225 research outputs found

    A Survey and Comparative Study of Hard and Soft Real-time Dynamic Resource Allocation Strategies for Multi/Many-core Systems

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    Multi-/many-core systems are envisioned to satisfy the ever-increasing performance requirements of complex applications in various domains such as embedded and high-performance computing. Such systems need to cater to increasingly dynamic workloads, requiring efficient dynamic resource allocation strategies to satisfy hard or soft real-time constraints. This article provides an extensive survey of hard and soft real-time dynamic resource allocation strategies proposed since the mid-1990s and highlights the emerging trends for multi-/many-core systems. The survey covers a taxonomy of the resource allocation strategies and considers their various optimization objectives, which have been used to provide comprehensive comparison. The strategies employ various principles, such as market and biological concepts, to perform the optimizations. The trend followed by the resource allocation strategies, open research challenges, and likely emerging research directions have also been provided

    Learning-based run-time power and energy management of multi/many-core systems: current and future trends

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    Multi/Many-core systems are prevalent in several application domains targeting different scales of computing such as embedded and cloud computing. These systems are able to fulfil the everincreasing performance requirements by exploiting their parallel processing capabilities. However, effective power/energy management is required during system operations due to several reasons such as to increase the operational time of battery operated systems, reduce the energy cost of datacenters, and improve thermal efficiency and reliability. This article provides an extensive survey of learning-based run-time power/energy management approaches. The survey includes a taxonomy of the learning-based approaches. These approaches perform design-time and/or run-time power/energy management by employing some learning principles such as reinforcement learning. The survey also highlights the trends followed by the learning-based run-time power management approaches, their upcoming trends and open research challenges

    Reducing fine-grain communication overhead in multithread code generation for heterogeneous MPSoC

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    Heterogeneous MPSoCs present unique opportunities for emerging embedded applications, which require both high-performance and programmability. Although, software programming for these MPSoC architectures requires tedious and error-prone tasks, thereby automatic code generation tools are required. A code generation method based on fine-grain specification can provide more design space and optimization opportunities, such as exploiting fine-level parallelism and more efficient partitions. However, when partitioned, fine-grain models may require a large number of inter-processor communications, decreasing the overall system performance. This paper presents a Simulink-based multithread code generation method, which applies Message Aggregation optimization technique to reduce the number of interprocessor communications. This technique reduces the communication overheads in terms of execution time by reduction on the number of messages exchanged and in terms of memory size by the reduction on the number of channels. The paper also presents experiment results for one multimedia application, showing performance improvements and memory reduction obtained with Message Aggregation technique

    Resource-aware Programming in a High-level Language - Improved performance with manageable effort on clustered MPSoCs

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    Bis 2001 bedeutete Moores und Dennards Gesetz eine Verdoppelung der AusfĂŒhrungszeit alle 18 Monate durch verbesserte CPUs. Heute ist NebenlĂ€ufigkeit das dominante Mittel zur Beschleunigung von Supercomputern bis zu mobilen GerĂ€ten. Allerdings behindern neuere PhĂ€nomene wie "Dark Silicon" zunehmend eine weitere Beschleunigung durch Hardware. Um weitere Beschleunigung zu erreichen muss sich auch die Soft­ware mehr ihrer Hardware Resourcen gewahr werden. Verbunden mit diesem PhĂ€nomen ist eine immer heterogenere Hardware. Supercomputer integrieren Beschleuniger wie GPUs. Mobile SoCs (bspw. Smartphones) integrieren immer mehr FĂ€higkeiten. Spezialhardware auszunutzen ist eine bekannte Methode, um den Energieverbrauch zu senken, was ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist, welcher mit der reinen Geschwindigkeit abgewogen werde muss. Zum Beispiel werden Supercomputer auch nach "Performance pro Watt" bewertet. Zur Zeit sind systemnahe low-level Programmierer es gewohnt ĂŒber Hardware nachzudenken, wĂ€hrend der gemeine high-level Programmierer es vorzieht von der Plattform möglichst zu abstrahieren (bspw. Cloud). "High-level" bedeutet nicht, dass Hardware irrelevant ist, sondern dass sie abstrahiert werden kann. Falls Sie eine Java-Anwendung fĂŒr Android entwickeln, kann der Akku ein wichtiger Aspekt sein. Irgendwann mĂŒssen aber auch Hochsprachen resourcengewahr werden, um Geschwindigkeit oder Energieverbrauch zu verbessern. Innerhalb des Transregio "Invasive Computing" habe ich an diesen Problemen gearbeitet. In meiner Dissertation stelle ich ein Framework vor, mit dem man Hochsprachenanwendungen resourcengewahr machen kann, um so die Leistung zu verbessern. Das könnte beispielsweise erhöhte Effizienz oder schnellerer AusfĂŒhrung fĂŒr das System als Ganzes bringen. Ein Kerngedanke dabei ist, dass Anwendungen sich nicht selbst optimieren. Stattdessen geben sie alle Informationen an das Betriebssystem. Das Betriebssystem hat eine globale Sicht und trifft Entscheidungen ĂŒber die Resourcen. Diesen Prozess nennen wir "Invasion". Die Aufgabe der Anwendung ist es, sich an diese Entscheidungen anzupassen, aber nicht selbst welche zu fĂ€llen. Die Herausforderung besteht darin eine Sprache zu definieren, mit der Anwendungen Resourcenbedingungen und Leistungsinformationen kommunizieren. So eine Sprache muss ausdrucksstark genug fĂŒr komplexe Informationen, erweiterbar fĂŒr neue Resourcentypen, und angenehm fĂŒr den Programmierer sein. Die zentralen BeitrĂ€ge dieser Dissertation sind: Ein theoretisches Modell der Resourcen-Verwaltung, um die Essenz des resourcengewahren Frameworks zu beschreiben, die Korrektheit der Entscheidungen des Betriebssystems bezĂŒglich der Bedingungen einer Anwendung zu begrĂŒnden und zum Beweis meiner Thesen von Effizienz und Beschleunigung in der Theorie. Ein Framework und eine Übersetzungspfad resourcengewahrer Programmierung fĂŒr die Hochsprache X10. Zur Bewertung des Ansatzes haben wir Anwendungen aus dem High Performance Computing implementiert. Eine Beschleunigung von 5x konnte gemessen werden. Ein Speicherkonsistenzmodell fĂŒr die X10 Programmiersprache, da dies ein notwendiger Schritt zu einer formalen Semantik ist, die das theoretische Modell und die konkrete Implementierung verknĂŒpft. Zusammengefasst zeige ich, dass resourcengewahre Programmierung in Hoch\-sprachen auf zukĂŒnftigen Architekturen mit vielen Kernen mit vertretbarem Aufwand machbar ist und die Leistung verbessert

    Textile Society of America Newsletter 28:1 — Spring 2016

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    Letter from the Editor Volunteer Opportunity: TSA Is Looking for a New Proceedings Editor Letter from the President Textiles Close Up Report: Art of the Zo: Textiles from Myanmar, India, and Bangladesh, Chin Weaving at the Philadelphia Museum of Art R. L. Shep Ethnic Textile Book Award 2015 Nominees Ossabaw Island, Indigo, and Sea Island Cotton: Two Ways to See a Georgia Barrier Island Peer-Review Process Yields Range of Exciting Exhibitions for Biennial Symposium Book Reviews:Symbols of Power: Luxury Items from Islamic Lands, 7th–21st CenturyTextiles of the Banjara: Cloth and Culture of a Wandering TribeThe Handbook of Textile CultureTraditional Weavers of Guatemala: Their Stories, Their LivesDesigning Identity: The Power of Textiles in Late Antiquity Conference Review: 21st Annual Weaving History Conference, 2015 Featured Exhibitions:Heirlooms, Catastrophe, and Survival: The Lace and Sampler Collection of the Palazzo DavanzatiThe Fabric of India, Victoria and Albert Museum, LondonFashion Meets Technology in #techstyle, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Shibori and Ikat in Mesoamerica International Report:The Centre for Textile Conservation at the University of Glasgow & a New Era for Textile Dye Research in ScotlandThe Philippine Textile Research Institute, Taguig City, Philippines Member News:Member PublicationsMember Workshops and LecturesMember Awards & HonorsMember Exhibitions Conferences & Opportunities Symposium Program [Crosscurrents: Land, Labor, and the Port, 15th Biennial Symposium, Savannah, Georgia, October 19–23, 2016

    Educational Considerations, Vol. 43(3), Summer 2016 Full Issue

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    Educational Considerations, Vol. 43(3), Summer 2016-Full Issu

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    Realizing interoperability of e-learning repositories

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, marzo 200

    Programming Models and Tools for Intelligent Embedded Systems

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