50 research outputs found

    Rethinking 'multi-user': an in-the-wild study of how groups approach a walk-up-and-use tabletop interface

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    Multi-touch tabletops have been much heralded as an innovative technology that can facilitate new ways of group working. However, there is little evidence of these materialising outside of research lab settings. We present the findings of a 5-week in-the-wild study examining how a shared planning application – designed to run on a walk-up- and-use tabletop – was used when placed in a tourist information centre. We describe how groups approached, congregated and interacted with it and the social interactions that took place – noting how they were quite different from research findings describing the ways groups work around a tabletop in lab settings. We discuss the implications of such situated group work for designing collaborative tabletop applications for use in public settings

    Herausforderungen fĂŒr die Bildung im 21. Jahrhundert

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    Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich einer Darstellung und Kontextualisierung von Herausforderungen fĂŒr die Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert, aufgrund globaler Ressourcen- und UmweltverĂ€nderungen, und deren Betrachtung aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Der zweite Teil widmet sich einer VerĂ€nderung der Vorstellungen von Sozialisation und Erziehung, insbesondere seit den 1960er Jahren. Die beiden Teile der Arbeit weisen keine unmittelbare Verbindung auf. Sie sind als wichtige Vorarbeit zu betrachten, fĂŒr die der Arbeit zu Grunde liegende Frage, welche – im weitesten Sinne - Art von Mensch es fĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung der Transformations-Anforderungen in verschiedenen Szenarien des Übergangs zur postfossilen Gesellschaft braucht, und wie Erziehung/Bildung als steuerungsintendierte Elemente des individuellen Sozialisationsprozesses dazu beitragen können, Menschen die Entwicklung von FĂ€higkeiten, Welt- und Selbstvorstellungen zu eröffnen, die sie unterstĂŒtzen, gestaltende oder zumindest anerkennende Elemente eines mehr oder weniger sanft regulierenden VerĂ€nderungsprozesses zu werden. Da diese grundlegende Fragestellung ohne Vorarbeit direkt auf die Kontexte von Sozialisation, und die Aspekte von Steuerungsinstanzen, wie beispielsweise das Schulsystem angewendet, der KomplexitĂ€t des Betrachtungsfeldes nicht gerecht werden wĂŒrde, bleibt dieses - die beiden Betrachtungsebenen verbindende - Kern-Element der Fragestellung in dieser Arbeit vorerst bewusst nur am Rande berĂŒhrt, um in weiterer Bearbeitung an anderer Stelle aufgegriffen zu werden.The first part of this work is dedicated to explenations and contextualisations of the challenges that society migth have to face in the 21st century, because of global ressourcedepletion and changes in the environmental ecosystem, from a social scientific perspective. The second part is dedicated to the change of perceptions in socialization and education, especially since the 1960s. These both parts of the work are not immediately connected. They are seen as an important preparatory work, for the ground laying question, which – in the broadest meaning – kind of human being is needed for coping with the challenge of transformation within different scenarios of shift to a postfossil society, and how education as an interventioning system, and as part of the personal socialization process can contribute, to enable people in developing skills, world- and self-perceptions, that enable them to become shaping, collaborating, or at least not withholding actors of that transformation. As the ground laying question cannot be addressed on the context of socialization and its aspects within interventioning systems as education, without preparatory work, that core question, combining the two different contextual elements will not be addressed in this preparatory work, to be part of further processing of the subject

    Designing a large multi-player simulation game to encourage critical debate

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    There is great potential to design digital simulation games as part of professional training settings. However, there is little research on how a large group in a classroom or seminar can all play at the same time. In this paper we describe the design and first in-the-wild deployment of the 4Decades game, which involves up to 30 players simultaneously in a simulation of global climate economics. Using a network of shared devices and ambient displays, a fast-paced collaborative game enabled players to reflect on prior learning, strategy making and their critical understanding of the simulation

    Shazam For Bats: Internet of Things for Continuous Real-Time Biodiversity Monitoring

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    Biodiversity surveys are often required for development projects in cities that could affect protected species such as bats. Bats are important biodiversity indicators of the wider health of the environment and activity surveys of bat species are used to report on the performance of mitigation actions. Typically, sensors are used in the field to listen to the ultrasonic echolocation calls of bats or the audio data is recorded for post-processing to calculate the activity levels. Current methods rely on significant human input and therefore present an opportunity for continuous monitoring and in situ machine learning detection of bat calls in the field. Here, we show the results from a longitudinal study of 15 novel Internet connected bat sensors—Echo Boxes—in a large urban park. The study provided empirical evidence of how edge processing can reduce network traffic and storage demands by several orders of magnitude, making it possible to run continuous monitoring activities for many months including periods which traditionally would not be monitored. Our results demonstrate how the combination of artificial intelligence techniques and low-cost sensor networks can be used to create novel insights for ecologists and conservation decision-maker

    Watch Less and Uncover More: Could Navigation Tools Help Users Search and Explore Videos?

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    Prior research has shown how ‘content preview tools’ improve speed and accuracy of user relevance judgements across different information retrieval tasks. This paper describes a novel user interface tool, the Content Flow Bar, designed to allow users to quickly identify relevant fragments within informational videos to facilitate browsing, through a cognitively augmented form of navigation. It achieves this by providing semantic “snippets” that enable the user to rapidly scan through video content. The tool provides visuallyappealing pop-ups that appear in a time series bar at the bottom of each video, allowing to see in advance and at a glance how topics evolve in the content. We conducted a user study to evaluate how the tool changes the users search experience in video retrieval, as well as how it supports exploration and information seeking. The user questionnaire revealed that participants found the Content Flow Bar helpful and enjoyable for finding relevant information in videos. The interaction logs of the user study, where participants interacted with the tool for completing two informational tasks, showed that it holds promise for enhancing discoverability of content both across and within videos. This discovered potential could leverage a new generation of navigation tools in search and information retrieval

    Design in the Wild: Interfacing the OER learning journey

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    Open Educational Resources (OERs) such as talks, lectures, texts, slideshows, and online activities, offer much potential for people to study a broad range of topics. However, the choice among millions of OERs can be overwhelming and many learners give up on their goals prematurely. Our ongoing research aims to help self-directed learners study effectively and enjoyably by providing a personalized route through appropriately prioritized OERs. However, there are many aspects that can be considered including motivation, getting lost, determining whether to continue, and what resource to look at next. How can we begin to design an interface that can support these? To this end, we describe our iterative ‘design in the wild’ approach, showing how it helped us to determine how to operationalise and support these aspects and, in doing so, provide us with a way of assessing the overall learning experience

    X5Learn: A Personalised Learning Companion at the Intersection of AI and HCI

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    X5Learn (available at https://x5learn.org ) is a human-centered AI-powered platform for supporting access to free online educational resources. X5Learn provides users with a number of educational tools for interacting with open educational videos, and a set of tools adapted to suit the pedagogical preferences of users. It is intended to support both teachers and students, alike. For teachers, it provides a powerful platform to reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute open courseware produced by others. These can be videos, pdfs, exercises and other online material. For students, it provides a scaffolded and informative interface to select content to watch, read, make notes and write reviews, as well as a powerful personalised recommendation system that can optimise learning paths and adjust to the user's learning preferences. What makes X5Learn stand out from other educational platforms, is how it combines human-centered design with AI algorithms and software tools with the goal of making it intuitive and easy to use, as well as making the AI transparent to the user. We present the core search tool of X5Learn, intended to support exploring open educational materials