80 research outputs found

    Jenga: Harnessing Heterogeneous Memories through Reconfigurable Cache Hierarchies

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    Conventional memory systems are organized as a rigid hierarchy, with multiple levels of progressively larger and slower memories. Hierarchy allows a simple, fixed design to benefit a wide range of applications, because working sets settle at the smallest (and fastest) level they fit in. However, rigid hierarchies also cause significant overheads, because each level adds latency and energy even when it does not capture the working set. In emerging systems with heterogeneous memory technologies such as stacked DRAM, these overheads often limit performance and efficiency. We propose Jenga, a reconfigurable cache hierarchy that avoids these pathologies and approaches the performance of a hierarchy optimized for each application. Jenga monitors application behavior and dynamically builds virtual cache hierarchies out of heterogeneous, distributed cache banks. Jenga uses simple hardware support and a novel software runtime to configure virtual cache hierarchies. On a 36-core CMP with a 1 GB stacked-DRAM cache, Jenga outperforms a combination of state-of-the-art techniques by 10% on average and by up to 36%, and does so while saving energy, improving system-wide energy-delay product by 29% on average and by up to 96%

    Reliability-aware memory design using advanced reconfiguration mechanisms

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    Fast and Complex Data Memory systems has become a necessity in modern computational units in today's integrated circuits. These memory systems are integrated in form of large embedded memory for data manipulation and storage. This goal has been achieved by the aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions to few nanometer (nm) sizes, though; such a progress comes with a drawback, making it critical to obtain high yields of the chips. Process variability, due to manufacturing imperfections, along with temporal aging, mainly induced by higher electric fields and temperature, are two of the more significant threats that can no longer be ignored in nano-scale embedded memory circuits, and can have high impact on their robustness. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is one of the most used embedded memories; generally implemented with the smallest device dimensions and therefore its robustness can be highly important in nanometer domain design paradigm. Their reliable operation needs to be considered and achieved both in cell and also in architectural SRAM array design. Recently, and with the approach to near/below 10nm design generations, novel non-FET devices such as Memristors are attracting high attention as a possible candidate to replace the conventional memory technologies. In spite of their favorable characteristics such as being low power and highly scalable, they also suffer with reliability challenges, such as process variability and endurance degradation, which needs to be mitigated at device and architectural level. This thesis work tackles such problem of reliability concerns in memories by utilizing advanced reconfiguration techniques. In both SRAM arrays and Memristive crossbar memories novel reconfiguration strategies are considered and analyzed, which can extend the memory lifetime. These techniques include monitoring circuits to check the reliability status of the memory units, and architectural implementations in order to reconfigure the memory system to a more reliable configuration before a fail happens.Actualmente, el diseño de sistemas de memoria en circuitos integrados busca continuamente que sean más rápidos y complejos, lo cual se ha vuelto de gran necesidad para las unidades de computación modernas. Estos sistemas de memoria están integrados en forma de memoria embebida para una mejor manipulación de los datos y de su almacenamiento. Dicho objetivo ha sido conseguido gracias al agresivo escalado de las dimensiones del transistor, el cual está llegando a las dimensiones nanométricas. Ahora bien, tal progreso ha conllevado el inconveniente de una menor fiabilidad, dado que ha sido altamente difícil obtener elevados rendimientos de los chips. La variabilidad de proceso - debido a las imperfecciones de fabricación - junto con la degradación de los dispositivos - principalmente inducido por el elevado campo eléctrico y altas temperaturas - son dos de las más relevantes amenazas que no pueden ni deben ser ignoradas por más tiempo en los circuitos embebidos de memoria, echo que puede tener un elevado impacto en su robusteza final. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) es una de las celdas de memoria más utilizadas en la actualidad. Generalmente, estas celdas son implementadas con las menores dimensiones de dispositivos, lo que conlleva que el estudio de su robusteza es de gran relevancia en el actual paradigma de diseño en el rango nanométrico. La fiabilidad de sus operaciones necesita ser considerada y conseguida tanto a nivel de celda de memoria como en el diseño de arquitecturas complejas basadas en celdas de memoria SRAM. Actualmente, con el diseño de sistemas basados en dispositivos de 10nm, dispositivos nuevos no-FET tales como los memristores están atrayendo una elevada atención como posibles candidatos para reemplazar las actuales tecnologías de memorias convencionales. A pesar de sus características favorables, tales como el bajo consumo como la alta escabilidad, ellos también padecen de relevantes retos de fiabilidad, como son la variabilidad de proceso y la degradación de la resistencia, la cual necesita ser mitigada tanto a nivel de dispositivo como a nivel arquitectural. Con todo esto, esta tesis doctoral afronta tales problemas de fiabilidad en memorias mediante la utilización de técnicas de reconfiguración avanzada. La consideración de nuevas estrategias de reconfiguración han resultado ser validas tanto para las memorias basadas en celdas SRAM como en `memristive crossbar¿, donde se ha observado una mejora significativa del tiempo de vida en ambos casos. Estas técnicas incluyen circuitos de monitorización para comprobar la fiabilidad de las unidades de memoria, y la implementación arquitectural con el objetivo de reconfigurar los sistemas de memoria hacia una configuración mucho más fiables antes de que el fallo suced

    Reliability in the face of variability in nanometer embedded memories

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    In this thesis, we have investigated the impact of parametric variations on the behaviour of one performance-critical processor structure - embedded memories. As variations manifest as a spread in power and performance, as a first step, we propose a novel modeling methodology that helps evaluate the impact of circuit-level optimizations on architecture-level design choices. Choices made at the design-stage ensure conflicting requirements from higher-levels are decoupled. We then complement such design-time optimizations with a runtime mechanism that takes advantage of adaptive body-biasing to lower power whilst improving performance in the presence of variability. Our proposal uses a novel fully-digital variation tracking hardware using embedded DRAM (eDRAM) cells to monitor run-time changes in cache latency and leakage. A special fine-grain body-bias generator uses the measurements to generate an optimal body-bias that is needed to meet the required yield targets. A novel variation-tolerant and soft-error hardened eDRAM cell is also proposed as an alternate candidate for replacing existing SRAM-based designs in latency critical memory structures. In the ultra low-power domain where reliable operation is limited by the minimum voltage of operation (Vddmin), we analyse the impact of failures on cache functional margin and functional yield. Towards this end, we have developed a fully automated tool (INFORMER) capable of estimating memory-wide metrics such as power, performance and yield accurately and rapidly. Using the developed tool, we then evaluate the #effectiveness of a new class of hybrid techniques in improving cache yield through failure prevention and correction. Having a holistic perspective of memory-wide metrics helps us arrive at design-choices optimized simultaneously for multiple metrics needed for maintaining lifetime requirements

    Improving the Reliability of Microprocessors under BTI and TDDB Degradations

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    Reliability is a fundamental challenge for current and future microprocessors with advanced nanoscale technologies. With smaller gates, thinner dielectric and higher temperature microprocessors are vulnerable under aging mechanisms such as Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Temperature Dependent Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB). Under continuous stress both parametric and functional errors occur, resulting compromised microprocessor lifetime. In this thesis, based on the thorough study on BTI and TDDB mechanisms, solutions are proposed to mitigating the aging processes on memory based and random logic structures in modern out-of-order microprocessors. A large area of processor core is occupied by memory based structure that is vulnerable to BTI induced errors. The problem is exacerbated when PBTI degradation in NMOS is as severe as NBTI in PMOS in high-k metal gate technology. Hence a novel design is proposed to recover 4 internal gates within a SRAM cell simultaneously to mitigate both NBTI and PBTI effects. This technique is applied to both the L2 cache banks and the busy function units with storage cells in out-of-order pipeline in two different ways. For the L2 cache banks, redundant cache bank is added exclusively for proactive recovery rotation. For the critical and busy function units in out-of-order pipelines, idle cycles are exploited at per-buffer-entry level. Different from memory based structures, combinational logic structures such as function units in execution stage can not use low overhead redundancy to tolerate errors due to their irregular structure. A design framework that aims to improve the reliability of the vulnerable functional units of a processor core is designed and implemented. The approach is designing a generic function unit (GFU) that can be reconfigured to replace a particular functional unit (FU) while it is being recovered for improved lifetime. Although flexible, the GFU is slower than the original target FUs. So GFU is carefully designed so as to minimize the performance loss when it is in-use. More schemes are also designed to avoid using the GFU on performance critical paths of a program execution

    Exploiting Properties of CMP Cache Traffic in Designing Hybrid Packet/Circuit Switched NoCs

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    Chip multiprocessors with few to tens of processing cores are already commercially available. Increased scaling of technology is making it feasible to integrate even more cores on a single chip. Providing the cores with fast access to data is vital to overall system performance. When a core requires access to a piece of data, the core's private cache memory is searched first. If a miss occurs, the data is looked up in the next level(s) of the memory hierarchy, where often one or more levels of cache are shared between two or more cores. Communication between the cores and the slices of the on-chip shared cache is carried through the network-on-chip(NoC). Interestingly, the cache and NoC mutually affect the operation of each other; communication over the NoC affects the access latency of cache data, while the cache organization generates the coherence and data messages, thus affecting the communication patterns and latency over the NoC. This thesis considers hybrid packet/circuit switched NoCs, i.e., packet switched NoCs enhanced with the ability to configure circuits. The communication and performance benefit that come from using circuits is predicated on amortizing the time cost incurred for configuring the circuits. To address this challenge, NoC designs are proposed that take advantage of properties of the cache traffic, namely temporal locality and predictability, to amortize or hide the circuit configuration time cost. First, a coarse-grained circuit configuration policy is proposed that exploits the temporal locality in the cache traffic to periodically configure circuits for the heavily communicating nodes. This allows the design of a locality-aware cache that promotes temporal communication locality through data placement, while designing suitable data replacement and migration policies. Next, a fine-grained configuration policy, called Déjà Vu switching, is proposed for leveraging predictability of data messages by initiating a circuit configuration as soon as a cache hit is detected and before the data becomes available. Its benefit is demonstrated for saving interconnect energy in multi-plane NoCs. Finally, a more proactive configuration policy is proposed for fast caches, where circuit reservations are initiated by request messages, which can greatly improve communication latency and system performance

    STT-RAM을 이용한 에너지 효율적인 캐시 설계 기술

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2019. 2. 최기영.지난 수십 년간 '메모리 벽' 문제를 해결하기 위해 온 칩 캐시의 크기는 꾸준히 증가해왔다. 하지만 지금까지 캐시에 주로 사용되어 온 메모리 기술인 SRAM은 낮은 집적도와 높은 대기 전력 소모로 인해 큰 캐시를 구성하는 데에는 적합하지 않다. 이러한 SRAM의 단점을 보완하기 위해 더 높은 집적도와 낮은 대기 전력을 소모하는 새로운 메모리 기술인 STT-RAM으로 SRAM을 대체하는 것이 제안되었다. 하지만 STT-RAM은 데이터를 쓸 때 많은 에너지와 시간을 소비하기 때문에 단순히 SRAM을 STT-RAM으로 대체하는 것은 오히려 캐시 에너지 소비를 증가시킨다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 STT-RAM을 이용한 에너지 효율적인 캐시 설계 기술들을 제안한다. 첫 번째, 배타적 캐시 계층 구조에서 STT-RAM을 활용하는 방법을 제안하였다. 배타적 캐시 계층 구조는 계층 간에 중복된 데이터가 없기 때문에 포함적 캐시 계층 구조와 비교하여 더 큰 유효 용량을 갖지만, 배타적 캐시 계층 구조에서는 상위 레벨 캐시에서 내보내진 모든 데이터를 하위 레벨 캐시에 써야 하므로 더 많은 양의 데이터를 쓰게 된다. 이러한 배타적 캐시 계층 구조의 특성은 쓰기 특성이 단점인 STT-RAM을 함께 활용하는 것을 어렵게 한다. 이를 해결하기 위해 본 논문에서는 재사용 거리 예측을 기반으로 하는 SRAM/STT-RAM 하이브리드 캐시 구조를 설계하였다. 두 번째, 비휘발성 STT-RAM을 이용해 캐시를 설계할 때 고려해야 할 점들에 대해 분석하였다. STT-RAM의 비효율적인 쓰기 동작을 줄이기 위해 다양한 해결법들이 제안되었다. 그중 한 가지는 STT-RAM 소자가 데이터를 유지하는 시간을 줄여 (휘발성 STT-RAM) 쓰기 특성을 향상하는 방법이다. STT-RAM에 저장된 데이터를 잃는 것은 확률적으로 발생하기 때문에 저장된 데이터를 안정적으로 유지하기 위해서는 오류 정정 부호(ECC)를 이용해 주기적으로 오류를 정정해주어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 STT-RAM 모델을 이용하여 휘발성 STT-RAM 설계 요소들에 대해 분석하였고 실험을 통해 해당 설계 요소들이 캐시 에너지와 성능에 주는 영향을 보여주었다. 마지막으로, 매니코어 시스템에서의 분산 하이브리드 캐시 구조를 설계하였다. 단순히 기존의 하이브리드 캐시와 분산캐시를 결합하면 하이브리드 캐시의 효율성에 큰 영향을 주는 SRAM 활용도가 낮아진다. 따라서 기존의 하이브리드 캐시 구조에서의 에너지 감소를 기대할 수 없다. 본 논문에서는 분산 하이브리드 캐시 구조에서 SRAM 활용도를 높일 수 있는 두 가지 최적화 기술인 뱅크-내부 최적화와 뱅크간 최적화 기술을 제안하였다. 뱅크-내부 최적화는 highly-associative 캐시를 활용하여 뱅크 내부에서 쓰기 동작이 많은 데이터를 분산시키는 것이고 뱅크간 최적화는 서로 다른 캐시 뱅크에 쓰기 동작이 많은 데이터를 고르게 분산시키는 최적화 방법이다.Over the last decade, the capacity of on-chip cache is continuously increased to mitigate the memory wall problem. However, SRAM, which is a dominant memory technology for caches, is not suitable for such a large cache because of its low density and large static power. One way to mitigate these downsides of the SRAM cache is replacing SRAM with a more efficient memory technology. Spin-Transfer Torque RAM (STT-RAM), one of the emerging memory technology, is a promising candidate for the alternative of SRAM. As a substitute of SRAM, STT-RAM can compensate drawbacks of SRAM with its non-volatility and small cell size. However, STT-RAM has poor write characteristics such as high write energy and long write latency and thus simply replacing SRAM to STT-RAM increases cache energy. To overcome those poor write characteristics of STT-RAM, this dissertation explores three different design techniques for energy-efficient cache using STT-RAM. The first part of the dissertation focuses on combining STT-RAM with exclusive cache hierarchy. Exclusive caches are known to provide higher effective cache capacity than inclusive caches by removing duplicated copies of cache blocks across hierarchies. However, in exclusive cache hierarchies, every block evicted from the upper-level cache is written back to the last-level cache regardless of its dirtiness thereby incurring extra write overhead. This makes it challenging to use STT-RAM for exclusive last-level caches due to its high write energy and long write latency. To mitigate this problem, we design an SRAM/STT-RAM hybrid cache architecture based on reuse distance prediction. The second part of the dissertation explores trade-offs in the design of volatile STT-RAM cache. Due to the inefficient write operation of STT-RAM, various solutions have been proposed to tackle this inefficiency. One of the proposed solutions is redesigning STT-RAM cell for better write characteristics at the cost of shortened retention time (i.e., volatile STT-RAM). Since the retention failure of STT-RAM has a stochastic property, an extra overhead of periodic scrubbing with error correcting code (ECC) is required to tolerate the failure. With an analysis based on analytic STT-RAM model, we have conducted extensive experiments on various volatile STT-RAM cache design parameters including scrubbing period, ECC strength, and target failure rate. The experimental results show the impact of the parameter variations on last-level cache energy and performance and provide a guideline for designing a volatile STT-RAM with ECC and scrubbing. The last part of the dissertation proposes Benzene, an energy-efficient distributed SRAM/STT-RAM hybrid cache architecture for manycore systems running multiple applications. It is based on the observation that a naive application of hybrid cache techniques to distributed caches in a manycore architecture suffers from limited energy reduction due to uneven utilization of scarce SRAM. We propose two-level optimization techniques: intra-bank and inter-bank. Intra-bank optimization leverages highly-associative cache design, achieving more uniform distribution of writes within a bank. Inter-bank optimization evenly balances the amount of write-intensive data across the banks.Abstract i Contents iii List of Figures vii List of Tables xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Exclusive Last-Level Hybrid Cache 2 1.2 Designing Volatile STT-RAM Cache 4 1.3 Distributed Hybrid Cache 5 Chapter 2 Background 9 2.1 STT-RAM 9 2.1.1 Thermal Stability 10 2.1.2 Read and Write Operation of STT-RAM 11 2.1.3 Failures of STT-RAM 11 2.1.4 Volatile STT-RAM 13 2.1.5 Related Work 14 2.2 Exclusive Last-Level Hybrid Cache 18 2.2.1 Cache Hierarchies 18 2.2.2 Related Work 19 2.3 Distributed Hybrid Cache 21 2.3.1 Prediction Hybrid Cache 21 2.3.2 Distributed Cache Partitioning 22 2.3.3 Related Work 23 Chapter 3 Exclusive Last-Level Hybrid Cache 27 3.1 Motivation 27 3.1.1 Exclusive Cache Hierarchy 27 3.1.2 Reuse Distance 29 3.2 Architecture 30 3.2.1 Reuse Distance Predictor 30 3.2.2 Hybrid Cache Architecture 32 3.3 Evaluation 34 3.3.1 Methodology 34 3.3.2 LLC Energy Consumption 35 3.3.3 Main Memory Energy Consumption 38 3.3.4 Performance 39 3.3.5 Area Overhead 39 3.4 Summary 39 Chapter 4 Designing Volatile STT-RAM Cache 41 4.1 Analysis 41 4.1.1 Retention Failure of a Volatile STT-RAM Cell 41 4.1.2 Memory Array Design 43 4.2 Evaluation 45 4.2.1 Methodology 45 4.2.2 Last-Level Cache Energy 46 4.2.3 Performance 51 4.3 Summary 52 Chapter 5 Distributed Hybrid Cache 55 5.1 Motivation 55 5.2 Architecture 58 5.2.1 Intra-Bank Optimization 59 5.2.2 Inter-Bank Optimization 63 5.2.3 Other Optimizations 67 5.3 Evaluation Methodology 69 5.4 Evaluation Results 73 5.4.1 Energy Consumption and Performance 73 5.4.2 Analysis of Intra-bank Optimization 76 5.4.3 Analysis of Inter-bank Optimization 78 5.4.4 Impact of Inter-Bank Optimization on Network Energy 79 5.4.5 Sensitivity Analysis 80 5.4.6 Implementation Overhead 81 5.5 Summary 82 Chapter 6 Conculsion 85 Bibliography 88 초록 101Docto

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    Digital implementation of the cellular sensor-computers

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    Two different kinds of cellular sensor-processor architectures are used nowadays in various applications. The first is the traditional sensor-processor architecture, where the sensor and the processor arrays are mapped into each other. The second is the foveal architecture, in which a small active fovea is navigating in a large sensor array. This second architecture is introduced and compared here. Both of these architectures can be implemented with analog and digital processor arrays. The efficiency of the different implementation types, depending on the used CMOS technology, is analyzed. It turned out, that the finer the technology is, the better to use digital implementation rather than analog

    Timing Predictability in Future Multi-Core Avionics Systems

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