20 research outputs found

    Analysis of state-of-art of modelling of atherosclerosis - review and computation

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    Bakalářská práce obsahuje rešerši současného stavu výpočtového modelování aterosklerózy s využitím MKP. Nejdříve je přiblížena terminologie z pohledu medicíny v oblasti aterosklerózy. Dále se práce zaměřuje na nelineární chování materiálu, jako je hyperelasticita. Popisuje vybrané konstitutivní modely využívané k deformačně napěťovým analýzám cév. V rámci práce je proveden idealizovaný 2D výpočet napětí ve společné kyčelní tepně postižené aterosklerózou. Jsou v ní vykresleny a vyhodnoceny závislosti tlouštěk nekrotického jádra a fibrózní čepičky na maximálním redukovaném napětí podle podmínky HMH.This Bachelor’s thesis contains a research of state-of-art of computational modelling of atherosclerosis using FEM. At first a medical terminology about atherosclerosis is described. Then the thesis is focused on nonlinear behaviour of the material such as hyperelasticity. It describes chosen constitutive models used for the stress-strain analysis of blood vessels. Within the thesis there is performed an idealized 2D analysis of stress in atherosclerotic common iliac artery. There are drawn and evaluated dependencies of necrotic core and fibrous cap thickness on maximal equivalent stress.

    Mechano-chemo-biological model of atherosclerosis formation based on the outside-in theory

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    Atherosclerosis is a disease in blood vessels that often results in plaque formation and lumen narrowing. It is an inflammatory response of the tissue caused by disruptions in the vessel wall nourishment. Blood vessels are nourished by nutrients originating from the blood of the lumen. In medium-sized and larger vessels, nutrients are additionally provided from outside through a network of capillaries called vasa vasorum. It has recently been hypothesized (Haverich in Circulation 135:205–207, 2017) that the root of atherosclerotic diseases is the malfunction of the vasa vasorum. This, so-called outside-in theory, is supported by a recently developed numerical model (Soleimani et al. in Arch Comput Methods Eng 28:4263–4282, 2021) accounting for the inflammation initiation in the adventitial layer of the blood vessel. Building on the previous findings, this work proposes an extended material model for atherosclerosis formation that is based on the outside-in theory. Beside the description of growth kinematics and nutrient diffusion, the roles of monocytes, macrophages, foam cells, smooth muscle cells and collagen are accounted for in a nonlinear continuum mechanics framework. Cells are activated due to a lack of vessel wall nourishment and proliferate, migrate, differentiate and synthesize collagen, leading to the formation of a plaque. Numerical studies show that the onset of atherosclerosis can qualitatively be reproduced and back the new theory

    Macrophage anti-inflammatory behaviour in a multiphase model of atherosclerotic plaque development

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    Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease characterised by the formation of plaques, which are deposits of lipids and cholesterol-laden macrophages that form in the artery wall. The inflammation is often non-resolving, due in large part to changes in normal macrophage anti-inflammatory behaviour that are induced by the toxic plaque microenvironment. These changes include higher death rates, defective efferocytic uptake of dead cells, and reduced rates of emigration. We develop a free boundary multiphase model for early atherosclerotic plaques, and we use it to investigate the effects of impaired macrophage anti-inflammatory behaviour on plaque structure and growth. We find that high rates of cell death relative to efferocytic uptake results in a plaque populated mostly by dead cells. We also find that emigration can potentially slow or halt plaque growth by allowing material to exit the plaque, but this is contingent on the availability of live macrophage foam cells in the deep plaque. Finally, we introduce an additional bead species to model macrophage tagging via microspheres, and we use the extended model to explore how high rates of cell death and low rates of efferocytosis and emigration prevent the clearance of macrophages from the plaque

    Is systems pharmacology ready to impact upon therapy development? A study of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway.

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    Background and Purpose An ever-growing wealth of information on current drugs and their pharmacological effects is available from online databases. As our understanding of systems biology increases, we have the opportunity to predict, model and quantify how drug combinations can be introduced that outperform conventional single-drug therapies. Here, we explore the feasibility of such systems pharmacology approaches with an analysis of the mevalonate branch of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. Experimental Approach Using open online resources, we assembled a computational model of the mevalonate pathway and compiled a set of inhibitors directed against targets in this pathway. We used computational optimization to identify combination and dose options that show not only maximal efficacy of inhibition on the cholesterol producing branch but also minimal impact on the geranylation branch, known to mediate the side effects of pharmaceutical treatment. Key Results We describe serious impediments to systems pharmacology studies arising from limitations in the data, incomplete coverage and inconsistent reporting. By curating a more complete dataset, we demonstrate the utility of computational optimization for identifying multi-drug treatments with high efficacy and minimal off-target effects. Conclusion and Implications We suggest solutions that facilitate systems pharmacology studies, based on the introduction of standards for data capture that increase the power of experimental data. We propose a systems pharmacology workflow for the refinement of data and the generation of future therapeutic hypotheses

    A Two-Phase Model of Early Fibrous Cap Formation in Atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerotic plaque growth is characterised by chronic inflammation that promotes accumulation of cellular debris and extracellular fat in the inner artery wall. This material is highly thrombogenic, and plaque rupture can lead to the formation of blood clots that occlude major arteries and cause myocardial infarction or stroke. In advanced plaques, vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) migrate from deeper in the artery wall to synthesise a cap of fibrous tissue that stabilises the plaque and sequesters the thrombogenic plaque content from the bloodstream. The fibrous cap provides crucial protection against the clinical consequences of atherosclerosis, but the mechanisms of cap formation are poorly understood. In particular, it is unclear why certain plaques become stable and robust while others become fragile and vulnerable to rupture. We develop a multiphase model with non-standard boundary conditions to investigate early fibrous cap formation in the atherosclerotic plaque. The model is parameterised using a range of in vitro and in vivo data, and includes highly nonlinear mechanisms of SMC proliferation and migration in response to an endothelium-derived chemical signal. We demonstrate that the model SMC population naturally evolves towards a steady-state, and predict a rate of cap formation and a final plaque SMC content consistent with experimental observations in mice. Parameter sensitivity simulations show that SMC proliferation makes a limited contribution to cap formation, and highlight that stable cap formation relies on a critical balance between SMC recruitment to the plaque, SMC migration within the plaque and SMC loss by apoptosis. The model represents the first detailed in silico study of fibrous cap formation in atherosclerosis, and establishes a multiphase modelling framework that can be readily extended to investigate many other aspects of plaque development