12 research outputs found

    Trade-off between Energy Savings and Execution Time Applying DVS to a Microprocessor

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    DVS (Dynamic Voltage Scaling) is a technique used for reducing the power consumption of microprocessors. The power consumed by these circuits has a main component (dynamic power) that is proportional to the square of the supply voltage. Additionally, for every supply voltage, there is a maximum value of the clock frequency. The advantage of using DVS is that the supply voltage (and hence clock frequency) can be adjusted depending on the specific needs during execution. The DVS concept has been used in some commercial products like Transmeta’s Crusoe [1], Intel Speed Step [2], AMD K6 [3], Hitachi SH4 [4], etc. The DVS algorithm proposed in this work is based on the trade-off between the application’s execution time and the energy consumed by the microprocessor. Indirectly, by controlling the execution time the consumed energy is controlled as well. Longer execution time provides less energy demanded by the CPU. The algorithm has been implemented on a platform with an Intel XScale PXA255 microprocessor and the energy saving has been calculated directly measuring currents and voltages on the platform. Using this technique it is possible to achieve up to 50% of power savings, with 50% longer execution time

    Dynamic Voltage Scaling Techniques for Power Efficient Video Decoding

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    This paper presents a comparison of power-aware video decoding techniques that utilize dynamic voltage scaling (DVS). These techniques reduce the power consumption of a processor by exploiting high frame variability within a video stream. This is done through scaling of the voltage and frequency of the processor during the video decoding process. However, DVS causes frame deadline misses due to inaccuracies in decoding time predictions and granularity of processor settings used. Four techniques were simulated and compared in terms of power consumption, accuracy, and deadline misses. In addition, this paper proposes the frame-data computation aware (FDCA) technique, which is a useful power-saving technique not only for stored video but also for real-time video applications. The FDCA method is compared with the GOP, Direct, and Dynamic methods, which tend to be more suited for stored video applications. The simulation results indicated that the Dynamic per-frame technique, where the decoding time prediction adapts to the particular video being decoded, provides the most power saving with performance comparable to the ideal case. On the other hand, the FDCA method consumes more power than the Dynamic method but can be used for stored video and real-time time video scenarios without the need for any preprocessing. Our findings also indicate that, in general, DVS improves power savings, but the number of deadline misses also increase as the number of available processor settings increases. More importantly, most of these deadline misses are within 10–20% of the playout interval and thus have minimal affect on video quality. However, video clips with high variability in frame complexities combined with inaccurate decoding time predictions may degrade the video quality. Finally, our results show that a processor with 13 voltage/frequency settings is sufficient to achieve near maximum performance with the experimental environment and the video workloads we have used

    Dynamic Voltage Scaling Techniques for Power Efficient Video Decoding

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    This paper presents a comparison of power-aware video decoding techniques that utilize dynamic voltage scaling (DVS). These techniques reduce the power consumption of a processor by exploiting high frame variability within a video stream. This is done through scaling of the voltage and frequency of the processor during the video decoding process. However, DVS causes frame deadline misses due to inaccuracies in decoding time predictions and granularity of processor settings used. Four techniques were simulated and compared in terms of power consumption, accuracy, and deadline misses. In addition, this paper proposes the frame-data computation aware (FDCA) technique, which is a useful power-saving technique not only for stored video but also for real-time video applications. The FDCA method is compared with the GOP, Direct, and Dynamic methods, which tend to be more suited for stored video applications. The simulation results indicated that the Dynamic per-frame technique, where the decoding time prediction adapts to the particular video being decoded, provides the most power saving with performance comparable to the ideal case. On the other hand, the FDCA method consumes more power than the Dynamic method but can be used for stored video and real-time time video scenarios without the need for any preprocessing. Our findings also indicate that, in general, DVS improves power savings, but the number of deadline misses also increase as the number of available processor settings increases. More importantly, most of these deadline misses are within 10–20% of the playout interval and thus have minimal affect on video quality. However, video clips with high variability in frame complexities combined with inaccurate decoding time predictions may degrade the video quality. Finally, our results show that a processor with 13 voltage/frequency settings is sufficient to achieve near maximum performance with the experimental environment and the video workloads we have used

    Power Analysis and Optimization Techniques for Energy Efficient Computer Systems

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    Reducing power consumption has become a major challenge in the design and operation of to-day’s computer systems. This chapter describes different techniques addressing this challenge at different levels of system hardware, such as CPU, memory, and internal interconnection network, as well as at different levels of software components, such as compiler, operating system and user applications. These techniques can be broadly categorized into two types: Design time power analysis versus run-time dynamic power management. Mechanisms in the first category use ana-lytical energy models that are integrated into existing simulators to measure the system’s power consumption and thus help engineers to test power-conscious hardware and software during de-sign time. On the other hand, dynamic power management techniques are applied during run-time, and are used to monitor system workload and adapt the system’s behavior dynamically to save energy

    Комп’ютер з мінімальним енергоспоживанням

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 29.12.2020 р. №580/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт вищої освіти в репозиторії НАУ". Керівник проекту: доцент, к.т.н., Єфимець Валентин МикитовичСпоживання енергії є обов'язковою умовою існування людства. Наявність доступної для споживання енергії завжди було необхідною умовою для задоволення потреб людини, збільшення тривалості та поліпшення умов його життя. У сучасному світі енергетика є основою розвитку базових галузей промисловості, що визначають прогрес суспільного виробництва. В усіх промислово розвинених країнах темпи розвитку енергетики випереджали темпи розвитку інших галузей. У той же час енергетика - одне з джерел несприятливого впливу на навколишнє середовище і людину. Вона впливає на атмосферу (споживання кисню, викиди газів, вологи і твердих частинок), гідросферу (споживання води, створення штучних водоймищ, скиди забруднених і нагрітих вод, рідких відходів) і на літосферу (споживання викопних палив, зміна ландшафту, викиди токсичних речовин) . Незважаючи на зазначені фактори негативного впливу енергетики на навколишнє середовище, зростання споживання енергії не викликало особливої тривоги у широкої громадськості. Так тривало до середини 70-х років, коли в руках фахівців виявилися численні дані, що свідчать про сильний антропогенний тиск на кліматичну систему, що таїть загрозу глобальної катастрофи при неконтрольованому зростанні енергоспоживання. З тих пір жодна інша наукова проблема не привертає такої пильної уваги, як проблема справжніх, а особливо майбутніх змін клімату. Вважається, що однією з головних причин цієї зміни є енергетика. Під енергетикою при цьому розуміється будь-яка область людської діяльності, пов'язана з виробництвом і споживанням енергії

    Workload model for video decoding and its applications

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    Design and Analysis of Dynamic Thermal Management in Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs)

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    Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) have been prevailing in the modern microprocessor market. As the significant heat is converted by the ever-increasing power density and current leakage, the raised operating temperature in a chip has already threatened the system?s reliability and led the thermal control to be one of the most important issues needed to be addressed immediately in chip designs. Due to the cost and complexity of designing thermal packaging, many Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) schemes have been widely adopted in modern processors. In this study, we focus on developing a simple and accurate thermal model, which provides a scheduling decision for running tasks. And we show how to design an efficient DTM scheme with negligible performance overhead. First, we propose an efficient DTM scheme for multimedia applications that tackles the thermal control problem in a unified manner. A DTM scheme for multimedia applications makes soft realtime scheduling decisions based on statistical characteristics of multimedia applications. Specifically, we model application execution characteristics as the probability distribution of the number of cycles required to decode frames. Our DTM scheme for multimedia applications has been implemented on Linux in two mobile processors providing variable clock frequencies in an Intel Pentium-M processor and an Intel Atom processor. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed DTM scheme, we exploit two major codecs, MPEG-4 and H.264/AVC based on various frame resolutions. Our results show that our DTM scheme for multimedia applications lowers the overall temperature by 4 degrees C and the peak temperature by 6 degrees C (up to 10 degrees C), while maintaining frame drop ratio under 5% compared to existing DTM schemes for multimedia applications. Second, we propose a lightweight online workload estimation using the cumulative distribution function and architectural information via Performance Monitoring Counters (PMC) to observe the processes dynamic workload behaviors. We also present an accurate thermal model for CMP architectures to analyze the thermal correlation effects by profiling the thermal impacts from neighboring cores under the specific workload. Hence, according to the estimated workload characteristics and thermal correlation effects, we can estimate the future temperature of each core more accurately. We implement a DTM scheme considering workload characteristics and thermal correlation effects on real machines, an Intel Quad-Core Q6600 system and Dell PowerEdge 2950 (dual Intel Xeon E5310 Quad-Core) system, running applications ranging from multimedia applications to several benchmarks. Experiments results show that our DTM scheme reduces the peak temperature by 8% with 0.54% performance overhead compared to Linux Standard Scheduler, while existing DTM schemes reduce peak temperature by 4% with up to 50% performance overhead

    Quality-aware performance analysis for multimedia MPSoC platforms

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