43 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this bibliometric study is to find out authorship and citation patterns in Baca which published from 1974-1999. This study includes 81 number of publications with 151 articles. The result of the study shows that authors in Baca was dominated by male authors, except publications in 1980- 1984. Most of the authors are PDII-LIPI librarians, and the major subjects of the articles are information services, computerization/ information techno-logy, information resources, and library personnel. The authorship collaborations are low, but it has been raised for last five years. Author productivity showed the lowest since 1984-1989, but it became increase. Since 25 years of publications, the number of articles were increased, and the research paper just published at the last ten years. The most references are books, but the using of journal as references tend to grow since last ten years. The average of references are 4 documents per article which are current documents and the numbers were increased

    Methodological and Content Aspects of Scientific and Research Papers Published in Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske from 1998 to 2006

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    Jedno od važnih pitanja suvremenoga knjižničarstva jest pitanje izbora i primjene odgovarajućih znanstveno istraživačkih pristupa, koji bi omogućili da podaci prikupljeni djelovanjem knjižnica budu upotrijebljeni za optimalan razvitak službi i usluga. Na temelju analize članaka objavljenih u Vjesniku bibliotekara Hrvatske u razdoblju od 1998. do 2006. prikazani su korišteni znanstveno istraživački pristupi te sadržaj odnosno teme radova.One of the important issues in contemporary librarianship is the selection and use of appropriate research strategies which would provide that data collected in libraries are used for the optimum development of services. An analysis of the research strategies and subject content (topics) of articles published in Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske in the period from 1998 to 2006 was made

    Research status and trends of library and information science in Taiwan, 2001-2010

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    Information need and uses : an analysis of the literature published in Spain, 1990-2004

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    This article presents a descriptive analysis of works published in Spanish journals and of the papers of conferences held in Spain in the field of information needs and uses in the period 1990–2004 in order to determine if the change in approach described by Dervin and Nilan, among others, also occurred outside the English speaking world. An analysis of the characteristics of relevant publications in this field (by year, authorship, type of document, type of work, and means of publication) shows that although activity is increasing, information needs and uses have not yet become a well-established area. In addition, a study of the content characteristics (by type of user, methodology used, aspects of the informationseeking process, use of a theoretical basis, and references to research) leads to the conclusion that in Spain there has not yet been a change in the orientation towards a user-oriented model.Abad García, María Francisca: [email protected]; Gonzalez Teruel, Aurora: [email protected]

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Select Information Science Print and Electronic Journals in the 1990s

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    This paper examines three e-journals and one paper journal begun in the 1990s within the information science genre. In addition, these journals are compared to what is perhaps the leading information science journal, one that has been published continuously for fifty years. The journals we examine are CyberMetrics, Information Research, the Journal of Internet Cataloging, Libres, and the Journal of the American Society for Information Science. We find that there are a number of important differences among the journals. These include frequency of publication, publication size, number of authors, and the funding status of articles. We also find differences among journals for distributions of authors by gender and corporate authors by region. Some of the regional differences can be explained by journal maturation -- the more mature the journal the greater the dispersion. We also find that women are more likely to publish in the newer journals than in JASIS. The fact that a journal is or is not an e-journal does not appear to affect its presence or behaviour as an information science journal

    Los métodos de investigación empleados en la literatura producida en Biblioteconomía y Documentación[Comunicación].

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    An analysis of research methods used in Library and Information science is presented

    Una década de investigación en Anales de Documentación (1998-2007) : Aproximación bibliométrica y temática

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    -Gregorio González Alcaide: [email protected] (correo de PDI, privado) -Adolfo Alonso Arroyo: [email protected] -Juan Carlos Valderrama: Zurián:[email protected] realiza un análisis bibliométrico y temático de la revista Anales de Documentación (AD) con motivo del cumplimiento de su décimo aniversario (1998-2007). Se analiza la productividad, colaboración, ámbitos de investigación aborda-dos, visibilidad e impacto de la publicación. AD ha publicado 153 trabajos de inves-tigación, en los que han intervenido 176 autores de 56 instituciones diferentes. AD presenta una paridad entre hombres y mujeres, habiendo participado en la revista instituciones de 12 países diferentes. Los principales temas abordados son Internet y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, la Biblioteconomía, la gestión de la información y del conocimiento, la evaluación de la calidad de los servicios, las fuentes de información y el acceso a las mismas y las publicaciones científicas. AD ha recibido 54 citas de 64 autores diferentes, con un 30,7% de trabajos que han sido citados al menos una vez, lo que ha permitido que la revista ocupe una destaca-da posición en el ranking de publicaciones españolas del área de la Biblioteconomía y Documentación.A bibliometric and thematic approach of the journal Anales de Docu-mentación (AD) is presented (1998-2007) on account of the celebration of its tenth anniversary. Productivity, collaborations patterns, research areas, visibility and jour-nal impact are analysed. AD has published 153 research papers presented by 176 au-thors belonging to 56 institutions. AD presents a gender equality, with an institu-tional participation of 12 different countries. The main themes analyzed are Internet and Information and Communication Technologies, Library Science, information management and knowledge management, evaluation and quality of services, infor-mation resources and access to them and scientific publications. AD has received 54 citations corresponding to 64 authors, 30.7% papers being cited. Because of that, AD has reached a relevant position in the ranking of Library and Information Sci-ence Spanish journals

    Historia de la Revista Española de Documentación Científica

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    A Bibliometric Analysis of Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility using RStudio: Based on Scopus Database

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    Purpose: CSR in India has been the focus of many researchers. This paper aims to map the intellectual structure of mandatory CSR research, identifying influential authors and journals, current and evolving issues, and future research direction.   Design/Methodology/Approach: Using the RStudio package, a bibliometric analysis of 130 articles is conducted in mandatory CSR by extracting data from the Scopus database for ten years (2012-2022).   Findings: The main results show the first article was published in 2012, and over 85% of articles have been published in the last five years. In 2021, 33 articles were published; in 2022, it published 34 articles, a new peak. The result shows that "Social Responsibility Journal" is the most productive journal, and 2021 is the most productive year; Bhattacharyya A, Kansal M, Rahman ML, and Ray S is the most contributing author.   Practical implications: This article is to analyze the prominent trends in the journal concerning papers, authors, institutions, nations, journals, subjects, and keywords. The results of this study will help readers obtain a complete comprehension of the publication.   Originality:  Since CSR was made mandatory in 2014 in India and other countries, hardly any study has done a bibliometric analysis on mandatory CSR.   Limitations: Scopus is the only source of the database used; other databases like the web of science, google scholar, etc., are not considered. The data is available only for ten years; from 2012 to 2022, only the keyword "mandatory CSR" is used for 130 article