12 research outputs found

    From Neuronal cost-based metrics towards sparse coded signals classification

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    International audienceSparse signal decomposition are keys to efficient compression, storage and denoising, but they lack appropriate methods to exploit this sparsity for a classification purpose. Sparse coding methods based on dictionary learning may result in spikegrams, a sparse and temporal representation of signals by a raster of kernel occurrence through time. This paper proposes a method for coupling spike train cost based metrics (from neuroscience) with a spikegram sparse decompositions for clustering multivariate signals. Experiments on character trajectories, recorded by sensors from natural handwriting, prove the validity of the approach, compared with currently available classification performance in literature

    Learning Multiple Temporal Matching for Time Series Classification

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    12International audienceIn real applications, time series are generally of complex structure, exhibiting different global behaviors within classes. To discriminate such challenging time series, we propose a multiple temporal matching approach that reveals the commonly shared features within classes, and the most differential ones across classes. For this, we rely on a new framework based on the variance/covariance criterion to strengthen or weaken matched observations according to the induced variability within and between classes. The experiments performed on real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the ability of the multiple temporal matching approach to capture fine-grained distinctions between time series

    Automated cropping intensity extraction from isolines of wavelet spectra

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    Timely and accurate monitoring of cropping intensity (CI) is essential to help us understand changes in food production. This paper aims to develop an automatic Cropping Intensity extraction method based on the Isolines of Wavelet Spectra (CIIWS) with consideration of intra- class variability. The CIIWS method involves the following procedures: (1) characterizing vegetation dynamics from time–frequency dimensions through a continuous wavelet transform performed on vegetation index temporal profiles; (2) deriving three main features, the skeleton width, maximum number of strong brightness centers and the intersection of their scale intervals, through computing a series of wavelet isolines from the wavelet spectra; and (3) developing an automatic cropping intensity classifier based on these three features. The proposed CIIWS method improves the understanding in the spectral–temporal properties of vegetation dynamic processes. To test its efficiency, the CIIWS method is applied to China’s Henan province using 250 m 8 days composite Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) time series datasets. An overall accuracy of 88.9% is achieved when compared with in-situ observation data. The mapping result is also evaluated with 30 m Chinese Environmental Disaster Reduction Satellite (HJ-1)-derived data and an overall accuracy of 86.7% is obtained. At county level, the MODIS-derived sown areas and agricultural statistical data are well correlated (r2 = 0.85). The merit and uniqueness of the CIIWS method is the ability to cope with the complex intra-class variability through continuous wavelet transform and efficient feature extraction based on wavelet isolines. As an objective and meaningful algorithm, it guarantees easy applications and greatly contributes to satellite observations of vegetation dynamics and food security efforts

    Self-labeling techniques for semi-supervised time series classification: an empirical study

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    An increasing amount of unlabeled time series data available render the semi-supervised paradigm a suitable approach to tackle classification problems with a reduced quantity of labeled data. Self-labeled techniques stand out from semi-supervised classification methods due to their simplicity and the lack of strong assumptions about the distribution of the labeled and unlabeled data. This paper addresses the relevance of these techniques in the time series classification context by means of an empirical study that compares successful self-labeled methods in conjunction with various learning schemes and dissimilarity measures. Our experiments involve 35 time series datasets with different ratios of labeled data, aiming to measure the transductive and inductive classification capabilities of the self-labeled methods studied. The results show that the nearest-neighbor rule is a robust choice for the base classifier. In addition, the amending and multi-classifier self-labeled-based approaches reveal a promising attempt to perform semi-supervised classification in the time series context

    Feature selection and hierarchical classifier design with applications to human motion recognition

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    The performance of a classifier is affected by a number of factors including classifier type, the input features and the desired output. This thesis examines the impact of feature selection and classification problem division on classification accuracy and complexity. Proper feature selection can reduce classifier size and improve classifier performance by minimizing the impact of noisy, redundant and correlated features. Noisy features can cause false association between the features and the classifier output. Redundant and correlated features increase classifier complexity without adding additional information. Output selection or classification problem division describes the division of a large classification problem into a set of smaller problems. Problem division can improve accuracy by allocating more resources to more difficult class divisions and enabling the use of more specific feature sets for each sub-problem. The first part of this thesis presents two methods for creating feature-selected hierarchical classifiers. The feature-selected hierarchical classification method jointly optimizes the features and classification tree-design using genetic algorithms. The multi-modal binary tree (MBT) method performs the class division and feature selection sequentially and tolerates misclassifications in the higher nodes of the tree. This yields a piecewise separation for classes that cannot be fully separated with a single classifier. Experiments show that the accuracy of MBT is comparable to other multi-class extensions, but with lower test time. Furthermore, the accuracy of MBT is significantly higher on multi-modal data sets. The second part of this thesis focuses on input feature selection measures. A number of filter-based feature subset evaluation measures are evaluated with the goal of assessing their performance with respect to specific classifiers. Although there are many feature selection measures proposed in literature, it is unclear which feature selection measures are appropriate for use with different classifiers. Sixteen common filter-based measures are tested on 20 real and 20 artificial data sets, which are designed to probe for specific feature selection challenges. The strengths and weaknesses of each measure are discussed with respect to the specific feature selection challenges in the artificial data sets, correlation with classifier accuracy and their ability to identify known informative features. The results indicate that the best filter measure is classifier-specific. K-nearest neighbours classifiers work well with subset-based RELIEF, correlation feature selection or conditional mutual information maximization, whereas Fisher's interclass separability criterion and conditional mutual information maximization work better for support vector machines. Based on the results of the feature selection experiments, two new filter-based measures are proposed based on conditional mutual information maximization, which performs well but cannot identify dependent features in a set and does not include a check for correlated features. Both new measures explicitly check for dependent features and the second measure also includes a term to discount correlated features. Both measures correctly identify known informative features in the artificial data sets and correlate well with classifier accuracy. The final part of this thesis examines the use of feature selection for time-series data by using feature selection to determine important individual time windows or key frames in the series. Time-series feature selection is used with the MBT algorithm to create classification trees for time-series data. The feature selected MBT algorithm is tested on two human motion recognition tasks: full-body human motion recognition from joint angle data and hand gesture recognition from electromyography data. Results indicate that the feature selected MBT is able to achieve high classification accuracy on the time-series data while maintaining a short test time

    DCE-MRI and DWI Integration for Breast Lesions Assessment and Heterogeneity Quantification

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    In order to better predict and follow treatment responses in cancer patients, there is growing interest in noninvasively characterizing tumor heterogeneity based on MR images possessing different contrast and quantitative information. This requires mechanisms for integrating such data and reducing the data dimensionality to levels amenable to interpretation by human readers. Here we propose a two-step pipeline for integrating diffusion and perfusion MRI that we demonstrate in the quantification of breast lesion heterogeneity. First, the images acquired with the two modalities are aligned using an intermodal registration. Dissimilarity-based clustering is then performed exploiting the information coming from both modalities. To this end an ad hoc distance metric is developed and tested for tuning the weighting for the two modalities. The distributions of the diffusion parameter values in subregions identified by the algorithm are extracted and compared through nonparametric testing for posterior evaluation of the tissue heterogeneity. Results show that the joint exploitation of the information brought by DCE and DWI leads to consistent results accounting for both perfusion and microstructural information yielding a greater refinement of the segmentation than the separate processing of the two modalities, consistent with that drawn manually by a radiologist with access to the same data

    Application of Functional Data Analysis to Identify Patterns of Malaria Incidence, to Guide Targeted Control Strategies.

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    We introduce an approach based on functional data analysis to identify patterns of malaria incidence to guide effective targeting of malaria control in a seasonal transmission area. Using functional data method, a smooth function (functional data or curve) was fitted from the time series of observed malaria incidence for each of 575 villages in west-central Senegal from 2008 to 2012. These 575 smooth functions were classified using hierarchical clustering (Ward's method), and several different dissimilarity measures. Validity indices were used to determine the number of distinct temporal patterns of malaria incidence. Epidemiological indicators characterizing the resulting malaria incidence patterns were determined from the velocity and acceleration of their incidences over time. We identified three distinct patterns of malaria incidence: high-, intermediate-, and low-incidence patterns in respectively 2% (12/575), 17% (97/575), and 81% (466/575) of villages. Epidemiological indicators characterizing the fluctuations in malaria incidence showed that seasonal outbreaks started later, and ended earlier, in the low-incidence pattern. Functional data analysis can be used to identify patterns of malaria incidence, by considering their temporal dynamics. Epidemiological indicators derived from their velocities and accelerations, may guide to target control measures according to patterns

    Self-labeling techniques for semi-supervised time series classification: an empirical study

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    An increasing amount of unlabeled time series data available render the semi-supervised paradigm a suitable approach to tackle classification problems with a reduced quantity of labeled data. Self-labeled techniques stand out from semi-supervised classification methods due to their simplicity and the lack of strong assumptions about the distribution of the labeled and unlabeled data. This paper addresses the relevance of these techniques in the time series classification context by means of an empirical study that compares successful self-labeled methods in conjunction with various learning schemes and dissimilarity measures. Our experiments involve 35 time series datasets with different ratios of labeled data, aiming to measure the transductive and inductive classification capabilities of the self-labeled methods studied. The results show that the nearest-neighbor rule is a robust choice for the base classifier. In addition, the amending and multi-classifier self-labeled-based approaches reveal a promising attempt to perform semi-supervised classification in the time series context

    Image Based Biomarkers from Magnetic Resonance Modalities: Blending Multiple Modalities, Dimensions and Scales.

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    The successful analysis and processing of medical imaging data is a multidisciplinary work that requires the application and combination of knowledge from diverse fields, such as medical engineering, medicine, computer science and pattern classification. Imaging biomarkers are biologic features detectable by imaging modalities and their use offer the prospect of more efficient clinical studies and improvement in both diagnosis and therapy assessment. The use of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) and its application to the diagnosis and therapy has been extensively validated, nevertheless the issue of an appropriate or optimal processing of data that helps to extract relevant biomarkers to highlight the difference between heterogeneous tissue still remains. Together with DCE-MRI, the data extracted from Diffusion MRI (DWI-MR and DTI-MR) represents a promising and complementary tool. This project initially proposes the exploration of diverse techniques and methodologies for the characterization of tissue, following an analysis and classification of voxel-level time-intensity curves from DCE-MRI data mainly through the exploration of dissimilarity based representations and models. We will explore metrics and representations to correlate the multidimensional data acquired through diverse imaging modalities, a work which starts with the appropriate elastic registration methodology between DCE-MRI and DWI- MR on the breast and its corresponding validation. It has been shown that the combination of multi-modal MRI images improve the discrimination of diseased tissue. However the fusion of dissimilar imaging data for classification and segmentation purposes is not a trivial task, there is an inherent difference in information domains, dimensionality and scales. This work also proposes a multi-view consensus clustering methodology for the integration of multi-modal MR images into a unified segmentation of tumoral lesions for heterogeneity assessment. Using a variety of metrics and distance functions this multi-view imaging approach calculates multiple vectorial dissimilarity-spaces for each one of the MRI modalities and makes use of the concepts behind cluster ensembles to combine a set of base unsupervised segmentations into an unified partition of the voxel-based data. The methodology is specially designed for combining DCE-MRI and DTI-MR, for which a manifold learning step is implemented in order to account for the geometric constrains of the high dimensional diffusion information.The successful analysis and processing of medical imaging data is a multidisciplinary work that requires the application and combination of knowledge from diverse fields, such as medical engineering, medicine, computer science and pattern classification. Imaging biomarkers are biologic features detectable by imaging modalities and their use offer the prospect of more efficient clinical studies and improvement in both diagnosis and therapy assessment. The use of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) and its application to the diagnosis and therapy has been extensively validated, nevertheless the issue of an appropriate or optimal processing of data that helps to extract relevant biomarkers to highlight the difference between heterogeneous tissue still remains. Together with DCE-MRI, the data extracted from Diffusion MRI (DWI-MR and DTI-MR) represents a promising and complementary tool. This project initially proposes the exploration of diverse techniques and methodologies for the characterization of tissue, following an analysis and classification of voxel-level time-intensity curves from DCE-MRI data mainly through the exploration of dissimilarity based representations and models. We will explore metrics and representations to correlate the multidimensional data acquired through diverse imaging modalities, a work which starts with the appropriate elastic registration methodology between DCE-MRI and DWI- MR on the breast and its corresponding validation. It has been shown that the combination of multi-modal MRI images improve the discrimination of diseased tissue. However the fusion of dissimilar imaging data for classification and segmentation purposes is not a trivial task, there is an inherent difference in information domains, dimensionality and scales. This work also proposes a multi-view consensus clustering methodology for the integration of multi-modal MR images into a unified segmentation of tumoral lesions for heterogeneity assessment. Using a variety of metrics and distance functions this multi-view imaging approach calculates multiple vectorial dissimilarity-spaces for each one of the MRI modalities and makes use of the concepts behind cluster ensembles to combine a set of base unsupervised segmentations into an unified partition of the voxel-based data. The methodology is specially designed for combining DCE-MRI and DTI-MR, for which a manifold learning step is implemented in order to account for the geometric constrains of the high dimensional diffusion information