179 research outputs found

    Fuzzy-Model-Based (FMB) Control of a Spacecraft with Fuel Sloshing Dynamics

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    During the upper-stage separation and orbit injection, orbital control, and attitude maneuver, propellant slosh in partially-filled fuel tanks can cause dynamical instability or pointing errors. The spacecraft dynamics combined with propellant sloshing results in a highly nonlinear and coupled dynamic system that requires a complicated control law. This problem has been a long-standing concern for space missions. The purpose of this research is two fold. The first part is to investigate and develop nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model-based controllers for a spacecraft with fuel sloshing considering the input constraints on the actuators. It includes i) a fuzzy controller/observer with a minimum upper-bound control input based on the parallel-distributed compensation (PDC) technique, ii) a fuzzy controller/observer based on the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) that uses the premises of the T-S model, and iii) a robust-optimal fuzzy-model-based controller/observer. The designed controllers are globally asymptotically stable and have a satisfactory performance and robustness. The second part of the research is to develop a mathematical model of a spinning spacecraft with fuel sloshing during high-g maneuvers. The equations of motion of a spacecraft with partially-filled multiple-tanks are derived using the Kane’s method. To do this, two spherical pendulums as an equivalent mechanical model of the fuel sloshing are adopted. The effect of the slosh model parameters on the spacecraft nutation angle is studied. The developed model is validated via several numerical simulations

    Fuzzy Controllers

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    Trying to meet the requirements in the field, present book treats different fuzzy control architectures both in terms of the theoretical design and in terms of comparative validation studies in various applications, numerically simulated or experimentally developed. Through the subject matter and through the inter and multidisciplinary content, this book is addressed mainly to the researchers, doctoral students and students interested in developing new applications of intelligent control, but also to the people who want to become familiar with the control concepts based on fuzzy techniques. Bibliographic resources used to perform the work includes books and articles of present interest in the field, published in prestigious journals and publishing houses, and websites dedicated to various applications of fuzzy control. Its structure and the presented studies include the book in the category of those who make a direct connection between theoretical developments and practical applications, thereby constituting a real support for the specialists in artificial intelligence, modelling and control fields

    Smith and fuzzy control for complex systems

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    Advanced Mathematics and Computational Applications in Control Systems Engineering

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    Control system engineering is a multidisciplinary discipline that applies automatic control theory to design systems with desired behaviors in control environments. Automatic control theory has played a vital role in the advancement of engineering and science. It has become an essential and integral part of modern industrial and manufacturing processes. Today, the requirements for control precision have increased, and real systems have become more complex. In control engineering and all other engineering disciplines, the impact of advanced mathematical and computational methods is rapidly increasing. Advanced mathematical methods are needed because real-world control systems need to comply with several conditions related to product quality and safety constraints that have to be taken into account in the problem formulation. Conversely, the increment in mathematical complexity has an impact on the computational aspects related to numerical simulation and practical implementation of the algorithms, where a balance must also be maintained between implementation costs and the performance of the control system. This book is a comprehensive set of articles reflecting recent advances in developing and applying advanced mathematics and computational applications in control system engineering

    Piecewise Linear Control Systems

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    This thesis treats analysis and design of piecewise linear control systems. Piecewise linear systems capture many of the most common nonlinearities in engineering systems, and they can also be used for approximation of other nonlinear systems. Several aspects of linear systems with quadratic constraints are generalized to piecewise linear systems with piecewise quadratic constraints. It is shown how uncertainty models for linear systems can be extended to piecewise linear systems, and how these extensions give insight into the classical trade-offs between fidelity and complexity of a model. Stability of piecewise linear systems is investigated using piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions. Piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions are much more powerful than the commonly used quadratic Lyapunov functions. It is shown how piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions can be computed via convex optimization in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The computations are based on a compact parameterization of continuous piecewise quadratic functions and conditional analysis using the S-procedure. A unifying framework for computation of a variety of Lyapunov functions via convex optimization is established based on this parameterization. Systems with attractive sliding modes and systems with bounded regions of attraction are also treated. Dissipativity analysis and optimal control problems with piecewise quadratic cost functions are solved via convex optimization. The basic results are extended to fuzzy systems, hybrid systems and smooth nonlinear systems. It is shown how Lyapunov functions with a discontinuous dependence on the discrete state can be computed via convex optimization. An automated procedure for increasing the flexibility of the Lyapunov function candidate is suggested based on linear programming duality. A Matlab toolbox that implements several of the results derived in the thesis is presented

    Glia-augmented artificial neural networks: foundations and applications

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    Information processing in the human brain has always been considered as a source of inspiration in Artificial Intelligence; in particular, it has led researchers to develop different tools such as artificial neural networks. Recent findings in Neurophysiology provide evidence that not only neurons but also isolated and networks of astrocytes are responsible for processing information in the human brain. Artificial neural net- works (ANNs) model neuron-neuron communications. Artificial neuron-glia networks (ANGN), in addition to neuron-neuron communications, model neuron-astrocyte con- nections. In continuation of the research on ANGNs, first we propose, and evaluate a model of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference systems augmented with artificial astrocytes. Then, we propose a model of ANGNs that captures the communications of astrocytes in the brain; in this model, a network of artificial astrocytes are implemented on top of a typical neural network. The results of the implementation of both networks show that on certain combinations of parameter values specifying astrocytes and their con- nections, the new networks outperform typical neural networks. This research opens a range of possibilities for future work on designing more powerful architectures of artificial neural networks that are based on more realistic models of the human brain

    Robust control examples applied to a wind turbine simulated model

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    Wind turbine plants are complex dynamic and uncertain processes driven by stochastic inputs and disturbances, as well as different loads represented by gyroscopic, centrifugal and gravitational forces. Moreover, as their aerodynamic models are nonlinear, both modeling and control become challenging problems. On the one hand, high-fidelity simulators should contain different parameters and variables in order to accurately describe the main dynamic system behavior. Therefore, the development of modeling and control for wind turbine systems should consider these complexity aspects. On the other hand, these control solutions have to include the main wind turbine dynamic characteristics without becoming too complicated. The main point of this paper is thus to provide two practical examples of the development of robust control strategies when applied to a simulated wind turbine plant. Extended simulations with the wind turbine benchmark model and the Monte Carlo tool represent the instruments for assessing the robustness and reliability aspects of the developed control methodologies when the model-reality mismatch and measurement errors are also considered. Advantages and drawbacks of these regulation methods are also highlighted with respect to different control strategies via proper performance metrics.Wind turbine plants are complex dynamic and uncertain processes driven by stochastic inputs and disturbances, as well as different loads represented by gyroscopic, centrifugal and gravitational forces. Moreover, as their aerodynamic models are nonlinear, both modeling and control become challenging problems. On the one hand, high-fidelity simulators should contain different parameters and variables in order to accurately describe the main dynamic system behavior. Therefore, the development of modeling and control for wind turbine systems should consider these complexity aspects. On the other hand, these control solutions have to include the main wind turbine dynamic characteristics without becoming too complicated. The main point of this paper is thus to provide two practical examples of the development of robust control strategies when applied to a simulated wind turbine plant. Extended simulations with the wind turbine benchmark model and the Monte Carlo tool represent the instruments for assessing the robustness and reliability aspects of the developed control methodologies when the model-reality mismatch and measurement errors are also considered. Advantages and drawbacks of these regulation methods are also highlighted with respect to different control strategies via proper performance metrics

    Robust model-based fault estimation and fault-tolerant control : towards an integration

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    To maintain robustly acceptable system performance, fault estimation (FE) is adopted to reconstruct fault signals and a fault-tolerant control (FTC) controller is employed to compensate for the fault effects. The inevitably existing system and estimation uncertainties result in the so-called bi-directional robustness interactions defined in this work between the FE and FTC functions, which gives rise to an important and challenging yet open integrated FE/FTC design problem concerned in this thesis. An example of fault-tolerant wind turbine pitch control is provided as a practical motivation for integrated FE/FTC design.To achieve the integrated FE/FTC design for linear systems, two strategies are proposed. A H∞ optimization based approach is first proposed for linear systems with differentiable matched faults, using augmented state unknown input observer FE and adaptive sliding mode FTC. The integrated design is converted into an observer-based robust control problem solved via a single-step linear matrix inequality formulation.With the purpose of an integrated design with more freedom and also applicable for a range of general fault scenarios, a decoupling approach is further proposed. This approach can estimate and compensate unmatched non-differentiable faults and perturbations by combined adaptive sliding mode augmented state unknown input observer and backstepping FTC controller. The observer structure renders a recovery of the Separation Principle and allows great freedom for the FE/FTC designs.Integrated FE/FTC design strategies are also developed for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modelling nonlinear systems, Lipschitz nonlinear systems, and large-scale interconnected systems, based on extensions of the H∞ optimization approach for linear systems.Tutorial examples are used to illustrate the design strategies for each approach. Physical systems, a 3-DOF (degree-of-freedom) helicopter and a 3-machine power system, are used to provide further evaluation of the proposed integrated FE/FTC strategies. Future research on this subject is also outlined

    Advances in gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control techniques

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    This thesis presents some contributions to the state-of-the-art of the fields of gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control (FTC). In the area of gain-scheduling, the connections between the linear parameter varying (LPV) and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) paradigms are analyzed, showing that the methods for the automated generation of models by nonlinear embedding and by sector nonlinearity, developed for one class of systems, can be easily extended to deal with the other class. Then, two measures, based on the notions of overboundedness and region of attraction estimates, are proposed in order to compare different models and choose which one can be considered the best one. Later, the problem of designing state-feedback controllers for LPV systems has been considered, providing two main contributions. First, robust LPV controllers that can guarantee some desired performances when applied to uncertain LPV systems are designed, by using a double-layer polytopic description that takes into account both the variability due to the varying parameter vector and the uncertainty. Then, the idea of designing the controller in such a way that the required performances are scheduled by the varying parameters is explored, which provides an elegant way to vary online the behavior of the closed-loop system. In both cases, the problem reduces to finding a solution to a finite number of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which can be done efficiently using the available solvers. In the area of fault tolerant control, the thesis first shows that the aforementioned double-layer polytopic framework can be used for FTC, in such a way that different strategies (passive, active and hybrid) are obtained depending on the amount of available information. Later, an FTC strategy for LPV systems that involves a reconfigured reference model and virtual actuators is developed. It is shown that by including the saturations in the reference model equations, it is possible to design a model reference FTC system that automatically retunes the reference states whenever the system is affected by saturation nonlinearities. In this way, a graceful performance degradation in presence of actuator saturations is incorporated in an elegant way. Finally, the problem of FTC of unstable LPV systems subject to actuator saturations is considered. In this case, the design of the virtual actuator is performed in such a way that the convergence of the state trajectory to zero is assured despite the saturations and the appearance of faults. Also, it is shown that it is possible to obtain some guarantees about the tolerated delay between the fault occurrence and its isolation, and that the nominal controller can be designed so as to maximize the tolerated delay.Aquesta tesi presenta diverses contribucions a l'estat de l'art del control per planificació del guany i del control tolerant a fallades (FTC). Pel que fa al control per planificació del guany, s'analitzen les connexions entre els paradigmes dels sistemes lineals a paràmetres variants en el temps (LPV) i de Takagi-Sugeno (TS). Es demostra que els mètodes per a la generació automàtica de models mitjançant encastament no lineal i mitjançant no linealitat sectorial, desenvolupats per una classe de sistemes, es poden estendre fàcilment per fer-los servir amb l'altra classe. Es proposen dues mesures basades en les nocions de sobrefitació i d'estimació de la regió d'atracció, per tal de comparar diferents models i triar quin d'ells pot ser considerat el millor. Després, es considera el problema de dissenyar controladors per realimentació d'estat per a sistemes LPV, proporcionant dues contribucions principals. En primer lloc, fent servir una descripció amb doble capa politòpica que té en compte tant la variabilitat deguda al vector de paràmetres variants i la deguda a la incertesa, es dissenyen controladors LPV robustos que puguin garantir unes especificacions desitjades quan s'apliquen a sistemes LPV incerts. En segon lloc, s'explora la idea de dissenyar el controlador de tal manera que les especificacions requerides siguin programades pels paràmetres variants. Això proporciona una manera elegant de variar en línia el comportament del sistema en llaç tancat. En tots dos casos, el problema es redueix a trobar una solució d'un nombre finit de desigualtats matricials lineals (LMIs), que es poden resoldre fent servir algorismes numèrics disponibles i molt eficients. En l'àrea del control tolerant a fallades, primerament la tesi mostra que la descripció amb doble capa politòpica abans esmentada es pot utilitzar per fer FTC, de tal manera que, en funció de la quantitat d'informació disponible, s'obtenen diferents estratègies (passiva, activa i híbrida). Després, es desenvolupa una estratègia de FTC per a sistemes LPV que fa servir un model de referència reconfigurat combinat amb la tècnica d'actuadors virtuals. Es mostra que mitjançant la inclusió de les saturacions en les equacions del model de referència, és possible dissenyar un sistema de control tolerant a fallades que resintonitza automàticament els estats de referència cada vegada que el sistema es veu afectat per les no linealitats de la saturació en els actuadors. D'aquesta manera s'incorpora una degradació elegant de les especificacions en presència de saturacions d'actuadors. Finalment, es considera el problema de FTC per sistemes LPV inestables afectats per saturacions d'actuadors. En aquest cas, es porta a terme el disseny de l'actuador virtual de tal manera que la convergència a zero de la trajectòria d'estat està assegurada tot i les saturacions i l'aparició de fallades. A més, es mostra que és possible obtenir garanties sobre el retard tolerat entre l'aparició d'una fallada i el seu aïllament, i que el controlador nominal es pot dissenyar maximitzant el retard tolerat