. Predstavljena su trenutna dostignuća i ograničenja kalibracije TLS. Date su osnovne postavke 3D modeliranja oblaka tačaka tehnikama MNK uklapanja površi i zapreminskog modeliranja. Predložena je pojednostavljena procedura ispitivanja TLS po kriterijumima standarda ISO17123. Ona obuhvata ispitivanje, analizu i ocenu tačnosti TLS u laboratorijskim uslovima, po ugledu na postupke kalibracije sistema i mreže skenerskih signala. Metrološka laboratorija Građevinskog fakulteta u Beogradu je prilagođena za postupke ispitivanja TLS i izvršeno je ispitivanje jednog modela TLS. Najvažniji rezultati disertacije odnose se na: formiranje proširenog stohastičkog modela direktnog georeferenciranja, ustanovljavanje metodologije projektovanja merenja TLS na inženjerskim objektima i metodologiju indirektnog georeferenciranja linijskih objekata. Modifikovan je kompletan teorijski model grešaka direktnog georeferenciranja, korišćenjem procedure poznate stanice i orijentacije, i to u formi kovarijacione matrice vi koordinata tačaka. Ona sadrži sve relevantne uticaje, i to: deklarisanu preciznost rezultata TLS merenja, uticaje datih veličina kontrolne geodetske mreže, greške centrisanja, horizontiranja i merenja visine TLS i greške centrisanja i viziranja signala. Model je formiran na osnovu uticaja pojedinačnih izvora grešaka na vektor translacije i rotacije sistema oko z-ose...In high-demanding engineering applications, the latest performance improvements of the terrestrial lasers scanning (TLS) system and price decreasing trend shows the significant potential of this technology. Beside the fact that some scanners have the scanning frequency of over 1.000.000 Hz, in the engineering applications the accuracy of this survey method plays the key role. Achievement of the satisfactory accuracy of the object modelling using TLS has to be done by experiment designing. This implies the optimization process of the relevant measurements parameters and of the methodology of measurement processing through analysis of the different sources of measurement errors, instrumental precision and performance of the specific TLS, spatial configuration of the object and analysis of the models of registration and georeferencing errors. This work presents the fundamentals of TLS technology, mathematical models of measurements, registration and georeferencing. The different types of errors and their influences on the measurement quality are presented and analyzed. The sources of these errors are discussed in detail and treated as instrumental, environmental, object related and registration and georeferencing methodology dependent. The present TLS calibration achievements and existing operational limits are also analyzed. The basics of the point cloud 3D modelling techniques based on the least square fitting and volumetric approaches are given. The simplified test procedure of the TLS accuracy investigation in accordance with the ISO17123 standard is proposed. The proposed procedure covers investigation, analysis and accuracy estimation of the TLS system in laboratory conditions. This procedure is developed based on the model of the system calibration and the network design procedures. Metrological laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade is customized for TLS testing. The accuracy investigation of a commercial TLS has been performed..

    Skeletal representations of orthogonal shapes

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    Skeletal representations are important shape descriptors which encode topological and geometrical properties of shapes and reduce their dimension. Skeletons are used in several fields of science and attract the attention of many researchers. In the biocad field, the analysis of structural properties such as porosity of biomaterials requires the previous computation of a skeleton. As the size of three-dimensional images become larger, efficient and robust algorithms that extract simple skeletal structures are required. The most popular and prominent skeletal representation is the medial axis, defined as the shape points which have at least two closest points on the shape boundary. Unfortunately, the medial axis is highly sensitive to noise and perturbations of the shape boundary. That is, a small change of the shape boundary may involve a considerable change of its medial axis. Moreover, the exact computation of the medial axis is only possible for a few classes of shapes. For example, the medial axis of polyhedra is composed of non planar surfaces, and its accurate and robust computation is difficult. These problems led to the emergence of approximate medial axis representations. There exists two main approximation methods: the shape is approximated with another shape class or the Euclidean metric is approximated with another metric. The main contribution of this thesis is the combination of a specific shape and metric simplification. The input shape is approximated with an orthogonal shape, which are polygons or polyhedra enclosed by axis-aligned edges or faces, respectively. In the same vein, the Euclidean metric is replaced by the L infinity or Chebyshev metric. Despite the simpler structure of orthogonal shapes, there are few works on skeletal representations applied to orthogonal shapes. Much of the efforts have been devoted to binary images and volumes, which are a subset of orthogonal shapes. Two new skeletal representations based on this paradigm are introduced: the cube skeleton and the scale cube skeleton. The cube skeleton is shown to be composed of straight line segments or planar faces and to be homotopical equivalent to the input shape. The scale cube skeleton is based upon the cube skeleton, and introduces a family of skeletons that are more stable to shape noise and perturbations. In addition, the necessary algorithms to compute the cube skeleton of polygons and polyhedra and the scale cube skeleton of polygons are presented. Several experimental results confirm the efficiency, robustness and practical use of all the presented methods