21 research outputs found

    Critical assessment of coalescent simulators in modeling recombination hotspots in genomic sequences

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    Approaching long genomic regions and large recombination rates with msParSm as an alternative to MaCS

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    The msParSm application is an evolution of msPar, the parallel version of the coalescent simulation program ms, which removes the limitation for simulating long stretches of DNA sequences with large recombination rates, without compromising the accuracy of the standard coalescence. This work introduces msParSm, describes its significant performance improvements over msPar and its shared memory parallelization details, and shows how it can get better, if not similar, execution times than MaCS. Two case studies with different mutation rates were analyzed, one approximating the human average and the other approximating the Drosophila melanogaster average. Source code is available at https://github.com/cmontemuino/msparsm

    Efficient ancestry and mutation simulation with msprime 1.0

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    Stochastic simulation is a key tool in population genetics, since the models involved are often analytically intractable and simulation is usually the only way of obtaining ground-truth data to evaluate inferences. Because of this, a large number of specialized simulation programs have been developed, each filling a particular niche, but with largely overlapping functionality and a substantial duplication of effort. Here, we introduce msprime version 1.0, which efficiently implements ancestry and mutation simulations based on the succinct tree sequence data structure and the tskit library. We summarize msprime’s many features, and show that its performance is excellent, often many times faster and more memory efficient than specialized alternatives. These high-performance features have been thoroughly tested and validated, and built using a collaborative, open source development model, which reduces duplication of effort and promotes software quality via community engagement

    Efficient Methods for Analysis of Genome Scale Data.

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    In my dissertation I develop and evaluate methods for gene-mapping that can extract useful information from large complex datasets with many genetic markers and outcomes measured. The first part of the dissertation describes an extension of the variance components approach to incorporate repeated phenotype measurements and establish a general formula for cost-effectiveness analysis. The second part proposes a discrete-generation framework of the coalescent model that can rapidly simulate large (>100Mb) sequences from a population based on flexible population history and allows recombination rates to vary along the genome. The third part develops a case-control association mapping strategy that uses genetic data to match individuals and accounts for unknown population structure. The fourth part describes a genome-wide genetic map of genetic variants that influence global gene expression integrating data on >50,000 mRNA transcript levels and >400,000 genetic markers. Using this dataset, I perform systematic evaluation of accuracy and power of genotype imputation with respect to different aspects of the phenotypic traits of interest and genetic markers being tested.Ph.D.BiostatisticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64634/1/lianglim_1.pd

    Statistical Population Genomics

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    This open access volume presents state-of-the-art inference methods in population genomics, focusing on data analysis based on rigorous statistical techniques. After introducing general concepts related to the biology of genomes and their evolution, the book covers state-of-the-art methods for the analysis of genomes in populations, including demography inference, population structure analysis and detection of selection, using both model-based inference and simulation procedures. Last but not least, it offers an overview of the current knowledge acquired by applying such methods to a large variety of eukaryotic organisms. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, pointers to the relevant literature, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Statistical Population Genomics aims to promote and ensure successful applications of population genomic methods to an increasing number of model systems and biological questions

    Genomic data as the “hitchhiker's guide” to cattle adaptation: tracking the milestones of past selection in the bovine genome

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    The bovine species have witnessed and played a major role in the drastic socio-economical changes that shaped our culture over the last 10,000 years. During this journey, cattle hitchhiked on human development and colonized the world, facing strong selective pressures such as dramatic environmental changes and disease challenge. Consequently, hundreds of specialized cattle breeds emerged and spread around the globe, making up a rich spectrum of genomic resources. Their DNA still carry the scars left from adapting to this wide range of conditions, and we are now empowered with data and analytical tools to track the milestones of past selection in their genomes. In this review paper, we provide a summary of the reconstructed demographic events that shaped cattle diversity, offer a critical synthesis of popular methodologies applied to the search for signatures of selection (SS) in genomic data, and give examples of recent SS studies in cattle. Then, we outline the potential and challenges of the application of SS analysis in cattle, and discuss the future directions in this field

    Evolutionary genomics : statistical and computational methods

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    This open access book addresses the challenge of analyzing and understanding the evolutionary dynamics of complex biological systems at the genomic level, and elaborates on some promising strategies that would bring us closer to uncovering of the vital relationships between genotype and phenotype. After a few educational primers, the book continues with sections on sequence homology and alignment, phylogenetic methods to study genome evolution, methodologies for evaluating selective pressures on genomic sequences as well as genomic evolution in light of protein domain architecture and transposable elements, population genomics and other omics, and discussions of current bottlenecks in handling and analyzing genomic data. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include the kind of detail and expert implementation advice that lead to the best results. Authoritative and comprehensive, Evolutionary Genomics: Statistical and Computational Methods, Second Edition aims to serve both novices in biology with strong statistics and computational skills, and molecular biologists with a good grasp of standard mathematical concepts, in moving this important field of study forward

    Simulation and graph mining tools for improving gene mapping efficiency

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    Gene mapping is a systematic search for genes that affect observable characteristics of an organism. In this thesis we offer computational tools to improve the efficiency of (disease) gene-mapping efforts. In the first part of the thesis we propose an efficient simulation procedure for generating realistic genetical data from isolated populations. Simulated data is useful for evaluating hypothesised gene-mapping study designs and computational analysis tools. As an example of such evaluation, we demonstrate how a population-based study design can be a powerful alternative to traditional family-based designs in association-based gene-mapping projects. In the second part of the thesis we consider a prioritisation of a (typically large) set of putative disease-associated genes acquired from an initial gene-mapping analysis. Prioritisation is necessary to be able to focus on the most promising candidates. We show how to harness the current biomedical knowledge for the prioritisation task by integrating various publicly available biological databases into a weighted biological graph. We then demonstrate how to find and evaluate connections between entities, such as genes and diseases, from this unified schema by graph mining techniques. Finally, in the last part of the thesis, we define the concept of reliable subgraph and the corresponding subgraph extraction problem. Reliable subgraphs concisely describe strong and independent connections between two given vertices in a random graph, and hence they are especially useful for visualising such connections. We propose novel algorithms for extracting reliable subgraphs from large random graphs. The efficiency and scalability of the proposed graph mining methods are backed by extensive experiments on real data. While our application focus is in genetics, the concepts and algorithms can be applied to other domains as well. We demonstrate this generality by considering coauthor graphs in addition to biological graphs in the experiments.Geenikartoitus on organismin havaittaviin piirteisiin vaikuttavien geenien järjestelmällistä etsintää perimästä. Väitöskirjassa esitetään uusia menetelmiä, joilla voidaan tehostaa sairauksille altistavien geenien kartoitusta. Väitöskirjan alussa tarkastellaan perimän simulointia (tyypillisesti maantieteellisesti) eristäytyneissä populaatioissa ja esitetään tarkoitukseen soveltuva uusi simulaattoriohjelmisto. Simuloidut aineistot ovat hyödyllisiä tutkimussuunnittelussa, jolloin niillä voidaan arvioida suunniteltujen aineistojen tilastollisia ominaisuuksia sekä käytettävien analysointimenetelmien toimintaa. Esimerkkinä tällaisesta tutkimuksesta työssä käydään läpi esitetyllä ohjelmistolla tehty laajahko simulaatiotutkimus. Tulosten perusteella väestöpohjainen tapaus-verrokkitutkimusasetelma vaikuttaa olevan tilastollisesti voimakas vaihtoehto kalliimmille perhe- ja sukupuupohjaisille asetelmille. Toinen osa väitöskirjaa käsittelee mahdollisesti sairauksille altistavien ns. ehdokasgeenien pisteytystä sen mukaan, kuinka vahvat yhteydet niillä on tutkittavaan sairauteen. Pisteytys on tärkeää, koska alustavat aineiston tarkastelut tuottavat tyypillisesti runsaasti ehdokasgeenejä, joiden kaikkien läpikäynti olisi liian työlästä. Pisteytyksellä jatkotutkimukset voidaan kohdistaa lupaavimpiin ehdokkaisiin. Työssä esitetään kuinka tällä hetkellä erillissä tietokannoissa oleva biologinen tieto voidaan esittää yhteinäisessä verkkomuodossa. Lisäksi näytetään kuinka tällaisesta aineistosta voidaan etsiä ehdokasgeenien ja tutkittavan sairauden välisiä yhteyksiä ja pisteyttää niitä verkonlouhinta-algoritmien avulla. Lopuksi työssä esitetään luotettavan aliverkon eristämisongelma ja algoritmeja sen ratkaisemiseen. Ongelmassa tavoitteena on poimia suuresta verkosta suhteellisen pieni aliverkko, joka sisältää vahvoja ja toisistaan riippumattomia yhteyksiä kahden annetun verkon solmun välillä. Siten luotettavat aliverkot soveltuvat erityisen hyvin löydettyjen yhteyksien kuvalliseen esittämiseen. Luotettavia aliverkkoja voidaan soveltaa perinnöllisyystieteen lisäksi myös muilla aloilla, kuten sosiaalisten verkkojen analyysissä