14 research outputs found

    Image Description using Radial Associated Laguerre Moments

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    This study proposes a new set of moment functions for describing gray-level and color images based on the associated Laguerre polynomials, which are orthogonal over the whole right-half plane. Moreover, the mathematical frameworks of radial associated Laguerre moments (RALMs) and associated rotation invariants are introduced. The proposed radial Laguerre invariants retain the basic form of disc-based moments, such as Zernike moments (ZMs), pseudo-Zernike moments (PZMs), Fourier-Mellin moments (OFMMs), and so on. Therefore, the rotation invariants of RALMs can be easily obtained. In addition, the study extends the proposed moments and invariants defined in a gray-level image to a color image using the algebra of quaternion to avoid losing some significant color information. Finally, the paper verifies the feature description capacities of the proposed moment function in terms of image reconstruction and invariant pattern recognition accuracy. Experimental results confirmed that the associated Laguerre moments (ALMs) perform better than orthogonal OFMMs in both noise-free and noisy conditions

    Color Image Analysis by Quaternion-Type Moments

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    International audienceIn this paper, by using the quaternion algebra, the conventional complex-type moments (CTMs) for gray-scale images are generalized to color images as quaternion-type moments (QTMs) in a holistic manner. We first provide a general formula of QTMs from which we derive a set of quaternion-valued QTM invariants (QTMIs) to image rotation, scale and translation transformations by eliminating the influence of transformation parameters. An efficient computation algorithm is also proposed so as to reduce computational complexity. The performance of the proposed QTMs and QTMIs are evaluated considering several application frameworks ranging from color image reconstruction, face recognition to image registration. We show they achieve better performance than CTMs and CTM invariants (CTMIs). We also discuss the choice of the unit pure quaternion influence with the help of experiments. appears to be an optimal choice

    Security of Forensic Techniques for Digital Images

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    Digital images are used everywhere in modern life and mostly replace traditional photographs. At the same time, due to the popularity of image editing tools, digital images can be altered, often leaving no obvious evidence. Thus, evaluating image authenticity is indispensable. Image forensic techniques are used to detect forgeries in digital images in the absence of embedded watermarks or signatures. Nevertheless, some legitimate or illegitimate image post-processing operations can affect the quality of the forensic results. Therefore, the reliability of forensic techniques needs to be investigated. The reliability is understood in this case as the robustness against image post-processing operations or the security against deliberated attacks. In this work, we first develop a general test framework, which is used to assess the effectiveness and security of image forensic techniques under common conditions. We design different evaluation metrics, image datasets, and several different image post-processing operations as a part of the framework. Secondly, we build several image forensic tools based on selected algorithms for detecting copy-move forgeries, re-sampling artifacts, and manipulations in JPEG images. The effectiveness and robustness of the tools are evaluated by using the developed test framework. Thirdly, for each selected technique, we develop several targeted attacks. The aim of targeted attacks against a forensic technique is to remove forensic evidence present in forged images. Subsequently, by using the test framework and the targeted attacks, we can thoroughly evaluate the security of the forensic technique. We show that image forensic techniques are often sensitive and can be defeated when their algorithms are publicly known. Finally, we develop new forensic techniques which achieve higher security in comparison with state-of-the-art forensic techniques

    Distortion Robust Biometric Recognition

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    abstract: Information forensics and security have come a long way in just a few years thanks to the recent advances in biometric recognition. The main challenge remains a proper design of a biometric modality that can be resilient to unconstrained conditions, such as quality distortions. This work presents a solution to face and ear recognition under unconstrained visual variations, with a main focus on recognition in the presence of blur, occlusion and additive noise distortions. First, the dissertation addresses the problem of scene variations in the presence of blur, occlusion and additive noise distortions resulting from capture, processing and transmission. Despite their excellent performance, ’deep’ methods are susceptible to visual distortions, which significantly reduce their performance. Sparse representations, on the other hand, have shown huge potential capabilities in handling problems, such as occlusion and corruption. In this work, an augmented SRC (ASRC) framework is presented to improve the performance of the Spare Representation Classifier (SRC) in the presence of blur, additive noise and block occlusion, while preserving its robustness to scene dependent variations. Different feature types are considered in the performance evaluation including image raw pixels, HoG and deep learning VGG-Face. The proposed ASRC framework is shown to outperform the conventional SRC in terms of recognition accuracy, in addition to other existing sparse-based methods and blur invariant methods at medium to high levels of distortion, when particularly used with discriminative features. In order to assess the quality of features in improving both the sparsity of the representation and the classification accuracy, a feature sparse coding and classification index (FSCCI) is proposed and used for feature ranking and selection within both the SRC and ASRC frameworks. The second part of the dissertation presents a method for unconstrained ear recognition using deep learning features. The unconstrained ear recognition is performed using transfer learning with deep neural networks (DNNs) as a feature extractor followed by a shallow classifier. Data augmentation is used to improve the recognition performance by augmenting the training dataset with image transformations. The recognition performance of the feature extraction models is compared with an ensemble of fine-tuned networks. The results show that, in the case where long training time is not desirable or a large amount of data is not available, the features from pre-trained DNNs can be used with a shallow classifier to give a comparable recognition accuracy to the fine-tuned networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Comparative evaluation of video watermarking techniques in the uncompressed domain

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    Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electronic watermarking is a method whereby information can be imperceptibly embedded into electronic media, while ideally being robust against common signal manipulations and intentional attacks to remove the embedded watermark. This study evaluates the characteristics of uncompressed video watermarking techniques in terms of visual characteristics, computational complexity and robustness against attacks and signal manipulations. The foundations of video watermarking are reviewed, followed by a survey of existing video watermarking techniques. Representative techniques from different watermarking categories are identified, implemented and evaluated. Existing image quality metrics are reviewed and extended to improve their performance when comparing these video watermarking techniques. A new metric for the evaluation of inter frame flicker in video sequences is then developed. A technique for possibly improving the robustness of the implemented discrete Fourier transform technique against rotation is then proposed. It is also shown that it is possible to reduce the computational complexity of watermarking techniques without affecting the quality of the original content, through a modified watermark embedding method. Possible future studies are then recommended with regards to further improving watermarking techniques against rotation.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Elektroniese watermerk is ’n metode waardeur inligting onmerkbaar in elektroniese media vasgelê kan word, met die doel dat dit bestand is teen algemene manipulasies en doelbewuste pogings om die watermerk te verwyder. In hierdie navorsing word die eienskappe van onsaamgeperste video watermerktegnieke ondersoek in terme van visuele eienskappe, berekeningskompleksiteit en weerstandigheid teen aanslae en seinmanipulasies. Die onderbou van video watermerktegnieke word bestudeer, gevolg deur ’n oorsig van reedsbestaande watermerktegnieke. Verteenwoordigende tegnieke vanuit verskillende watermerkkategorieë word geïdentifiseer, geïmplementeer en geëvalueer. Bestaande metodes vir die evaluering van beeldkwaliteite word bestudeer en uitgebrei om die werkverrigting van die tegnieke te verbeter, spesifiek vir die vergelyking van watermerktegnieke. ’n Nuwe stelsel vir die evaluering van tussenraampie flikkering in video’s word ook ontwikkel. ’n Tegniek vir die moontlike verbetering van die geïmplementeerde diskrete Fourier transform tegniek word voorgestel om die tegniek se bestandheid teen rotasie te verbeter. Daar word ook aangetoon dat dit moontlik is om die berekeningskompleksiteit van watermerktegnieke te verminder, sonder om die kwaliteit van die oorspronklike inhoud te beïnvloed, deur die gebruik van ’n verbeterde watermerkvasleggingsmetode. Laastens word aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing aangaande die verbetering van watermerktegnieke teen rotasie gemaak

    PestNet : an end-to-end deep learning approach for large-scale multi-class pest detection and classification

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    Multi-class pest detection is one of the crucial components in pest management involving localization in addition to classification which is much more difficult than generic object detection because of the apparent differences among pest species. This paper proposes a region-based end-to-end approach named PestNet for large-scale multi-class pest detection and classification based on deep learning. PestNet consists of three major parts. First, a novel module channel-spatial attention (CSA) is proposed to be fused into the convolutional neural network (CNN) backbone for feature extraction and enhancement. The second one is called region proposal network (RPN) that is adopted for providing region proposals as potential pest positions based on extracted feature maps from images. Position-sensitive score map (PSSM), the third component, is used to replace fully connected (FC) layers for pest classification and bounding box regression. Furthermore, we apply contextual regions of interest (RoIs) as contextual information of pest features to improve detection accuracy. We evaluate PestNet on our newly collected large-scale pests' image dataset, Multi-class Pests Dataset 2018 (MPD2018) captured by our designed task-specific image acquisition equipment, covering more than 80k images with over 580k pests labeled by agricultural experts and categorized in 16 classes. The experimental results show that the proposed PestNet performs well on multi-class pest detection with 75.46% mean average precision (mAP), which outperforms the state-of-the-art methods

    ID Photograph hashing : a global approach

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    This thesis addresses the question of the authenticity of identity photographs, part of the documents required in controlled access. Since sophisticated means of reproduction are publicly available, new methods / techniques should prevent tampering and unauthorized reproduction of the photograph. This thesis proposes a hashing method for the authentication of the identity photographs, robust to print-and-scan. This study focuses also on the effects of digitization at hash level. The developed algorithm performs a dimension reduction, based on independent component analysis (ICA). In the learning stage, the subspace projection is obtained by applying ICA and then reduced according to an original entropic selection strategy. In the extraction stage, the coefficients obtained after projecting the identity image on the subspace are quantified and binarized to obtain the hash value. The study reveals the effects of the scanning noise on the hash values of the identity photographs and shows that the proposed method is robust to the print-and-scan attack. The approach focusing on robust hashing of a restricted class of images (identity) differs from classical approaches that address any imageCette thèse traite de la question de l’authenticité des photographies d’identité, partie intégrante des documents nécessaires lors d’un contrôle d’accès. Alors que les moyens de reproduction sophistiqués sont accessibles au grand public, de nouvelles méthodes / techniques doivent empêcher toute falsification / reproduction non autorisée de la photographie d’identité. Cette thèse propose une méthode de hachage pour l’authentification de photographies d’identité, robuste à l’impression-lecture. Ce travail met ainsi l’accent sur les effets de la numérisation au niveau de hachage. L’algorithme mis au point procède à une réduction de dimension, basée sur l’analyse en composantes indépendantes (ICA). Dans la phase d’apprentissage, le sous-espace de projection est obtenu en appliquant l’ICA puis réduit selon une stratégie de sélection entropique originale. Dans l’étape d’extraction, les coefficients obtenus après projection de l’image d’identité sur le sous-espace sont quantifiés et binarisés pour obtenir la valeur de hachage. L’étude révèle les effets du bruit de balayage intervenant lors de la numérisation des photographies d’identité sur les valeurs de hachage et montre que la méthode proposée est robuste à l’attaque d’impression-lecture. L’approche suivie en se focalisant sur le hachage robuste d’une classe restreinte d’images (d’identité) se distingue des approches classiques qui adressent une image quelconqu

    Human-Centric Machine Vision

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    Recently, the algorithms for the processing of the visual information have greatly evolved, providing efficient and effective solutions to cope with the variability and the complexity of real-world environments. These achievements yield to the development of Machine Vision systems that overcome the typical industrial applications, where the environments are controlled and the tasks are very specific, towards the use of innovative solutions to face with everyday needs of people. The Human-Centric Machine Vision can help to solve the problems raised by the needs of our society, e.g. security and safety, health care, medical imaging, and human machine interface. In such applications it is necessary to handle changing, unpredictable and complex situations, and to take care of the presence of humans

    Object Recognition

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    Vision-based object recognition tasks are very familiar in our everyday activities, such as driving our car in the correct lane. We do these tasks effortlessly in real-time. In the last decades, with the advancement of computer technology, researchers and application developers are trying to mimic the human's capability of visually recognising. Such capability will allow machine to free human from boring or dangerous jobs