678 research outputs found

    An enhanced DC-link voltage response for wind-driven doubly fed induction generator using adaptive fuzzy extended state observer and sliding mode control

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    This paper presents an enhancement method to improve the performance of the DC-link voltage loop regulation in a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)- based wind energy converter. An intelligent, combined control approach based on a metaheuristics-tuned Second-Order Sliding Mode (SOSM) controller and an adaptive fuzzy-scheduled Extended State Observer (ESO) is proposed and successfully applied. The proposed fuzzy gains-scheduling mechanism is performed to adaptively tune and update the bandwidth of the ESO while disturbances occur. Besides common time-domain performance indexes, bounded limitations on the effective parameters of the designed Super Twisting (STA)-based SOSM controllers are set thanks to the Lyapunov theory and used as nonlinear constraints for the formulated hard optimization control problem. A set of advanced metaheuristics, such as Thermal Exchange Optimization (TEO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA), and Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA), is considered to solve the constrained optimization problem. Demonstrative simulation results are carried out to show the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed control scheme in terms of grid disturbances rejection, closed-loop tracking performance, and robustness against the chattering phenomenon. Several comparisons to our related works, i.e., approaches based on TEO-tuned PI controller, TEO-tuned STA-SOSM controller, and STA-SOSM controller-based linear observer, are presented and discussed

    On the Discretization of a Class of Homogeneous Differentiators

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    This paper proposes explicit and implicit discrete-time realizations for a class of homogeneous sliding-mode-based differentiators. The proposed approach relies on the exact discretization of the continuous differentiator. Also, it is demonstrated that the proposed implicit discretization always exists, is non-anticipative and unique. A numerical simulation shows the better performance of the implicit scheme over the proposed and the referenced explicit implementations.ITESO, A.C

    Indirect adaptive higher-order sliding-mode control using the certainty-equivalence principle

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    Seit den 50er Jahren werden große Anstrengungen unternommen, Algorithmen zu entwickeln, welche in der Lage sind Unsicherheiten und Störungen in Regelkreisen zu kompensieren. Früh wurden hierzu adaptive Verfahren, die eine kontinuierliche Anpassung der Reglerparameter vornehmen, genutzt, um die Stabilisierung zu ermöglichen. Die fortlaufende Modifikation der Parameter sorgt dabei dafür, dass strukturelle Änderungen im Systemmodell sich nicht auf die Regelgüte auswirken. Eine deutlich andere Herangehensweise wird durch strukturvariable Systeme, insbesondere die sogenannte Sliding-Mode Regelung, verfolgt. Hierbei wird ein sehr schnell schaltendes Stellsignal für die Kompensation auftretender Störungen und Modellunsicherheiten so genutzt, dass bereits ohne besonderes Vorwissen über die Störeinflüsse eine beachtliche Regelgüte erreicht werden kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema, diese beiden sehr unterschiedlichen Strategien miteinander zu verbinden und dabei die Vorteile der ursprünglichen Umsetzung zu erhalten. So benötigen Sliding-Mode Verfahren generell nur wenige Informationen über die Störung, zeigen jedoch Defizite bei Unsicherheiten, die vom Systemzustand abhängen. Auf der anderen Seite können adaptive Regelungen sehr gut parametrische Unsicherheiten kompensieren, wohingegen unmodellierte Störungen zu einer verschlechterten Regelgüte führen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, eine kombinierte Entwurfsmethodik zu entwickeln, welche die verfügbaren Informationen über die Störeinflüsse bestmöglich ausnutzt. Hierbei wird insbesondere Wert auf einen theoretisch fundierten Stabilitätsnachweis gelegt, welcher erst durch Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre im Bereich der Lyapunov-Theorie im Zusammenhang mit Sliding-Mode ermöglicht wurde. Anhand der gestellten Anforderungen werden Regelalgorithmen entworfen, die eine Kombination von Sliding-Mode Reglern höherer Ordnung und adaptiven Verfahren darstellen. Neben den theoretischen Betrachtungen werden die Vorteile des Verfahrens auch anhand von Simulationsbeispielen und eines Laborversuchs nachgewiesen. Es zeigt sich hierbei, dass die vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen eine Verbesserung hinsichtlich der Regelgüte als auch der Robustheit gegenüber den konventionellen Verfahren erzielen.Since the late 50s, huge efforts have been made to improve the control algorithms that are capable of compensating for uncertainties and disturbances. Adaptive controllers that adjust their parameters continuously have been used from the beginning to solve this task. This adaptation of the controller allows to maintain a constant performance even under changing conditions. A different idea is proposed by variable structure systems, in particular by the so-called sliding-mode control. The idea is to employ a very fast switching signal to compensate for disturbances or uncertainties. This thesis deals with a combination of these two rather different approaches while preserving the advantages of each method. The design of a sliding-mode controller normally does not demand sophisticated knowledge about the disturbance, while the controller's robustness against state-dependent uncertainties might be poor. On the other hand, adaptive controllers are well suited to compensate for parametric uncertainties while unstructured influence may result in a degraded performance. Hence, the objective of this work is to design sliding-mode controllers that use as much information about the uncertainty as possible and exploit this knowledge in the design. An important point is that the design procedure is based on a rigorous proof of the stability of the combined approach. Only recent results on Lyapunov theory in the field of sliding-mode made this analysis possible. It is shown that the Lyapunov function of the nominal sliding-mode controller has a direct impact on the adaptation law. Therefore, this Lyapunov function has to meet certain conditions in order to allow a proper implementation of the proposed algorithms. The main contributions of this thesis are sliding-mode controllers, extended by an adaptive part using the certainty-equivalence principle. It is shown that the combination of both approaches results in a novel controller design that is able to solve a control task even in the presence of different classes of uncertainties. In addition to the theoretical analysis, the advantages of the proposed method are demonstrated in a selection of simulation examples and on a laboratory test-bench. The experiments show that the proposed control algorithm delivers better performance in regard to chattering and robustness compared to classical sliding-mode controllers

    Recent advances in model predictive and sliding mode current control techniques of multiphase induction machines

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    Multiphase machines have attracted the attention of the research and industrial communities due to their advantages, namely better power distribution and fault-tolerant capabilities without extra hardware. However, the multiphase machine requires high-performance control strategies to take advantage of these features. From this perspective, the field-oriented control with the inner current control loop that uses using an explicit modulation stage has been considered the benchmark solution thanks to the reduced harmonic distortion obtained with this regulation strategy. Nevertheless, nonlinear controllers, thanks to their inherent nature, allow exploiting the extra multiphase capabilities in a simplified manner. Consequently, this paper aims to concentrate and discuss the latest developments on nonlinear current control of two of the most popular multiphase electric drive configurations, five-phase and six-phase. Then, this paper covers mainly finite-control-set model predictive control and their variations. Moreover, sliding-mode control is also explained. Finally, this paper includes experimental assessments of the most recent nonlinear current control techniques considering steady-state and transient conditions, stability and performance analysis.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-105612RB-I0

    High-Order Sliding Mode Block Control of Single-Phase Induction Motor

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    A new sliding mode (SM) observer-based controller for single-phase induction motor is designed. The proposed control scheme is formulated using block control feedback linearization technique and high-order SM algorithms with measurements of the rotor speed and stator currents. The stability of the complete closed-loop system, including the rotor flux second-order SM observer, is analyzed in the presence of model uncertainty, namely, rotor resistance variation and bounded timevarying load torque.CINVESTA

    Output Feedback Linearization of Turbidostats After Time Scaling

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    "© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."[EN] Turbidostats are a class of bioreactors gaining interest due to the recent availability of microscale and small-scale devices for characterization and scalingup of the biotechnological systems relevant in the biotech and pharma industries. The goal is to keep cell density constant in continuous operation. Thus, the control law, i.e., the substrate feeding strategy, must guarantee global or semiglobal convergence to an equilibrium point. However, their control is difficult due to the uncertain, time varying, and nonlinear nature of the processes involved. In this brief, we propose an adaptive control law that globally stabilizes the desired biomass setpoint. Furthermore, in a certain region of the state space, the controller linearizes the dynamic behavior after some time scaling. By this way, the orbits of the closedloop system are imposed by the designer. The intrinsic integral action of the gain adaptation rejects the parameter uncertainties. Moreover, the controller implementation only assumes the biomass concentration to be measured. Both the simulated and experimental results show the performance of the controller.This work was supported in part by the National University of La Plata under Grant 11-I127, in part by ANPCyT under Grant PICT2014 2394, in part by CONICET under Grant PIP112 2015 0837, and in part by MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE under Grant DPI2014-55276-C5-1-R and Grant DPI2017-82896-C2-1-R. The work of F. N. Santos-Navarro was supported by ai2-UPV.De Battista, H.; Picó-Marco, E.; Santos-Navarro, FN.; Picó, J. (2019). Output Feedback Linearization of Turbidostats After Time Scaling. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 27(4):1668-1676. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCST.2018.2834882S1668167627


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    The paper describes a Non-linear Control (ETNC) approach for constrained Networked Feedback Control Systems (NFCS). The real-time controller execution is implemented based on the Event-triggering paradigm. A  nonlinear variable structure is used for the controller design. The nonlinear approach is based on the predefined sliding variable defined by the system states with a nonlinear switching function. The system's stability is analyzed regarding the evolution of the sliding variable. The Event-Triggered operation of the nonlinear controller is based on the prescribed triggering rule. The stability boundary of the sliding variable is subject to the preselected triggering condition, whose selection is a tradeoff of system performance, networks constraints and transmission capabilities. The main focus of the Event triggering approach is lowering network resources utilization in the steady-state behavior of the NFCS. The presented approach ensures a non-zero inter-event time of controller execution, which enables scheduling and optimization of the network operation regarding the network constraints and real-time system performance. The efficiency of the presented method is presented with a comparison of the classical time triggering approach.  The real measurement supports the results

    Toward on-line robot vibratory modes estimation

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    International audienceThis paper is concerned with preliminary results on robot vibratory modes on-line estimation. The dominating oscillatory mode of the robot arm is isolated by comparing the robot position given by the motors encoders and an external measure at the tool-tip of the robot arm. In this article the external measurement is provided by a laser tracker. The isolation of the oscillation permits to identify the vibratory mode, \textit{i.e.} the natural frequency and the damping ratio of the undesired phenomena. Here we propose a comparison between the algebraic method and the sliding modes for the parameter identification. This comparison is motivated by the fact that both methods provide finite time convergence. Experimental identifications are proposed on a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) manipulator robot, Stäubli RX-170B