1,490 research outputs found

    Quasi-integration in less-than-truckload trucking

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    This work studies the organization of less-than-truckload trucking from a contractual point of view. We show that the huge number of owner-operators working in the industry hides a much less fragmented reality. Most of those owner-operators are “quasi-integrated” in higher organizational structures. This hybrid form is generally more efficient than vertical integration because, in the Spanish institutional environment, it lessens serious moral hazard problems, related mainly to the use of the vehicles, and makes it possible to reach economies of scale and density. Empirical evidence suggests that what leads organizations to vertically integrate is not the presence of such economies but hold-up problems, related to the existence of specific assets. Finally, an international comparison hints that institutional constraints are able to explain differences in the evolution of vertical integration across countries.Hold-up, hybrids, institutions, moral hazard, vertical integration, trucking industry

    Estructura poblacional del ‘pejepeine’, Xyrichtys novacula (Actinopterygii: Labridae), en mosaicos arena-pradera de fanerógama marina: variación espacial de acuerdo con las características del hábitat y técnicas de muestreo

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    Habitat structure affects the distribution of fishes, particularly across reef-dominated habitats, but few studies have connected patterns in the abundance of soft-bottom fishes with the structure of the habitat. The spatial and temporal patterns of variation in the abundance, biomass and population structure of the pearly razorfish, Xyrichtys novacula, inhabiting sand-Cymodocea nodosa seagrass mosaics were described through two complementary techniques: underwater visual counts and seine nets. We sought to analyse whether biotic (seagrass shoot density, leaf length and meadow cover) and abiotic (sediment composition and particle size) structural elements explained variation in patterns of abundance and biomass. Underwater visual counts registered a larger abundance of individuals and proved significant variation in fish abundance and biomass at the scale of locations, which was otherwise not detected through seine nets. Seasonal variation in fish abundance and biomass was, in all cases, minor. Habitat structural elements helped to explain patterns in fish abundance and biomass. This fish species was particularly abundant in sediments dominated by coarse sands in continuous meadows of C. nodosa ( > 90% seagrass cover) with intermediate densities of 500 to 1000 shoots m–2, followed by large-sized seagrass patches with >1000 shoots m–2. A trade-off between protection provided by seagrass canopies and protection derived from its burial behaviour, limited under high seagrass shoot densities, may explain spatial variation patterns.La estructura del hábitat afecta a la distribución de los peces, particularmente en los hábitats dominados por arrecifes. Sin embargo, los estudios que conectan patrones de abundancia de peces en fondos blandos con la estructura del hábitat son, comparativamente, más escasos. En este estudio, se describen los patrones espacio-temporales de variación en abundancia, biomasa y estructura poblacional del ‘pejepeine’, Xyrichtys novacula, en hábitats de arena y praderas de fanerógamas marinas constituidas por Cymodocea nodosa, empleando dos técnicas complementarias: censos visuales subacuáticos (UVCs) y arrastres (SNs). Se analizó si los elementos estructurales bióticos (densidad de pies, longitud de hoja y cobertura de la pradera) y abióticos (composición del sedimento y tamaño de las partículas) contribuyen a explicar la variación en los patrones de abundancia y biomasa. Los UVCs registraron una mayor abundancia de individuos y demostraron una variación significativa en abundancia y biomasa a escala de localidades, estas variaciones no fueron detectadas por los arrastres. La variación estacional en la abundancia y biomasa de individuos fue mínima en todos los casos. Los elementos estructurales del hábitat contribuyen a explicar los patrones de abundancia y biomasa de peces. Esta especie fue particularmente abundante en fondos dominados por arenas gruesas con praderas continuas de C. nodosa (cobertura > 90%) con densidades de pies intermedias de 500 1000 pies m–2. Un equilibrio entre la protección provista por la bóveda foliar y la protección derivada de su comportamiento de enterramiento, el cual está limitado por densidades de pies altas, puede explicar los patrones de variabilidad espacial de esta especie

    Ramon Llull's Ars Magna

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    Biogeographical scenarios modulate seagrass resistance to small‐scale perturbations

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    1. Seagrasses constitute a key coastal habitat worldwide, but are exposed to multiple perturbations. Understanding elements affecting seagrass resistance to disturbances is critical for conservation. Distinct biogeographical scenarios are intrinsically linked with varying ecological and evolution backgrounds shaped across millennia. 2.We addressed whether the resistance (change in shoot abundances) and performance (change in leaf morphology and growth) of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa to a local stressor, light reduction, varied across three regions (Southeast Iberia, the Balearic Sea and the Canaries) within the temperate northern Atlantic realm. We hypothesized that distinct biogeographical scenarios, in terms of distinct ecological/environmental conditions and genetic diversity of meadows, would affect seagrass resistance and performance, with flow‐on effects on associated epifauna. The same experiments, in terms of shading intensities, timing and duration, were replicated at three seagrass meadows within each region. 3.Results demonstrated inter‐regional variation in the resistance and performance of C. nodosa. Under moderate and high shading, shoot abundance was abruptly decreased, relative to controls, in the Canaries with concurrent, but less accentuated, changes in leaf morphology and no changes in growth. In the other two regions, however, moderate and high shading had a negligible effect on shoot abundance, leaf morphology and growth. Shading had no overall effect over the total abundance and assemblage structure of epifauna; these faunal attributes, however, varied between regions. Low seagrass resistance at the Canaries is linked with the peripheral distribution of the species there, favoring isolation and decreased genetic diversity. 4.Synthesis Different biogeographical scenarios shape seagrass resistance to local perturbations. From a conservation perspective, if resistance differs among biogeographical scenarios, universal conservation rules for seagrasses are challenging.1. Las angiospermas marinas constituyen un hábitat prioritario globalmente, pero están expuestas a múltiples perturbaciones. Comprender qué elementos afectan su resistencia a impactos es crítico para la conservación. Distintos escenarios biogeográficos están vinculados con distintos contextos ecológicos y evolutivos modulados durante milenios. 2. Evaluamos si la resistencia (cambio en abundancias de haces) y funcionamiento (cambio en la morfología foliar y crecimiento) de la angiosperma marina Cymodocea nodosa a un estresante local, reducción luminosa, varió entre tres regiones (sudoeste de la Península Ibérica, Mar Balear e Islas Canarias) en el Atlántico norte. Nuestra hipótesis es que distintos escenarios biogeográficos, en cuanto a distintas condiciones ecológicas/ambientales, así como de diversidad genética de las praderas, afectaría la resistencia y funcionamiento de la angiosperma, con efectos sobre la epifauna asociada. Los mismos experimentos, en términos de intensidad de sombreado, tiempo y duración, se replicaron en tres praderas de cada región. 3. Los resultados demostraron variación entre regiones en la resistencia y funcionamiento de C. nodosa. Bajo sombreado moderado e intenso, la abundancia de haces decreció abruptamente, en relación con controles, en Canarias, con cambios menos acentuados en la morfología foliar y ausentes para el crecimiento. En las otras dos regiones, sin embargo, el sombreado moderado e intenso tuvieron un efecto despreciable sobre la abundancia de haces, morfología foliar y crecimiento. El sombreado no tuvo efecto sobre la abundancia total y estructura multivariante de la epifauna, que variaron no obstante entre regiones. La baja resistencia en Canarias se vincula con la distribución periférica de la especie allí, lo que favorece el aislamiento y una diversidad genética baja. 4. Síntesis. Diferentes escenarios biogeográficos afectan la resistencia de la angiosperma a perturbaciones locales. Desde una perspectiva de conservación, si la resistencia difiere entre escenarios biogeográficos se hace difícil disponer de reglas de conservación universales para las angiospermas marina.This work was funded by a project (RESIGRASS, CGL2014-58829) supported by the Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (MINECO, Government of Spain) to FT and FT

    ACEQUIA report: climate change, droughts and water uses: A LOGIC proposal for action

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    In January 2018, the President of the Island Council sent and official letter to the JRC to explore the possibility of carrying out a similar workshop in Gran Canaria with regards to the topic of climate change adaptation. The JRC accepted and proposed the analysis of drought risks since Gran Canaria Island had been affected by a severe drought the previous year, in 2017. Both organisations agreed and collaborated to develop the ACEQUIA workshop called ‘Climate change, droughts and water uses in Gran Canaria’. It took place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria from 18-20 June 2018. This report is one of the outcomes of this workshop and has a twofold task. Firstly, it is aimed at summarising the main conclusions obtained in the ACEQUIA workshop, and secondly, it is also aimed at moving a step forward in the proposal of more detail actions to tackle drought risks in Gran Canaria by means of co-creation of knowledge. This report will be adopted by the Council of Gran Canaria, as well as the Island’s Municipalities that have become signatories of the Covenant of Mayors.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    Examining spatio-temporal trip patterns of bicycle sharing systems in Southern European island cities

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    Bicycle sharing systems (BSS) have been implemented in cities worldwide in an attempt to promote cycling. Analysing BSS usage in ‘starter’ cycling cities in Southern Europe (Limassol, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Malta) can aid in understanding how BSS use and cycling can be promoted in such a context. A year of trip data is used to understand to what extent the BSS is characterized by tourist use or by local residents, trips are classified based on trip type, trip duration and diurnal and seasonal usage patterns. An analysis of the origin-destination matrices highlights spatial patterns and temporal dynamics, and analysis of the spatial coverage is used to calculate what percentage of the city's population is served by the BSS. The comparative analysis shows that despite sharing commonalities, the cities exhibit differences in BSS use: while in Limassol BSS use is mainly for leisure, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Malta there is more cycling for transport. Investing in connections between the BSS, public transport, points-of-interests and cycling infrastructure can encourage more cycling. In all cities there is scope to integrate the BSS with public transport and promote the service amongst tourists and visitors.peer-reviewe

    Fragmented City: International Mobility and Housing in Spain

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    Habitual statements in academic and journalistic fields on the growing inequality of our cities call for multiple reflections. There are numerous indicators of inequality, and territorial specificities give rise to important and subtle differences. What is less debatable is the spatial expansion of inequality (from more outlying, poorer countries to the most developed ones) and its generalization on all scales (from rural to urban areas, and from large metropolises to small cities). Mobility and housing lie at the root of many of these processes, which are represented by phenomena that are often interconnected, such as gentrification and the elite social classes; impoverishment and immigrants in search of work; and segregation and refugees; among many others. In this book, we try to offer a Spanish-based vision of what we call urban geographies in transition—that is, urban geographies in which the key stages, for the purpose of analysis, are the real estate bubble (1996–2007), the subsequent crisis (2008–2013), and the ensuing recovery (2014–2020), without overlooking the impact of the current COVID-19 crisis on the configuration of a new spatial order in cities