15 research outputs found

    A conceptual framework of control, learn, and knowledge for computer power management

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    This conceptual paper observes the human inactivity in computer power management and discovers that; the efficiency of the computer power management (CPM)can be achieved by the eligibility of the human inactivity period. This period reduces the efficiency of CPM. This study examines the self-adaptation(SA) and the knowledge repository (KR)concepts, to model the framework of a new approach in computer power management. The essential elements and features from theseconceptswere adapted and applied as a techniqueto a new implementation of CLK-CPM. As a result, this study has proposed a modelof thetheoretical framework and demonstratesit through its conceptual framework for the technique

    Power Analysis and Optimization Techniques for Energy Efficient Computer Systems

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    Reducing power consumption has become a major challenge in the design and operation of to-day’s computer systems. This chapter describes different techniques addressing this challenge at different levels of system hardware, such as CPU, memory, and internal interconnection network, as well as at different levels of software components, such as compiler, operating system and user applications. These techniques can be broadly categorized into two types: Design time power analysis versus run-time dynamic power management. Mechanisms in the first category use ana-lytical energy models that are integrated into existing simulators to measure the system’s power consumption and thus help engineers to test power-conscious hardware and software during de-sign time. On the other hand, dynamic power management techniques are applied during run-time, and are used to monitor system workload and adapt the system’s behavior dynamically to save energy

    Adaptive approach in handling human inactivity in computer power management

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    Human inactivity is handled by adapting the behavioral changes of the users.Human inactivity refers to as unpredictable workload of a complex system that is caused by increments of amount in power consumption and it can be handled automatically without the need to set a fixed time for changing the computer state.This is happens due to lack of knowledge in a software system and the software self-adaptation is one approach in dealing with this source of uncertainty. This paper observes human inactivity and Power management policy through the application of reinforcement learning approach in the computer usage and finds that computer power usage can be reduced if the idle period can be intelligently sensed from the user activities. This study introduces Control, Learn and Knowledge model that adapts the Monitor, Analyze, Planning, Execute control loop integrates with Q Learning algorithm to learn human inactivity period to minimize the computer power consumption.An experiment to evaluate this model was conducted using three case studies with same activities. The result show that the proposed model obtained those 5 out of 12 activities shows the power decreasing compared to other

    Adaptive Approach in Handling Human Inactivity in Computer Power Management

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    Human inactivity is handled by adapting the behavioral changes of the users. Human inactivity refers to as unpredictable workload of a complex system that is caused by increments of amount in power consumption and it can be handled automatically without the need to set a fixed time for changing the computer state. This is happens due to lack of knowledge in a software system and the software self-adaptation is one approach in dealing with this source of uncertainty. This paper observes human inactivity and Power management policy through the application of reinforcement learning approach in the computer usage and finds that computer power usage can be reduced if the idle period can be intelligently sensed from the user activities. This study introduces Control, Learn and Knowledge model that adapts the Monitor, Analyze, Planning, Execute control loop integrates with Q Learning algorithm to learn human inactivity period to minimize the computer power consumption. An experiment to evaluate this model was conducted using three case studies with same activities. The result show that the proposed model obtained those 5 out of 12 activities shows the power decreasing compared to other

    Gerenciamento de energia em ambientes corporativos.

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    Gerenciamento de energia é uma atividade fundamental a ser implementada em todos os sistemas computacionais na busca pela sustentabilidade na área de TI (TI Verde). Considerando- se o desempenho e o orçamento para o período como restrições a esse gerenciamento é possível alcançar eficiência energética. Neste estudo, é apresentada uma metodologia de gerenciamento de energia,na qual por meio da adaptação dinâmica atrelada à troca de estados de energia dos componentes, proporciona-se um menor consumo de energia,combinando as necessidades dos usuários e as restrições de orçamento.Energy management is a key activity to be implemented in all computer systems in the search for sustainability in IT (green IT). Considering the performance and the power budget for the period as constraints to this management, is possible to achieve energy efficiency. In this study, it is presented a methodology for power management, in which by means of dynamic adaptation tied to the exchange of energy States of components, provides a lower power consumption, combining the needs of users and budget constraints.Cape

    Dynamic Energy Management of FPGA Accelerators in Embedded Systems

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    In this article, we investigate how to utilise an Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) in an embedded system to save energy. For this purpose, we study the energy efficiency of a hybrid FPGA-CPU device that can switch task execution between hardware and software with a focus on periodic tasks. To increase the applicability of this task switching, we also consider the voltage and frequency scaling (VFS) applied to the FPGA to reduce the system energy consumption. We show that in some cases, if the task's period is higher than a specific level, the FPGA accelerator cannot reduce the energy consumption associated to the task and the software version is the most energy efficient option. We have applied the proposed techniques to a robot map creation algorithm as a case study which shows up to 38% energy reduction compared to the FPGA implementation. Overall, experimental results show up to 48% energy reduction by applying the proposed techniques at runtime on 13 individual tasks

    Комп’ютер з мінімальним енергоспоживанням

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу ректора від 29.12.2020 р. №580/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт вищої освіти в репозиторії НАУ". Керівник проекту: доцент, к.т.н., Єфимець Валентин МикитовичСпоживання енергії є обов'язковою умовою існування людства. Наявність доступної для споживання енергії завжди було необхідною умовою для задоволення потреб людини, збільшення тривалості та поліпшення умов його життя. У сучасному світі енергетика є основою розвитку базових галузей промисловості, що визначають прогрес суспільного виробництва. В усіх промислово розвинених країнах темпи розвитку енергетики випереджали темпи розвитку інших галузей. У той же час енергетика - одне з джерел несприятливого впливу на навколишнє середовище і людину. Вона впливає на атмосферу (споживання кисню, викиди газів, вологи і твердих частинок), гідросферу (споживання води, створення штучних водоймищ, скиди забруднених і нагрітих вод, рідких відходів) і на літосферу (споживання викопних палив, зміна ландшафту, викиди токсичних речовин) . Незважаючи на зазначені фактори негативного впливу енергетики на навколишнє середовище, зростання споживання енергії не викликало особливої тривоги у широкої громадськості. Так тривало до середини 70-х років, коли в руках фахівців виявилися численні дані, що свідчать про сильний антропогенний тиск на кліматичну систему, що таїть загрозу глобальної катастрофи при неконтрольованому зростанні енергоспоживання. З тих пір жодна інша наукова проблема не привертає такої пильної уваги, як проблема справжніх, а особливо майбутніх змін клімату. Вважається, що однією з головних причин цієї зміни є енергетика. Під енергетикою при цьому розуміється будь-яка область людської діяльності, пов'язана з виробництвом і споживанням енергії

    Workload model for video decoding and its applications

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    Custom Silicon for Low-Cost Information Dissemination among Illiterate People Groups.

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    In this work, we present an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) device that improves the quality of life of the poorest people in the world by enabling information access through Very Large Scale Integrated chips. Identified as agrarian farmers that subsist on less than 2aday,theworldspoorestpeoplefacemanychallengesthatmakedevelopinganICTdevicedifficult.Wearguethatpriordevicesdonotadequatelyovercometheuniqueproblemsof:cost,power,connectivity,usability,robustness,andilliteracy.Weshowthatwhilemanyoftheseconstraintsneedtobeaddressed,costrepresentsthegreatestfundamentalchallengetowidespreaduseandadoptionofICTdevices.Toaddressthischallenge,thisthesispresentsacustomsiliconchipdesignreferredtoasLiteracyinTechnology(LIT).LITenablesanaudiocomputerICTdevicetoovercometheconstraintsthroughanumberoftechniques:Ahighlevelofintegrationofthecomponentsonasinglediereducesitscostandformfactor.LITspowermanagementsystemensureslonglifetimethroughenergyconsumptionreductionbyexploitinguniquecharacteristicsofCarbonZincbatteries,commoninthedevelopingworld.ItsHybridSwitchCapacitorNetworkaddressesoffchipcomponentcostbyusingonlyinexpensivecapacitors,furtherreducingcost.LITsuniquememoryhierarchy,alargeonchipcachebackeddirectlybyNANDFlashcombinedwithasimpleandlowareacore,reducescostbynotrequiringDRAMorNORFlash.LITspoweronresetandbrownoutdetectionovercomesCarbonZincbatteryshighhysteresisresultinginhigherrobustness.LITfurtherreducescostthroughoverloadingthefunctionalityofPCBtracesasbothahumaninputinterfaceandasinformationtransferfromdevicetodevice.WeshowhowLITanditsuniquesolutionsallowustodevelopanICTdevicetargetedtowardsdevelopingregionsatatotalestimatedelectronicscostoflessthan2 a day, the world’s poorest people face many challenges that make developing an ICT device difficult. We argue that prior devices do not adequately overcome the unique problems of: cost, power, connectivity, usability, robustness, and illiteracy. We show that while many of these constraints need to be addressed, cost represents the greatest fundamental challenge to widespread use and adoption of ICT devices. To address this challenge, this thesis presents a custom silicon chip design referred to as “Literacy in Technology” (LIT). LIT enables an audio computer ICT device to overcome the constraints through a number of techniques: A high level of integration of the components on a single die reduces its cost and form-factor. LIT’s power management system ensures long lifetime through energy consumption reduction by exploiting unique characteristics of Carbon-Zinc batteries, common in the developing world. Its Hybrid Switch Capacitor Network addresses off-chip component cost by using only inexpensive capacitors, further reducing cost. LIT’s unique memory hierarchy, a large on-chip cache backed directly by NAND Flash combined with a simple and low area core, reduces cost by not requiring DRAM or NOR Flash. LIT’s power-on-reset and brown-out-detection overcomes Carbon-Zinc battery’s high hysteresis resulting in higher robustness. LIT further reduces cost through overloading the functionality of PCB traces as both a human input interface and as information transfer from device to device. We show how LIT and its unique solutions allow us to develop an ICT device targeted towards developing regions at a total estimated electronics cost of less than 6. Furthermore, LIT reduces recurring costs through lowered energy consumption and increased robustness when compared to previous ICT devices. Although many of our novel technical contributions were motivated by strong price elasticity in developing regions, the techniques developed are equally applicable to rugged, low-power systems targeted at mainstream applications.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102429/1/zhiyoong_1.pd