98 research outputs found

    Embedded Virtual Machines for Wireless Industrial Automation (Demo)

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    The factory of the future is the Wireless Factory - fully programmable, nimble and adaptive to planned mode changes and unplanned faults. Today automotive assembly lines loose over $22,000 per minute of downtime. The systems are rigid, difficult to maintain, operate and diagnose. Our goal is to demonstrate the initial architecture and protocols for all-wireless factory control automation. Embedded wireless networks have largely focused on open-loop sensing and monitoring. To address actuation in closed-loop wireless control systems there is a strong need to re-think the communication architectures and protocols for reliability, coordination and control. As the links, nodes and topology of wireless systems are inherently unreliable, such time-critical and safety-critical applications require programming abstractions where the tasks are assigned to the sensors, actuators and controllers as a single component rather than statically mapping a set of tasks to a specific physical node at design time. To this end, we introduce the Embedded Virtual Machine (EVM), a powerful and flexible runtime system where virtual components and their properties are maintained across node boundaries. EVM-based algorithms introduce new capabilities such as provably minimal graceful degradation during sensor/actuator failure, adaptation to mode changes and runtime optimization of resource consumption. Through the design of a micro-factory we aim to demonstrate the capabilities of EVM-based wireless networks

    Demo Abstract: Embedded Virtual Machines for Wiress Industrial Automation

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    The factory of the future is the Wireless Factory - fully programmable, nimble and adaptive to planned mode changes and unplanned faults. Today automotive assembly lines loose over $22,000 per minute of downtime. The systems are rigid, difficult to maintain, operate and diagnose. Our goal is to demonstrate the initial architecture and protocols for all-wireless factory control automation. Embedded wireless networks have largely focused on open-loop sensing and monitoring. To address actuation in closed-loop wireless control systems there is a strong need to re-think the communication architectures and protocols for reliability, coordination and control. As the links, nodes and topology of wireless systems are inherently unreliable, such timecritical and safety-critical applications require programming abstractions where the tasks are assigned to the sensors, actuators and controllers as a single component rather than statically mapping a set of tasks to a specific physical node at design time. To this end, we introduce the Embedded Virtual Machine (EVM), a powerful and flexible runtime system where virtual components and their properties are maintained across node boundaries. EVM-based algorithms introduce new capabilities such as provably minimal graceful degradation during sensor/actuator failure, adaptation to mode changes and runtime optimization of resource consumption. Through the design of a micro-factory we aim to demonstrate the capabilities of EVM-based wireless networks

    Service-oriented architecture for device lifecycle support in industrial automation

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores Especialidade: Robótica e Manufactura IntegradaThis thesis addresses the device lifecycle support thematic in the scope of service oriented industrial automation domain. This domain is known for its plethora of heterogeneous equipment encompassing distinct functions, form factors, network interfaces, or I/O specifications supported by dissimilar software and hardware platforms. There is then an evident and crescent need to take every device into account and improve the agility performance during setup, control, management, monitoring and diagnosis phases. Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm is currently a widely endorsed approach for both business and enterprise systems integration. SOA concepts and technology are continuously spreading along the layers of the enterprise organization envisioning a unified interoperability solution. SOA promotes discoverability, loose coupling, abstraction, autonomy and composition of services relying on open web standards – features that can provide an important contribution to the industrial automation domain. The present work seized industrial automation device level requirements, constraints and needs to determine how and where can SOA be employed to solve some of the existent difficulties. Supported by these outcomes, a reference architecture shaped by distributed, adaptive and composable modules is proposed. This architecture will assist and ease the role of systems integrators during reengineering-related interventions throughout system lifecycle. In a converging direction, the present work also proposes a serviceoriented device model to support previous architecture vision and goals by including embedded added-value in terms of service-oriented peer-to-peer discovery and identification, configuration, management, as well as agile customization of device resources. In this context, the implementation and validation work proved not simply the feasibility and fitness of the proposed solution to two distinct test-benches but also its relevance to the expanding domain of SOA applications to support device lifecycle in the industrial automation domain

    Design Method for Developing a Product Recovery Management System based on Life Cycle Information

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    Due to concerns about environmental protection, product life cycle management for end-of-lift has received increasing attention in many industrial sectors. To support these functions, crucial issues have been studied to realize a product recovery management system. Until the present time most research has been concerned with decision making under the assumption that all the relevant and accurate information about a product is available by some means. However, these pieces of research ended in technological attempts because of the development complexity of implementation using ubiquitous computing devices such as identification chips and embedded systems to get data from products. An efficient development method is necessary in order to overcome this limitation. In this paper we overview a generic architecture based on ubiquitous computing technology. This is followed by how to develop such an innovative system by proposing a systematic approach called ubiquitous information engineering. To show the effectiveness of the architecture and approach a prototype for remanufacturing an industrial product has been developed. Through development of the proposed approach enough functions can be derived to collect information from a product. The study shows that major factors influencing development complexity are found and that information standards support network development in end-of-lift activities.None1111Ysciescopu

    Container-based microservice architecture for local IoT services

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    Abstract. Edge services are needed to save networking and computational resources on higher tiers, enable operation during network problems, and to help limiting private data propagation to higher tiers if the function needing it can be handled locally. MEC at access network level provides most of these features but cannot help when access network is down. Local services, in addition, help alleviating the MEC load and limit the data propagation even more, on local level. This thesis focuses on the local IoT service provisioning. Local service provisioning is subject to several requirements, related to resource/energy-efficiency, performance and reliability. This thesis introduces a novel way to design and implement a Docker container-based micro-service system for gadget-free future IoT (Internet of Things) network. It introduces a use case scenario and proposes few possible required micro-services as of solution to the scenario. Some of these services deployed on different virtual platforms along with software components that can process sensor data providing storage capacity to make decisions based on their algorithm and business logic while few other services deployed with gateway components to connect rest of the devices to the system of solution. It also includes a state-of-the-art study for design, implementation, and evaluation as a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) based on container-based microservices with Docker. The used IoT devices are Raspberry Pi embedded computers along with an Ubuntu machine with a rich set of features and interfaces, capable of running virtualized services. This thesis evaluates the solution based on practical implementation. In addition, the thesis also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of the system with respect to the empirical solution. The output of the thesis shows that the virtualized microservices could be efficiently utilized at the local and resource constrained IoT using Dockers. This validates that the approach taken in this thesis is feasible for providing such services and functionalities to the micro and nanoservice architecture. Finally, this thesis proposes numerous improvements for future iterations

    Discovery and Group Communication for Constrained Internet of Things Devices using the Constrained Application Protocol

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    The ubiquitous Internet is rapidly spreading to new domains. This expansion of the Internet is comparable in scale to the spread of the Internet in the ’90s. The resulting Internet is now commonly referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) and is expected to connect about 50 billion devices by the year 2020. This means that in just five years from the time of writing this PhD the number of interconnected devices will exceed the number of humans by sevenfold. It is further expected that the majority of these IoT devices will be resource constrained embedded devices such as sensors and actuators. Sensors collect information about the physical world and inject this information into the virtual world. Next processing and reasoning can occur and decisions can be taken to enact upon the physical world by injecting feedback to actuators. The integration of embedded devices into the Internet introduces new challenges, since many of the existing Internet technologies and protocols were not designed for this class of constrained devices. These devices are typically optimized for low cost and power consumption and thus have very limited power, memory, and processing resources and have long sleep periods. The networks formed by these embedded devices are also constrained and have different characteristics than those typical in todays Internet. These constrained networks have high packet loss, low throughput, frequent topology changes and small useful payload sizes. They are referred to as LLN. Therefore, it is in most cases unfeasible to run standard Internet protocols on this class of constrained devices and/or LLNs. New or adapted protocols that take into consideration the capabilities of the constrained devices and the characteristics of LLNs, are required. In the past few years, there were many efforts to enable the extension of the Internet technologies to constrained devices. Initially, most of these efforts were focusing on the networking layer. However, the expansion of the Internet in the 90s was not due to introducing new or better networking protocols. It was a result of introducing the World Wide Web (WWW), which made it easy to integrate services and applications. One of the essential technologies underpinning the WWW was the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Today, HTTP has become a key protocol in the realization of scalable web services building around the Representational State Transfer (REST) paradigm. The REST architectural style enables the realization of scalable and well-performing services using uniform and simple interfaces. The availability of an embedded counterpart of HTTP and the REST architecture could boost the uptake of the IoT. Therefore, more recently, work started to allow the integration of constrained devices in the Internet at the service level. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) working group has realized the REST architecture in a suitable form for the most constrained nodes and networks. To that end the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) was introduced, a specialized RESTful web transfer protocol for use with constrained networks and nodes. CoAP realizes a subset of the REST mechanisms offered by HTTP, but is optimized for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications. This PhD research builds upon CoAP to enable a better integration of constrained devices in the IoT and examines proposed CoAP solutions theoretically and experimentally proposing alternatives when appropriate. The first part of this PhD proposes a mechanism that facilitates the deployment of sensor networks and enables the discovery, end-to-end connectivity and service usage of newly deployed sensor nodes. The proposed approach makes use of CoAP and combines it with Domain Name System (DNS) in order to enable the use of userfriendly Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) for addressing sensor nodes. It includes the automatic discovery of sensors and sensor gateways and the translation of HTTP to CoAP, thus making the sensor resources globally discoverable and accessible from any Internet-connected client using either IPv6 addresses or DNS names both via HTTP or CoAP. As such, the proposed approach provides a feasible and flexible solution to achieve hierarchical self-organization with a minimum of pre-configuration. By doing so we minimize costly human interventions and eliminate the need for introducing new protocols dedicated for the discovery and organization of resources. This reduces both cost and the implementation footprint on the constrained devices. The second, larger, part of this PhD focuses on using CoAP to realize communication with groups of resources. In many IoT application domains, sensors or actuators need to be addressed as groups rather than individually, since individual resources might not be sufficient or useful. A simple example is that all lights in a room should go on or off as a result of the user toggling the light switch. As not all IoT applications may need group communication, the CoRE working group did not include it in the base CoAP specification. This way the base protocol is kept as efficient and as simple as possible so it would run on even the most constrained devices. Group communication and other features that might not be needed by all devices are standardized in a set of optional separate extensions. We first examined the proposed CoAP extension for group communication, which utilizes Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) multicasts. We highlight its strengths and weaknesses and propose our own complementary solution that uses unicast to realize group communication. Our solution offers capabilities beyond simple group communication. For example, we provide a validation mechanism that performs several checks on the group members, to make sure that combining them together is possible. We also allow the client to request that results of the individual members are processed before they are sent to the client. For example, the client can request to obtain only the maximum value of all individual members. Another important optional extension to CoAP allows clients to continuously observe resources by registering their interest in receiving notifications from CoAP servers once there are changes to the values of the observed resources. By using this publish/subscribe mechanism the client does not need to continuously poll the resource to find out whether it has changed its value. This typically leads to more efficient communication patterns that preserve valuable device and LLN resources. Unfortunately CoAP observe does not work together with the CoAP group communication extension, since the observe extension assumes unicast communication while the group communication extension only support multicast communication. In this PhD we propose to extend our own group communication solution to offer group observation capabilities. By combining group observation with group processing features, it becomes possible to notify the client only about certain changes to the observed group (e.g., the maximum value of all group members has changed). Acknowledging that the use of multicast as well as unicast has strengths and weaknesses we propose to extend our unicast based solution with certain multicast features. By doing so we try to combine the strengths of both approaches to obtain a better overall group communication that is flexible and that can be tailored according to the use case needs. Together, the proposed mechanisms represent a powerful and comprehensive solution to the challenging problem of group communication with constrained devices. We have evaluated the solutions proposed in this PhD extensively and in a variety of forms. Where possible, we have derived theoretical models and have conducted numerous simulations to validate them. We have also experimentally evaluated those solutions and compared them with other proposed solutions using a small demo box and later on two large scale wireless sensor testbeds and under different test conditions. The first testbed is located in a large, shielded room, which allows testing under controlled environments. The second testbed is located inside an operational office building and thus allows testing under normal operation conditions. Those tests revealed performance issues and some other problems. We have provided some solutions and suggestions for tackling those problems. Apart from the main contributions, two other relevant outcomes of this PhD are described in the appendices. In the first appendix we review the most important IETF standardization efforts related to the IoT and show that with the introduction of CoAP a complete set of standard protocols has become available to cover the complete networking stack and thus making the step from the IoT into the Web of Things (WoT). Using only standard protocols makes it possible to integrate devices from various vendors into one bigWoT accessible to humans and machines alike. In the second appendix, we provide an alternative solution for grouping constrained devices by using virtualization techniques. Our approach focuses on the objects, both resource-constrained and non-constrained, that need to cooperate by integrating them into a secured virtual network, named an Internet of Things Virtual Network or IoT-VN. Inside this IoT-VN full end-to-end communication can take place through the use of protocols that take the limitations of the most resource-constrained devices into account. We describe how this concept maps to several generic use cases and, as such, can constitute a valid alternative approach for supporting selected applications

    Simulation of attacks for security in wireless sensor network

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    The increasing complexity and low-power constraints of current Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) require efficient methodologies for network simulation and embedded software performance analysis of nodes. In addition, security is also a very important feature that has to be addressed in most WSNs, since they may work with sensitive data and operate in hostile unattended environments. In this paper, a methodology for security analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks is presented. The methodology allows designing attack-aware embedded software/firmware or attack countermeasures to provide security in WSNs. The proposed methodology includes attacker modeling and attack simulation with performance analysis (node?s software execution time and power consumption estimation). After an analysis of different WSN attack types, an attacker model is proposed. This model defines three different types of attackers that can emulate most WSN attacks. In addition, this paper presents a virtual platform that is able to model the node hardware, embedded software and basic wireless channel features. This virtual simulation analyzes the embedded software behavior and node power consumption while it takes into account the network deployment and topology. Additionally, this simulator integrates the previously mentioned attacker model. Thus, the impact of attacks on power consumption and software behavior/execution-time can be analyzed. This provides developers with essential information about the effects that one or multiple attacks could have on the network, helping them to develop more secure WSN systems. This WSN attack simulator is an essential element of the attack-aware embedded software development methodology that is also introduced in this work.This work has been funded by the Spanish MICINN under the TEC2011-28666-C04-02 and TEC2014-58036-C4-3-R project

    Indoor Localization Based on Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Indoor localization techniques based on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been increasingly used in various applications such as factory automation, intelligent building, facility management, security, and health care. However, existing localization techniques cannot meet the accuracy requirement of many applications. Meanwhile, some localization algorithms are affected by environmental conditions and cannot be directly used in an indoor environment. Cost is another limitation of the existing localization algorithms. This thesis is to address those issues of indoor localization through a new Sensing Displacement (SD) approach. It consists of four major parts: platform design, SD algorithm development, SD algorithm improvement, and evaluation. Platform design includes hardware design and software design. Hardware design is the foundation for the system, which consists of the motion sensors embedded on mobile nodes and WSN design. Motion sensors are used to collect motion information for the localizing objects. A WSN is designed according to the characteristics of an indoor scenario. A Cloud Computing based system architecture is developed to support the software design of the proposed system. In order to address the special issues in an indoor environment, a new Sensing Displacement algorithm is developed, which estimates displacement of a node based on the motion information from the sensors embedded on the node. The sensor assembly consists of acceleration sensors and gyroscope sensors, separately sensing the acceleration and angular velocity of the localizing object. The first SD algorithm is designed in a way to be used in a 2-D localization demo to validate the proposal. A detailed analysis of the results of 2-D SD algorithm reveals that there are two critical issues (sensor’s noise and cumulative error) affecting the measurement results. Therefore a low-pass filter and a modified Kalman filter are introduced to solve the issue of sensor’s noises. An inertia tensor factor is introduced to address the cumulative error in a 3-D SD algorithm. Finally, the proposed SD algorithm is evaluated against the commercial AeroScout (WiFi-RFID) system and the ZigBee based Fingerprint algorithm

    Discovery and group communication for constrained Internet of Things devices using the Constrained Application Protocol

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    The ubiquitous Internet is rapidly spreading to new domains. This expansion of the Internet is comparable in scale to the spread of the Internet in the ’90s. The resulting Internet is now commonly referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT) and is expected to connect about 50 billion devices by the year 2020. This means that in just five years from the time of writing this PhD the number of interconnected devices will exceed the number of humans by sevenfold. It is further expected that the majority of these IoT devices will be resource constrained embedded devices such as sensors and actuators. Sensors collect information about the physical world and inject this information into the virtual world. Next processing and reasoning can occur and decisions can be taken to enact upon the physical world by injecting feedback to actuators. The integration of embedded devices into the Internet introduces new challenges, since many of the existing Internet technologies and protocols were not designed for this class of constrained devices. These devices are typically optimized for low cost and power consumption and thus have very limited power, memory, and processing resources and have long sleep periods. The networks formed by these embedded devices are also constrained and have different characteristics than those typical in todays Internet. These constrained networks have high packet loss, low throughput, frequent topology changes and small useful payload sizes. They are referred to as LLN. Therefore, it is in most cases unfeasible to run standard Internet protocols on this class of constrained devices and/or LLNs. New or adapted protocols that take into consideration the capabilities of the constrained devices and the characteristics of LLNs, are required. In the past few years, there were many efforts to enable the extension of the Internet technologies to constrained devices. Initially, most of these efforts were focusing on the networking layer. However, the expansion of the Internet in the 90s was not due to introducing new or better networking protocols. It was a result of introducing the World Wide Web (WWW), which made it easy to integrate services and applications. One of the essential technologies underpinning the WWW was the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Today, HTTP has become a key protocol in the realization of scalable web services building around the Representational State Transfer (REST) paradigm. The REST architectural style enables the realization of scalable and well-performing services using uniform and simple interfaces. The availability of an embedded counterpart of HTTP and the REST architecture could boost the uptake of the IoT. Therefore, more recently, work started to allow the integration of constrained devices in the Internet at the service level. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) working group has realized the REST architecture in a suitable form for the most constrained nodes and networks. To that end the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) was introduced, a specialized RESTful web transfer protocol for use with constrained networks and nodes. CoAP realizes a subset of the REST mechanisms offered by HTTP, but is optimized for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications. This PhD research builds upon CoAP to enable a better integration of constrained devices in the IoT and examines proposed CoAP solutions theoretically and experimentally proposing alternatives when appropriate. The first part of this PhD proposes a mechanism that facilitates the deployment of sensor networks and enables the discovery, end-to-end connectivity and service usage of newly deployed sensor nodes. The proposed approach makes use of CoAP and combines it with Domain Name System (DNS) in order to enable the use of userfriendly Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) for addressing sensor nodes. It includes the automatic discovery of sensors and sensor gateways and the translation of HTTP to CoAP, thus making the sensor resources globally discoverable and accessible from any Internet-connected client using either IPv6 addresses or DNS names both via HTTP or CoAP. As such, the proposed approach provides a feasible and flexible solution to achieve hierarchical self-organization with a minimum of pre-configuration. By doing so we minimize costly human interventions and eliminate the need for introducing new protocols dedicated for the discovery and organization of resources. This reduces both cost and the implementation footprint on the constrained devices. The second, larger, part of this PhD focuses on using CoAP to realize communication with groups of resources. In many IoT application domains, sensors or actuators need to be addressed as groups rather than individually, since individual resources might not be sufficient or useful. A simple example is that all lights in a room should go on or off as a result of the user toggling the light switch. As not all IoT applications may need group communication, the CoRE working group did not include it in the base CoAP specification. This way the base protocol is kept as efficient and as simple as possible so it would run on even the most constrained devices. Group communication and other features that might not be needed by all devices are standardized in a set of optional separate extensions. We first examined the proposed CoAP extension for group communication, which utilizes Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) multicasts. We highlight its strengths and weaknesses and propose our own complementary solution that uses unicast to realize group communication. Our solution offers capabilities beyond simple group communication. For example, we provide a validation mechanism that performs several checks on the group members, to make sure that combining them together is possible. We also allow the client to request that results of the individual members are processed before they are sent to the client. For example, the client can request to obtain only the maximum value of all individual members. Another important optional extension to CoAP allows clients to continuously observe resources by registering their interest in receiving notifications from CoAP servers once there are changes to the values of the observed resources. By using this publish/subscribe mechanism the client does not need to continuously poll the resource to find out whether it has changed its value. This typically leads to more efficient communication patterns that preserve valuable device and LLN resources. Unfortunately CoAP observe does not work together with the CoAP group communication extension, since the observe extension assumes unicast communication while the group communication extension only support multicast communication. In this PhD we propose to extend our own group communication solution to offer group observation capabilities. By combining group observation with group processing features, it becomes possible to notify the client only about certain changes to the observed group (e.g., the maximum value of all group members has changed). Acknowledging that the use of multicast as well as unicast has strengths and weaknesses we propose to extend our unicast based solution with certain multicast features. By doing so we try to combine the strengths of both approaches to obtain a better overall group communication that is flexible and that can be tailored according to the use case needs. Together, the proposed mechanisms represent a powerful and comprehensive solution to the challenging problem of group communication with constrained devices. We have evaluated the solutions proposed in this PhD extensively and in a variety of forms. Where possible, we have derived theoretical models and have conducted numerous simulations to validate them. We have also experimentally evaluated those solutions and compared them with other proposed solutions using a small demo box and later on two large scale wireless sensor testbeds and under different test conditions. The first testbed is located in a large, shielded room, which allows testing under controlled environments. The second testbed is located inside an operational office building and thus allows testing under normal operation conditions. Those tests revealed performance issues and some other problems. We have provided some solutions and suggestions for tackling those problems. Apart from the main contributions, two other relevant outcomes of this PhD are described in the appendices. In the first appendix we review the most important IETF standardization efforts related to the IoT and show that with the introduction of CoAP a complete set of standard protocols has become available to cover the complete networking stack and thus making the step from the IoT into the Web of Things (WoT). Using only standard protocols makes it possible to integrate devices from various vendors into one bigWoT accessible to humans and machines alike. In the second appendix, we provide an alternative solution for grouping constrained devices by using virtualization techniques. Our approach focuses on the objects, both resource-constrained and non-constrained, that need to cooperate by integrating them into a secured virtual network, named an Internet of Things Virtual Network or IoT-VN. Inside this IoT-VN full end-to-end communication can take place through the use of protocols that take the limitations of the most resource-constrained devices into account. We describe how this concept maps to several generic use cases and, as such, can constitute a valid alternative approach for supporting selected applications

    Unit testing methods for Internet of Things Mbed OS operating system

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    Abstract. Embedded operating systems for Internet of Things are responsible for managing hardware and software in these systems. From the vast number of IoT operating system projects available, some projects are backed by large companies or institutes and some are developed completely by the open source community. IoT operating system testing focuses on the key features of IoT such as networking and limited resources. In this thesis, problems in Mbed OS operating system testing methods are identified and a unit testing solution is implemented. The implemented unit testing framework allows developers to write and run unit tests. The framework is also integrated into Mbed OS continuous integration to increase test coverage. This thesis shows how functional testing and unit testing are the most common types of testing in open source embedded operating system projects. Mbed OS unit testing framework results shows how running tests on PC platforms is faster than running tests on IoT devices. This framework also enables developers to write unit tests more freely and improve Mbed OS development process. The implemented unit testing framework solved issues in Mbed OS testing but more in depth research is needed to improve testing methods further.Yksikkötestausmenetelmät esineiden internet Mbed OS käyttöjärjestelmälle. Tiivistelmä. Esineiden internettiin tarkoitetut sulautetut käyttöjärjestelmät ovat tarvittavia laitteiston ja sovellusten hallintaan IoT järjestelmissä. Saatavilla olevien IoT käyttöjärjestelmien joukosta osa on suurten yritysten tai instituutioiden tukemia, ja osa on täysin vapaan lähdekoodin yhteisön kehittämiä. IoT käyttöjärjestelmän testaus keskittyy esineiden internetin avainominaisuuksiin kuten verkkotietoliikenteeseen ja rajallisiin resursseihin. Työssä tunnistetaan Mbed OS käyttöjärjestelmän testausmenetelmien ongelmia ja kehitetään yksikkötestaustyökalu. Kehitetty yksikkötestausympäristö mahdollistaa kehittäjille yksikkötestien kirjoittamisen ja ajamisen. Testaustyökalu yhdistetään myös Mbed OS jatkuvan integraation prosessiin testauskattavuuden parantamiseksi. Työssä katsotaan kuinka funktionaaliset testit ja yksikkötestit ovat yleisimmät testityypit avoimen lähdekoodin sulautetuissa käyttöjärjestelmäprojekteissa. Mbed OS yksikkötestaustyökalu näyttää kuinka testien ajaminen PC ympäristössä on nopeampaa kuin IoT laitteissa. Tämä työkalu myös mahdollistaa kehittäjien kirjoittaa yksikkötestejä vapaammin ja siten parantaa kehitysprosessia. Kehitetty yksikkötestaustyökalu ratkaisi Mbed OS testauksen ongelmia, mutta syventävää tutkimusta tarvitaan enemmän testausmenetelmien parantamiseksi edelleen