10 research outputs found


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, teknologi sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan keseharian manusia. Agar dapat bersaing di dunia teknologi ini, Indonesia harus dapat mempersiapkan para siswanya di bidang ilmu komputer. Tujuan dari studi literatur ini adalah untuk mengajukan standar kurikulum CSTA K-12 untuk digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran TIK di Indonesia. Pengkaji akan menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR) untuk mengidentifikasi,  mengkaji, mengevaluasi, dan menafsirkan hasil dari jurnal penelitian terdahulu tentang pengimplementasian standar kurikulum CSTA K-12 di sekolah luar negeri. Di akhir kajian, pengkaji menemukan bahwa di sekolah-sekolah yang mengimplementasikan standar kurikulum CSTA K-12 di dalam mata pelajaran ilmu komputer, para siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam kemampuan berpikir komputasi, pemahaman algoritma, dan kemampuan pemograman

    Introduction to media computation: a new CS1 approach aimed at non-majors and under-represented populations

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    Issued as final reportNational Science Foundation (U.S.

    Learning Sciences for Computing Education

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    his chapter discusses potential and current overlaps between the learning sciences and computing education research in their origins, theory, and methodology. After an introduction to learning sciences, the chapter describes how both learning sciences and computing education research developed as distinct fields from cognitive science. Despite common roots and common goals, the authors argue that the two fields are less integrated than they should be and recommend theories and methodologies from the learning sciences that could be used more widely in computing education research. The chapter selects for discussion one general learning theory from each of cognition (constructivism), instructional design (cognitive apprenticeship), social and environmental features of learning environments (sociocultural theory), and motivation (expectancy-value theory). Then the chapter describes methodology for design-based research to apply and test learning theories in authentic learning environments. The chapter emphasizes the alignment between design-based research and current research practices in computing education. Finally, the chapter discusses the four stages of learning sciences projects. Examples from computing education research are given for each stage to illustrate the shared goals and methods of the two fields and to argue for more integration between them

    Review of Measurements Used in Computing Education Research and Suggestions for Increasing Standardization

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    The variables that researchers measure and how they measure them are central in any area of research. Which research questions can be asked and how they are answered depends on measurement. This paper describes a systematic review of the literature in computing education research to summarize the commonly used variables and measurements in 197 papers and to compare them to best practices in measurement for human-subjects research. Characteristics of the literature that are examined in the review include variables measured (including learner characteristics), measurements used, and type of data analysis. The review illuminates common practices related to each of these characteristics and their interactions with other characteristics. The paper lists standardized measurements that were used in the literature and highlights commonly used variables for which no standardized measures exist. To conclude, this review compares common practice in computing education to best practices in human-subjects research to make recommendations for increasing rigor

    Teaching introductory programming: a quantitative evaluation of different approaches

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    © ACM, 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2014, Vol. 14, No. 4, Article 26, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/266241

    Creativity-Supporting Learning Environments : Two Case Studies on Teaching Programming

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    It is known that students' learning approaches, types of motivation, and types of self-regulation are connected with learning outcomes. It is also known, that deep learning approaches, self-regulated learning, and intrinsic types of motivation are connected with creativity. However, in computing pedagogy there is a lack in empirically grounded analyses in integration of the varying educational theories to build learning environments that support creativity. The literature of programming education proposes a variety of theoretical, as well as practical viewpoints in relation to the teaching and learning situation. However, little effort has been put on understanding cultural and contextual differences in pedagogy of programming. Literature shows that education is highly context dependent, and that educational design should account for contextual differences. In programming education, the nature and implications of those differences are hitherto unclear. In this study, the paucity in research about creativity-supporting learning environments in computing education, and about contextual differences in the pedagogy of programming are addressed through two case studies. In the first context (CUH) of this study (Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland), a method of learning-by-inventing was designed and integrated into a robotics-based programming class, and its effects on students' learning were investigated through qualitative analysis of 144 interviews. In the second context (CTU) of this study (IT Department, Tumaini University, Iringa University College, Iringa, Tanzania) a number of interventions for supporting intrinsic motivation and deep approaches to learning were designed, and their effects on students' learning were studied through qualitative and quantitative methods, and a controlled research setup. In addition, a mixed methods study about contextual factors, which affect the learning environment design was conducted. In context CUH, the results show that the provided environment supported the learning of creative processes through a number of mechanisms. In general, the provided environment was shown to facilitate changes in students' problem management approaches, and extended students' deep and surface learning approaches to computer science related problem solving and problem management. In context CTU the results reveal that students face many similar challenges than students in other educational contexts, and that the standard learning environment does not offer enough support for gaining the requisite development. Learning is also hindered by many contextually unique factors. Testing a model where students work on their homework under guidance, facilitated by active student-teacher collaboration did not result in significant advantage over the control group. However, the qualitative results about guided environments were exclusively positive. In context CUH, the analysis suggests that learning of creativity may be facilitated by supporting deep learning strategies, intrinsic motivation, and self-regulated learning through utilizing a combination of open learning environment configuration, learning-by-inventing, and robotics as the vehicle for learning. Secondly, the analysis suggests challenges in context CTU to be addressed through increasing the number of practical exercises, by selecting the proper amount of guidance required in the learning environment, and by implementing educational action research as a standard component into the learning and teaching environment.Tässä viiteen artikkeliin perustuvassa väitöskirjassa tutkittiin keksimisen ja luovan ongelmanratkaisun tukemiseen perustuvia uusia opetusjärjestelyitä kahdessa kontekstissa: 1) Helsingin yliopiston Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos, sekä 2) IT-Department, Tumaini University, Iringa University College, Iringa, Tansania. Ensimmäisessä kontekstissa hyödynnettiin robotiikkasarjaa oppimisvälineenä. Ensimmäisessä kontekstissa tulokset osoittavat, että tutkimuksen osana suunnitellut opetusjärjestelyt tukivat syvällisempiin opiskelutapoihin suuntautuneita muutoksia opiskelijoiden ongelmanratkaistavoissa-, ongelmien löytämistavoissa, ja ongelmajoukkojen hallintatavoissa. Tutkimuksen toisessa kontekstissa tulokset osoittavat, että opiskelijat kohtaavat useita samankaltaisia oppimisen haasteita kuin muissakin konteksteissa. Oppimiseen vaikuttaa myös joukko kontekstiin liittyviä uniikkeja tekijöitä. Tulosten analyysi osoittaa, että tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä kontekstissa keksimisen oppimista voidaan tukea hyödyntämällä avoimen oppimisympäristön periaatteita, ja robotiikkasarjaa oppimisen alustana. Tulosten analyysi osoittaa myös, että tutkimuksen toisen kontekstin haasteita voidaan ratkaista lisäämällä käytännön harjoitusten määrää ja laatua, valitsemalla oikeanlaiset oppimisen tukitoimet, sekä liittämällä opettamisen ja oppimisen tutkimus olennaiseksi osaksi opetustoimintaa

    Constructing programs, how children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) learn to program

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    Many learners find the study of introductory computer programming difficult. This is also true of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and we need an improved understanding of how they learn programming. After reviewing the constructivist approach to teaching and learning and investigating ADHD, this study explored strategies for constructive learning of introductory programming. The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Karplus learning cycle to teach introductory programming. This was done through qualitative research from an interpretive perspective. Action research techniques were employed and data analysed using grounded theory methods. Four major constructivist teaching categories emerged, all of which support the use of the Karplus cycle. It is concluded that the three-phase Karplus cycle can be used to assist these learners learn introductory programming. However, it needs to be understood more broadly and the middle phase broken into two subphases to ensure effective learning.Mathematical SciencesM. Sc. (Mathematical Sciences

    SQL pattern design, development & evaluation of its efficacy

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    Databases provide the foundation of most software systems. This means that system developers will inevitably need to write code to query these databases. The de facto language for querying is SQL and this, consequently, is the language primarily taught by higher education institutions. There is some evidence that learners find it hard to master SQL. These issues and concerns were confirmed by reviewing the literature and establishing the scope and context. The literature review allowed extraction of the common issues in impacting SQL acquisition. The identified issues were confirmed and justified by empirical evidence as reported here. A model of SQL learning was derived. This framework or model involves SQL learning taxonomy, a model of SQL problem solving and incorporates cross-cutting factors. The framework is used as map to the design of a proposed instructional design. The design employed pattern concepts and the related research to structure SQL knowledge as SQL patterns. Also presented are details on how SQL patterns could be organized and presented. A strong theoretical background (checklist, component-level design) was employed to organize, present and facilitated SQL pattern collection. The evaluation of the SQL patterns yielded new insight such as novice problem solving strategies and the types of errors students made in attempting to solve SQL problems. SQL patterns, as proposed as a result of this research, yielded statistically significant important in novice performance in writing SQL queries. A longitudinal field study with a large number of learners in a flexible environment should be conducted to confirm the findings of this research

    Challenges to computer science education research

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