1,113 research outputs found

    Children s Acceptance of a Collaborative Problem Solving Game Based on Physical Versus Digital Learning Spaces

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    [EN] Collaborative problem solving (CPS) is an essential soft skill that should be fostered from a young age. Research shows that a good way of teaching such skills is through video games; however, the success and viability of this method may be affected by the technological platform used. In this work we propose a gameful approach to train CPS skills in the form of the CPSbot framework and describe a study involving 80 primary school children on user experience and acceptance of a game, Quizbot, using three different technological platforms: two purely digital (tabletop and handheld tablets) and another based on tangible interfaces and physical spaces. The results show that physical spaces proved to be more effective than the screen-based platforms in several ways, as well as being considered more fun and easier to use by the children. Finally, we propose a set of design considerations for future gameful CPS systems based on the observations made during this study.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (project TIN2014-60077-R); Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (with fellowship FPU14/00136) and Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain) (grant ACIF/2014/214).Jurdi, S.; García Sanjuan, F.; Nácher-Soler, VE.; Jaén Martínez, FJ. (2018). Children s Acceptance of a Collaborative Problem Solving Game Based on Physical Versus Digital Learning Spaces. Interacting with Computers. 30(3):187-206. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwy006S18720630


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    This report covers on the implementation of tabletop tablet to display interactive catalogue system in the car industry. This project is a prove of concept indicating that the multi touch techniques are really useful in car industry as the user can direct manipulate sense of touch on viewing the car catalogue. This is proved when car purchasing activity or car road show take place. It focuses on the background on the catalogue whereby less interactive and low in usability discussed. The prime objective of this project is to investigate whether by having tabletop tablet will add and induce usability via user collaboration enabling more than one user to perform moving, resizing, zooming and rotating the car catalogue projected on the tabletop. On the literature section, it had been mention details of the architectural, design and application component. It also findings and readings on the multi gestural techniques, natural user interfaces (NUI) and the multi touch development platform. On the methodology part touches on the timeline and period how the project being carried out. Attached together the Gantt chart and flow chart on the event flow and task schedule. Discussion and result section talks about the development of the project and outcome of it. Description and explanation was included on how the multi-touch application being developed integrated with the entire component. Discussion regarding the system advantages, recommendation for future opportunity and weakness included in second last section. The recommendation described and explained taking into account of the system weakness and further improvement on the further coming years. Last section is the conclusion, discussing on the hope and key aspect achieved throughout the software development and progress

    Evaluating a tactile and a tangible multi-tablet gamified quiz system for collaborative learning in primary education

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    [EN] Gamification has been identified as an interesting technique to foster collaboration in educational contexts. However, there are not many approaches that tackle this in primary school learning environments. The most popular technologies in the classroom are still traditional video consoles and desktop computers, which complicate the design of collaborative activities since they are essentially mono-user. The recent popularization of handheld devices such as tablets and smartphones has made it possible to build affordable, scalable, and improvised collaborative gamifled activities by creating a multi-tablet environment. In this paper we present Quizbot, a collaborative gamifled quiz application to practice different subjects, which can be defined by educators beforehand. Two versions of the system are implemented: a tactile for tablets laid on a table, in which all the elements are digital; and a tangible in which the tablets are scattered on the floor and the components are both digital and physical objects. Both versions of Quizbot are evaluated and compared in a study with eighty primary-schooled children in terms of user experience and quality of collaboration supported. Results indicate that both versions of Quizbot are essentially equally fun and easy to use, and can effectively support collaboration, with the tangible version outperforming the other one with respect to make the children reach consensus after a discussion, split and parallelize work, and treat each other with more respect, but also presenting a poorer time management.We would like to thank Universitat Politecnica de Valencia's Summer School for their collaboration during the development of this study, as well as Colegio Internacional Ausias March for their support in the development of educational content.This work is supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and funded by the European Development Regional Fund (EDRF-FEDER) with Project TIN2014-60077-R. It is also supported by fellowship ACIF/2014/214 within the VALi+d program from Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana), and by fellowship FPU14/00136 within the FPU program from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and SportGarcía Sanjuan, F.; El Jurdi, S.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Nácher-Soler, VE. (2018). Evaluating a tactile and a tangible multi-tablet gamified quiz system for collaborative learning in primary education. Computers & Education. 123:65-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2018.04.011S658412

    Kurio: A museum guide for families

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    We discuss three design strategies for improving the quality of social interaction and learning with interactive museum guides: 1) embodied interaction; 2) game-learning; 3) a hybrid system. We used these strategies in our prototype Kurio, which is aimed at supporting families visiting museums. The results of our evaluation show positive implications of implementing the design strategies: closing the social gap, naturalizing technology, and supporting exploration and discovery in learning


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    This report covers on the implementation of tabletop tablet to display interactive catalogue system in the car industry. This project is a prove of concept indicating that the multi touch techniques are really useful in car industry as the user can direct manipulate sense of touch on viewing the car catalogue. This is proved when car purchasing activity or car road show take place. It focuses on the background on the catalogue whereby less interactive and low in usability discussed. The prime objective of this project is to investigate whether by having tabletop tablet will add and induce usability via user collaboration enabling more than one user to perform moving, resizing, zooming and rotating the car catalogue projected on the tabletop. On the literature section, it had been mention details of the architectural, design and application component. It also findings and readings on the multi gestural techniques, natural user interfaces (NUI) and the multi touch development platform. On the methodology part touches on the timeline and period how the project being carried out. Attached together the Gantt chart and flow chart on the event flow and task schedule. Discussion and result section talks about the development of the project and outcome of it. Description and explanation was included on how the multi-touch application being developed integrated with the entire component. Discussion regarding the system advantages, recommendation for future opportunity and weakness included in second last section. The recommendation described and explained taking into account of the system weakness and further improvement on the further coming years. Last section is the conclusion, discussing on the hope and key aspect achieved throughout the software development and progress

    AGORAS: Exploring Creative Learning on Tangible User Interfaces

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    Departing from creative learning foundations, this paper discusses on the suitability of interactive tables as a grounding technology to support creative learning for several reasons: support for social learning, because the subjects share a physical space as in traditional non-digital technologies; communication during the creative, experimental and reflexive process is direct and not computer-mediated; and subjects can carry out the task in parallel on the same surface. Considering reflection, discussion and creation processes in a loop, an experiment with teenagers has been conducted comparing a digital-based against a pure tangible tabletop in a task of creating entities consisting of blocks and joint elements. This preliminary study, designed to obtain initial insights about whether the grounding technology may become a promising tool to support creative learning, explores some aspects such as productivity, complexity of designs and concurrent comanipulation. The results showed that subjects were more productive in terms of the number of solutions obtained using the non computer-mediated approach. However using the digital tabletop approach subjects design, on average, more complex or elaborate solutions in terms of the number of involved bodies and joints. Finally, an important finding was that teams established more frequently concurrent cooperation schemes in the digital tabletop condition by sharing more effectively the creation space.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and Innovation under the National Strategic Program of Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation (I+D+i) and project TSI2010-20488. Our thanks to the Alaquas city council and the clubhouse’s managers. Thanks also to the team Polimedia of the office “Área de Información y Comunicaciones” (ASIC) for the support in computer hardware. A. Catalá is supported by a FPU fellowship from the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain with reference AP2006-00181.Catalá Bolós, A.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Martínez-Villaronga, A.; Mocholí Agües, JA. (2011). AGORAS: Exploring Creative Learning on Tangible User Interfaces. En Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2011 IEEE 35th Annual. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 326-335. https://doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC.2011.50S32633

    FM radio: family interplay with sonic mementos

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    Digital mementos are increasingly problematic, as people acquire large amounts of digital belongings that are hard to access and often forgotten. Based on fieldwork with 10 families, we designed a new type of embodied digital memento, the FM Radio. It allows families to access and play sonic mementos of their previous holidays. We describe our underlying design motivation where recordings are presented as a series of channels on an old fashioned radio. User feedback suggests that the device met our design goals: being playful and intriguing, easy to use and social. It facilitated family interaction, and allowed ready access to mementos, thus sharing many of the properties of physical mementos that we intended to trigger

    Virtual Valcamonica: collaborative exploration of prehistoric petroglyphs and their surrounding environment in multi-user virtual reality

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    In this paper, we present a novel, multi-user, virtual reality environment for the interactive, collaborative 3D analysis of large 3D scans and the technical advancements that were necessary to build it: a multi-view rendering system for large 3D point clouds, a suitable display infrastructure and a suite of collaborative 3D interaction techniques. The cultural heritage site of Valcamonica in Italy with its large collection of prehistoric rock-art served as an exemplary use case for evaluation. The results show that our output-sensitive level-of-detail rendering system is capable of visualizing a 3D dataset with an aggregate size of more than 14 billion points at interactive frame rates. The system design in this exemplar application results from close exchange with a small group of potential users: archaeologists with expertise in rock-art and allows them to explore the prehistoric art and its spatial context with highly realistic appearance. A set of dedicated interaction techniques was developed to facilitate collaborative visual analysis. A multi-display workspace supports the immediate comparison of geographically distributed artifacts. An expert review of the final demonstrator confirmed the potential for added value in rock-art research and the usability of our collaborative interaction techniques

    Supporting collaborative work using interactive tabletop

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    PhD ThesisCollaborative working is a key of success for organisations. People work together around tables at work, home, school, and coffee shops. With the explosion of the internet and computer systems, there are a variety of tools to support collaboration in groups, such as groupware, and tools that support online meetings. However, in the case of co-located meetings and face-to-face situations, facial expressions, body language, and the verbal communications have significant influence on the group decision making process. Often people have a natural preference for traditional pen-and-paper-based decision support solutions in such situations. Thus, it is a challenge to implement tools that rely advanced technological interfaces, such as interactive multi-touch tabletops, to support collaborative work. This thesis proposes a novel tabletop application to support group work and investigates the effectiveness and usability of the proposed system. The requirements for the developed system are based on a review of previous literature and also on requirements elicited from potential users. The innovative aspect of our system is that it allows the use of personal devices that allow some level of privacy for the participants in the group work. We expect that the personal devices may contribute to the effectiveness of the use of tabletops to support collaborative work. We chose for the purpose of evaluation experiment the collaborative development of mind maps by groups, which has been investigated earlier as a representative form of collaborative work. Two controlled laboratory experiments were designed to examine the usability features and associated emotional attitudes for the tabletop mind map application in comparison with the conventional pen-and-paper approach in the context of collaborative work. The evaluation clearly indicates that the combination of the tabletop and personal devices support and encourage multiple people working collaboratively. The comparison of the associated emotional attitudes indicates that the interactive tabletop facilitates the active involvement of participants in the group decision making significantly more than the use of the pen-and-paper conditions. The work reported here contributes significantly to our understanding of the usability and effectiveness of interactive tabletop applications in the context of supporting of collaborative work.The Royal Thai governmen