9,773 research outputs found

    Real time estimation of generation, extinction and flow of muscle fibre action potentials in high density surface EMG

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    Selezionato dalla rivista COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE come Meritorious paper per l'anno 201

    Reduction of streak artifacts caused by low photon counts utilizing an image-based forward projection in computed tomography

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    13301甲第5395号博士(保健学)博士論文本文Full博士論文本文Full 以下に掲載:Computers in Biology and Medicine 135 pp.1-13/ 104583 2021. Elsevier. 共著者:Shinji Niwa, Katsuhiro Ichikawa, Hiroki Kawashima, Tadanori Takata, Shuhei Minami, Wataru Mitsu

    Documenting and predicting topic changes in Computers in Biology and Medicine: A bibliometric keyword analysis from 1990 to 2017

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    The Computers in Biology and Medicine (CBM) journal promotes the use of com-puting machinery in the fields of bioscience and medicine. Since the first volume in 1970, the importance of computers in these fields has grown dramatically, this is evident in the diversification of topics and an increase in the publication rate. In this study, we quantify both change and diversification of topics covered in CBM. This is done by analysing the author supplied keywords, since they were electronically captured in 1990. The analysis starts by selecting 40 keywords, related to Medical (M) (7), Data (D)(10), Feature (F) (17) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (6) methods. Automated keyword clustering shows the statistical connection between the selected keywords. We found that the three most popular topics in CBM are: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Elec-troencephalography (EEG) and IMAGE PROCESSING. In a separate analysis step, we bagged the selected keywords into sequential one year time slices and calculated the normalized appearance. The results were visualised with graphs that indicate the CBM topic changes. These graphs show that there was a transition from Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to SVM. In 2006 SVM replaced ANN as the most important AI algo-rithm. Our investigation helps the editorial board to manage and embrace topic change. Furthermore, our analysis is interesting for the general reader, as the results can help them to adjust their research directions

    Model of unidirectional block formation leading to reentrant ventricular tachycardia in the infarct border zone of postinfarction canine hearts

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    AbstractBackgroundWhen the infarct border zone is stimulated prematurely, a unidirectional block line (UBL) can form and lead to double-loop (figure-of-eight) reentrant ventricular tachycardia (VT) with a central isthmus. The isthmus is composed of an entrance, center, and exit. It was hypothesized that for certain stimulus site locations and coupling intervals, the UBL would coincide with the isthmus entrance boundary, where infarct border zone thickness changes from thin-to-thick in the travel direction of the premature stimulus wavefront.MethodA quantitative model was developed to describe how thin-to-thick changes in the border zone result in critically convex wavefront curvature leading to conduction block, which is dependent upon coupling interval. The model was tested in 12 retrospectively analyzed postinfarction canine experiments. Electrical activation was mapped for premature stimulation and for the first reentrant VT cycle. The relationship of functional conduction block forming during premature stimulation to functional block during reentrant VT was quantified.ResultsFor an appropriately placed stimulus, in accord with model predictions: 1. The UBL and reentrant VT isthmus lateral boundaries overlapped (error: 4.8±5.7mm). 2. The UBL leading edge coincided with the distal isthmus where the center-entrance boundary would be expected to occur. 3. The mean coupling interval was 164.6±11.0ms during premature stimulation and 190.7±20.4ms during the first reentrant VT cycle, in accord with model calculations, which resulted in critically convex wavefront curvature and functional conduction block, respectively, at the location of the isthmus entrance boundary and at the lateral isthmus edges.DiscussionReentrant VT onset following premature stimulation can be explained by the presence of critically convex wavefront curvature and unidirectional block at the isthmus entrance boundary when the premature stimulation interval is sufficiently short. The double-loop reentrant circuit pattern is a consequence of wavefront bifurcation around this UBL followed by coalescence, and then impulse propagation through the isthmus. The wavefront is blocked from propagating laterally away from the isthmus by sharp increases in border zone thickness, which results in critically convex wavefront curvature at VT cycle lengths

    Preparation and characterization of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles By Sol-Gel method

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    The magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles were successfully synthesized and annealed under vacuum at different temperature. The Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared via sol-gel assisted method and annealed at 200-400ºC were characterized by Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction spectra (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The XRD result indicate the presence of Fe3O4 nanoparticles, and the Scherer`s Formula calculated the mean particles size in range of 2-25 nm. The FESEM result shows that the morphologies of the particles annealed at 400ºC are more spherical and partially agglomerated, while the EDS result indicates the presence of Fe3O4 by showing Fe-O group of elements. AFM analyzed the 3D and roughness of the sample; the Fe3O4 nanoparticles have a minimum diameter of 79.04 nm, which is in agreement with FESEM result. In many cases, the synthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles using FeCl3 and FeCl2 has not been achieved, according to some literatures, but this research was able to obtained Fe3O4 nanoparticles base on the characterization results