18,191 research outputs found

    More is more in language learning:reconsidering the less-is-more hypothesis

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    The Less-is-More hypothesis was proposed to explain age-of-acquisition effects in first language (L1) acquisition and second language (L2) attainment. We scrutinize different renditions of the hypothesis by examining how learning outcomes are affected by (1) limited cognitive capacity, (2) reduced interference resulting from less prior knowledge, and (3) simplified language input. While there is little-to-no evidence of benefits of limited cognitive capacity, there is ample support for a More-is-More account linking enhanced capacity with better L1- and L2-learning outcomes, and reduced capacity with childhood language disorders. Instead, reduced prior knowledge (relative to adults) may afford children with greater flexibility in inductive inference; this contradicts the idea that children benefit from a more constrained hypothesis space. Finally, studies of childdirected speech (CDS) confirm benefits from less complex input at early stages, but also emphasize how greater lexical and syntactic complexity of the input confers benefits in L1-attainment

    The association of working memory and anxiety with skill acquisition and transfer in young and older adults

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    Two studies, involving a total of 184 adults between 17 and 89 years of age, were conducted to determine whether age differences in skill acquisition and transfer could be related to age differences in working memory functioning and anxiety. In both experiments, working memory functioning was measured using the Digit Span task (Wechsler, 1997) und the Reading Span tusk (Daneman & Carpenter, 1980), while anxiety levels were measured using the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983). Participants were required to perform a mental arithmetic task in Experiment I, and a visual numerosity task in Experiment 2. In each experiment, participants received 240 trials of the task during u training phase (in which one set of stimuli were used) and 240 trials during a transfer phase (in which a second set of stimuli were used). The results from both studies revealed that partial positive transfer occurred from one phase to another for both young and older adults. This indicates that both age groups learned the skills in a similar way: using a combination of general und specific learning, Moreover, the older adults in both experiments became faster with practice, they generally improved as much as younger adults with practice, and they were able to achieve the same or better levels of accuracy compared to younger adults, This suggests that healthy older adults possess the ability to learn new skills. When scores for working memory span and anxiety were analysed, working memory span was found to correlate significantly with the accuracy levels and reaction times of the young age group in Experiment l, and of both age groups in Experiment 2. Similarly, anxiety levels were related to reaction times for both age groups in both experiments, with higher levels of anxiety also associated with smaller working memory spans for the young adults in both experiments. These results suggest that both working memory span and anxiety hove an impact on the performance of participants, and can account for some of the age differences observed during skill acquisition and transfer

    The acquisition of Sign Language: The impact of phonetic complexity on phonology

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    Research into the effect of phonetic complexity on phonological acquisition has a long history in spoken languages. This paper considers the effect of phonetics on phonological development in a signed language. We report on an experiment in which nonword-repetition methodology was adapted so as to examine in a systematic way how phonetic complexity in two phonological parameters of signed languages — handshape and movement — affects the perception and articulation of signs. Ninety-one Deaf children aged 3–11 acquiring British Sign Language (BSL) and 46 hearing nonsigners aged 6–11 repeated a set of 40 nonsense signs. For Deaf children, repetition accuracy improved with age, correlated with wider BSL abilities, and was lowest for signs that were phonetically complex. Repetition accuracy was correlated with fine motor skills for the youngest children. Despite their lower repetition accuracy, the hearing group were similarly affected by phonetic complexity, suggesting that common visual and motoric factors are at play when processing linguistic information in the visuo-gestural modality

    Reverse production effect: Children recognize novel words better when they are heard rather than produced

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Tania S. Zamuner, Stephanie Strahm, Elizabeth Morin-Lessard, and Michael P. A. Page, 'Reverse production effect: children recognize novel words better when they are heard rather than produced', Developmental Science, which has been published in final form at DOI 10.1111/desc.12636. Under embargo until 15 November 2018. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.This research investigates the effect of production on 4.5- to 6-year-old children’s recognition of newly learned words. In Experiment 1, children were taught four novel words in a produced or heard training condition during a brief training phase. In Experiment 2, children were taught eight novel words, and this time training condition was in a blocked design. Immediately after training, children were tested on their recognition of the trained novel words using a preferential looking paradigm. In both experiments, children recognized novel words that were produced and heard during training, but demonstrated better recognition for items that were heard. These findings are opposite to previous results reported in the literature with adults and children. Our results show that benefits of speech production for word learning are dependent on factors such as task complexity and the developmental stage of the learner.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Aging and spatial abilities : age-related impact on users of a sign language

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    Introduction. Les fonctions cognitives évoluent avec l’âge : certaines tendent à diminuer dans leur efficacité alors que d’autres se maintiennent. Des recherches ont montré que le vieillissement affecte la rotation mentale, la perception spatiale, la visualisation spatiale et la prise de perspective. Des facteurs sociodémographiques et comportementaux peuvent aussi influencer le cheminement du vieillissement cognitif des personnes âgées. À titre d’exemple, l'expérience langagière, comme le bilinguisme, agit comme un facteur neuroprotecteur contribuant à la réserve cognitive. L’impact de l’utilisation d’une langue des signes sur la cognition spatiale a suscité beaucoup d’intérêt chez les chercheurs s’intéressant aux langues des signes. Pourtant, aucune recherche n’a encore abordé l’effet de l’utilisation à long terme d’une langue des signes sur la cognition spatiale des signeurs aînés. Objectif. Le but de cette thèse est d’examiner s’il existe des différences sur le plan des habiletés spatiales entre signeurs (sourds et entendants) et non-signeurs de différents groupes d’âge. Plus précisément, cette thèse a examiné i) si la performance à des tâches d’habiletés spatiales diffère selon l’âge (jeunes adultes/aînés) et l’expérience linguistique (signeurs sourds/entendants signeurs/entendants non-signeurs) et ii) si la performance diffère selon la sous-composante d’habiletés spatiales ciblée (perception spatiale; visualisation spatiale; rotation mentale; prise de perspective). Méthode. Pour investiguer l’effet de l’âge et de l’expérience linguistique sur les habiletés spatiales, une collecte de données auprès de 120 participants a été effectuée : 60 adultes âgés de 64 à 80 ans (20 sourds signeurs, 20 entendants signeurs, 20 entendants non-signeurs) et 60 jeunes adultes de 18 à 35 ans (20 sourds signeurs, 20 entendants signeurs, 20 entendants non-signeurs). Afin de s’assurer de l’admissibilité des participants, une évaluation de l’acuité visuelle, de l’acuité auditive, des compétences langagières (français et langue des signes québécoise), de la santé cognitive et de l’intelligence a été effectuée. Les participants ont été appariés entre groupes d’expérience linguistique selon leur niveau d’éducation et d’intelligence. Les quatre sous-composantes d’habiletés spatiales ciblées (perception spatiale; visualisation spatiale; rotation mentale; prise de perspective) ont été testées par l’entremise d’une batterie de sept tests psychométriques. Résultats. Conformément à ce qui a été précédemment observé sur l’effet de l’âge sur les habiletés spatiales, les résultats en termes de justesse de la réponse ont révélé que les jeunes signeurs sourds obtiennent globalement de meilleurs résultats que les signeurs sourds aînés dans toutes les tâches d’habiletés spatiales. De plus, les résultats ont montré un avantage des entendants signeurs sur les entendants non-signeurs aux tâches de rotation mentale et de prise de perspective, quel que soit leur âge. Un avantage général des signeurs aînés (sourds et entendants) par rapport aux non-signeurs aînés a été observé uniquement pour les tâches de visualisation spatiale en termes de justesse de la réponse. Ces résultats suggèrent que les changements cognitifs associés au vieillissement ont un effet sur le traitement de l’information spatiale quelle que soit la modalité linguistique utilisée et que l’effet de l’utilisation de la langue des signes sur les processus spatiaux semblent différer entre les signeurs sourds et les signeurs entendants. Discussion. Cette recherche transversale a permis d’étudier pour la première fois l’impact du vieillissement sur les habiletés spatiales des utilisateurs d’une langue des signes. Également, elle explore le facteur potentiellement atténuant de l’utilisation de la langue des signes quant aux effets de l’âge sur la performance à des tâches d’habiletés spatiales. Sur la base des résultats, il est proposé que l’effet de l’utilisation d’une langue des signes sur la cognition spatiale est spécifique aux sous-domaines d’habiletés spatiales (perception spatiale; visualisation spatiale; rotation mentale; prise de perspective), et que l’expérience linguistique, telle que le bilinguisme bimodal, est un facteur d’intérêt dans la relation entre l’utilisation d’une langue des signes et les processus spatiaux. Conclusion. Les résultats rapportés dans la présente thèse seront utiles aux futurs chercheurs intéressés par l’étude de la cognition chez les aînés signeurs. Des recherches futures devraient se poursuivre dans cette direction afin de préciser l’impact du bilinguisme bimodal sur la cognition spatiale à la lumière de ce qui est connu des effets protecteurs du bilinguisme unimodal face au vieillissement. De plus, les recherches futures devraient envisager d’élargir la perspective de l’effet de l’âge sur les habiletés spatiales des signeurs, en tenant compte des données cognitives et linguistiques. Ces recherches pourraient investiguer la cause de la distinction dans le traitement d’informations spatiales sur la production et la compréhension d’une langue des signes.Introduction. Across the adult lifespan, cognitive abilities change: some tend to decrease with age whereas others are maintained. The results of previous studies have shown that performance on tasks spatial perception, spatial visualization, mental rotation and perspective taking are poorer in older adults than in younger adults. Sociodemographic and behavioral factors may influence the cognitive aging trajectories of older adults. For example, language experience, such as bilingualism, may be a neuroprotective factor contributing to the cognitive reserve. The impact of language experience in another modality, as it is the case for visual-spatial language, on spatial cognition has generated much interest. To date, no research has addressed this issue with regards of the potential effect of longtime use of sign language on the spatial cognition of older signers. Aim. The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether there are differences in spatial abilities among signers (deaf and hearing) and non-signers of different age groups. More specifically, this thesis examined i) if performance on tasks of spatial abilities differs according to age (younger/older) and linguistic experience (deaf signers/hearing signers/hearing non-signers) and ii) if performance differs according to the type of spatial abilities subcomponent targeted (spatial perception; spatial visualization; mental rotation; perspective taking). Methods. To examine the effect of age and linguistic experience on spatial abilities, data were collected from 120 participants: 60 older adults from 65 to 80 years of age (20 deaf signers, 20 hearing signers, 20 hearing non-signers) and 60 young adults ranging in age from 18 to 35 years (20 deaf signers, 20 hearing signers, 20 hearing non-signers). Prior to the experiment, participants were tested for visual and hearing acuity, language proficiency (Quebec Sign Language and French), cognitive health and intelligence. Based on their linguistic experience, the participants were matched on the basis of their educational level as well as their level of intelligence. The four subcomponents of spatial abilities were tested using a battery of seven tests. Results. Consistent with previously published data on the effect of age on spatial abilities, accuracy results revealed that the younger deaf signers constantly performed better than the older deaf signers on all tasks. Results also highlighted a specific advantage of hearing signers over hearing non-signers in terms of accuracy on mental rotation and perspective taking tasks regardless of age. A general advantage of older signers (deaf and hearing) over older non-signers was observed on spatial visualization tasks only. These results suggest that age-related cognitive changes impact the processing of spatial information regardless of the linguistic modality used. Also, the effect of sign language use on spatial processes may differ between deaf signers and hearing signers. Discussion. This cross-sectional research made it possible to investigate for the first time the impact of aging on spatial abilities among sign language users, as well as to explore the potential effect of sign language use with regards to performance on tasks of spatial abilities in an older population. Based on the results, it is proposed that the effect of sign language use is subdomain specific and that language experience such as bimodal bilingualism is a factor of interest in the relation between sign language use and spatial processing. Conclusion. The results reported in the present thesis will be helpful to future researchers interested in investigating aspects of cognition throughout the lifespan of older signers. Future research should be pursued in order to investigate the impact of bimodal bilingualism on spatial cognition in the light of the aging factor. In addition, future research should consider broadening the scope of this research area by examining in detail the interaction between cognitive skills and linguistic modality. Researches could address the effect of the distinction observed between deaf signers and hearing signers in terms of spatial processing and investigate links between spatial processing and sign language production and comprehension

    Child development and the aims of road safety education

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    Pedestrian accidents are one of the most prominent causes of premature injury, handicap and death in the modern world. In children, the problem is so severe that pedestrian accidents are widely regarded as the most serious of all health risks facing children in developed countries. Not surprisingly, educational measures have long been advocated as a means of teaching children how to cope with traffic and substantial resources have been devoted to their development and provision. Unfortunately, there seems to be a widespread view at the present time that education has not achieved as much as had been hoped and that there may even be quite strict limits to what can be achieved through education. This would, of course, shift the emphasis away from education altogether towards engineering or urban planning measures aimed at creating an intrinsically safer environment in which the need for education might be reduced or even eliminated. However, whilst engineering measures undoubtedly have a major role to play in the effort to reduce accidents, this outlook is both overly optimistic about the benefits of engineering and overly pessimistic about the limitations of education. At the same time, a fresh analysis is clearly required both of the aims and methods of contemporary road safety education. The present report is designed to provide such an analysis and to establish a framework within which further debate and research can take place

    Age-related cognitive decline and navigation in electronic environments

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    The older population is increasing, as is life expectancy. Technical devices are becoming more widespread and used for many everyday tasks. Knowledge about new technology is important to remain as an active and independent part of the society. However, if an old user group should have equal access to this technology, new demands will be placed on the design of interfaces and devices. With respect to old users it is and will be important to develop technical devices and interfaces that take the age-related decline in physical and cognitive abilities into account. The aim of this work was to investigate to what extent the age-related cognitive decline affects performance on different computer-related tasks and the use of different interfaces. With respect to the use of computer interfaces, two studies were conducted. In the first study, the information was presented with a hierarchical structure. In the second study the information was presented as a 3D-environment, and it was also investigated how an overview map could support navigation. The third study examined the age-related cognitive decline in the use of a small mobile phone display with a hierarchical information structure. The results from the studies showed that the most pronounced age-related difference was found in the use of the 3D-environment. Within this environment, prior experience was found to have the largest impact on performance. Regarding the hierarchical information structures, prior experience seemed to have a larger impact on performance of easy tasks, while age and cognitive abilities had a larger impact on performance of more complex tasks. With respect to navigation aids, the overview map in the 3D-environment did not reduce the age-differences; however, it contributed to a better perceived orientation and reduced the feeling of being lost

    Seeing vs. Seeing That: Children's Understanding of Direct Perception and Inference Reports

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    Young children can reason about direct and indirect visual information, but fully mapping this understanding to linguistic forms encoding the two knowledge sources appears to come later in development. In English, perception verbs with small clause complements ('I saw something happen') report direct perception of an event, while perception verbs with sentential complements ('I saw that something happened') can report inferences about an event. In two experiments, we ask when 4-9-year-old English-speaking children have linked the conceptual distinction between direct perception and inference to different complements expressing this distinction. We find that, unlike older children or adults, 4-6-year-olds do not recognize that see with a sentential complement can report visually-based inference, even when syntactic and contextual cues make inference interpretations highly salient. These results suggest a prolonged developmental trajectory for learning how the syntax of perception verbs like see maps to their semantics

    Editorial: Embodied cognition over the lifespan. Theoretical issues and implications for applied settings

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    The editorial introduces The Special Topic on Embodied Cognition over the Lifespan and in Applied Settings. The Topic aimed at gathering evidence on the role of EC in development, adulthood, and aging, and to shed light on the applied fields benefiting from this approach
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