856 research outputs found

    Relationships of soil, grass, and bedrock over the Kaweah serpentine melange through spectral mixture analysis of AVIRIS data

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    A linear mixing model is used to model the spectral variability of an AVIRIS scene from the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada and calibrate these radiance data to reflectance. Five spectral endmembers from the AVIRIS data, plus an ideal 'shade' endmember were required to model the continuum reflectance of each pixel in the image. Three of the endmembers were interpreted to model the surface constituents green vegetation, dry grass, and illumination. These are the main transient surface constituents that are expected to change with shifts in land use or climatic influences and viewing conditions ('shade' only). The spectral distinction between the other three endmembers is very small, yet the spatial distributions are coherent and interpretable. These distributions cross anthropogenic and vegetation boundaries and are best interpreted as different soil types. Comparison of the fraction images to the bedrock geology maps indicates that substrate composition must be a factor contributing to the spectral properties of these endmembers. Detailed examination of the reflectance spectra of the three soil endmembers reveals that differences in the amount of ferric and ferrous iron and/or organic constituents in the soils is largely responsible for the differences in spectral properties of these endmembers

    Textile Fingerprinting for Dismount Analysis in the Visible, Near, and Shortwave Infrared Domain

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    The ability to accurately and quickly locate an individual, or a dismount, is useful in a variety of situations and environments. A dismount\u27s characteristics such as their gender, height, weight, build, and ethnicity could be used as discriminating factors. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is widely used in efforts to identify materials based on their spectral signatures. More specifically, HSI has been used for skin and clothing classification and detection. The ability to detect textiles (clothing) provides a discriminating factor that can aid in a more comprehensive detection of dismounts. This thesis demonstrates the application of several feature selection methods (i.e., support vector machines with recursive feature reduction, fast correlation based filter) in highly dimensional data collected from a spectroradiometer. The classification of the data is accomplished with the selected features and artificial neural networks. A model for uniquely identifying (fingerprinting) textiles are designed, where color and composition are determined in order to fingerprint a specific textile. An artificial neural network is created based on the knowledge of the textile\u27s color and composition, providing a uniquely identifying fingerprinting of a textile. Results show 100% accuracy for color and composition classification, and 98% accuracy for the overall textile fingerprinting process

    A Review of Protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of Water-Leaving Radiance for Validation of Satellite Remote-Sensing Data over Water

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of protocols for measurement of water-leaving radiance in the context of fiducial reference measurements (FRM) of water reflectance for satellite validation. Measurement of water reflectance requires the measurement of water-leaving radiance and downwelling irradiance just above water. For the former there are four generic families of method, based on: (1) underwater radiometry at fixed depths; or (2) underwater radiometry with vertical profiling; or (3) above-water radiometry with skyglint correction; or (4) on-water radiometry with skylight blocked. Each method is described generically in the FRM context with reference to the measurement equation, documented implementations and the intra-method diversity of deployment platform and practice. Ideal measurement conditions are stated, practical recommendations are provided on best practice and guidelines for estimating the measurement uncertainty are provided for each protocol-related component of the measurement uncertainty budget. The state of the art for measurement of water-leaving radiance is summarized, future perspectives are outlined, and the question of which method is best adapted to various circumstances (water type, wavelength) is discussed. This review is based on practice and papers of the aquatic optics community for the validation of water reflectance estimated from satellite data but can be relevant also for other applications such as the development or validation of algorithms for remote-sensing estimation of water constituents including chlorophyll a concentration, inherent optical properties and related products

    Illumination Invariant Outdoor Perception

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    This thesis proposes the use of a multi-modal sensor approach to achieve illumination invariance in images taken in outdoor environments. The approach is automatic in that it does not require user input for initialisation, and is not reliant on the input of atmospheric radiative transfer models. While it is common to use pixel colour and intensity as features in high level vision algorithms, their performance is severely limited by the uncontrolled lighting and complex geometric structure of outdoor scenes. The appearance of a material is dependent on the incident illumination, which can vary due to spatial and temporal factors. This variability causes identical materials to appear differently depending on their location. Illumination invariant representations of the scene can potentially improve the performance of high level vision algorithms as they allow discrimination between pixels to occur based on the underlying material characteristics. The proposed approach to obtaining illumination invariance utilises fused image and geometric data. An approximation of the outdoor illumination is used to derive per-pixel scaling factors. This has the effect of relighting the entire scene using a single illuminant that is common in terms of colour and intensity for all pixels. The approach is extended to radiometric normalisation and the multi-image scenario, meaning that the resultant dataset is both spatially and temporally illumination invariant. The proposed illumination invariance approach is evaluated on several datasets and shows that spatial and temporal invariance can be achieved without loss of spectral dimensionality. The system requires very few tuning parameters, meaning that expert knowledge is not required in order for its operation. This has potential implications for robotics and remote sensing applications where perception systems play an integral role in developing a rich understanding of the scene

    Mehitamata õhusõiduki rakendamine põllukultuuride saagikuse ja maa harimisviiside tuvastamisel

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnakaitse erialal.This thesis aims to examine how machine learning (ML) technologies have aided significant advancements in image analysis in the area of precision agriculture. These multimodal computing technologies extend the use of machine learning to a broader spectrum of data collecting and selection for the advancement of agricultural practices (Nawar et al., 2017) These techniques will assist complicated cropping systems with more informed decisions with less human intervention, and provide a scalable framework for incorporating expert knowledge of the PA system. (Chlingaryan et al., 2018). Complexity, on the other hand, can be seen as a disadvantage in crop trials, as machine learning models require training/testing databases, limited areas with insignificant sampling sizes, time and space-specificity, and environmental factor interventions, all of which complicate parameter selection and make using a single empirical model for an entire region impractical. During the early stages of writing this thesis, we used a relatively traditional machine learning method to address the regression problem of crop yield and biomass prediction [(i.e., random forest regression (RFR), support vector regression (SVR), and artificial neural network (ANN)] to predicted dry matter (DM) yields of red clover. It obtained favourable results, however, the choosing of hyperparameters, the lengthy algorithms selection process, data cleaning, and redundant collinearity issues significantly limited the way of the machine learning application. We will further discuss the recent trend of automated machine learning (AutoML) that has been driving further significant technological innovation in the application of artificial intelligence from its automated algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization of the deployable pipeline model for unravelling substance problems. However, a present knowledge gap exists in the integration of machine learning (ML) technology with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and hyperspectral-based imaging data categorization and regression applications. In this thesis, we explored a state-of-the-art (SOTA) and entirely open-source AutoML framework, Auto-sklearn, which was built on one of the most frequently used machine learning systems, Scikit-learn. It was integrated with two unique AutoML visualization tools to examine the recognition and acceptance of multispectral vegetation indices (VI) data collected from UAS and hyperspectral narrow-band VIs across a varied spectrum of agricultural management practices (AMP). These procedures incorporate soil tillage method (STM), cultivation method (CM), and manure application (MA), and are classified as four-crop combination fields (i.e., red clover-grass mixture, spring wheat, pea-oat mixture, and spring barley). Additionally, they have not been thoroughly evaluated and lack characteristics that are accessible in agriculture remote sensing applications. This thesis further explores the existing gaps in the knowledge base for several critical crop categories and cultivation management methods referring to biomass and yield analysis, as well as to gain a better understanding of the potential for remotely sensed solutions to field-based and multifunctional platforms to meet precision agriculture demands. To overcome these knowledge gaps, this research introduces a rapid, non-destructive, and low-cost framework for field-based biomass and grain yield modelling, as well as the identification of agricultural management practices. The results may aid agronomists and farmers in establishing more accurate agricultural methods and in monitoring environmental conditions more effectively.Doktoritöö eesmärk oli uurida, kuidas masinõppe (MÕ) tehnoloogiad võimaldavad edusamme täppispõllumajanduse valdkonna pildianalüüsis. Multimodaalsed arvutustehnoloogiad laiendavad masinõppe kasutamist põllumajanduses andmete kogumisel ja valimisel (Nawar et al., 2017). Selline täpsemal informatsioonil põhinev tehnoloogia võimaldab keerukate viljelussüsteemide puhul teha otsuseid inimese vähema sekkumisega, ja loob skaleeritava raamistiku täppispõllumajanduse jaoks (Chlingaryan et al., 2018). Põllukultuuride katsete korral on komplekssete masinõppemudelite kasutamine keerukas, sest alad on piiratud ning valimi suurus ei ole piisav; vaja on testandmebaase, kindlaid aja- ja ruumitingimusi ning keskkonnategureid. See komplitseerib parameetrite valikut ning muudab ebapraktiliseks ühe empiirilise mudeli kasutamise terves piirkonnas. Siinse uurimuse algetapis rakendati suhteliselt traditsioonilist masinõppemeetodit, et lahendada saagikuse ja biomassi prognoosimise regressiooniprobleem (otsustusmetsa regression, tugivektori regressioon ja tehisnärvivõrk) punase ristiku prognoositava kuivaine saagikuse suhtes. Saadi sobivaid tulemusi, kuid hüperparameetrite valimine, pikk algoritmide valimisprotsess, andmete puhastamine ja kollineaarsusprobleemid takistasid masinõpet oluliselt. Automatiseeritud masinõppe (AMÕ) uusimate suundumustena rakendatakse tehisintellekti, et lahendada põhiprobleemid automatiseeritud algoritmi valiku ja rakendatava pipeline-mudeli hüperparameetrite optimeerimise abil. Seni napib teadmisi MÕ tehnoloogia integreerimiseks mehitamata õhusõidukite ning hüperspektripõhiste pildiandmete kategoriseerimise ja regressioonirakendustega. Väitekirjas uuriti nüüdisaegset ja avatud lähtekoodiga AMÕ tehnoloogiat Auto-sklearn, mis on ühe enimkasutatava masinõppesüsteemi Scikit-learn edasiarendus. Süsteemiga liideti kaks unikaalset AMÕ visualiseerimisrakendust, et uurida mehitamata õhusõidukiga kogutud andmete multispektraalsete taimkatteindeksite ja hüperspektraalsete kitsaribaandmete taimkatteindeksite tuvastamist ja rakendamist põllumajanduses. Neid võtteid kasutatakse mullaharimisel, kultiveerimisel ja sõnnikuga väetamisel nelja kultuuriga põldudel (punase ristiku rohusegu, suvinisu, herne-kaera segu, suvioder). Neid ei ole põhjalikult hinnatud, samuti ei hõlma need omadusi, mida kasutatatakse põllumajanduses kaugseire rakendustes. Uurimus käsitleb biomassi ja saagikuse seni uurimata analüüsivõimalusi oluliste põllukultuuride ja viljelusmeetodite näitel. Hinnatakse ka kaugseirelahenduste potentsiaali põllupõhiste ja multifunktsionaalsete platvormide kasutamisel täppispõllumajanduses. Uurimus tutvustab kiiret, keskkonna suhtes kahjutut ja mõõduka hinnaga tehnoloogiat põllupõhise biomassi ja teraviljasaagi modelleerimiseks, et leida sobiv viljelusviis. Töö tulemused võimaldavad põllumajandustootjatel ja agronoomidel tõhusamalt valida põllundustehnoloogiaid ning arvestada täpsemalt keskkonnatingimustega.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Scieces and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of the European Social Fund

    Recovery of forest canopy parameters by inversion of multispectral LiDAR data

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    We describe the use of Bayesian inference techniques, notably Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and reversible jump MCMC (RJMCMC) methods, to recover forest structural and biochemical parameters from multispectral LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. We use a variable dimension, multi-layered model to represent a forest canopy or tree, and discuss the recovery of structure and depth profiles that relate to photochemical properties. We first demonstrate how simple vegetation indices such as the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI), which relates to canopy biomass and light absorption, and Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) which is a measure of vegetation light use efficiency, can be measured from multispectral data. We further describe and demonstrate our layered approach on single wavelength real data, and on simulated multispectral data derived from real, rather than simulated, data sets. This evaluation shows successful recovery of a subset of parameters, as the complete recovery problem is ill-posed with the available data. We conclude that the approach has promise, and suggest future developments to address the current difficulties in parameter inversion


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    In the article the model of light reflection based on the combination of two cubic bidirectional reflectance distribution functions is developed. The main components of color and the main requirements for reproducing the object`s glares are analyzed. The usage characteristics of Cook-Torrance, Bagher, Oren-Nayar, coupled Shirley reflection models are described. The advantages and disadvantages of the highly productive Blinn-Phong model are considered. The necessity of approximating the Blinn-Phong model by a function of low degree is justified. The characteristics of the cubic polynomial approximation of the Blinn-Phong model are determined. It was established that the main drawback of this approximation is a significant deviation of the function from the reference function in the glare’s attenuation zone. The combined function that combines two cubic functions is proposed. The first cubic function reproduces the glare’s epicenter, and the second replaces the specified function in the attenuation zone. A system of equations for calculating the coefficients of the second function was created. The formula for the connection point of two cubic functions is obtained. A graph of the developed combined model based on cubic functions is obtained. For the combined and original cubic functions a comparison of the maximum relative errors in the glare’s epicenter zone, the maximum absolute errors, and the relative errors at the inflection point was made. A three-dimensional plot of the absolute error of the combined cubic model from the Blinn-Phong model depending on the shininess and the angle value is built. Visualization results based on the combined and the original cubic functions are compared. It is confirmed that the proposed reflection model increases the realism of glare formation in the attenuation zone. The resulting combined reflection model provides a highly accurate approximation of the Blinn-Phong model and is highly efficient because the third power function is used.W artykule opracowano model odbicia światła oparty na kombinacji dwóch sześciennych dwukierunkowych funkcji rozkładu odbicia. Przeanalizowano główne składniki koloru i główne wymagania dotyczące odtwarzania odblasków obiektu. Opisano charakterystykę użytkowania modeli odbicia Cooka-Torrance'a, Baghera, Orena-Nayara i Shirleya. Rozważono zalety i wady wysoce wydajnego modelu Blinn-Phong. Uzasadniono konieczność aproksymacji modelu Blinna-Phonga funkcją niskiego stopnia. Określono charakterystykę wielomianu sześciennego aproksymującego model Blinna-Phonga. Ustalono, że główną wadą tej aproksymacji jest znaczne odchylenie funkcji od funkcji odniesienia w strefie tłumienia olśnienia. Zaproponowano funkcję kombinowaną, która łączy dwie funkcje sześcienne. Pierwsza funkcja sześcienna odtwarza epicentrum olśnienia, a druga zastępuje określoną funkcję w strefie tłumienia. Stworzono układ równań do obliczania współczynników drugiej funkcji. Uzyskano wzór na punkt połączenia dwóch funkcji sześciennych. Uzyskano wykres opracowanego połączonego modelu opartego na funkcjach sześciennych. Dla połączonych i oryginalnych funkcji sześciennych dokonano porównania maksymalnych błędów względnych w strefie epicentrum olśnienia, maksymalnych błędów bezwzględnych i błędów względnych w punkcie przegięcia. Zbudowano trójwymiarowy wykres błędu bezwzględnego połączonego modelu sześciennego z modelu Blinna-Phonga w zależności od połysku i wartości kąta. Porównano wyniki wizualizacji oparte na połączonych i oryginalnych funkcjach sześciennych. Potwierdzono, że proponowany model odbicia zwiększa realizm powstawania odblasków w strefie tłumienia. Wynikowy połączony model odbicia zapewnia bardzo dokładne przybliżenie modelu Blinna-Phonga i jest bardzo wydajny, ponieważ używana jest funkcja trzeciej potęgi