11 research outputs found

    Integration of environmental sustainability and product quality criteria in the decision-making process for feeding strategies in seabream aquaculture companies

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    Economic criteria have traditionally been taken into account as the most important factor for the selection of the most suitable feed in aquaculture. However, currently, management decisions have become increasingly complex, taking into account issues such as environmental sustainability and product quality. In this regard, there is growing recognition that the quality of the environment in which an organization operates has a direct effect on its financial results. Unfortunately, the complex integration of all these factors, which are sometimes opposing, limits the ability of aquaculture producers to adapt their production strategy to cleaner production systems. In this context, the aim of this work is to address this problem with the development of a novel, multiple-criteria decision-making optimization methodology that allows producers to include different preferences in the design of feeding strategies. Here, this methodology is applied to gilthead seabream production. The results obtained show the utility of this methodology for integrating numerous criteria in the evaluation of various alternatives and for carrying out an efficient sensitivity analysis which test the impact of different hypotheses on stakeholders' preferences.This research was undertaken under the MedAID project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 727315 (http://www.medaid-h2020.eu/). The authors wish to thank the Ibero-American Program for the Development of Science and Technology (CYTED) and the Red Iberoamericana BigDSSAgro (Ref. P515RT0123) for their support of this work, and Juan B. Cabral for the package scikit-criteria for MCDM

    Determination of feeding strategies in aquaculture farms using a multiple-criteria approach and genetic algorithms

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    Since the 1990s, fishing production has stagnated and aquaculture has experienced an exponential growth thanks to the production on an industrial scale. One of the major challenges facing aquaculture companies is the management of breeding activity affected by biological, technical, environmental and economic factors. In recent years, decision-making has also become increasingly complex due to the need for managers to consider aspects other than economic ones, such as product quality or environmental sustainability. In this context, there is an increasing need for expert systems applied to decision-making processes that maximize economic efficiency of the operational process. One of the production planning decisions more affected by these changes is the feeding strategy. The selection of the feed determines the growth of the fish, but also generates the greatest impact of the activity on the environment and determines the quality of the product. In addition, feed is the main production cost in finfish aquaculture. In order to address all these problems, the present work integrates a multiple-criteria methodology with a genetic algorithm that allows determining the best sequence of feeds to be used throughout the fattening period, depending on multiple optimization objectives. Results show its utility to generate and evaluate different alternatives and fulfill the initial hypothesis, demonstrating that the combination of several feeds at precise times may improve the results obtained by one feed strategies.This paper is part of the MedAID project which has received funding from the European Union's H2020 program under grant agreement 727315. The authors also wish to thank the Ibero-American Program for the Development of Science and Technology, CYTED, and the Red Iberoamericana BigDSSAgro (Ref. P515RT0123) for their support of this work

    Developing composite indicators for ecological water quality assessment based on network interactions and expert judgment

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    Increasingly, composite indicators and multi-criteria approaches are applied in environmental assessment and decision-making, including the EU Water Framework Directive. For example, integrated evaluation of aquatic ecosystem conditions and functioning usually involves a group of criteria, such as biological organisms and communities, physicochemical and hydromorphological variables, which are measured individually and combined by a weighted linear function into an overall 'score’. We argue that the network interactions of evaluation components are useful information for expert judgments, which have not been sufficiently considered in existing multi-criteria combination strategies in environmental assessment and management. Built upon the Analytic Network Process and demonstrated with the Chishui River Basin in China, this paper introduces a network-based expert judgment approach to construct ecological water quality indicators, and to determine and adjust their variable weight settings with information of interaction networks. This approach has potential to construct composite indicators for a broad environmental context.</p

    Hydrometeorological Phenomena and Multi-Hazards: Mathematical Modelling, Decision Support Systems, Geoinformation Systems (Review)

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    Purpose. The article represents the analysis of current state of research and achievements in the field of natural hazards (including hydrometeorological ones), and their ensembles (multi-hazards) based on the papers published in the specialized international and Russian scientific journals and monographs. Methods and Results. Considered are the modern methods for mathematical modeling of hydrometeorological multi-hazards, the methods for assessing the relations between the hazards and multi-hazards, the existing decision support systems, and the methods for assessing the risks of occurrence of hazards and multi-hazards. The ensemble models and the possibilities of cloud computing were reviewed; the experience of integrating the geoinformation systems and the results of the Earth remote sensing in models was studied. Examples of the modeling platforms and the decision support systems (developed in different countries) intended for application in case of the natural hazards, are represented. Conclusions. It is shown that solution of the problems including forecasting, monitoring and minimizing the consequences of natural hazards and their combinations requires interdisciplinary solutions, on the one hand, and interaction between all the stakeholders – society, government, science and business, on the other. It is important to develop and implement an integrated management in the regions that are particularly at risk. Field observations are of primary importance. Within the framework of the country, an integrated modeling system taking into account complex processes such as hazards, should be necessarily developed. Special attention should be paid to the peculiarities of natural disasters occurring in the northern regions of our country, since they are often characterized by extreme background weather conditions, inaccessibility and remoteness, lack of the infrastructure required for saving people and eliminating the consequences

    Caracterização da população de Carcinus maenas na Lagoa de Santo André e potencial de exploração

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    Tese de mestrado em Ciências do Mar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2021As lagoas costeiras são sistemas muito produtivos e que suportam importantes pescarias. A Lagoa de Santo André (LSA) é uma área muito importante sob o ponto de vista da conservação da natureza e da exploração dos recursos haliêuticos. Ela está isolada do mar por um cordão dunar, sendo, em geral, estabelecida uma ligação artificial ao mar durante o mês de março, através de um canal que, de realçar que no presente ano a mesma esteve aberto apenas 1 dia o que dificulta a renovação da água da lagoa bem como o escoamento das larvas e a continuação do ciclo de desenvolvimento de algumas espécies. O caranguejo-verde, Carcinus maenas, é uma espécie muito abundante neste ecossistema e, apesar do seu potencial como recurso, não é alvo de pesca dirigida. Para além disso, o conhecimento sobre a sua população no local era muito reduzido. A recente inclusão da espécie C. maenas no Edital que regulamentou a pesca profissional na Lagoa de Santo André para 2019, como uma das espécies aquícolas que podem ser capturadas, levantou questões relativas à sustentabilidade da sua exploração, O presente estudo surgiu neste contexto, e teve como objetivo principal caracterizar a população do caranguejo-verde na Lagoa de Santo André, nomeadamente em termos de abundância, estrutura dimensional e sexual e avaliar a sua variabilidade espácio-temporal. A recolha dos exemplares bem com a dos parâmetros biológicos sobre a espécie no local foi efetuada através de amostragens mensais, que foram realizadas recorrendo à utilização de artes de pesca passivas (nassas). No total, foram capturados 15 063 exemplares de C. maenas, com uma média mensal de capturas igual a 1255. Os meses de dezembro, com 2116 indivíduos e janeiro. com 2819. apresentaram as maiores capturas mensais. A análise da estrutura sexual da população revelou que esta é maioritariamente constituída por machos. Dos 3898 caranguejos analisados no laboratório: 2288 foram machos, equivalendo a 58,70% do total e 1610, fêmeas, correspondendo a 41,30%. Das 1610 fêmeas que foram analisadas no laboratório, 180 foram consideradas ovadas e 1430 não ovadas, indicando uma superioridade de fêmeas não ovadas em relação as ovadas. A estação A apresentou o indivíduo com menor largura 25,46 mm enquanto que a estação C teve o indivíduo com maior largura 70,12 mm. Relativamente a variabilidade espácio-temporal, a espécie esta bem representada na lagoa, com uma maior incidência na estação A, que está próxima do mar e que apresenta maior salinidade, em contrapartida a estação C revelou menor número de caranguejos capturados. O mês de abril sobressai, uma vez que se destaca com a maior variação temporal em relação aos demais, apresentando valores entre o 1 e 224 indivíduos capturados. Na LSA, 50% das fêmeas de C. maenas atingem a maturidade sexual aos 45,11 mm (largura da carapaça). Ao longo do período de estudo, a menor fêmea que foi encontrada ovada tinha 26,68 mm e a maior fêmea nestas circunstâncias tinha 61,57 mm (média: 42,70 mm). A menor fêmea não ovada tinha 21,24 mm e a maior 73,60 mm (média: 42,87 mm).Coastal lagoons are very productive systems that support important fisheries. Santo André Lagoon (LSA) is a very important area for nature conservation and the exploitation of fish resources. It is isolated from the sea by a sand dune, and the connection to the sea is established artificially during March, by digging a channel which, sometimes remains open for a short period, which hinders the renewal of the lagoon water as well as the flow of larvae and the completion of the life cycle of some species. The green crab, Carcinus maenas, is a very abundant species in this ecosystem and, despite its potential as a resource, it is not the target of fishing. Moreover, there was very little knowledge about its population on the area. The recent inclusion of the species C. maenas in the fishing byelaw regulating professional fishing in Santo André Lagoon for 2019, as a species that can be caught, raised concerns about the sustainability of its exploitation. The present study was developed in this context, and its main objective was to characterize the green crab population in Santo André Lagoon, namely its abundance, size and sexual structure, and to evaluate its spatio-temporal variability. The collection of specimens as well as the biological parameters about the species was carried out monthly sampling, which was done using passive fishing gear (fyke nets). In total, 15063 specimens of C. maenas were caught, with a monthly average catch equal to 1255. The months of December, with 2116 individuals and January, with 2819. showed the highest monthly catches. Analysis of the sexual structure of the population revealed that it is mostly males. Of the 3898 crabs analyzed in the laboratory: 2288 were male, equivalent to 58.70% of the total and 1610 were female, corresponding to 41.30%. Of the 1610 females analysed in the laboratory, 180 were considered ovated and 1430 were non-ovated, indicating a superiority of non-ovate females over ovate ones. Station A presented the individual with the smallest width 25.46 mm while station C had the individual with the largest width 70.12 mm. In relation to the space-time variability, the species is well represented in the lagoon, with a higher incidence in station A, which is close to the sea and presents greater salinity, while station C showed a lower number of crabs caught. The month of April stands out, because it has the highest temporal variation in relation to the others, with values between 1 and 224 individuals caught. In LSA, 50% of C. maenas females reach sexual maturity at 45.11 mm (carapace width). Throughout the study period, the smallest ovated female was 26.68 mm and the largest female in these circumstances was 61.57 mm (mean: 42.70 mm). The smallest non ovated female was 21.24 mm and the largest 73.60 mm (mean: 42.87 mm)

    Variabilidade temporal (interanual e mareal) das trocas de nutrientes e matéria particulada, pela Barra Faro-Olhão e canais adjacentes no ecossistema da Ria Formosa

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016A Ria Formosa é uma laguna costeira, produtiva e pouco profunda, na costa sul de Portugal. Aí ocorre elevada renovação de água através de seis ligações permanentes ao Oceano Atlântico, importantes em termos de trocas de massa entre o ecossistema e o oceano. O objetivo principal foi compreender o papel da Barra Faro-Olhão e dos principais canais adjacentes (Faro e Olhão), na dinâmica de nutrientes, clorofila a (proxy do fitoplâncton) e matéria em suspensão (orgânica e inorgânica), enfatizando a importância das trocas de massa entre a barra e oceano adjacente, em situações de maré quinzenal extremas (maré-viva e maré-morta), e no outono por dois anos consecutivos (2011 e 2012). Para tal, realizaram-se quatro campanhas de caracterização físico-química, onde se recolheram horariamente amostras de água, ao mesmo tempo que, a velocidade da corrente foi medida ao longo das secções transversais retas, para se estimar o prisma de maré e respetivos transportes de massa. Globalmente, para as quatro campanhas o estado trófico dos locais amostrados revelou-se de qualidade muito bom, típico de águas oligotróficas. As características químicas ao longo dos ciclos de maré variaram não só em função da fase de maré quinzenal (mais intensamente em maré-viva), mas também, de fatores externos como processos oceanográficos (afloramento costeiro) e biológicos. Quanto ao transporte de massa de água, o volume trocado através da Barra Faro-Olhão foi superior à soma dos transportes através dos dois canais, e a contribuição do Canal de Faro foi superior à do Canal de Olhão. Independentemente da situação de maré e do ano considerado, a Ria Formosa atuou como fonte de nutrientes, exportando amónia e silicatos, e sólidos em suspensão através da barra, fertilizando e aumentando a produtividade biológica da zona costeira adjacente. No entanto, em situação de afloramento costeiro, a Ria Formosa atuou como um sumidouro, importando maiores quantidades de nitratos, fosfatos, silicatos e clorofila a, o que irá certamente potenciar a produtividade biológica deste ecossistema

    Review of literature on decision support systems for natural hazard risk reduction: Current status and future research directions

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    Ecologia da enguia e gestão da sua pesca na Lagoa de Santo André

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    Tese de mestrado, Ecologia Marinha, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016Ao longo das últimas décadas tem-se denotado um acentuado declínio no recrutamento da enguia (Anguilla anguilla), na ordem dos 90% em relação a 1980, em toda a sua área de distribuição, pondo em causa os limites biológicos da espécie e a sustentabilidade das pescas. O seu declínio levou a Comissão Europeia, aconselhada pelo ICES (International Council for the Exploitation of the Sea), a aprovar o Regulamento (CE) nº 1100/2007 no dia 18 de setembro, que obriga os Estados Membros a elaborarem um Plano de Gestão de Enguia (PGE), com o objetivo de estabelecer medidas de gestão que assegurem a redução da mortalidade da espécie associada a causas antropogénicas e que permitam a fuga de 40% das enguias prateadas, que em condições pristinas escapariam de cada bacia hidrográfica. A Lagoa de Santo André (que está integrada na Reserva Natural das Lagoas de Santo André e da Sancha - RNLSAS) é uma lagoa costeira, que permanece fechada durante uma grande parte do ano e onde a pesca da enguia constitui uma importante valia socioeconómica para a população local. A necessidade crescente na conservação da espécie levou, nos últimos tempos, ao estabelecimento de medidas de gestão mais restritas à pesca na lagoa, nomeadamente ao estabelecimento de uma época de defeso (outubro a dezembro), de modo a atingir os objetivos propostos no PGE português. Este aumento de restrições à pesca da enguia na lagoa gera conflitos entre a entidade conservacionista, que elabora os editais de pesca referentes à respetiva Zona de Pesca Profissional, e a comunidade piscatória local, que é constituída por uma população envelhecida com modestos rendimentos mensais. É neste âmbito que se inclui o presente estudo, cujos objetivos são: 1) caracterizar a população, de enguia na Lagoa de Santo André; 2) caracterizar a respetiva comunidade piscatória e a sua atividade 3) e estimar a quantidade capturada da enguia e de outras espécies no local e o respetivo valor económico. A recolha dos parâmetros biológicos sobre a espécie no local foi efetuada através de amostragens mensais, através de artes de pesca passivas, direcionadas à pesca da enguia (nassas). A população de enguia na lagoa encontra-se homogeneamente distribuída na área lagunar, e com uma estrutura dimensional crescente para montante da área lagunar. A análise da estrutura sexual e etária da população revelou que esta era maioritariamente constituída por machos, os quais atingem a idade de maturação aos 3 anos, enquanto as fêmeas o fazem apenas aos 4 anos. Sendo uma população maioritariamente jovem, é possível observar machos na lagoa com 4 anos de idade e fêmeas com uma idade de 7 anos. Como seria de esperar, as fêmeas apresentam um crescimento mais lento do que os machos, consequência da estratégia reprodutora de cada sexo. A infeção pelo parasita Anguillicola crassus atingiu menos de metade da amostra, abrangendo 44% da população, com uma intensidade de 6 parasitas por enguia infetada. A caracterização da comunidade piscatória e da sua pesca permitiu concluir que aquela se mantem uma população envelhecida e com as mesmas tradições de faina. As estimativas realizadas para os quantitativos de enguia e de outras espécies capturadas permitiu concluir que a enguia continua a ser a espécie de maior relevância para a pesca da lagoa, tanto em termos de capturas, como de retorno económico. Contudo, a diminuição global dos quantitativos capturados de enguia mostram a eficácia das medidas de gestão tomadas ao longo do tempo. De modo a facilitar o diálogo entre as entidades interessadas e resolver os conflitos entre as mesmas, a co-gestão parece ser o meio mais eficaz para uma relação harmoniosa. Este estudo permitiu, portanto, adquirir novos conhecimentos sobre a ecologia da espécie no local e sobre a sua pesca na lagoa, que permitem a elaboração de medidas de gestão pesqueira mais direcionadas à população de enguia e que permitam a conciliação da atividade piscatória na lagoa com as metas de proteção previstas no PGE português e os objetivos de conservação da RNLSAS.The recruitment of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) has declined to 10% of the 1980s level throughout its distribution range over the past decade. The stock is outside safe biological limits raising concerns about the sustainability of the fisheries. Based on the Advice from ICES, the European Commission adopted Regulation (EC) nº 1100/2007 (18th September) that obliges each Member State to create Eel Management Plans (EMP) establishing measures to reduce anthropogenic mortality and allow the escapement of at least 40% of the biomass that would have escaped in a pristine situation. Santo André Lagoon, included in the Natural Reserve of Santo André and Sancha Lagoons (RNLSAS), is a coastal lagoon that remains isolated from the sea during much of the year, and where the eel fishery is an important socio-economic reality for the local population. The growing need to recover the population has led to the establishment of management measures to comply with the obligations set in the Portuguese EMP. These included a national closed season (October to December) to enable the escapement of silver eels, which together with the management measures set to reconcile the conservation of this protected area, contributed to increase the conflicts among stakeholders. This increase in restrictions on the eel fishery in the lagoon has generated conflicts between the conservation authority, responsible for the management of the fishery in the Professional fishing zone, and the local fishing community, which consists of an aging population with modest monthly income. It is in this framework that the present study arises and includes the following objectives: 1) to characterize the European eel population, in Santo André Lagoon; 2) to characterize the fishing community and their activity; and 3) to estimate the catch of eels and other species as well as their economic value. The biological parameters of the eel population were obtained by monthly samples, using fyke nets, with the support of two fishermen. The results of the biological component showed that the eel population is homogeneously distributed in the lagoon area, despite an increase in length towards the upstream area. The sex and age structure of the population in Santo André Lagoon showed that it is clearly dominated by males that reach their maturity at the age of 3 years whereas the females become silver at the age of 4 years. The eel population is composed by young individuals with males up to 4 years of age and females 7 years of age, with a longer length. As expected, females showed a slower growth rate than males as a result of the reproductive strategy followed by each sex .The infection by the parasite Anguillicola crassus affected 44% of the population, with an intensity of 6 parasites per eel. For the characterization of the fishing community and their activity, the surveys conducted showed that the fishing community is composed of old people who pursue their traditions in the fishery. The quantity of eel and other species estimated from the logbooks, showed that the eel remains the most important species both in terms of catches and economic return to fishermen. However, the overall decline of eel caught show the effectiveness of the management measures taken over time, with the reduction of the amount of eels caught and the increase in other catches. To facilitate the dialogue between stakeholders and resolving conflicts between them, the co-management seems to be the most effective way for a harmonious relationship. This dissertation contributes with new knowledge on the eel ecology and its fishery in the lagoon, which will support the management of the fishery and at the same time reconcile the fishing activity with the protection measures set out in the Portuguese PGE and the conservation objectives of RNLSAS

    Decision support system development for integrated management of European coastal lagoons

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    In this paper, a general framework for the development of Decision Support Systems (DSSs) for the management of coastal lagoons is presented. The proposed DSS structure integrates the information provided by several models accounting for different characteristics of lagoon ecosystems, including biogeochemical, hydrodynamic, ecological and socio-economic aspects. Outputs and indicators provided by the models are used to accomplish the decision task by the application of multicriteria analysis. Model uncertainty and robustness with respect to uncontrollable factors are addressed. Application of the proposed DSS structure to five lagoons located in the Mediterranean area is discussed, with special focus on the management of clam farming in the Sacca di Goro lagoon (Italy). Thanks to its flexibility, the proposed DSS structure is also applicable in decision problems arising in different fields

    Priorización de actuaciones medioambientales de ríos con entornos urbanos

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    [EN] The technique of environmental improvement of rivers has a complex character and is a multidisciplinary task, especially in urban environments. Today, river engineering and environmental science involved in this objective have made great progress. The general procedure for developing this type of project is still not systematic; It is developed by a technician discursive and sequentially, with the timely advice of a specialist if it is necessary. This method gives satisfactory results into particular actions with tangible concepts and sufficient data. It is not the case in the rehabilitation of urban rivers so it is necessary to apply methods of decision support to ensure the optimal selection of the solution. Selecting a river rehabilitation project is a complex engineering decision including construction and environmental criteria. The rehabilitation project gets complicated even more if the city qualifies for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Tangible and intangible factors must be assessed to take into account cultural heritage, natural heritage, water flow, river naturalization, interaction of water stream, construction costs and operational and maintenance costs. The proposed method is a hybrid model combining Delphi, Analytical Hierarchy Process and VIKOR technique. The hybrid model is applied to the historic walled town of Cuenca and the Huécar river. The criteria most valued by panelists are cultural heritage and river naturalization with 28% and 25% respectively. The trapezoidal cross section achieves an acceptable advantage and stability over the modified triangular cross section, valued as second. Therefore, the development of the selected rehabilitation project facilitates the optimal integration of the river in the townscape.[ES] La técnica de mejora medioambiental de ríos es una tarea compleja y multidisciplinar, en especial en entornos urbanos. A día de hoy, la ingeniería de ríos y las ciencias medioambientales implicadas en dicho objetivo han tenido un gran desarrollo. El procedimiento general para desarrollar este tipo de proyecto sigue siendo no sistemático; se desarrolla de forma unipersonal, discursiva, lineal y secuencial, con el asesoramiento puntual de algún experto, en su caso. Este método da resultados satisfactorios en actuaciones concretas que consideran conceptos tangibles y disponen de datos suficientes. No es el caso en proyectos de rehabilitación de ríos urbanos, por lo que es necesario aplicar metodologías de apoyo a la decisión que garanticen la selección óptima de la solución. Se plantea una metodología para la priorización de las actuaciones de mejora medioambiental de ríos en entornos urbanos mediante una técnica de apoyo a la decisión de carácter híbrido que combina la técnica Delphi para la obtención de datos, el análisis mediante el proceso de análisis jerárquico denominado AHP, y el método VIKOR para la priorización de las soluciones obtenidas en dicho análisis. Este modelo híbrido se aplica a la histórica ciudad amurallada de Cuenca y el río Huécar. Deben considerarse criterios tangibles e intangibles teniendo en cuenta: el patrimonio cultural, el patrimonio natural, el flujo de agua, la naturalización del río, la interacción de la corriente de agua, los costos de construcción y los costos de operación y mantenimiento. En este método los criterios más valorados por los panelistas son el patrimonio cultural y la naturalización del río, con 28% y 25%, respectivamente. La sección transversal trapezoidal logra una ventaja y una estabilidad aceptable sobre la sección transversal triangular modificada, valorada como segunda. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo del proyecto de rehabilitación seleccionado facilita la integración óptima del río en el paisaje urbano.[CA] La tècnica de millora mediambiental de rius als entorns urbans té caràcter multidisciplinari i és una tasca complexa. L'enginyeria de rius i les ciències mediambientals implicades en aquest objectiu han tingut un gran desenvolupament. En canvi, la metodologia general per a desenrotllar aquest tipus de projectes segueix sent no sistemàtica; es desenvolupa de forma unipersonal, discursiva, lineal i seqüencial, amb l'assessorament puntual d'algun expert si escau. Aquest mètode dóna resultats satisfactoris en actuacions concretes on es consideren conceptes tangibles i amb dades suficients. No és aquest el cas en projectes de rehabilitació de rius urbans, per la qual cosa és necessari aplicar metodologies de suport a la decisió que garantisquen la selecció òptima de la solució. Es planteja una metodologia per a la priorització de les actuacions de millora mediambiental de rius en entorns urbans mitjançant una tècnica de suport a la decisió de caràcter híbrid que combina la tècnica Delphi per a l'obtenció de dades, l'anàlisi mitjançant el procés d'anàlisi jeràrquica anomenada AHP, i el mètode VIKOR per a la priorització de les solucions obtingudes en aquesta anàlisi. Aquest model híbrid s'aplica a la històrica ciutat emmurallada de Cuenca i el riu Huécar. Calen avaluar-se factors tangibles i intangibles tenint en compte: el patrimoni cultural, el patrimoni natural, el fluix d'aigua, naturalització del riu, la interacció del corrent d'aigua, els costs de construcció i els costs d'operació i manteniment. En aquest mètode els criteris més valorats pels panelistes són el patrimoni cultural i la naturalització del riu, amb un 28% i un 25%, respectivament. La secció transversal trapezoïdal aconsegueix un avantatge i una estabilitat acceptable sobre la secció transversal triangular modificada, valorada com a segona. Per tant, el desenvolupament del projecte de rehabilitació seleccionat facilita la integració òptima del riu en el paisatge urbà.Martínez León, J. (2016). Priorización de actuaciones medioambientales de ríos con entornos urbanos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61443TESI