35 research outputs found

    On the Computability of Agent-Based Workflows

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    Workflow research is commonly concerned with optimization, modeling, and dependency. In this research, we however address a more fundamental issue. By modeling humans and machines as agents and making use of a theoretical computer and statecharts, we prove that many workflow problems do not have computer-based solutions. We also demonstrate a sufficient condition under which computers are able to solve these problems. We end by discussing the relationships between our research and Petri Nets, the multi-agent framework in the literature, linear programming and workflow verification

    Parallel computation of the reachability graph of petri net models with semantic information

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    Formal verification plays a crucial role when dealing with correctness of systems. In a previous work, the authors proposed a class of models, the Unary Resource Description Framework Petri Nets (U-RDF-PN), which integrated Petri nets and (RDF-based) semantic information. The work also proposed a model checking approach for the analysis of system behavioural properties that made use of the net reachability graph. Computing such a graph, specially when dealing with high-level structures as RDF graphs, is a very expensive task that must be considered. This paper describes the development of a parallel solution for the computation of the reachability graph of U-RDF-PN models. Besides that, the paper presents some experimental results when the tool was deployed in cluster and cloud frameworks. The results not only show the improvement in the total time required for computing the graph, but also the high scalability of the solution, which make it very useful thanks to the current (and future) availability of cloud infrastructures

    Synthesis of asynchronous distributed systems from global specifications

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    The synthesis problem asks whether there exists an implementation for a given formal specification and derives such an implementation if it exists. This approach enables engineers to think on a more abstract level about what a system should achieve instead of how it should accomplish its goal. The synthesis problem is often represented by a game between system players and environment players. Petri games define the synthesis problem for asynchronous distributed systems with causal memory. So far, decidability results for Petri games are mainly obtained for local winning conditions, which is limiting as global properties like mutual exclusion cannot be expressed. In this thesis, we make two contributions. First, we present decidability and undecidability results for Petri games with global winning conditions. The global safety winning condition of bad markings defines markings that the players have to avoid. We prove that the existence of a winning strategy for the system players in Petri games with a bounded number of system players, at most one environment player, and bad markings is decidable. The global liveness winning condition of good markings defines markings that the players have to reach. We prove that the existence of a winning strategy for the system players in Petri games with at least two system players, at least three environment players, and good markings is undecidable. Second, we present semi-decision procedures to find winning strategies for the system players in Petri games with global winning conditions and without restrictions on the distribution of players. The distributed nature of Petri games is employed by proposing encodings with true concurrency. We implement the semi-decision procedures in a corresponding tool.Das Syntheseproblem stellt die Frage, ob eine Implementierung f ¨ur eine Spezifikation existiert, und generiert eine solche Implementierung, falls sie existiert. Diese Vorgehensweise erlaubt es Programmierenden sich mehr darauf zu konzentrieren, was ein System erreichen soll, und weniger darauf, wie die Spezifikation erf ¨ ullt werden soll. Das Syntheseproblem wird oft als Spiel zwischen einem System- und einem Umgebungsspieler dargestellt. Petri-Spiele definieren das Syntheseproblem f ¨ur asynchrone verteilte Systeme mit kausalem Speicher. Bisher wurden Resultate bez¨uglich der Entscheidbarkeit von Petri-Spiele meist f ¨ur lokale Gewinnbedingungen gefunden. In dieser Arbeit pr¨asentieren wir zuerst Resultate bez¨uglich der Entscheidbarkeit und Unentscheidbarkeit von Petri-Spielen mit globalen Gewinnbedingungen. Wir beweisen, dass die Existenz einer gewinnenden Strategie f ¨ur die Systemspieler in Petri- Spielen mit einer beschr¨ankten Anzahl an Systemspielern, h¨ochstens einem Umgebungsspieler und schlechten Markierungen entscheidbar ist. Wir beweisen ebenfalls, dass die Existenz einer gewinnenden Strategie f ¨ur die Systemspieler in Petri-Spielen mit mindestens zwei Systemspielern, mindestens drei Umgebungsspielern und guten Markierungen unentscheidbar ist. Danach pr¨asentieren wir Semi-Entscheidungsprozeduren, um gewinnende Strategien f ¨ur die Systemspieler in Petri-Spielen mit globalen Gewinnbedingungen und ohne Restriktionen f ¨ur die Verteilung von Spielern zu finden. Wir benutzen die verteilte Natur von Petri-Spielen, indem wir Enkodierungen einf ¨uhren, die Nebenl¨aufigkeit ausnutzen. Die Semi-Entscheidungsprozeduren sind in einem entsprechenden Tool implementiert

    The Logical View on Continuous Petri Nets

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    International audienceContinuous Petri nets are a relaxation of classical discrete Petri nets in which transitions can be fired a fractional number of times, and consequently places may contain a fractional number of tokens. Such continuous Petri nets are an appealing object to study since they over approximate the set of reachable configurations of their discrete counterparts, and their reachability problem is known to be decidable in polynomial time. The starting point of this paper is to show that the reachability relation for continuous Petri nets is definable by a sentence of linear size in the existential theory of the rationals with addition and order. Using this characterization, we obtain decidability and complexity results for a number of classical decision problems for continuous Petri nets. In particular, we settle the open problem about the precise complexity of reachability set inclusion. Finally, we show how continuous Petri nets can be incorporated inside the classical backward coverability algorithm for discrete Petri nets as a pruning heuristic in order to tackle the symbolic state explosion problem. The cornerstone of the approach we present is that our logical characterization enables us to leverage the power of modern SMT-solvers in order to yield a highly performant and robust decision procedure for coverability in Petri nets. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach on a set of standard benchmarks from the literature

    Formal Object Interaction Language: Modeling and Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Object-Oriented Software

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    As software systems become larger and more complex, developers require the ability to model abstract concepts while ensuring consistency across the entire project. The internet has changed the nature of software by increasing the desire for software deployment across multiple distributed platforms. Finally, increased dependence on technology requires assurance that designed software will perform its intended function. This thesis introduces the Formal Object Interaction Language (FOIL). FOIL is a new object-oriented modeling language specifically designed to address the cumulative shortcomings of existing modeling techniques. FOIL graphically displays software structure, sequential and concurrent behavior, process, and interaction in a simple unified notation, and has an algebraic representation based on a derivative of the π-calculus. The thesis documents the technique in which FOIL software models can be mathematically verified to anticipate deadlocks, ensure consistency, and determine object state reachability. Scalability is offered through the concept of behavioral inheritance; and, FOIL’s inherent support for modeling concurrent behavior and all known workflow patterns is demonstrated. The concepts of process achievability, process complete achievability, and process determinism are introduced with an algorithm for simulating the execution of a FOIL object model using a FOIL process model. Finally, a technique for using a FOIL process model as a constraint on FOIL object system execution is offered as a method to ensure that object-oriented systems modeled in FOIL will complete their processes based activities. FOIL’s capabilities are compared and contrasted with an extensive array of current software modeling techniques. FOIL is ideally suited for data-aware, behavior based systems such as interactive or process management software

    Acyclic Transformation Technique for the Reachability Analysis of Petri Nets

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    Industrial Engineering and Managemen

    Petri net model decomposition - a model based approach supporting distributed execution

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica, Especialidade de Sistemas Digitais, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaModel-based systems development has contributed to reducing the enormous difference between the continuous increase of systems complexity and the improvement of methods and methodologies available to support systems development. The choice of the modeling formalism is an important factor for success-fully increasing productivity. Petri nets proved to be a suitable candidate for being chosen as a system specification language due to their natural support of modeling processes with concurrency, synchronization and resource sharing, as well as the mechanisms of composition and decomposition. Also having a formal representation reinforces the choice, given that the use of verification tools is fundamental for complex systems development. This work proposes a method for partitioning Petri net models into concurrent sub-models, supporting their distributed implementation. The IOPT class (Input-Output Place Transition) is used as a reference class. It is extended by directed synchronous communication channels, enabling the com- munication between the generated sub-models. Three rules are proposed to perform the partition, and restrictions of the proposed partition method are identified. It is possible to directly compose models which result from the partitioning operation, through an operation of model addition. This allows the re-use of previously obtained models, as well as the easy modification of the intended system functionalities. The algorithms associated with the implementation of the partition operation are presented, as well as its rules and other procedures. The proposed methods are validated through several case studies emphasizing control components of automation systems

    Formal Description of Web Services for Expressive Matchmaking

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    Consistency and Sensitivity Analysis of Multi-level Petri Net Models of Biological Systems

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    The recent developments in biological experiments have awarded the research community with valuable information, which describe finely regulated systems that govern the cell dynamics. One of the greatest challenges, however, remains to represent this extensive amount of knowledge in a proper way that can be used in simulations, and validated automatically, in order to understand the dynamics and ultimately achieve a desired behaviour for the system (cell) under control. Many tools and techniques have been proposed in the literature to address this important problem. In this research, the use of Petri nets for knowledge representation is investigated. The initial focus of this research is then to introduce a concept of consistency between Petri nets obtained from various knowledge sources. Two algorithms are provided to construct Petri net models for cell dynamics using data available in public domain biological database. The first algorithm generates a low-level model capturing protein- protein interactions and the second, produces a high-level model which describes pathway sequences and is considerably easier to analyze. Appropriate tests are developed to study consistency of such models. In the context of biological systems, diseases that alter cell dynamics, such as cancer, can be regarded as faults in the system, and disease diagnosis and treatment will correspond to fault detection and control. In this research a framework has been proposed for sensitivity analysis in Petri net representation of biological systems. Efficient tools and procedures are developed to achieve sensitivity analysis. It is demonstrated using actual biological system models, that the results of such analysis can be used as a basis of drug discovery

    SmartPM: automatic adaptation of dynamic processes at run-time

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    The research activity outlined in this thesis is devoted to define a general approach, a concrete architecture and a prototype Process Management System (PMS) for the automated adaptation of dynamic processes at run-time, on the basis of a declarative specification of process tasks and relying on well-established reasoning about actions and planning techniques. The purpose is to demonstrate that the combination of procedural and imperative models with declarative elements, along with the exploitation of techniques from the field of artificial intelligence (AI), such as Situation Calculus, IndiGolog and automated planning, can increase the ability of existing PMSs of supporting dynamic processes. To this end, a prototype PMS named SmartPM, which is specifically tailored for supporting collaborative work of process participants during pervasive scenarios, has been developed. The adaptation mechanism deployed on SmartPM is based on execution monitoring for detecting failures at run-time, which does not require the definition of the adaptation strategy in the process itself (as most of the current approaches do), and on automatic planning techniques for the synthesis of the recovery procedure