17 research outputs found

    Veränderungen der Kortexdicke und Neuronendichte im Multiple Sklerose Cuprizone-Modell

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    In vivo metabolic imaging of Traumatic Brain Injury.

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    Complex alterations in cerebral energetic metabolism arise after traumatic brain injury (TBI). To date, methods allowing for metabolic evaluation are highly invasive, limiting our understanding of metabolic impairments associated with TBI pathogenesis. We investigated whether 13C MRSI of hyperpolarized (HP) [1-13C] pyruvate, a non-invasive metabolic imaging method, could detect metabolic changes in controlled cortical injury (CCI) mice (n = 57). Our results show that HP [1-13C] lactate-to-pyruvate ratios were increased in the injured cortex at acute (12/24 hours) and sub-acute (7 days) time points after injury, in line with decreased pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity, suggesting impairment of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway. We then used the colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor inhibitor PLX5622 to deplete brain resident microglia prior to and after CCI, in order to confirm that modulations of HP [1-13C] lactate-to-pyruvate ratios were linked to microglial activation. Despite CCI, the HP [1-13C] lactate-to-pyruvate ratio at the injury cortex of microglia-depleted animals at 7 days post-injury remained unchanged compared to contralateral hemisphere, and PDH activity was not affected. Altogether, our results demonstrate that HP [1-13C] pyruvate has great potential for in vivo non-invasive detection of cerebral metabolism post-TBI, providing a new tool to monitor the effect of therapies targeting microglia/macrophages activation after TBI

    Sensitivity of diffusion MRI to perilesional reactive astrogliosis in focal ischemia

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    Reactive astrogliosis is a response to injury in the central nervous system that plays an essential role in inflammation and tissue repair. It is characterized by hypertrophy of astrocytes, alterations in astrocyte gene expression and astrocyte proliferation. Reactive astrogliosis occurs in multiple neuropathologies, including stroke, traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer's disease, and it has been proposed as a possible source of the changes in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) metrics observed with these diseases. In this study, the sensitivity of dMRI to reactive astrogliosis was tested in an animal model of focal acute and subacute ischemia induced by the vasoconstricting peptide, endothelin-1. Reactive astrogliosis in perilesional cortex was quantified by calculating the astrocyte surface density as determined with a glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) antibody, whereas perilesional diffusion changes were measured in vivo with diffusional kurtosis imaging. We found substantial changes in the surface density of GFAP-positive astrocyte processes and modest changes in dMRI metrics in the perilesional motor cortex following stroke. Although there are time point-specific correlations between dMRI and histological measures, there is no definitive evidence for a causal relationship.postprin

    Blood Brain Barrier Disruption and Glutamatergic Excitotoxicity in Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS COV-2 Infection Cognitive Impairment: Potential Biomarkers and a Window into Pathogenesis

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    Objective: To investigate the association between blood–brain barrier permeability, brain metabolites, microstructural integrity of the white matter, and cognitive impairment (CI) in post-acute sequelae of SARS-COV-2 infection (PASC). Methods: In this multimodal longitudinal MRI study 14 PASC participants with CI and 10 healthy controls were enrolled. All completed investigations at 3 months following acute infection (3 months ± 2 weeks SD), and 10 PASC participants completed at 12 months ± 2.22 SD weeks. The assessments included a standard neurological assessment, a cognitive screen using the brief CogState battery and multi-modal MRI derived metrics from Dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) perfusion Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), and single voxel proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. These measures were compared between patients and controls and correlated with cognitive scores. Results: At baseline, and relative to controls, PASC participants had higher K-Trans and Myo-inositol, and lower levels of Glutamate/Glutamine in the frontal white matter (FWM) (p \u3c 0.01) as well as in brain stem (p \u3c 0.05), and higher FA and lower MD in the FWM (p \u3c 0.05). In PASC participants, FA and MD decreased in the FWM at 12 months compared to baseline (p \u3c 0.05). K-Trans and metabolite concentrations did not change significantly over time. Neurocognitive scores did not correlation with the increased permeability (K trans). Interpretation: PASC with CI is associated with BBB impairment, loss of WM integrity, and inflammation at 3 months which significantly but not uniformly improved at 12 months. The loss of WM integrity is possibly mediated by BBB impairment and associated glutamatergic excitotoxicity

    Validation of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging as an Early-Stage Biomarker of Parkinson's Disease in Animal Models

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    Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI), which is a mathematical extension of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), assesses non-Gaussian water diffusion in the brain. DKI proved to be effective in supporting the diagnosis of different neurodegenerative disorders. Its sensitively detects microstructural changes in the brain induced by either protein accumulation, glial cell activation or neurodegeneration as observed in mouse models of Parkinson's disease. We applied two experimental models of Parkinson's disease to validate the diagnostic utility of DKI in early and late stage of disease pathology. We present two DKI analysis methods: (1) tract based spatial statistics (TBSS), which is a hypothesis independent data driven approach intended to evaluate white matter changes; and (2) region of interest (ROI) based analysis based on hypothesis of ROIs relevant for Parkinson's disease, which is specifically used for gray matter changes. The main aim of this chapter is to provide detailed information of how to perform the DKI imaging acquisition and analysis in the mouse brain, which can be, to some extent translated to humans

    Diffusion kurtosis imaging detects the time-dependent progress of pathological changes in the oral rotenone mouse model of Parkinson's disease

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    Clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) occurs typically when a substantial proportion of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN) already died, and the first motor symptoms appear. Therefore, tools enabling the early diagnosis of PD are essential to identify early-stage PD patients in which neuroprotective treatments could have a significant impact. Here, we test the utility and sensitivity of the diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) in detecting progressive microstructural changes in several brain regions of mice exposed to chronic intragastric administration of rotenone, a mouse model that mimics the spatiotemporal progression of PD-like pathology from the ENS to the SN as described by Braak's staging. Our results show that DKI, especially kurtosis, can detect the progression of pathology-associated changes throughout the CNS. Increases in mean kurtosis were first observed in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) after 2 months of exposure to rotenone and before the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the SN occurred. Remarkably, we also show that limited exposure to rotenone for 2 months is enough to trigger the progression of the disease in the absence of the environmental toxin, thus suggesting that once the first pathological changes in one region appear, they can self-perpetuate and progress within the CNS. Overall, our results show that DKI can be a useful radiological marker for the early detection and monitoring of PD pathology progression in patients with the potential to improve the clinical diagnosis and the development of neuroprotective treatments. (Figure presented.). © 2021 International Society for Neurochemistr

    Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging towards clinical application in multiple sclerosis

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    Quantitative MRI provides biophysical measures of the microstructural integrity of the CNS, which can be compared across CNS regions, patients, and centres. In patients with multiple sclerosis, quantitative MRI techniques such as relaxometry, myelin imaging, magnetization transfer, diffusion MRI, quantitative susceptibility mapping, and perfusion MRI, complement conventional MRI techniques by providing insight into disease mechanisms. These include: (i) presence and extent of diffuse damage in CNS tissue outside lesions (normal-appearing tissue); (ii) heterogeneity of damage and repair in focal lesions; and (iii) specific damage to CNS tissue components. This review summarizes recent technical advances in quantitative MRI, existing pathological validation of quantitative MRI techniques, and emerging applications of quantitative MRI to patients with multiple sclerosis in both research and clinical settings. The current level of clinical maturity of each quantitative MRI technique, especially regarding its integration into clinical routine, is discussed. We aim to provide a better understanding of how quantitative MRI may help clinical practice by improving stratification of patients with multiple sclerosis, and assessment of disease progression, and evaluation of treatment response

    Diffusion kurtosis imaging probes cortical alterations and white matter pathology following cuprizone induced demyelination and spontaneous remyelination

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    Although MRI is the gold standard for the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis (MS), current conventional MRI techniques often fail to detect cortical alterations and provide little information about gliosis, axonal damage and myelin status of lesioned areas. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) provide sensitive and complementary measures of the neural tissue microstructure. Additionally, specific white matter tract integrity (WMTI) metrics modelling the diffusion in white matter were recently derived. In the current study we used the well-characterized cuprizone mouse model of central nervous system demyelination to assess the temporal evolution of diffusion tensor (DT), diffusion kurtosis tensor (DK) and WMTI-derived metrics following acute inflammatory demyelination and spontaneous remyelination. While DT-derived metrics were unable to detect cuprizone induced cortical alterations, the mean kurtosis (MK) and radial kurtosis (RK) were found decreased under cuprizone administration, as compared to age-matched controls, in both the motor and somatosensory cortices. The MK remained decreased in the motor cortices at the end of the recovery period, reflecting long lasting impairment of myelination. In white matter, DT, DK and WMTI-derived metrics enabled the detection of cuprizone induced changes differentially according to the stage and the severity of the lesion. More specifically, MK, RK and the axonal water fraction (AWF) were the most sensitive for the detection of cuprizone induced changes in the genu of the corpus callosum, a region less affected by cuprizone administration. Additionally, microgliosis was associated with an increase of MK and RK during the acute inflammatory demyelination phase. In regions undergoing severe demyelination, namely the body and splenium of the corpus callosum, DT-derived metrics, notably the mean diffusion (MD) and radial diffusion (RD), were among the best discriminators between cuprizone and control groups, hence highlighting their ability to detect both acute and long lasting changes. Interestingly, WMTI-derived metrics showed the aptitude to distinguish between the different stage of the disease. Both the intra-axonal diffusivity (D(a)) and the AWF were found to be decreased in the cuprizone treated group, D(a) specifically decreased during the acute inflammatory demyelinating phase whereas the AWF decrease was associated to the spontaneous remyelination and the recovery period. Altogether our results demonstrate that DKI is sensitive to alterations of cortical areas and provides, along with WMTI metrics, information that is complementary to DT-derived metrics for the characterization of demyelination in both white and grey matter and subsequent inflammatory processes associated with a demyelinating event