67 research outputs found

    Securing openHAB Smart Home Through User Authentication and Authorization

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    Asjade Internet ehk värkvõrk on dünaamiline ja heterogeenne keskkond, kus asjad koguvad erinevate ülesannete täitmiseks keskkonnast andmeid. Värkvõrgu rakendusvaldkondades nagu näiteks tark kodu kasutatakse harilikult operatsioonide täitmisel kasutaja privaatandmeid. Kui sellised rakendused on turvamata võrkudele avatud, muutub turvalisus oluliseks probleemiks. OpenHAB on OSGi-põhine automatiseerimistarkvara, mis koondab kodukeskkonna seadmete andmeid. OpenHAB ei tee kasutajatele ligipääsu reguleerimismehhanismide kasutamist kohustuslikuks ning sõltub seega täielikult juhtmevaba võrgu turvalisusest. Käesolevas lõputöös uurisime ning arendasime JSON Web Token’i-põhist tõendi autenturit Eclipse SmartHome platvormile, millel põhineb ka openHAB. Tõendi autentur on baasiks ligipääsu reguleerimismehhanismile. Lisaks esitleme kasutatavat volitusmudelit, mis võimaldab hallata kasutajate ligipääsuõigusi asjadele. Saavutatud tulemused osutavad, et ligipääsu reguleerimismehhanismide rakendamine servlet-ide ja REST ressursside jaoks openHABi arhitektuuris on teostatav.The Internet of Things (IoT) is a dynamic and heterogenous environment where Things gather data from the real world to perform various tasks. Applications in IoT, such as the smart home, typically use private data derived from its users for its operations. Security becomes a concern when these applications are exposed to insecure networks. OpenHAB is an OSGi-based automation software that integrates the data from devices at home. OpenHAB does not enforce any access control mechanism for its users, and depends solely on the security of the wireless network. In this work, we studied and implemented a JSON Web Token-based authenticator for Eclipse SmartHome, the core of openHAB, as a base for access control mechanisms. Furthermore, we propose a fine-grained, yet usable authorization model to manage access permissions to things among legitimate users. The results obtained show that it is feasible to enforce access control mechanisms for servlet and REST resources in the architecture of openHAB

    Towards rapid modeling and prototyping of indoor and outdoor monitoring applications

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    Nowadays, the capability to remotely monitor indoor and outdoor environments would allow to reduce energy consumption and improve the overall management and users’ experience of network application systems. The most known solutions adopting remote control are related to domotics (e.g., smart homes and industry 4.0 applications). An important stimulus for the development of such smart approaches is the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and the increasing investment in the development of green houses, buildings, and, in general, heterogeneous environments. While the benefits for the humans and the environment are evident, a pervasive adoption and distribution of remote monitoring solutions are hindered by the following issue: modeling, designing, prototyping, and further developing the remote applications and underlying architecture require a certain amount of time. Moreover, such systems must be often customized on the basis of the need of the specific domain and involved entities. For such reasons, in this paper, we provide the experience made in addressing some relevant indoor and outdoor case studies through IoT-targeted tools, technologies and protocols, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the considered solutions as well as insights that can be useful for future practitioners

    A smart home environment to support safety and risk monitoring for the elderly living independently

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    The elderly prefer to live independently despite vulnerability to age-related challenges. Constant monitoring is required in cases where the elderly are living alone. The home environment can be a dangerous environment for the elderly living independently due to adverse events that can occur at any time. The potential risks for the elderly living independently can be categorised as injury in the home, home environmental risks and inactivity due to unconsciousness. The main research objective was to develop a Smart Home Environment (SHE) that can support risk and safety monitoring for the elderly living independently. An unobtrusive and low cost SHE solution that uses a Raspberry Pi 3 model B, a Microsoft Kinect Sensor and an Aeotec 4-in-1 Multisensor was implemented. The Aeotec Multisensor was used to measure temperature, motion, lighting, and humidity in the home. Data from the multisensor was collected using OpenHAB as the Smart Home Operating System. The information was processed using the Raspberry Pi 3 and push notifications were sent when risk situations were detected. An experimental evaluation was conducted to determine the accuracy with which the prototype SHE detected abnormal events. Evaluation scripts were each evaluated five times. The results show that the prototype has an average accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 94%, 96.92% and 88.93% respectively. The sensitivity shows that the chance of the prototype missing a risk situation is 3.08%, and the specificity shows that the chance of incorrectly classifying a non-risk situation is 11.07%. The prototype does not require any interaction on the part of the elderly. Relatives and caregivers can remotely monitor the elderly person living independently via the mobile application or a web portal. The total cost of the equipment used was below R3000

    An overview of IoT architectures, technologies, and existing open-source projects

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract]: Today’s needs for monitoring and control of different devices in organizations require an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that can integrate heterogeneous elements provided by multiple vendors and using different protocols, data formats and communication technologies. This article provides a comprehensive review of all the architectures, technologies, protocols and data formats most commonly used by existing IoT platforms. On this basis, a comparative analysis of the most widely used open source IoT platforms is presented. This exhaustive comparison is based on multiple characteristics that will be essential to select the platform that best suits the needs of each organization.This research/work has been supported by GAIN (Galician Innovation Agency) and the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry, Xunta de Galicia under grant COV20/00604 through the ERDF Galicia 2014-2020; and by grant PID2019-104958RB-C42 (ADELE) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 . Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG.Xunta de Galicia; COV20/0060

    A smart home environment to support safety and risk monitoring for the elderly living independently

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    The elderly prefer to live independently despite vulnerability to age-related challenges. Constant monitoring is required in cases where the elderly are living alone. The home environment can be a dangerous environment for the elderly living independently due to adverse events that can occur at any time. The potential risks for the elderly living independently can be categorised as injury in the home, home environmental risks and inactivity due to unconsciousness. The main research objective was to develop a Smart Home Environment (SHE) that can support risk and safety monitoring for the elderly living independently. An unobtrusive and low cost SHE solution that uses a Raspberry Pi 3 model B, a Microsoft Kinect Sensor and an Aeotec 4-in-1 Multisensor was implemented. The Aeotec Multisensor was used to measure temperature, motion, lighting, and humidity in the home. Data from the multisensor was collected using OpenHAB as the Smart Home Operating System. The information was processed using the Raspberry Pi 3 and push notifications were sent when risk situations were detected. An experimental evaluation was conducted to determine the accuracy with which the prototype SHE detected abnormal events. Evaluation scripts were each evaluated five times. The results show that the prototype has an average accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 94%, 96.92% and 88.93% respectively. The sensitivity shows that the chance of the prototype missing a risk situation is 3.08%, and the specificity shows that the chance of incorrectly classifying a non-risk situation is 11.07%. The prototype does not require any interaction on the part of the elderly. Relatives and caregivers can remotely monitor the elderly person living independently via the mobile application or a web portal. The total cost of the equipment used was below R3000

    A Generic User Interface for Energy Management in Smart Homes

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    Programación de controlador de dispositivos IoT para casa inteligente en una Raspberry Pi 4 a partir de un array de consumo establecido en rangos de tiempo

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    En este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) se implementa una solución de software que controla el funcionamiento de enchufes y dispositivos conectados en una casa inteligente. La solución se ejecuta en una RaspberryPi 4 que recibe como entrada un vector por cada elemento de control mediante una API REST; este vector contiene la información relativa al funcionamiento de cada enchufe o dispositivo en las 24 horas de un día, con los que se gestionará, de forma autónoma, el estado encendido (activación) o apagado (desactivación) de los correspondientes dispositivos. Por tanto, los objetivos de este proyecto buscan: - Facilitar la gestión energética en viviendas mediante la gestión de la programación horaria acorde a las necesidades de los usuarios. - Facilitar a un usuario el encendido y apagado, o activación y desactivación de elementos controlables mediante los protocolos de comunicación Z-Wave y Zigbee. Este TFG se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación ENEFF-PILOT del Dpto. de Electrónica de la Universidad de AlcaláThis Final Year Project implements a software solution to control the functioning of a smart home’s connected plugs and devices. The solution executes on a Raspberry Pi 4 and, through an API REST, receives a vector as input with the time schedule of every controllable device; this vector contains the information to activate/deactivate every device in hourly slots within the day. Hence, this project seeks: - Facilitating the energy management in smart homes using a time scheduling software solution that considers the consumer’s preferences. - Enabling the remote control on appliance activation through Z-Wave and ZigBee communication protocols. This work is conducted within the ENEFF-PILOT research project at the Electronics Department in University of Alcala.Grado en Ingeniería Telemátic

    Criação de um sistema de gestão de gateways para casas inteligentes

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaEsta dissertação enquadra-se no projeto Smart Green Home, que resulta de uma parceria entre a Bosch e a Universidade de Aveiro, e visa criar um dispositivo (Gateway) capaz de interagir com um ambiente domestico inteligente e multi-tecnologias de forma a facilitar a sua integração em instalações existentes e ser o mais possível independente de marcas. Mais ainda, pretende-se criar um sistema de gestão de Gateways em produção por forma a tornar tarefas de manutenção simples e escaláveis. Relativamente a este sistema, ele trás ainda valor acrescentado para o utilizador permitindo o acesso remoto à sua casa e monitorizar e controlar os seus dispositivos, assim como outras capacidades. Para satisfazer os requisitos deste sistema, foi desenvolvida uma solução para ambas as componentes do sistema, a Gateway e o sistema de gestão. Esta solução foi implementada com sucesso e o seu funcionamento validado de acordo com os requisitos. Por último, uma avaliação à solução final implementada, com levantamento das suas limitações, foi realizada e são expostos possíveis futuros melhoramentos para o sistema.This dissertation was done in the scope of the Smart Green Home project, that was born from a partnership between Bosch and the University of Aveiro, and strives to achieve a device (Gateway) capable of interacting with a smart home environment where multi-technologies are present allowing it to more easily integrate in existing installations along with being vendor independent. Additionally, it will be created a gateway management system to allow their maintenances to become effortless and scalable. Regarding this system, it also provides added value to the user by allowing remote access his home to monitor and control his devices, as well as other features. In order to fulfill this system requirements, a solution was developed for both of the system’s components, the Gateway and the management system. This solution was then successfully implemented and its functionality validated according to its requirements. Lastly, an evaluation to the final implemented solution was conducted, and its limitations gathered, exposing this way possible future improvements