88 research outputs found

    4H-SiC Integrated circuits for high temperature and harsh environment applications

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    Silicon Carbide (SiC) has received a special attention in the last decades thanks to its superior electrical, mechanical and chemical proprieties. SiC is mostly used for applications where Silicon is limited, becoming a proper material for both unipolar and bipolar power device able to work under high power, high frequency and high temperature conditions. Aside from the outstanding theoretical and practical advantages still to be proved in SiC devices, the need for more accurate models for the design and optimization of these devices, along with the development of integrated circuits (ICs) on SiC is indispensable for the further success of modern power electronics. The design and development of SiC ICs has become a necessity since the high temperature operation of ICs is expected to enable important improvements in aerospace, automotive, energy production and other industrial systems. Due to the last impressive progresses in the manufacturing of high quality SiC substrates, the possibility of developing ICs applications is now feasible. SiC unipolar transistors, such as JFETs and MESFETs show a promising potential for digital ICs operating at high temperature and in harsh environments. The reported ICs on SiC have been realized so far with either a small number of elements, or with a low integration density. Therefore, this work demonstrates that by means of our SiC MESFET technology, multi-stage digital ICs fabrication containing a large number of 4H-SiC devices is feasible, accomplishing some of the most important ICs requirements. The ultimate objective is the development of SiC digital building blocks by transferring the Si CMOS topologies, hence demonstrating that the ICs SiC technology can be an important competitor of the Si ICs technology especially in application fields in which high temperature, high switching speed and harsh environment operations are required. The study starts with the current normally-on SiC MESFET CNM complete analysis of an already fabricated MESFET. It continues with the modeling and fabrication of a new planar-MESFET structure together with new epitaxial resistors specially suited for high temperature and high integration density. A novel device isolation technique never used on SiC before is approached. A fabrication process flow with three metal levels fully compatible with the CMOS technology is defined. An exhaustive experimental characterization at room and high temperature (300ºC) and Spice parameter extractions for both structures are performed. In order to design digital ICs on SiC with the previously developed devices, the current available topologies for normally-on transistors are discussed. The circuits design using Spice modeling, the process technology, the fabrication and the testing of the 4H-SiC MESFET elementary logic gates library at high temperature and high frequencies are performed. The MESFET logic gates behavior up to 300ºC is analyzed. Finally, this library has allowed us implementing complex multi-stage logic circuits with three metal levels and a process flow fully compatible with a CMOS technology. This study demonstrates that the development of important SiC digital blocks by transferring CMOS topologies (such as Master Slave Data Flip-Flop and Data-Reset Flip-Flop) is successfully achieved. Hence, demonstrating that our 4H-SiC MESFET technology enables the fabrication of mixed signal ICs capable to operate at high temperature (300ºC) and high frequencies (300kHz). We consider this study an important step ahead regarding the future ICs developments on SiC. Finally, experimental irradiations were performed on W-Schotthy diodes and mesa-MESFET devices (with the same Schottky gate than the planar SiC MESFET) in order to study their radiation hardness stability. The good radiation endurance of SiC Schottky-gate devices is proven. It is expected that the new developed devices with the same W-Schottky gate, to have a similar behavior in radiation rich environments.Postprint (published version

    Radiation Tolerant Electronics, Volume II

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    Research on radiation tolerant electronics has increased rapidly over the last few years, resulting in many interesting approaches to model radiation effects and design radiation hardened integrated circuits and embedded systems. This research is strongly driven by the growing need for radiation hardened electronics for space applications, high-energy physics experiments such as those on the large hadron collider at CERN, and many terrestrial nuclear applications, including nuclear energy and safety management. With the progressive scaling of integrated circuit technologies and the growing complexity of electronic systems, their ionizing radiation susceptibility has raised many exciting challenges, which are expected to drive research in the coming decade.After the success of the first Special Issue on Radiation Tolerant Electronics, the current Special Issue features thirteen articles highlighting recent breakthroughs in radiation tolerant integrated circuit design, fault tolerance in FPGAs, radiation effects in semiconductor materials and advanced IC technologies and modelling of radiation effects

    Vertical Heterostructure III-V MOSFETs for CMOS, RF and Memory Applications

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    This thesis focuses mainly on the co-integration of vertical nanowiren-type InAs and p-type GaSb MOSFETs on Si (Paper I & II), whereMOVPE grown vertical InAs-GaSb heterostructure nanowires areused for realizing monolithically integrated and co-processed all-III-V CMOS.Utilizing a bottom-up approach based on MOVPE grown nanowires enablesdesign flexibilities, such as in-situ doping and heterostructure formation,which serves to reduce the amount of mask steps during fabrication. By refiningthe fabrication techniques, using a self-aligned gate-last process, scaled10-20 nm diameters are achieved for balanced drive currents at Ion ∼ 100μA/μm, considering Ioff at 100 nA/μm (VDD = 0.5 V). This is enabledby greatly improved p-type MOSFET performance reaching a maximumtransconductance of 260 μA/μm at VDS = 0.5 V. Lowered power dissipationfor CMOS circuits requires good threshold voltage VT matching of the n- andp-type device, which is also demonstrated for basic inverter circuits. Thevarious effects contributing to VT-shifts are also studied in detail focusing onthe InAs channel devices (with highest transconductance of 2.6 mA/μm), byusing Electron Holography and a novel gate position variation method (PaperV).The advancements in all-III-V CMOS integration spawned individual studiesinto the strengths of the n- and p-type III-V devices, respectively. Traditionallymaterials such as InAs and InGaAs provide excellent electrontransport properties, therefore they are frequently used in devices for highfrequency RF applications. In contrast, the III-V p-type alternatives have beenlacking performance mostly due to the difficult oxidation properties of Sb-based materials. Therefore, a study of the GaSb properties, in a MOSFETchannel, was designed and enabled by new manufacturing techniques, whichallowed gate-length scaling from 40 to 140 nm for p-type Sb-based MOSFETs(Paper III). The new fabrication method allowed for integration of deviceswith symmetrical contacts as compared to previous work which relied on atunnel-contact at the source-side. By modelling based on measured data fieldeffecthole mobility of 70 cm2/Vs was calculated, well in line with previouslyreported studies on GaSb nanowires. The oxidation properties of the GaSbgate-stack was further characterized by XPS, where high intensities of xraysare achieved using a synchrotron source allowed for characterization ofnanowires (Paper VI). Here, in-situ H2-plasma treatment, in parallel with XPSmeasurements, enabled a study of the time-dependence during full removalof GaSb native oxides.The last focus of the thesis was building on the existing strengths of verticalheterostructure III-V n-type (InAs-InGaAs graded channel) devices. Typically,these devices demonstrate high-current densities (gm >3 mS/μm) and excellentmodulation properties (off-state current down to 1 nA/μm). However,minimizing the parasitic capacitances, due to various overlaps originatingfrom a low access-resistance design, has proven difficult. Therefore, newmethods for spacers in both the vertical and planar directions was developedand studied in detail. The new fabrication methods including sidewall spacersachieved gate-drain capacitance CGD levels close to 0.2 fF/μm, which isthe established limit by optimized high-speed devices. The vertical spacertechnology, using SiO2 on the nanowire sidewalls, is further improved inthis thesis which enables new co-integration schemes for memory arrays.Namely, the refined sidewall spacer method is used to realize selective recessetching of the channel and reduced capacitance for large array memoryselector devices (InAs channel) vertically integrated with Resistive RandomAccess Memory (RRAM) memristors. (Paper IV) The fabricated 1-transistor-1-memristor (1T1R) demonstrator cell shows excellent endurance and retentionfor the RRAM by maintaining constant ratio of the high and low resistive state(HRS/LRS) after 106 switching cycles

    Circuit Design And Reliability Of A Cmos Receiver

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    This dissertation explores CMOS RF design and reliability for portable wireless receivers. The objective behind this research is to achieve an increase in integration level, and gain more understanding for RF reliability. The fields covered include device, circuit and system. What is under investigation is a multi-band multi-mode receiver with GSM, DCS-1800 and CDMA compatibility. To my understanding, GSM and CDMA dual-mode mobile phones are progressively investigated in industries, and few commercial products are available. The receiver adopts direct conversion architecture. Some improved circuit design methods are proposed, for example, for low noise amplifier (LNA). Except for band filters, local oscillators, and analog-digital converters which are usually implemented by COTS SAW filters and ICs, all the remaining blocks such as switch, LNA, mixer, and local oscillator are designed in MOSIS TSMC 0.35[micro]m technology in one chip. Meanwhile, this work discusses related circuit reliability issues, which are gaining more and more attention. Breakdown (BD) and hot carrier (HC) effects are important issues in semiconductor industry. Soft-breakdown (SBD) and HC effects on device and RF performance has been reported. Hard-breakdown (HBD) effects on digital circuits have also been investigated. This work uniquely address HBD effects on the RF device and circuit performance, taking low noise amplifier and power amplifier as targets

    BiCMOS Millimetre-wave low-noise amplifier

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    Abstract: Please refer to full text to view abstract.D.Phil. (Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    Miniaturized Transistors

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    What is the future of CMOS? Sustaining increased transistor densities along the path of Moore's Law has become increasingly challenging with limited power budgets, interconnect bandwidths, and fabrication capabilities. In the last decade alone, transistors have undergone significant design makeovers; from planar transistors of ten years ago, technological advancements have accelerated to today's FinFETs, which hardly resemble their bulky ancestors. FinFETs could potentially take us to the 5-nm node, but what comes after it? From gate-all-around devices to single electron transistors and two-dimensional semiconductors, a torrent of research is being carried out in order to design the next transistor generation, engineer the optimal materials, improve the fabrication technology, and properly model future devices. We invite insight from investigators and scientists in the field to showcase their work in this Special Issue with research papers, short communications, and review articles that focus on trends in micro- and nanotechnology from fundamental research to applications

    Memory Module Design for High-Temperature Applications in SiC CMOS Technology

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    The wide bandgap (WBG) characteristics of SiC play a significant and disruptive role in the power electronics industry. The same characteristics make this material a viable choice for high-temperature electronics systems. Leveraging the high-temperature capability of SiC is crucial to automotive, space exploration, aerospace, deep well drilling, and gas turbines. A significant issue with the high-temperature operation is the exponential increase in leakage current. The lower intrinsic carrier concentration of SiC (10-9 cm-3) compared to Si (1010 cm-3) leads to lower leakage over temperature. Several researchers have demonstrated analog and digital circuits designed in SiC. However, a memory module is required to realize a complete electronic system in SiC that bridges the gap between data processing and data storage. Designing memory that can process massive amounts of data in harsh environments while consuming low power opens doors for future electronics. A novel static random-access memory (SRAM) cell is designed and implemented in a SiC 1 µm triple well CMOS process for high-temperature applications in this work. The prevalent issues encountered during SiC fabrication and the uncertainties in device performance led to 6T SRAM cell design modifications that enable adaptability to the worst and the best cases. However, design trade-offs are made in the design size, the number of transistors, number of I/Os, and the cell\u27s power consumption. The novel SRAM cell design mitigates the effect of poor p-type contacts after the device fabrication by controlling the cell\u27s drive strength via an additional pull-up network. The design also includes two parallel access transistors and separate wordlines that control both access transistors. This individual control enables post-fabrication tunability in the cell ratio (CR) and the pull-up (PR) ratio of the cell. It also allows tuning the access transistors\u27 effective width during a data read operation, and a data write operation, independently. Along with the SRAM cell design, the conventional latch-based sense amplifier is also designed in the SiC CMOS process to realize the monolithic memory IC modules. The SRAM cell performance is evaluated on the basis of static noise margin (SNM), write SNM (WSNM), read SNM (RSNM), leakage current, and read access time over a wide temperature range (25ºC to 500ºC) on three uniquely processed wafers. The noise margins measured on Wafer #2 show a lower leakage current of ~500 nA at 500ºC with the supply voltage of 10 V. The SNM of 6.07 V is measured at 500ºC with a 10 V of power supply. The read access time at 400ºC is ~7.5 µs at a supply voltage of 10 V

    Analysis of design strategies for RF ESD problems in CMOS circuits

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    This thesis analyses the design strategies used to protect RF circuits that are implemented in CMOS technologies. It investigates, in detail, the physical mechanisms involved when a ggNMOS structure is exposed to an ESD event and undergoes snapback. The understanding gained is used to understand why the performance of the current RF ESD clamp is poor and suggestions are made as to how the performance of ggNMOS clamps can be improved beyond the current body of knowledge. The ultimate aim is to be able to design effective ESD protection clamps whilst minimising the effect the circuit has on RF I/O signals. A current ggNMOS based RF ESD I/O protection circuit is analysed in detail using a Transmission Line Pulse (TLP) tester. This is shown to be a very effective diagnostic tool by showing many characteristics of the ggNMOS during the triggering and conducting phase of the ESD event and demonstrate deficiencies in the clamp design. The use of a FIB enhances the analysis by allowing the isolation of individual components in the circuit and therefore their analysis using the TLP tester. SPICE simulations are used to provide further commentary on the debate surrounding the specification required of a TLP tester for there to be a good correlation between a TLP test and the industry standard Human Body Model (HBM) ESD test. Finite element simulations are used to probe deeper in to the mechanisms involved when a ggNMOS undergoes snapback especially with regard to the contribution parasitic components within the ggNMOS make to the snapback process. New ggNMOS clamps are proposed which after some modification are shown to work. Some of the finite element experiments are repeated in a 0.18μπ7. process CMOS test chip and a comparison is made between the two sets of results. In the concluding chapter understanding that has been gained from previous chapters is combined with the published body of knowledge to suggest and explain improvements in the design of a ggNMOS for RF and standard applications. These improvements will improve homogeneity of ggNMOS operation thus allowing the device size to be reduced and parasitic loading for a given ESD performance. These techniques can also be used to ensure that the ESD current does not take an unintended path through the chip