112 research outputs found

    ECG Imaging to Detect the Site of Ventricular Ischemia Using Torso Electrodes: A Computational Study

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    Electrocardiography provides some information useful for ischemic diagnosis. However, more recently there has been substantial growth in the area of ECG imaging, which by solving the inverse problem of electrocardiography aims to produce high-resolution mapping of the electrical and magnetic dynamics of the heart. Most inverse studies use the full resolution of the body surface potential (BSP) to reconstruct the epicardial potentials, however using a limited number of torso electrodes to interpolate the BSP is more clinically relevant and has an important effect on the reconstruction which must be quantified. A circular ischemic lesion on the right ventricle lateral wall 27 mm in radius is reconstructed using three Tikhonov methods along with 6 different electrode configurations ranging from 32 leads to 1,024 leads. The 2nd order Tikhonov solution performed the most accurately (~80% lesion identified) followed by the 1st (~50% lesion identified) and then the 0 order Tikhonov solution performed the worst with a maximum of ~30% lesion identified regardless of how many leads were used. With an increasing number of leads the solution produces less error, and the error becomes more localised around the lesion for all three regularisation methods. In noisy conditions, the relative performance gap of the 1st and 2nd order Tikhonov solutions was reduced, and determining an accurate regularisation parameter became relatively more difficult. Lesions located on the left ventricle walls were also able to be identified but comparatively to the right ventricle lateral wall performed marginally worse with lesions located on the interventricular septum being able to be indicated by the reconstructions but not successfully identified against the error. The quality of reconstruction was found to decrease as the lesion radius decreased, with a lesion radius of <20 mm becoming difficult to correctly identify against the error even when using >512 torso electrodes

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 159

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    This bibliography lists 257 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in September 1976

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 171

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    This bibliography lists 186 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in August 1977

    Effects of Heart Rate and Ventricular Wall Thickness on Non-invasive Mapping: An in silico Study

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    Background: Non-invasive cardiac mapping—also known as Electrocardiographic imaging (ECGi)—is a novel, painless and relatively economic method to map the electrical activation and repolarization patterns of the heart, providing a valuable tool for early identification and diagnosis of conduction abnormalities and arrhythmias. Moreover, the ability to obtain information on cardiac electrical activity non-invasively using ECGi provides the potential for a priori information to guide invasive surgical procedures, improving success rates, and reducing procedure time. Previous studies have shown the influence of clinical variables, such as heart rate, heart size, endocardial wall, and body composition on surface electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements. The influence of clinical variables on the ECG variability has provided information on cardiovascular control and its abnormalities in various pathologies. However, the effects of such clinical variables on the Body Surface Potential (BSP) and ECGi maps have yet to be systematically investigated. Methods: In this study we investigated the effects of heart size, intracardiac thickness, and heart rate on BSP and ECGi maps using a previously-developed 3D electrophysiologically-detailed ventricles-torso model. The inverse solution was solved using the three different Tikhonov regularization methods. Results: Through comparison of multiple measures of error/accuracy on the ECGi reconstructions, our results showed that using different heart geometries to solve the forward and inverse problems produced a larger estimated focal excitation location. An increase of ~2 mm in the Euclidean distance error was observed for an increase in the heart size. However, the estimation of the location of focal activity was still able to be obtained. Similarly, a Euclidean distance increase was observed when the order of regularization was reduced. For the case of activation maps reconstructed at the same ectopic focus location but different heart rates, an increase in the errors and Euclidean distance was observed when the heart rate was increased. Conclusions: Non-invasive cardiac mapping can still provide useful information about cardiac activation patterns for the cases when a different geometry is used for the inverse problem compared to the one used for the forward solution; rapid pacing rates can induce order-dependent errors in the accuracy of reconstruction

    Three-dimensional Multiscale Modelling and Simulation of Atria and Torso Electrophysiology

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    A better understanding of the electrical activity of the heart under physiological and pathological conditions has always been key for clinicians and researchers. Over the last years, the information in the P-wave signals has been extensively analysed to un-cover the mechanisms underlying atrial arrhythmias by localizing ectopic foci or high-frequency rotors. However, the relationship between the activation of the different areas of the atria and the characteristics of the P-wave signals or body surface poten-tial maps are still far from being completely understood. Multiscale anatomical and functional models of the heart are a new technological framework that can enable the investigation of the heart as a complex system. This thesis is centred in the construction of a multiscale framework that allows the realistic simulation of atrial and torso electrophysiology and integrates all the anatom-ical and functional descriptions described in the literature. The construction of such model involves the development of heterogeneous cellular and tissue electrophysiolo-gy models fitted to empirical data. It also requires an accurate 3D representation of the atrial anatomy, including tissue fibre arrangement, and preferential conduction axes. This multiscale model aims to reproduce faithfully the activation of the atria under physiological and pathological conditions. We use the model for two main applica-tions. First, to study the relationship between atrial activation and surface signals in sinus rhythm. This study should reveal the best places for recording P-waves signals in the torso, and which are the regions of the atria that make the most significant contri-bution to the body surface potential maps and determine the main P-wave characteris-tics. Second, to spatially cluster and classify ectopic atrial foci into clearly differenti-ated atrial regions by using the body surface P-wave integral map (BSPiM) as a bi-omarker. We develop a machine-learning pipeline trained from simulations obtained from the atria-torso model aiming to validate whether ectopic foci with similar BSPiM naturally cluster into differentiated non-intersected atrial regions, and whether new BSPiM could be correctly classified with high accuracy.En la actualidad, una mejor compresión de la actividad eléctrica del corazón en condi-ciones fisiológicas y patológicas es clave para médicos e investigadores. A lo largo de los últimos años, la información derivada de la onda P se ha utilizado para intentar descubrir los mecanismos subyacentes a las arritmias auriculares mediante la localiza-ción de focos ectópicos y rotores de alta frecuencia. Sin embargo, la relación entre la activación de distintas regiones auriculares y las características tanto de las ondas P como de la distribución de potencial en la superficie del torso está lejos de entenderse completamente. Los modelos cardíacos funcionales y anatómicos son una nueva he-rramienta que puede facilitar la investigación relativa al corazón entendido como sis-tema complejo. La presente tesis se centra en la construcción de un modelo multiescala para la simula-ción realista de la electrofisiología cardíaca tanto a nivel auricular como de torso, integrando toda la información anatómica y funcional disponible en la literatura. La construcción de este modelo implica el desarrollo, en base a datos experimentales, de modelos electrofisiológicos heterogéneos tanto celulares como tisulares. Así mismo, es imprescindible una representación tridimensional precisa de la anatomía auricular, incluyendo la dirección de fibras y los haces de conducción preferentes. Este modelo multiescala busca reproducir fielmente la activación auricular en condiciones fisiológi-cas y patológicas. Su uso se ha centrado fundamentalmente en dos aplicaciones. En primer lugar, estudiar la relación entre la activación auricular en ritmo sinusal y las señales en la superficie del torso. Este estudio busca definir la mejor ubicación para el registro de las ondas P en el torso así como determinar aquellas regiones auriculares que contribuyen fundamentalmente a la formación y distribución de potenciales super-ficiales así como a las características de las ondas P. En segundo lugar, agrupar y cla-sificar espacialmente los focos ectópicos en regiones auriculares claramente diferen-ciables empleando como biomarcador los mapas superficiales de integral de la onda P (BSPiM). Se ha desarrollado para ello una metodología de aprendizaje automático en la que las simulaciones obtenidas con el modelo multiescala aurícula-torso sirven de entrenamiento, permitiendo validar si los focos ectópicos cuyos BSPiMs son similares se agrupan de forma natural en regiones auriculares no intersectadas y si BSPiMs nue-vos podrían ser clasificados prospectivamente con gran precisión.Avui en dia, una millor comprenssió de l'activitat elèctrica del cor en condicions fisio-lògiques i patològiques és clau per a metges i investigadors. Al llarg dels últims anys, la informació derivada de l'ona P s'ha utilitzat per intentar descobrir els mecanismes subjacents a les arítmies auriculars mitjançant la localització de focus ectòpics i rotors d'alta freqüència. No obstant això, la relació entre l'activació de diferents regions auri-culars i les característiques tant de les ones P com de la distribució de potencial en la superfície del tors està lluny d'entendre's completament. Els models cardíacs funcionals i anatòmics són una nova eina que pot facilitar la recerca relativa al cor entès com a sistema complex. La present tesi es centra en la construcció d'un model multiescala per a la simulació realista de la electrofisiologia cardíaca tant a nivell auricular com de tors, integrant tota la informació anatòmica i funcional disponible en la literatura. La construcció d'aquest model implica el desenvolupament, sobre la base de dades experimentals, de models electrofisiològics heterogenis, tant cel·lulars com tissulars. Així mateix, és imprescindible una representació tridimensional precisa de l'anatomia auricular, in-cloent la direcció de fibres i els feixos de conducció preferents. Aquest model multies-cala busca reproduir fidelment l'activació auricular en condicions fisiològiques i pa-tològiques. El seu ús s'ha centrat fonamentalment en dues aplicacions. En primer lloc, estudiar la relació entre l'activació auricular en ritme sinusal i els senyals en la superfí-cie del tors. A més a més, amb aquest estudi també es busca definir la millor ubicació per al registre de les ones P en el tors, així com, determinar aquelles regions auriculars que contribueixen fonamentalment a la formació i distribució de potencials superfi-cials a l'hora que es caracteritzen les ones P. En segon lloc, agrupar i classificar espa-cialment els focus ectòpics en regions auriculars clarament diferenciables emprant com a biomarcador els mapes superficials d'integral de l'ona P (BSPiM). És per això que s'ha desenvolupat una metodologia d'aprenentatge automàtic en la qual les simulacions obtingudes amb el model multiescala aurícula-tors serveixen d'entrenament, la qual cosa permet validar si els focus ectòpics, llurs BSPiMs són similars, s'agrupen de for-ma natural en regions auriculars no intersectades i si BSPiMs nous podrien ser classifi-cats de manera prospectiva amb precisió.Ferrer Albero, A. (2017). Three-dimensional Multiscale Modelling and Simulation of Atria and Torso Electrophysiology [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/88402TESI

    A cumulative index to the 1977 issues of a continuing bibliography on aerospace medicine and biology

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    This publication is a cumulative index to the abstracts contained in the Supplements 164 through 175 of Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A Continuing Bibliography. It includes three indexes-- subject, personal author, and corporate source

    Recording the Heart Beat of Cattle using a Gradiometer System of Optically Pumped Magnetometers

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    Monitoring of heart rate has the potential to provide excellent data for the remote monitoring of animals, and heart rate has been associated with stress, pyrexia, pain and illness in animals. However monitoring of heart rate in domesticated animals is difficult as it entails the restraint of the animal (which may in turn affect heart rate), and the application of complex monitoring equipment that is either invasive or not practical to implement under commercial farm conditions. Therefore accurate non-invasive automated remote monitoring of heart rate has not been possible in domesticated animals. Biomagnetism associated with muscle and nerve action provides a promising emerging field in medical sensing, but it is currently confined to magnetically-shielded clinical environments. In this study, we use biomagnetic sensing on commercial dairy cattle under farm conditions as a model system to show proof-of-principle for non-contact magnetocardiography (MCG) outside a controlled laboratory environment. By arranging magnetometers in a differential set-up and using purpose-built low-noise electronics, we are able to suppress common mode noise and successfully record the heart rate, the heart beat intervals and the heart beat amplitude. Comparing the MCG signal with simultaneous data recorded using a conventional electrocardiogram (ECG) allowed alignment of the two signals, and was able to match features of the ECG including the P-wave, the QRS complex and the T-wave. This study has shown the potential for MCG to be developed as a non-contact method for the assessment of heart rate and other cardiac attributes in adult dairy cattle. Whilst this study using an animal model showed the capabilities of un-shielded MCG, these techniques also suggest potentially exciting opportunities in human cardiac medicine outside hospital environments

    Iskeemisen sydänsairauden aiheuttajat, vaikutukset ja simulaatiot

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    Tässä tutkielmassa on kerätty tietoa iskemisestä sydänsairaudesta. Tutkielmassa käsitellään hapenpuutteen ja ravinteiden puutteen vaikutusta sydämeen sekä kyseisen tilan aiheuttajia. Tässä käsitellään iskemian vuoksi sydänsoluissa tapahtuvia muutoksia ja kudostason muutoksia. Iskemia aiheuttaa myös muutosta sydämen sähköiseen toimintaan ja mekaaniseen toimintaan. Lopuksi tutkielmassa on kerätty muutamia mallintamis- ja simuloimismenetelmiä ja tuloksia. Aiheuttajiin kuten sepelvaltimotautiin ja sydäninfarktiin perehdytään hieman. Ne aiheuttavat sydämessä happivajetta. Tämä aiheuttaa iskemisen sydänsairauden, jonka oireena voi olla rintakipua. Toisaalta kaikki eivät kaikki aluksi huomaa oireita. Sydänsoluille tapahtuu muutosta iskemiassa. Soluja ohjautuu apoptoosiin, koska tuumorinekroositekijä alfaa tuotetaan sydänsoluissa iskemian seurauksena. Soluja kuolee iskemiassa myös nekroottisesti. Nekroosia voi aiheuttaa ionien konsentraatioiden muutos. Iskemiassa kalsiumia kertyy soluun ja tämän vuoksi voi aiheutua nekroosia. Sydänsolujen kuoleminen ja korjaantuminen arpikudoksella vaikuttavat sydämeen elimenä. Sydämen seinämät voivat ohentua tai kammiot voivat laajentua. Veren kulun estyminen ja sen palautuminen voivat myös aiheuttaa sydämen jumittumisen supistumisvaiheeseen. Sydämen sähköiselle toiminnalle tulee muutoksia. Ne voidaan huomata elektrokardiogrammilla. Elektrokardiogrammissa voidaan huomata ST-segmentin ja T-aallon muutoksia. ST-segmentin nousua käsitellään tarkemmin. T-aallossa olevaa muutosta pystytään havainnollistamaan T-aallon pinta-alakäyrällä. Sen avulla pystytään paremmin arvioimaan, onko kyseessä iskemiaa vai ei. Mekaaniselle toiminnalle tulee muutoksia iskemiassa. Sydämen minuuttivolyymi pienenee kuten myös iskutilavuus. Tutkielmassa käsitellään sitä, miten ne ovat muuttuneet hiirillä. Hiirillä iskemian aiheuttamaa muutosta käsitellään myös rasituksessa. Iskemiassa on huomattavissa iskutilavuuden ja sydämen minuuttivolyymin laskua myös rasituksessa, kun verrataan tilaan ennen iskemiaa. Työssä on perehdytty lyhyesti useampaan tapaan simuloida ja mallintaa iskemiaa. Solutasolla pystytään mallintamaan iskemian aiheuttamaa muutosta aktiopotentiaalin kestoon. Iskemiasta on tehty elektrokardiogrammi simulointia ja magnetokardiogrammi simulointia. Sähköisen toiminnan mallinnuksessa on käsitelty myös kardiodynamiikkakäyrää, jonka avulla pystytään elektrokardiogrammista näkemään pieniä muutoksia

    Progress Report No. 19

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    Progress report of the Biomedical Computer Laboratory, covering period 1 July 1982 to 30 June 1983

    Multiscale Modeling of the Ventricles: From Cellular Electrophysiology to Body Surface Electrocardiograms

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    This work is focused on different aspects within the loop of multiscale modeling: On the cellular level, effects of adrenergic regulation and the Long-QT syndrome have been investigated. On the organ level, a model for the excitation conduction system was developed and the role of electrophysiological heterogeneities was analyzed. On the torso level a dynamic model of a deforming heart was created and the effects of tissue conductivities on the solution of the forward problem were evaluated