57 research outputs found

    Numerical Modeling Analysis of Wafer Warpage and Carrier Mobility Change due to Tapered Through-Silicon-Via Geometry

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    Three-dimensional integration is a solution that vertically stacks multiple layers of silicon chips by Through-Silicon-Vias (TSVs) to enhance the performance of microelectronic devices. The tapered TSV profile can help to overcome the technical difficulties. However, an easily overlooked issue is that tapered TSV can cause wafer warpage during the fabrication processes. Wafer warpage can cause chip misalignment and impose additional deformation. In an effort to investigate the TSV geometric effect, a large number of finite element analysis (FEA) simulations were performed to quantify the thermal stress distribution and the thermally induced curvature. It was found that the tapered geometry alone can induce significant wafer bending, which has not been reported by other researchers. The effect of taper angle, TSV radius, TSV pitch, and wafer thickness were quantitatively studied. In addition, the incorporations of anisotropic silicon property and intermediate layers between the copper TSV and silicon into the numerical models were assessed. Thermally induced stress concentration around copper TSV near the wafer surface can lead to degradation of the device performance by affecting the carrier mobility in transistors. This piezoresistivity effect can cause serious reliability concerns. The size of keep-out zone (KOZ), which is identified as a threshold of 5% carrier mobility change, was also quantified for various transistor types in different channel directions

    Piin läpivientien luotettavuus ja elinikä termisessä rasituksessa

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    Through-silicon via (TSV) is one of the key technologies for three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuits (ICs). TSVs enable vertical electrical connections between components which greatly reduces interconnection lengths. Regardless of all the promise the technique has shown, there are still major obstacles surrounding reliability and the cost of fabrication of the TSV structure. The first part of the thesis is a literature survey that focuses on different failure mechanisms of TSVs. In addition, different fabrication and design choices of TSVs are presented with the focus being on their effect on reliability. The experimental part of the thesis presents reliability and lifetime assessment of tapered partially copper-filled blind TSVs under thermal cycling. The reliability test was carried out with nine samples. Six of them had 420 vias and three of them had 1400 vias in a daisy chain structure. Finite element method (FEM) was used to predict the critical failure locations of the TSV structure. Lifetime was predicted by Weibull analysis. The cross-sections of the test samples were prepared by molding, mechanical grinding and polishing and analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Electrical measurements showed almost constant resistance increase in the samples before failures were noticed. The first failed sample was noticed after 200 cycles and the last at 4000 cycles. Lifetime of TSVs under thermal cycling was proven to be acceptable with used failure criterion. According to Weibull analysis, about 10 % of the samples with 420 vias will break after 1000 cycles. Sample preparation for imaging was deemed sufficient although the grinding caused artifacts. The simulation results were compared with SEM micrographs. The images showed that the failures were located at the maximum stress areas, identified with FEM simulations, at the bottom of the via. From the SEM images, it was deduced that the defects initiated from the fabrication process and propagated due to maximum localized stress.Piin läpivienti -rakenteet ovat keskeisessä osassa kolmiulotteisten integroitujen piirien kehityksessä. Piin läpiviennit mahdollistavat komponenttien vertikaalin yhdistämisen toisiinsa, mikä lyhentää huomattavasti niiden välistä etäisyyttä. Kaikista hyvistä puolista huolimatta tekniikalla on vielä haasteita edessään. Niistä suurimmat liittyvät rakenteen luotettavuuteen ja valmistuskustannuksiin. Diplomityön kirjallisessa osuudessa keskitytään piin läpivientien erilaisiin vauriomekanismeihin. Sen lisäksi tutkitaan valmistus- ja suunnitteluratkaisujen vaikutusta läpivientien luotettavuuteen. Kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena on osittain kuparitäytettyjen kaventuvien piin läpivientien luotettavuuden ja eliniän määrittäminen termisessä syklaustestissä. Luotettavuustestaus suoritettiin yhdeksällä näytteellä, joista kuudessa oli 420 läpivientiä ja kolmessa 1400 läpivientiä ketjurakenteessa. Elementtimallintamisen avulla määritettiin kriittiset vauriokohdat läpivientirakenteessa ja elinikä määritettiin Weibull-analyysillä. Näytteiden poikkileikkauksien valmistamiseen käytettiin muovaamista, mekaanista hiomista ja kiillotusta ja analysointi suoritettiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla. Näytteiden resistanssi nousi tasaisesti ennen rikkoutumisten havaitsemista. Ensimmäinen rikkoutuminen huomattiin 200 syklin jälkeen ja viimeinen 4000 syklin kohdalla. Näytteiden luotettavuus osoittautui hyväksi käytetyillä kriteereillä. Weibull-analyysin mukaan 10 % 420 läpiviennin näytteistä rikkoutuu 1000 syklin jälkeen. Karkea arvio voidaan tehdä, että satunnainen läpivienti rikkoutuu 0,024 % todennäköisyydellä 1000 syklin jälkeen. Pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopin kuvien perusteella havaittiin, että näytteet rikkoutuivat maksimaalisen rasituksen alueella läpivientien alaosassa. Kuvien perusteella päädyttiin johtopäätökseen, että näytteiden rikkoutumisen aiheuttivat virheet, jotka ovat peräisin valmistusprosessista ja jotka etenivät rakenteessa termisen rasituksen vaikutuksesta

    Physical Design Methodologies for Low Power and Reliable 3D ICs

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    As the semiconductor industry struggles to maintain its momentum down the path following the Moore's Law, three dimensional integrated circuit (3D IC) technology has emerged as a promising solution to achieve higher integration density, better performance, and lower power consumption. However, despite its significant improvement in electrical performance, 3D IC presents several serious physical design challenges. In this dissertation, we investigate physical design methodologies for 3D ICs with primary focus on two areas: low power 3D clock tree design, and reliability degradation modeling and management. Clock trees are essential parts for digital system which dissipate a large amount of power due to high capacitive loads. The majority of existing 3D clock tree designs focus on minimizing the total wire length, which produces sub-optimal results for power optimization. In this dissertation, we formulate a 3D clock tree design flow which directly optimizes for clock power. Besides, we also investigate the design methodology for clock gating a 3D clock tree, which uses shutdown gates to selectively turn off unnecessary clock activities. Different from the common assumption in 2D ICs that shutdown gates are cheap thus can be applied at every clock node, shutdown gates in 3D ICs introduce additional control TSVs, which compete with clock TSVs for placement resources. We explore the design methodologies to produce the optimal allocation and placement for clock and control TSVs so that the clock power is minimized. We show that the proposed synthesis flow saves significant clock power while accounting for available TSV placement area. Vertical integration also brings new reliability challenges including TSV's electromigration (EM) and several other reliability loss mechanisms caused by TSV-induced stress. These reliability loss models involve complex inter-dependencies between electrical and thermal conditions, which have not been investigated in the past. In this dissertation we set up an electrical/thermal/reliability co-simulation framework to capture the transient of reliability loss in 3D ICs. We further derive and validate an analytical reliability objective function that can be integrated into the 3D placement design flow. The reliability aware placement scheme enables co-design and co-optimization of both the electrical and reliability property, thus improves both the circuit's performance and its lifetime. Our electrical/reliability co-design scheme avoids unnecessary design cycles or application of ad-hoc fixes that lead to sub-optimal performance. Vertical integration also enables stacking DRAM on top of CPU, providing high bandwidth and short latency. However, non-uniform voltage fluctuation and local thermal hotspot in CPU layers are coupled into DRAM layers, causing a non-uniform bit-cell leakage (thereby bit flip) distribution. We propose a performance-power-resilience simulation framework to capture DRAM soft error in 3D multi-core CPU systems. In addition, a dynamic resilience management (DRM) scheme is investigated, which adaptively tunes CPU's operating points to adjust DRAM's voltage noise and thermal condition during runtime. The DRM uses dynamic frequency scaling to achieve a resilience borrow-in strategy, which effectively enhances DRAM's resilience without sacrificing performance. The proposed physical design methodologies should act as important building blocks for 3D ICs and push 3D ICs toward mainstream acceptance in the near future

    Self-Aligned 3D Chip Integration Technology and Through-Silicon Serial Data Transmission

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    The emerging three-dimensional (3D) integration technology is expected to lead to an industry paradigm shift due to its tremendous benefits. Intense research activities are going on about technology, simulation, design, and product prototypes. This thesis work aims at fabricating through-silicon vias (TSVs) on diced processor chips, and later bonding them into a 3D-stacked chip. How to handle and process delicate processor chips with high alignment precision is a key issue. The TSV process to be developed also needs to adapt to this constraint. Four TSV processes have been studied. Among them, the ring-trench TSV process demonstrates the feasibility of fabricating TSVs with the prevailing dimensions, and the whole-through TSV process achieves the first dummy chip post-processed with TSVs in EPFL although the dimension is rather large to keep a reasonable aspect ratio (AR). Four self-alignment (SA) techniques have been investigated, among which the gravitational SA and the hydrophobic SA are found to be quite promising. Using gravitational SA, we come to the conclusion that cavities in silicon carrier wafer with a profile angle of 60° can align the chips with less than 20 µm inaccuracies. The alignment precision can be improved after adopting more advanced dicing tools instead of using the traditional dicing saws and larger cavity profile angle. Such inaccuracy will be sufficient to align the relatively large TSVs for general products such as 3D image sensors. By fabricating bottom TSVs in the carrier wafer, a 3D silicon interposer idea has been proposed to stack another chip, e.g. a processor chip, on the other side of the carrier wafer. But stacking microprocessor chips fabricated with TSVs will require higher alignment precision. A hydrophobic SA technique using the surface tension force generated by the water-to-air interfaces around the pads can greatly reduce the alignment inaccuracy to less than 1 µm. This low-cost and high throughput SA procedure is processed in air, fully-compatible with current fabrication technologies, and highly stable and repeatable. We present a theoretical meniscus model to predict SA results and to provide the design rules. This technique is quite promising for advanced 3D applications involving logic and heterogeneous stacking. As TSVs' dimensions in the chip-level 3D integration are constrained by the chip-level processes, such as bonding, the smallest TSVs might still be about 5 µm. Thus, the area occupied by the TSVs cannot be neglected. Fortunately, TSVs can withstand very high bandwidths, meaning that data can be serialized and transmitted using less numbers of TSVs. With 20 µm TSVs, the 2-Gb/s 8:1 serial link implemented saves 75% of the area of its 8-bit parallel counterpart. The quasi-serial link proposed can effectively balance the inter-layer bandwidth and the serial links' area consumption. The area model of the serial or quasi-serial links working under higher frequencies provides some guidelines to choose the proper serial link design, and it also predicts that when TSV diameter shrinks to 5 µm, it will be difficult to keep this area benefit if without some novel circuit design techniques. As the serial links can be implemented with less area, the bandwidth per unit area is increased. Two scenarios are studied, single-port memory access and multi-port memory access. The expanded inter-layer bandwidth by serialization does not improve the system performance because of the bus-bottleneck problem. In the latter scenario, the inter-layer ultra-wide bandwidth can be exploited as each memory bank can be accessed randomly through the NoC. Thus further widening the inter-layer bandwidth through serialization, the system performance will be improved

    Mechanisms of copper protrusion in through-silicon-via structures at the nanoscale

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    Thermal stress-induced copper protrusion is frequently observed in through-silicon-vias (TSVs) based three-dimensional (3D) system integration. In this study, the detailed process of Cu protrusion is reproduced on the atomic scale using a two-mode phase-field-crystal (PFC) model, and the mechanisms of protrusion are identified. To simulate thermal loading, a “penalty term” is added to the governing equation of the PFC model. The application of loading on the TSVs induces copper grain deformation and grain boundary migration at the nanoscale. Furthermore, the simulation results suggest that the Cu protrusion is resulted from diffusional creep, involving both Nabarro-Herring creep and Coble creep. The obtained power index of diffusional creep is around 2.16, suggesting that lattice diffusion contributes more to protrusion than grain boundary diffusion does. The protrusion height in micron-scale TSVs predicted by extrapolating the relationship between the protrusion height and diameter of nanoscale TSVs agrees with the experimental data

    A review of advances in pixel detectors for experiments with high rate and radiation

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments ATLAS and CMS have established hybrid pixel detectors as the instrument of choice for particle tracking and vertexing in high rate and radiation environments, as they operate close to the LHC interaction points. With the High Luminosity-LHC upgrade now in sight, for which the tracking detectors will be completely replaced, new generations of pixel detectors are being devised. They have to address enormous challenges in terms of data throughput and radiation levels, ionizing and non-ionizing, that harm the sensing and readout parts of pixel detectors alike. Advances in microelectronics and microprocessing technologies now enable large scale detector designs with unprecedented performance in measurement precision (space and time), radiation hard sensors and readout chips, hybridization techniques, lightweight supports, and fully monolithic approaches to meet these challenges. This paper reviews the world-wide effort on these developments.Comment: 84 pages with 46 figures. Review article.For submission to Rep. Prog. Phy

    Thermo-Mechanical Effects Of Thermal Cycled Copper Through Silicon Vias

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    The semiconductor industry is currently facing transistor scaling issues due to fabrication thresholds and quantum effects. In this \u27More-Than-Moore\u27 era, the industry is developing new ways to increase device performance, such as stacking chips for three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D-IC). The 3D-IC\u27s superior performance over their 2D counterparts can be attributed to the use of vertical interconnects, or through silicon vias (TSV). These interconnects are much shorter, reducing signal delay. However TSVs are susceptible to various thermo-mechanical reliability concerns. Heating during fabrication and use, in conjunction with coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch between the copper TSVs and silicon substrate, create harmful stresses in the system. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the signal integrity of Cu-TSVs and determine the major contributing factors of the signal degradation upon in-use conditions. Two series of samples containing blind Cu-TSVs embedded in a Si substrate were studied, each having different types and amounts of voids from manufacturing. The samples were thermally cycled up to 2000 times using three maximum temperatures to simulate three unique in-use conditions. S11 parameter measurements were then conducted to determine the signal integrity of the TSVs. To investigate the internal response from cycling, a protocol was developed for cross-sectioning the copper TSVs. Voids were measured using scanning electron microscope and focused ion beam imaging of the cross-sections, while the microstructural evolution of the copper was monitored with electron backscattering diffraction. An increase in void area was found to occur after cycling. This is thought to be the major contributing factor in the signal degradation of the TSVs, since no microstructural changes were observed in the copper

    Heterogeneous 2.5D integration on through silicon interposer

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    © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Driven by the need to reduce the power consumption of mobile devices, and servers/data centers, and yet continue to deliver improved performance and experience by the end consumer of digital data, the semiconductor industry is looking for new technologies for manufacturing integrated circuits (ICs). In this quest, power consumed in transferring data over copper interconnects is a sizeable portion that needs to be addressed now and continuing over the next few decades. 2.5D Through-Si-Interposer (TSI) is a strong candidate to deliver improved performance while consuming lower power than in previous generations of servers/data centers and mobile devices. These low-power/high-performance advantages are realized through achievement of high interconnect densities on the TSI (higher than ever seen on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) or organic substrates), and enabling heterogeneous integration on the TSI platform where individual ICs are assembled at close proximity

    Additive and Digital Fabrication of 3D Interconnects in MEMS Packaging Using Printing Technologies

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    With the introduction of electrically functional inks and continuous development of printing equipment, the application of printed electronics in the fabrication of electronic circuits, structures and devices has been steadily growing over recent years. Among printed electronic methods, digital printing has the potential to be integrated within silicon-based microelectronics such as microelectromechanical devices (MEMS). Currently, MEMS manufacturing and packaging involves subtractive processes like lithography which are time consuming and need extensive processing conditions and expensive facilities.This thesis investigates the feasibility of using printing technologies for the selected parts of the MEMS packaging. Additive, maskless and non-contact printing technologies are digitally controlled by computer and have the potential to reduce turnaround time compared with lithographic processes. These methods could be used for the substrate with any morphology and composition; and also enable the deposition of functional inks with high level of precision on designated places defined by the graphics or codes prepared by the computer software. In summary, printing technologies provide the possibility to reduce harmful waste, consumption of the material and chemicals, process steps, and process time compared to subtractive processes.The focus of this research has been on the fabrication of the 3D interconnects in parts of the MEMS packaging. The fabrication methods used in this work are piezo drop on demand (DOD) inkjet printing, super-fine inkjet technology (SIJ) and aerosol jet printing (AJP). Also, a combination of metal nanoparticle and dielectric inks have been used for the experiments reported in this thesis. The reported results show promising potential for additive methods to be used in electronics manufacturing in coming years with more developments and refinements in inkjettable functional materials and printing devices. In this thesis inkjet printing is utilized to fabricate 3D interconnects by the partial metallization of through silicon vias (TSVs). The via metallization could result in low resistance vias suitable for some MEMS applications. Complete filling of high density vias with diameters of less than 30 µm using super-fine inkjet technology is also demonstrated. As well, aerosol jet printing is successfully used to make a conductive bridge with low resistance between the device layer and handle wafer in silicon on insulator (SOI) MEMS. In addition, inkjet printing technologies are used to fill the TSVs to planarize wafer surface which enables placement of solder balls on top of the TSVs and increasing the I/O density of 3D TSV interposers by four times without using the next generation of TSV nodes. Moreover, successful fabrication of silver micropillars/bumps with inkjet printing is demonstrated for use in flip-chip fabrication methods instead of using stud bumps fabricated by wire bonding. The results indicate that the bare dies with the printed bumps can increase the contact reliability of flip-chip bonded samples

    Optimal Power Delivery Strategy in Modern VLSI Design

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringIn a modern very-large-scale integration (VLSI) designs, heterogeneous architectural structures and various three-dimensional (3D) integration methods have been used in a hybrid manner. Recently, the industry has combined 3D VLSI technology with the heterogeneous technology of modern VLSI called chiplet. The 3D heterogeneous architectural structure is growing attention because it reduces costs and time-to-market by increasing manufacturing yield with high integration rate and modularization. However, a main design concern of heterogeneous 3D architectural structure is power management for lowering power consumption with maintaining the required power integrity from IR drop. Although the low-power design can be realized in front-end-of-line level by reduced power supply complementary metal???oxide???semiconductor technologies, the overall low-power system performance is available with a proper design of power delivery network (PDN) for chip-level modules and system-level architectural structure. Thus, there is a demand for both the coanalysis and optimization for both chip-level and system-level. We analyzed and optimized power delivery on-chip in various 3D integration environments, and we also have proposed a chip-package-PCB coanalysis methodology at the system level. For through-silicon-via (TSV)-based 3D integration circuit (IC), We have investigated and analyzed the voltage noise in a multi-layer 3D stacking with partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC)-based on-chip PDN and frequency-dependent TSV models. We also have proposed a wire-added multi-paired on-chip PDN structure to reduce voltage noise to reduce IR drop. The performance of TSV-based 3D ICs has also been improved by reducing wake-up time through our proposed adaptive power gating strategy with tapered TSVs. For die-to-wafer 3D IC, we have proposed a power delivery pathfinding methodology, which seeks to identify a nearly optimal PDN for a given design and PDN specification. Our pathfinding methodology exploits models for routability and worst IR drop, which helps reducing iterations between PDN design and circuit design in 3D IC implementation. We also have extended the observation to system-level, we have proposed a power integrity coanalysis methodology for multiple power domains in high-frequency memory systems. Our coanalysis methodology can analyze the tendencies in power integrity by using parametric methods with consideration of package-on-package integration. We have proved that our methodology can predict similar peak-to-peak ripple voltages that are comparable with the realistic simulations of high-speed low-power memory interfaces. Finally, we have proposed analysis and optimization methodologies that are generally applicable to various integration methods used in modern VLSI designs as computer-aided-design-based solutions.clos