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    8044 research outputs found

    24th Ramiro and Zoran Bujas Days

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    Multikulturalnost u hrvatskim narodnim knjižnicama

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    Ovaj rad govori o multikulturalnosti kao ideji kulturnog pluralizma te politici održavanja različitosti i jednakosti nacionalnih kultura unutar zajednice. Multikulturalne usluge u Hrvatskoj pojavile su se 1990-ih, a do danas u Hrvatskoj žive 22 nacionalne manjine. Multikulturalnost i interkulturalnost iziskuju društvenu raspravu i razvoj multikulutalrnih knjižnica te uključuju pružanje jednake pozornosti usmjerene na različite kulturne potrebe grupa u zajednici. U vrijeme masovnih migracija i građanske mobilnosti fokus svake knjižnice postaje integracija. Multikulturalni dijalog između kultura, kulturnog nasljeđa, ljudskih prava, prava na pristup informacijama i znanju, kulturna i jezična različitost, potiče knjižnice na razvoj programa i usluga za kulturne i nacionalne manjine uz podršku i u suradnji s državnim i lokalnim institucijama.This paper is about multiculturalism as an idea of cultural pluralism but also policy of maintaining diversity and equaty to ethnic cultures in a community. Multicultural services in Croatia had their appirience in 1990´s and to this day Croatia is a home for 22 national minorities. Multiculturalism and interculturalism seek for social discussion and development of multicultural libraries. It includes the same attention to cultural needs of all groups in a community. In the time of mass migrations and population mobility a need for integration is in focus in every library. Multicultural dialogue between cultures, cultural heritage, human rights, the right of access to information and knowledge, cultural and linguistic diversity, encourages libraries to develope programs and services to cultural and ethnic minorities with a support and in a collaboration with state and local institution

    Migration flows, socio-political circumstances in the Bosnian eyalet (1683-1718)

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    Bosanski ejalet, kao krajiška upravna jedinica Osmanske države, u razdoblju između 1683. i 1718. godine doživljava krupne i dugoročno značajne društveno-političke promjene uslijed kojih dolazi i do velikih migracija preko njegovog prostora. Nakon upoznavanja s karakterom i obujmom Bosanskog ejaleta te njegovom vojnom organizacijom u zadanom periodu, disertacija donosi kronološki prikaz stanja u tom dijelu Osmanske države, ratne sukobe i prilike u tih tri i pol desetljeća, sve na osnovi prvorazrednih izvora i relevantne literature. Interdisciplinarnim i interkulturnim pristupom, te komparativnom historijsko-demografskom i kulturnopovijesnom metodologijom pokušava se rasvijetliti specifična kulturna i gospodarska evolucija populacije kroz migracijske tokove u naglašenom društveno-političkom kontekstu. Uslijed nepovratnih teritorijalnih gubitaka Osmanska država prvi put u svojoj povijesti zauzima konačan obrambeni položaj. Konstelacija odnosa i raspored aktivnosti među članicama Svete Lige je bio takav da su Austrija, Mletačka Republika, Poljska i Rusija uglavnom poduzimale vojne aktivnosti, Nizozemska i Engleska preuzimale ulogu posrednika, dok je Francuska nastojala sačuvati otklon prema Osmanlijama. Doktorska radnja prati njihovo pojedinačno sudjelovanje u zbivanjima na prijelazu iz 17. u 18. stoljeće u onoj mjeri koliko se to odražavalo na Bosanski ejalet. Ugovor o miru u Srijemskim Karlovcima 1699. godine ubrzao je nazadovanje Osmanske države koja ostaje bez Ugarske (osim Banata), gubi Slavoniju i Hrvatsku do Une i južno od Velebita, kao i sve gradove i oblasti koje su u prethodnom ratu osvojili Mlečani. Potpisivanjem Ugovora i razgraničavanjem koje je uslijedilo tijekom naredne tri godine Osmanska država je prihvatila poštovanje načela međunarodnog prava kod političkih granica i nepovredivosti teritorija susjednih država. Bosanski ejalet će nakon toga ostati u istom teritorijalnom opsegu do rata između Osmanske države i Venecije 1714. godine. Iako u početku neutralna, u rat se 1716. godine uključuje i Austrijska Monarhija. Požarevačkim mirom 1718. godine Osmanska država ostaje ne samo bez Banata, Srijema i Smederevskog sandžaka, nego i većih dijelova Bosanskog ejaleta. Disertacija kronološki prati valove migracija koje su obuhvatile stotine tisuća stanovnika bivših i preostalih dijelova Osmanske države na Balkanu, a posebno Bosanskog ejaleta. I pored raznorodnih podataka iz osmanskih opširnih katastarskih popisa, džizje, šikajet i muhimme deftera, crkvenih matičnih knjiga, vizitatorskih izvještaja, nikad se neće znati konačna brojka stanovništva koje pred oružjem bježi u strahu za vlastiti život. Zaključci do kojih se dolazi u radnji su vezani i za nastanak novih gradova, stagnaciju varoši tijekom 17. stoljeća uslijed migracija nemuslimanskog stanovništva izvan Ejaleta, dok je početak 18. stoljeća obilježen pojedinačnim i grupnim povratcima. I pored izvora, istraživanje porijekla migranata zna biti otežano uslijed njihova različitog imenovanja od domaćeg stanovništva, kao i prisutna praksa višestrukih migracija istih migrantskih grupa. Kroz migracije, asimilacijske i integracijske procese, vjerske i manjinske zajednice su mijenjale, gubile ili čuvale jezik, običaje, način života, odijevanja i sl., u većoj ili manjoj mjeri. Analizom dijela uvjeta migrantskih zajednica u spomenutom razdoblju, ovisno o društveno-političkim zbivanjima, s paralelnim rješavanjem individualizirane forme društvenih, ekonomskih, političkih, kulturnih čimbenika, opstojnosti vjerskih i manjinskih zajednica na prostoru samog Bosanskog ejaleta, disertacija pokušava olakšati poimanje slojevitosti njegove povijesno-demografske problematike.Locked between the Adriatic and Pannonian basin, given the character of crossroads imposed by its geopolitical position, the Bosnian region was even till the Ottoman period of administration constantly marked by migration processes. The harder part of those migratory experiences is that they cause manifest consequences, as they have been largely an accompanying element of various interests and serious war events in, and around Bosnian region. The Bosnian eyalet as a serhat, as the most remote Krajina administrative unit of the Ottoman state, experienced its establishment and full territorial flourishment a century before the Ottoman defeat at the foot of Vienna in 1683 and the vivid war events and the consequent migrations during the next three decades. The approach for researching that period is not and cannot be the same as when researching peacetime activities, migration flows, and the organization of everyday life within the Eyalet. Therefore, chronologically through the framework of socio-political conditions in which the Ottoman state was found, and with it the Bosnian eyalet, through social structure, long-lasting migratory movements of different intensity, this paper intends to present the reality of the transition between two centuries in which the Ottoman state, due to irrecoverable territorial losses for the first time in its history, takes the ultimate defensive position. All of the above was causally and consequentially conditioned by the network of political relations between individual European countries, the relationship between the latter and the Ottoman state, and the inner relations that reflected on the situation in the Bosnian eyalet as the most remote point to the West. Encouraged by the defeat of Ottomans in the war they themselves incited, the members of the Holy League have offensively and multilaterally forced the Ottoman forces to retreat and lose territory over the coming years. The climate in Europe that was once understood as the defense of Christianity before the spread of Islam which was personified in the Ottoman state, during the Great War turned into territorial gains, individual economic interests, political goals and the better status of power. While Austria, the Venetian Republic, Poland and then Russia undertook military activities, the interest of France was to hold a somewhat neutral position toward the Ottomans. The Netherlands and England have assumed the role of intermediaries, mainly in an effort to preserve the unhindered course of trade. This paper follows their individual participation in the events at the turn of the 17th into the 18th century to that extent which it reflected on the Bosnian eyalet. The forthcoming peace negotiations accelerated the decline of the Ottoman state, which even in the regions with a preserved formal administration did not really have under its control the local authorities and the fulfillment of their obligations. The replacement of the vizier, measures aimed at economic recovery, the murder of the great vizier, the revolt of janissaries and sipahis in Istanbul, the replacement of the Sultan, the moves in the trading business, were largely in the focus of interest of all countries that were surrounding the Ottoman state and whose fields of activity were intertwined. At the territorial level, it suited Dubrovnik to preserve the Ottoman hinterland due to its separateness from Venetian territories, while Austria in the 18th century entered War for the sake of Spanish heritage, with the support of England, Netherlands, Prussia and most of the German princes. In the newly-conquered regions of the seized Ottoman territory, the Habsburgs form four captaincies, Kostajnic, Glinsko, Zrinsko and Jasenovac where the non-Muslim population from Bosnia would settle. With the establishment of peace, the Ottoman state seeks to strengthen the central government too, attentively following the situation in the territories it lost. Incited largely by Austria and England, the Ottoman-Russian war takes place and ends quickly, but by 1712 the same sides were involved in a new conflict already. Following the Ottoman-Venetian war of 1714, the period in which the Bosnian eyalet actively participated in all socio-political circumstances in which the Ottoman state was found, was concluded. One of the key phenomena that included hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the former and remaining parts of the Ottoman state in the Balkans, and especially of the Bosnian eyalet, were migrations to the Bosnian eyalet and from the latter to the outside. Despite outstanding information obtained from the first-class sources, visit reports, church registry books, ottoman extensive cadastral registers, jizya, shikayet, and muhimme defters, the final number of people fleeing at weapon-point fearing for their own lives will never be known. The last thing on these peoples’ minds, who were coming to a new place, was to be registered somewhere, because they hoped they would return. And such people, due to often-present repudiation from locals in the new place of residence, tried to resemble the same population as soon as possible. The newly-arrived population settled in the deserted villages left so after the departure of non-Muslims from Eyalet and engaged in the actual repair of fortresses and similar. Unlike the expansion period, when the Ottoman authorities did not establish new settlements, but gradually converted the existing market grounds, urban settlements into oriental-Islamic type, in the period of withdrawal and the mass influx of immigrants into the territory of the Bosnian eyalet, new cities were formed. This often occurred at the walls of devastated and abandoned fortresses near the new frontiers. The fact that the years at the turn of the 17th into the 18th century are different in this respect, can also be seen by the fact that there were only a few individual construction projects recorded in this period, mainly those which were needed most in new circumstances, such as the bridge in Konjic. There were no more big waqfs who would completely transform the city center. Due to newly-arrived population some villages developed into towns. While during the 17th century there was a stagnation of boroughs due to the migration of non-muslim population outside Eyalet, the beginning of the 18th century is marked by individual and group returns, although much more significant changes in the number of nonMuslims were recorded from the thirties of that century. All the attention of the Ottoman center was focused on strengthening the defense of the protruding fortresses and stabilizing circumstances in which regular tax collection could boost the budget. In the villages around the fortresses that have remained more protected on the inside, jizya collection was possible, but with longer interruptions, following war events, such as the time of Eugene of Savoy’s intrusion or the events in Herzegovina ten years later, and occasional epidemics. According to certain sources, the novelty that political circumstances also brought to the construction field was a significantly increased number of private stone towers noticed for the first time as militaryresidential buildings at the border sections of the Bosnian eyalet. Yet, this was not recorded in defteries until the mid-17th century. The Ottoman legal system was based on foundations which did not allow violent Islamization, and the embrace of Islam could be traced in the preceding centuries by reading non-Muslim origin from the information on "new Muslims" (muslim-i new) from the data regarding a non-Muslim father's name or with less certainty from the Muslim father's name Abdullah. The number of registered baptized population according to Venetian, Dubrovnik and Austrian sources was minor compared to the statements of priests on how many people they had baptized. The local population’s practice of naming the immigrants by the region they come from presents a difficulty in reviewing the migrants’ origin. The family narrative often notes more details on how these same migrants went through multiple migrant experiences, and that they got their surnames only by the latter. An example may be the surname Niksic, which can refer to a man from the Niksic tribe, or people who, as the first migrants from Risna or Novi came to the deserted Onogošte and practically built Niksic, or people who did not even stop by Niksic, but through that same path their fate and circumstances brought them to Central Bosnia, so the locals remember them by the direction they arrived from. A similar situation happened to people who went to Hungarian territories, in the deserted villages following the departure of Muslim population. Some came from Bosnia with their surnames, but in the host country they got their surname Bošnjak from the region they came from. Since its foundation, the Ottoman state had had and developed the settlement policy, settling in all of its provinces, which had also been strategically implemented in Bosnia since the first conquests. Causing displacement in the territories they were conquering, the Ottomans strategically settled the population in certain areas, among which the most noticeable in the territory of the Bosnian eyalet was the Vlach element. The settlement of the nomadic population on abandoned and deserted rural areas, meadows and planting land was common. At the end of the 17th century, in parts of central Bosnia, we recognize them as the Orthodox agrarian people who pay jizya, predominantly a low amount, and often share the same territory with the Catholic people. While in such places their religion can be justifiably assumed only by the prince stated on top of the list, as the chief of the livestock of a particular group with the often-present distinct daily Orthodox or Catholic nomenclature, in the border areas the defters still distinguished the group of Vlach people (the example of defter with the villages Bekijje Krka, Klisa and Hercegovina from 1701.) Migrations were not a specific feature of the Bosnian eyalet at that time. Of course, the contextualization of migration courses and consequences in the whole territory of Balkans, and also Europe, must be taken into consideration, both because of the population from Central Bosnia leaving for the Hungarian territories, and also because of the numerous hired Arnaut soldiers from the Dukagjin or Avlonya who were ordered to come to Bosnian territory. Numerous copts coming from other Ottoman provinces would remain there and become a part of all those migrant identities that would mix in the territory of the Bosnian eyalet and become part of the colorful ethnic image of Bosnia in the phase of pre-national relations and in future socio-political systems. An interdisciplinary study of migration processes in the Ottoman period has so far not been undertaken. One type of such research can be recognized in the discourse on the traces of future ethnic denomination. Migrants’ emotions and their relationship with the place they came from belong to the field of social psychology, regardless if it is an arbitrary or unwanted migration. When it comes to population movements due to violence, fear or physical expulsion, then such movements imply the individual drama of each person. Each person will live it depending on what his world of upbringing, tradition or character is, but that individual identification is often collective too. In this way, migrations in part condition the creation of regional and local identities and to date remain recognizable in some namings, sometimes of a derogatory character. The extent of multiple mixture in the territory of the Bosnian eyalet can be seen from different interpretation possibilities of the origin of the mentioned namings. The most common differences in the meaning of the term Vlach in different regions of Eyalet, the resistance to etymologies they dislike for the word škutor (lat. scutarius, ger. schildträger, rum. scutar, church.slav. скотарь, ukr. скотар, alb. skuter, hung. szkotár, gr. σκουτάριος et al.) are just some of the examples that show the magnitude of stereotypes and prejudices in everyday speech today. Those who come to a new place always carry something from the native land. Some were wearing folk clothes, others brought character, while some brought seeds of favorite fruit, vegetable, grains, while some have recognized their beliefs or customs in the existing cultural and prayer places across Bosnia. The process of encountering, transferring and complementing various traditions has created a long-term spiritual and cultural physiognomy that is not possible to research without a multi-perspective approach to all cultural changes. Migrations are complex events themselves and their simplification deprives the quality of research. A series of details on and from the life of non-Muslim population testifies to the need of further review of all segments of Bosnia’s demographic mosaic; a more complete marker of the changes in structure and proportions of the population according to their religion, in particular by parallel review of the material such as visitors’ reports, church statistics, defters and court records. Through migration, assimilation and integration processes, religious and minority communities have changed, lost or preserved - to a greater or lesser extent - the language, customs, lifestyle, clothing, and similar. By analyzing the living conditions of each of these communities in the mentioned period, depending on socio-political events, with the parallel resolution of the individualized form of social, economic, political, cultural factors, and the survival of religious and minority communities in the territory of the Bosnian eyalet itself, the layerness of its historical-demographic matter will also be more comprehensible

    Oblici diskurzivnog otpora u Luuandi José Luandina Vieire

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    O livro dos contos Luuanda do escritor angolano José Luandino Vieira foi escolhido para o presente trabalho com o objetivo de analisar os mecanismos discursivos de resistência na literatura angolana. A imposição de valores portugueses ao todos os aspetos da sociedade angolana encorajou José Luandino Vieira a modificar um dos valores impostos – a língua portuguesa. Tendo em conta a tradição e património angolano, o escritor recorreu às línguas indígenas, mais particularmente, à língua quimbunda, ao lado da língua portuguesa criando, assim, desvios na língua – uma criação original. As alterações linguísticas são mais notáveis na área do léxico e sintaxe, ocupando assim a posição central na análise da obra Luuanda.Zbirka priča Luuanda angolskog autora José Luandina Vieire odabrana je za temu ovoga rada kako bi se analizirali diskurzivni oblici otpora u angolskoj književnosti. Nametanje portugalskih vrijednosti na sve aspekte angolskog društva potaknulo je José Luandina Vieiru da izmijeni jednu od nametnutih vrijednosti – portugalski jezik. Uzevši u obzir angolsku tradiciju i baštinu, pisac se, u stvaranju vlastitog originalnog izričaja, poslužio domorodačkim jezicima – točnije jezikom Kimbundu – tako stvarajući odstupanja u standardnom obliku portugalskog jezika. Jezične promjene najviše se mogu primijetiti na području leksika i sintakse, time zauzimajući središnju poziciju u analizi djela Luuanda

    Digital technologies in communication between teachers and parents

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    Doktorska disertacija pod nazivom Digitalne tehnologije u komunikaciji odgojitelja i roditelja daje prikaz teorijske i konceptualne osnove te nalaze istraživanja mišljenja i stavova odgojitelja i roditelja o upotrebama digitalnih tehnologija u međusobnoj komunikaciji. Od 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća kada se pojavljuje interes znanstvenika za pitanja suradnje obitelji i odgojno-obrazovne ustanove pa do danas objavljen je niz istraživanja u kojima se pokušalo odgovoriti zašto i kako surađivati (Stričević, 2010; Jackson i Needham, 2014). U istraživanjima odnosa roditelja i odgojitelja znanstvenici se koriste različitim terminima – uključivanje roditelja, suradnja s roditeljima, roditeljska participacija, rad s roditeljima, te partnerstvo s roditeljima (Maleš, 1996; Hornby i Lafaele 2011). Tijekom vremena dolazi do promjena u odnosima između obitelji i odgojno-obrazovne ustanove s obzirom na moć, uloge i način komunkacije sudionika u odnosu. Upravo ta činjenica poticaj je za istraživanje ove teme u današnje vrijeme digitalnih tehnologija. Rad započinje prikazom teorija od samih začetaka komunikacije pa sve do danas,s posebnim naglaskom na teorije temeljene na upotrebi digitalnih tehnologija u procesu komunikacije s naglaskom na servise za komunikaciju kao što su Viber, WhatsApp te društvene mreže Facebook, Instagram i Pinterest koje također omogućavaju komunikaciju svojim korisnicima. Spomenute servise i društvene mreže istraživalo se iz segmenta njihove zastupljenosti u komunikacijskom procesu u ustanovama za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. S naglaskom na ulogu odgojitelja u kontekstu upotrebe digitalnih tehnologija, njegovu informatičku pismenosti te razvoj komunikacije od tradicionalnog ka suvremenom u odnosu na korisnike usluge ustanove odnosno roditelja djece rane i predškolske dobi. Komunikacijske kompetencije i informatička pismenost odgojitelja promatrana je kao konstruktor znanja za razvoj kvalitetnijih komunikacijskih procesa. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati mišljenje i stavove te navike odgojitelja i roditelja u odnosu na korištenje digitalnih tehnologija u međusobnoj komunikaciji. S obzirom na postavljeni cilj, proizlazi glavna hipoteza (Hg) koje glasi: Postoji statistički značajna razlika u komunikaciji između roditelja i odgojitelja putem digitalne tehnologije. Istraživanju se pristupilo kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim istraživačkim postupcima polazeći od hipoteze da digitalne tehnologije potiču razvoj pozitivne komunikacije između odgojitelja i roditelja te imajući na umu preferirane oblike komunikacije od tradicionalne do suvremene. Podaci su se prikupljali putem upitnika te fokus grupa. S obzirom na to da nije pronađen odgovarajući instrument, za potrebe ovoga istraživanja konstruiran je instrument na osnovi definiranih ključnih činitelja komunikacije i servisa za komunikaciju. Instrument je pilotiran radi utvrđivanja metrijskih vrijednosti koje su pokazale validnost čestica upitnika. Ispitivala su se mišljenja i navike odgojitelja i roditelja u vezi s komunikacijom općenito, kao i međusobnom komunikacijom, s naglaskom na korištenje digitalne tehnologije. Istraživački postupci provedeni su u svibnju 2017. godine. Rad predstavlja opsežno istraživanje komunikacije putem digitalne tehnologije između roditelja i odgojitelja djece rane i predškolske dobi u Gradu Zagrebu. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na demografski stratificiranom uzorku prema zemljopisnom području. Na taj način željela se postići ujednačenost roditelja i odgojitelja po ustanovama za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje u Gradu Zagrebu. Ustanove koje su sudjelovale u istraživanju pokrivaju sveukupni teritorij Grada Zagreba (sve četiri strane svijeta te uži centar). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo devet ustanove za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje: „Bukovac“, „Vedri dani“, „Maksimir“, „Cvrčak“, „Siget“, „Utrine“, „Sunčana“, „Prečko“ i „Različak“. Anketno ispitivanje provedeno je na slučajnom uzorku roditelja koji su u vrijeme provedbe istraživanja imali dijete u dobi od 5 do 6 godina koje je pohađalo jednu od navedenih ustanova. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od ukupno N=742 ispitanika odnosno N=342 odgojitelja i N=356 roditelja. Temeljeno na dobivenim rezultatima, (M=4,3;SD=0,94) odgojitelja i (M=4,7;SD=0,60) roditelja smatra da je digitalna tehnologija vrlo korisna te se to može smatrati temeljnim polazištem u izjednačenosti mišljenja roditelja i odgojitelja. Prema rezultatima istraživanja prva hipoteza H1 djelomično je potvrđena jer je mišljenje odgojitelja i roditelja u vezi s poticanjem pozitivne komunikacije putem digitalne tehnologije u koliziji. Šesta je hipoteza H6 odbačena jer nije utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost između radnog staža odgojitelja i roditelja te izbora servisa za komunikaciju. Ostale hipoteze su potvrđene te su samim time prihvaćene, pa se može govoriti o značajnom utjecaju digitalne tehnologije na komunikaciju između odgojitelja i roditelja. Rezultati omogućuju jasniji uvid u mišljenje i navike odgojitelja i roditelja o komunikaciji te preferiranje tradicionalnog odnosno suvremenog oblika komunikacije. Uz utvrđivanje preferencije roditelja odnosno odgojitelja o oblicima komunikacije, doprinos rada temelji se na otkrivanju promjena u komunikaciji između odgojitelja i roditelja nastalih pod utjecajem suvremenog digitalnog okruženja u odnosu na tradicionalne komunikacijske oblike, kao determinante njihovih međuodnosa. Dobiveni rezultati mogu biti temeljne smjernice promjena u edukaciji odgojitelja što se tiče komunikacije s roditeljima te organizacije i funkcioniranja predškolskih institucija općenito, jer je komunikacija ogledalo organizacije. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji potreba za promjenama u komunikaciji između roditelja i odgojitelja te za osiguravanjem mogućnosti za aktivnijim korištenjem digitalnih tehnologija u tom procesu (O'Hara, Massimi, Harper, Rubens i Morris, 2014). Postoje određene razlike u oblicima komunikacije koje preferiraju roditelji od onih koje preferiraju odgojitelji, međutim, zajedničko je mišljenje da je komunikacija licem u lice temelj komunikacije. Digitalna tehnologija pridonosi nadogradnji tradicionalnih oblika komunikacije te komunikaciju čini funkcionalnijom, bržom i lakše dostupnom svima, bez obzira na trenutačnu lokaciju i udaljenost od ustanove za rani i predškolski odgoji i obrazovanje, odnosno odgojitelja kao subjekta u procesu komunikacije (Sully, Barbour i Roberts-King, 2015 ). Znanstveni doprinos ovog istraživanja vidljiv je na nekoliko razina. Prvu razinu čini teorijski pristup komunikaciji odgojitelja i roditelja od tradicionalnog do suvremenog, što do sada nije prikazano na ovaj način te se može smatrati znanstvenim doprinosom. Također nisu pronađeni instrumenti koji mjere preferencije odgojitelja i roditelja u međusobnoj komunikaciji putem digitalne tehnologije primjerene za korištenje na populaciji hrvatskih odgojitelja i roditelja s obzirom na organizacijske i kulturne specifičnosti, stoga razvoj instrumenta u ovom istraživanju predstavlja drugu razinu znanstvenog doprinosa. Zadnja razina znanstvenog doprinosa vidljiva je u korištenju rezultata ovog istraživanja kao polazne točke za nova istraživanja komunikacije odgojitelja i roditelja putem digitalne tehnologije.Doctoral dissertation titled Digital technology in communication between kindergarten teachers and parents gives an overview of the theoretical and conceptual basis and conclusions obtained through research on opinions and attitudes of parents on the use of digital technology in mutual communication. Since the 60s, when the interest among scientists regarding the question of collaboration between families and educational institutions first started to emerge, until today, a series of studies have been published, seeking to answer why and how to collaborate (Stričević, 2010; Jackson & Needham, 2014). In their research on kindergarten teacher-parent relationships, scientists use various terms – parental involvement, collaboration with parents, parental participation, work with parents, and partnership with parents (Maleš, 1996; Hornby & Lafaele 2011). Over time, there occured a change in the relationship between parents and educational institutions with regard to the power, role, and mode of communication of the participants in this relationship. It is this fact that is a source of inspiration for conducting research on this topic today, in the time of digital technology. The paper begins with giving an overview of the theories from the very beginnings of communication until today, with a special emphasis on theories based on the use of digital technology in the process of communication, with an emphasis on communication services such as Viber, WhatsApp, and social networks Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, which also enable communication among their users. The mentioned services and social networks were investigated with regard to the extent to which they are used in the communication process in institutions for early childhood and preschool education, with an emphasis on the role of kindergarten teachers in the context of the use of digital technology, their IT literacy, and the development of communication from traditional to contemporary, in relation to the users of the services of institutions, or parents of children of early and preschool age. Communicative competences and IT literacy of kindergarten teachers were observed as a knowledge constructor for the development of more quality communication processes. The aim of this research was to examine the opinions and attitudes, as well as habits, of kindergarten teachers and parents regarding the use of digital technology in mutual communication. Given the set aim, the following research question arose: What changes does the use of digital technology bring in communication between parents and kindergarten teachers? The research was approached by means of quantitative and qualitative research methods, starting from the hypothesis that the digital technology encourages the development of positive communication between kindergarten teachers and parents and the preferred forms of communication, from traditional to contemporary ones. The data were collected by means of questionnaires and focus groups. Since no suitable instrument was found, one has been designed for the purposes of this research, based on the defined key communication actors and communication services. The instrument was piloted to determine the metric values which showed the validity of questionnaire items. The opinions and habits of kindergarten teachers and parents regarding communication in general, as well as mutual communication, were examined, with an emphasis on the use of digital technology. Research procedures were carried out in May 2017. The paper presents an extensive research of digital communication between parents and kindergarten teachers in the City of Zagreb. Empirical research was conducted on a demographically stratified sample (with regard to the geographical area). In this way, a uniformity of parents and kindergarten teachers across different institutions for early childhood and preschool education in the City of Zagreb was sought to be achieved. The institutions which took part in the research cover the entire territory of the City of Zagreb (all four cardinal directions and the downtown). Nine institutions for early childhood and preschool education took part in this research: “Bukovac”, “Vedri dani”, “Maksimir”, “Cvrčak”, “Siget”, “Utrine”, “Sunčana”, “Prečko” and “Različak”. The survey was conducted on a random sample of parents who at the time of the research had a child aged 5 to 6 attending one of the mentioned institutions. The research was conducted on the total of N=742 respondents, or N=342 kindergarten teachers and N=356 parents. Based on the results, (M=4.3; SD=0.94) kindergarten teachers and (M=4.7; SD=0.60) parents consider that digital technology is very useful, and this can be considered a fundamental starting point in the uniformity of parents’ and kindergarten teachers’ opinions. According to the results of this research, the first hypothesis, H1, was partially confirmed, because the opinions of kindergarten teachers and those of parents collide when it comes to encouraging positive communication through digital technology. The sixth hypothesis, H6, was discarded because no statistically significant correlation was found between the teachers’ and parents’ length of work experience and the choice of communication services. Other hypotheses have been confirmed and, therefore, accepted, so it can be said that digital technology has a significant influence on the parent-teacher communication. The results provide a clearer insight into opinions and habits of kindergarten teachers and parents regarding communication, and the preference of traditional or modern means of communication. In addition to identifying preferences of parents and kindergarten teachers regarding the means of communication, the contribution of this research is based on discovering changes in communication between kindergarten teachers and parents that ensued under the influence of contemporary digital environment as compared to the traditional means of communication, as the determinants of their interrelationships. The results obtained can be fundamental guidelines for changes in education of kindergarten teachers regarding communication with parents, and organization and functioning of preschool institutions in general, because the communication is a mirror of organization. This research has shown there is a need for changes in communication between kindergarten teachers and parents, as well as for providing possibilities for more active use of digital technology in this process (O'Hara, Massimi, Harper, Rubens & Morris, 2014). There are certain differences in forms of communication which are preferred by parents and those preferred by kindergarten teachers, however, they both share the opinion that face to face communication is the basis of communication. The digital technology contributes to the upgrading of traditional forms of communication and is seeking to make communication more functional, faster, and more easily accessible to all, regardless of current location and distance from the early childhood and preschool education institution, or the kindergarten teacher as the subject in the process of communication (Sully, Barbour i Roberts-King, 2015). The scientific contribution of this research is visible on several levels. The first level is based on the theoretical approach to the parent-teacher communication, from the traditional to contemporary, which has not yet been presented in this way, so it can be considered a scientific contribution. Furthermore, no instruments have been found measuring parents’ and teachers’ preferences regarding mutual communication by means of digital technology which would be appropriate for the use on Croatian kindergarten teachers and parents, considering their cultural specificity, therefore the development of the instrument used for this research represents another level of scientific contribution. When it comes to the last level of scientific contribution, there is a possibility to use the results of this research as a starting point for new research on communication between kindergarten teachers and parents through digital technology

    The role of social capital in job searching of young unemployed persons

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    Mrežni socijalni kapital na individualnoj razini definiran je percepcijom veličine i karakteristika socijalne mreže koju pojedinac smatra dostupnom i korisnom u procesu traženja posla i u središtu je interesa rada. Veličina mreže je definirana kao ukupan broj ljudi s kojima je pojedinac povezan, a snaga veze kao bliskost društvenog odnosa između pojedinca i druge osobe u mreži. Bliski prijatelji i rođaci su primjer snažnih veza, dok rijetko kontaktirani poznanici predstavljaju slabe veze koje su socijalno, emocionalno i često fizički udaljene. Status aktera se operacionalizira kao obrazovni, radni i ekonomski status onih koji čine mrežu pojedinca. O ulozi socijalnih mreža u traženju posla mladih visokoobrazovanih osoba se malo zna stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja ispitati njihovu ulogu u zapošljavanju, kao i promjene u karakteristikama socijalnih mreža ovisno o ishodu zapošljavanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku diplomanata različitih javnih fakulteta u Bosni i Hercegovini tijekom tri vremenske točke (N1 = 743; N2 = 501 i N3 = 303) s razmakom od pola godine između svake točke. U sve tri točke mjerenja prikupljali su se podaci o karakteristikama socijalnih mreža i radnom statusu diplomanata temeljeni na njihovim samoprocjenama. Podaci o intenzitetu traženja posla prikupljani su u drugoj i trećoj točki. Rezultati potvrđuju značajnu ulogu mrežnog socijalnog kapitala mjerenog u drugoj točki na zapošljavanje u trećoj točki. Značajnim prediktorima zapošljavanja u trećoj vremenskoj točki pokazali su se snaga veze i status veze aktera. Glede sociodemografskih prediktora socijalnih mreža na koje se mogu osloniti diplomanti prilikom traženja prvog zaposlenja utvrđeno je da socioekonomski status pojedinca i zaposlenost oca predviđaju procjenu vlastite veličine mreže i statusa aktera. Nije utvrđeno da mrežni socijalni kapital moderira odnos između intenziteta traženja posla i zapošljavanja. Značajne razlike u veličini mreže, snazi veze i statusu veze aktera diplomanata koji su se u tijeku istraživanja zaposlili i onih koji su ostali nezaposleni s vremenom su sve veće. Intenzitet traženja posla nezaposlenih diplomanata ne mijenja se značajno tijekom trajanja nezaposlenosti. Prednost istraživanja očituje se u praćenju tražitelja posla komparabilnog psihološkog kapitala od izlaska na tržište rada do zapošljavanja s osvrtom na rasvjetljavanje uloge mrežnog socijalnog kapitala.Introduction. Authors from different areas defined social capital in different ways, but they all have one thing in common. It is basically an asset in social networks that subject has. These social relations separate social from other types of capital (eg. economic, cultural, educational) because its availability depends on relation and not on the characteristics of the actors themselves who own this capital. There are also different dimensions of social capital like structural and cognitive social capital. Structural covers processes, rules and procedures that relate to group or organizational co-operation through social networks. It is described through the configuration of the network to which we belong and the size and scope of the resources available within the same. There is small number of research that were focused on network characteristics and employment outcomes of young people. Some of network characteristics are network size, strength of ties and status of actors in the network. The size of the network is defined as the total number of people with whom the individual is connected, and the strength of the relationship as the closeness of the social relationship between the individual and the other person in the network. Close friends and relatives are an example of strong relationships, while seldom contacted acquaintances represent weak relationships that are socially, emotionally and often physically distant. Status of actors is defined as the educational, employment and economic status of those who make the personal network of individuals. There are a lot of difficulties that young people experience in the transition between education and work. One of them is job searching and getting employment. In today’s job market, university graduates are becoming numerous and vulnerable group without appropriate job after their studies. Framework of the present study is based on Hobfoll's conservation of resources theory (COR). The basic tenet of COR theory is that people have an innate as well as a learned drive to create, foster, conserve, and protect the quality and quantity of their resources. Many things could be conceived as resources, but COR theory relates to those resources that are key to survival and well-being (e.g., shelter, attachment to significant others, self-esteem), or that are linked to the process of creating and maintaining key resources (e.g., money, credit). Work is an important life domain that acts to provide resources directly related to our primary resources. According to the COR theory, social capital is assumed to be a valued and important resource. Latent deprivation theory (Jahoda, 1982, 1997) proposes that employment is important because it provides certain unique benefits. The aim of the research is to examine a relationship between social network characteristics and job search success of university-graduated young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and further, to examine changes in social network characteristics due to employment status. Methodology: Graduates from different public faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in a 3 - wave longitudinal study with N = 743 at T1 to N = 303 at T3. Combining the samples of T1, T2 and T3, the longitudinal sample comprised of N = 303 graduates who participated in all three waves of the data collection (78 % females, 55 % unemployed) with average age 24 years (M = 24.50; SD = 3.37). They were surveyed immediately after receiving diploma and followed up six months and one year after graduating. Data collection lasted from May 2015 to October 2016. Various socio-demographic characteristics of the graduates as well as self-reported personal network characteristics – composition and structure, were in focus. We assessed social network characteristics as a size of network, strenght of tie and tie status. Respondents had to indicate their agreement on a 5-point Social network characteristics scale to 10 statements like ,,I know a lot of people who might help me find a job“ (size of network α=0.79), ,,Most people who might help me find a job are people I know very well, such as family or friends“ (strenght of tie α=0.81) and ,,Most people who might help me find a job have received a good education“ (tie status α=0.76). Job search intensity and employment status were measured in the follow up by the general question about the frequency of job search ,,How often do you actively search for a job“ and six questions related to the frequency of specific search methods. Employment status was dichotomous measure; either unemployed or employed at every wave of the study. Dataset were collected online. In every wave, three participiants who were choosen randomly got a financial reward for participation. To check whether there was systematic drop out of respondents between the waves, a t-test was conducted. All participiants were compared on the variables meausred in first wave. Those who participated in second wave had a shorter study length, lower scores on size and strengths of network compared to those who didn't participated. The magnitude of the effects of these differences, expressed by Cohen's d were low (0.15-0.17). Given that the observed differences were low we can conclude that they didn't affect the systematic drop out of respodents. Respondents who participated in the third wave of the survey and those who had droped out did not differ significantly on any variable measured at the second wave of the survey. Results and discussion. According to multiple regression analyses, the socioeconomic status of an individual is predictor of his own social network: the average material income is a positive predictor of the size of the network, and the average material income and father's employment are a positive predictors of the status of the actors to whom the graduates can rely upon when seeking their first job. Studied socioeconomic characteristics of graduates explain between 2.8 % and 3.45 % of individual differences in the experience of social capital. The studied socioeconomic characteristics of the graduates were not related to the experience of the strenght of the tie. Logistic regressions revealed that socio-demographic characteristics of the graduates as well as their job search intensity were no significant predictors of employment status six months or one year after entering the labor market. However, personal social network variables were significant predictors: personal network composition, i.e., social status of acquaintances and strength of ties were significant predictors of job search success half year after entering the labor market. Contrary to our expectations, size of personal network, as an indicator of network structure, was no significant predictor of employment status in the period of one year after graduation. We also estimated a model where the mediator – social capital, i.e., network characteristics (network size, tie strength and tie status) are located at Time 2, as this allowed us to test for the relationship between job search intensity at Time 2 and employment outcomes in third wave. Social capital wasn't moderator between job search intensity and employment outcomes. According to the ANOVAS, changes in size of network, strenght of tie, tie status and job search intensity among unemployed and employed during the time are tested. As expected, employed graduates reported having larger social networks, with stronger ties and more important connections during the study. Job search intensity of unemployed didn't significantly differ during the time. Conclusion. The research results have theoretical and practical implications which are reflected in the clarification of the role of social capital on the employment, especially of young highly educated people who are in the labor market which is characterised with high unemployment rate. As quality and quantity of social contacts relate to a successful job search, the process of gaining and losing social capital, as resource according to the COR theory, may be crucial for the understanding of differences in career success among people of comparable human capital characteristics. The study integrates the latent deprivation model with conservation of resources theory in explaining the individual meaning of unemployment. This is the first study that addresses influence and consequences of lacking of social capital in job searching at university graduates in context of Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider region with a longitudinal design

    Literary practice of Croatian writers in Germany 1990-2013

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    U ovome su radu opisane i analizirane književne prakse hrvatskih pisaca koji su živjeli i stvarali u Njemačkoj u razdoblju od 1990. do 2013. godine, tj. od raspada Jugoslavije do ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju. Budući da na književnu produkciju bitno utječe društveno-ekonomski položaj i radno-pravni status autora, za potrebe ovoga rada odredili smo tri skupine Hrvata, a time i hrvatskih pisaca koji su u promatranom razdoblju živjeli i radili u Njemačkoj: pisci politički emigranti, pisci hrvatski službenici te pisci ekonomski migranti, odnosno pisci potomci ekonomskih migranata. Od pisaca političkih emigranata, tj. osoba koje su primarno iz političkih razloga, zbog neslaganja s političkim sustavom, emigrirale u Njemačku opisali smo i kontekstualizirali književno stvaralaštvo Malkice Dugeč, Vjenceslava Čižeka, Ivana Otta, Gojka Borića, Joze Mršića i Hrvoja Lorkovića. Od pisaca hrvatskih službenika, osoba koje su hrvatska država ili Katolička crkva u Hrvata uputile na rad u inozemstvo kao diplomate, svećenike, učitelje i slično te koji ne pripadaju u emigrante niti u migrante u uobičajenom smislu riječi, analizirali smo stvaralaštvo Joze Župića, Adolfa Polegubića, Acije Alfirević, Luke Markovića, Miroslava Lovčanina i Mladena Lucića. U skupini ekonomskih migranata i potomaka ekonomskih migranata kojoj pripada ogromna većina, više od 99 % naših sunarodnjaka, mogu se prepoznati dva naraštaja pisaca, mlađi i stariji. Od autora starijeg naraštaja u istraživanju smo obuhvatili djelo Irene Vrkljan, Dragutina Trumbetaša, Nade Pomper Gulije, Zdravka Luburića, Zvonka Plepelića i Pere Mate Anušića. Mladi naraštaj su najčešće potomci, druga generacija ekonomskih migranata, koji uglavnom pišu na njemačkome jeziku i koriste specifične „hrvatske“ teme i motive. Djela Jagode Marinić, Marice Bodrožić, Nicola Ljubića i Nataše Dragnić integralan su dio njemačke književnosti, ali kako u definiranju identiteta treba biti otvoren, čitamo ih i kao djela hrvatske književnosti. Od autora mlađe generacije koji pišu na hrvatskome jeziku ističe se Marijana Dokoza. U istraživanju je korištena literatura o djelima navedenih autora te stručni i znanstveni radovi iz drugih područja (filozofije, sociologije, politologije, itd.), uz naglašen analitički, komparatistički i interdisciplinaran pristup, u prvome redu kroz imagološku prizmu. U radu je istražena interakcija hrvatske i njemačke književne kulture. Istražen je i dvosmjerni utjecaj književne produkcije i skupine u kojoj nastaje. Premda je u našem vremenu izmijenjena društvena funkcija književnosti i ključni čimbenici nacionalne identifikacije, rad pokušava utvrditi utjecaj književnih praksi navedenih pisaca na očuvanje i razvijanje hrvatskoga identiteta naših sunarodnjaka koji žive u Njemačkoj.In this thesis are described and analysed literary practices of Croatian writers who lived and wrote in Germany during the period from 1990 to 2013, from the disintegration of Yugoslavia to the accession of Croatia to the European Union. Since literary production is largely influenced by the socio-economic position, occupational and legal status of the author, for the purpose of this thesis we have defined three groups of Croats, and consequently of Croatian writers who lived and worked in Germany within the studied time frame: writers political emigrants, writers Croatian civil servants and writers economic migrants, or writers descendants of economic migrants. We corroborate such subdivision by the fact that there are two outstanding groups of our compatriots in Germany according to their position and role in the society: political emigrants and Croatian civil servants, while all others, regardless of their extreme heterogeneity, can be defined as economic migrants in the sense of their position and status. Political emigrants, i.e. persons who emigrated to Germany primarily for political reasons, because they disagreed with the political system, which was why their very lives were often threatened, represent a quantitatively small but by their literary production and especially by their cultural activities a very important group. In the literary work of Malkica Dugeč, Vjenceslav Čižek, Ivan Ott, Gojko Borić, Jozo Mršić, Hrvoje Lorković and others, their political activism is continuously present, their engagement for radical socio-political changes in the homeland. The establishment of the sovereign Croatian state brings a huge change into their lives and some of them, after the initial enthusiasm, become somewhat disoriented since the key goal of their political struggle is achieved: a sovereign and independent Republic of Croatia is established but it is of course different from the Croatia that all of them and every one of them have dreamed of and longed for. Their contacts with the homeland intensify, some of them even return to Croatia, which is reflected in their style, motifs and themes of their writing. In the thesis, we have dealt in more detail with the literary creation of the productive poetess Malkica Dugeč, a long time active participant of the cultural and political struggle in the Croatian emigration, whose work has a certain reception even in the homeland and who is the winner of several relevant literary awards. The second group that we have selected is represented by our countrymen who conditionally fall under a common denominator – Croatian civil servants. The persons in question have been detached by the Croatian state or Catholic church to work at foreign posts as diplomats, priests, teachers and the like. They do not belong to emigrants or migrants in the usual sense since their employer is the Catholic church or one of the central administrative bodies of the Republic of Croatia and their primary professional assignment is to act in the educational, political and/or religious sense in Croatian communities and in the non-segmented German society. It is noticeable that in this group as well literary production is very frequent, which of course is not astonishing taking into account the sociological structure and lifestyles of the representatives of this group. We have analysed the creation of Jozo Župić, Adolf Polegubić, Acija Alfirević, Luka Marković, Miroslav Lovčanin and Mladen Lucić. The representatives of this group, in their professional engagement as well as in their literary work, often possess a thread, even intention, of “enlightenment”. This can also be observed in the literary creation of an author whose work we have researched more in detail, Fr. Jozo Župić, a priest who is active for decades in Croatian Catholic missions in Germany, who was a columnist of a Croatian daily newspaper for a number of years and whose short stories are very popular among our countrymen abroad, but also have a reception in the homeland. All the other Croats belong to a heterogeneous and very numerous group of economic migrants, whether they are „Gastarbeiter“ in the narrowest meaning of the word, who went to Germany from the 60ies in the 20th century until today to seek their fortune, or persons who came to Germany for the reasons of marriage or family reunification, or persons who came to Germany for study or professional training, or persons who left Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina as refugees during the Homeland war and have, all of them, stayed on in Germany first of all because of better living conditions. This group comprises a vast majority, more than 99% of our compatriots, so that in this regard and compared to the two earlier mentioned groups a proportionally relatively more modest literary production can be stated. But undoubtedly there are numerous and very productive authors among them, some of which are a part of the canon of Croatian and/or German literature. From the older generation authors, we have included Irena Vrkljan, Dragutin Trumbetaš, Nada Pomper Gulija, Zdravko Luburić, Zvonko Plepelić and Pero Mate Anušić. We have studied more in detail the creative work of Irena Vrkljan, an established author who after having moved to Berlin continued her fruitful and rich literary work. At that time a very highly valued poetess in Croatia, i.e. Yugoslavia, continued to write poetry but she also wrote a few novels that reach the peak of literary production in Croatian literature at the turn of the millennium in general. It is a noticeable fact that in literature the young generation is strongly present, usually descendants, the second generation of economic migrants who for the most part write in German language about “Croatian” themes. It should be said that their literary works function very well as an integral part of German literature but since we live in the times when one should not be exclusive in defining identities but open and “inclusive” (“and” instead of “or”) this should not prevent us from reading them also as the works of Croatian literature. The most outstanding authors are Jagoda Marinić, Marica Bodrožić, Nicol Ljubić and Nataša Dragnić. The Croatian origin have in Germany very successful crime fiction writers Silvija Hinzmann and Zoran Drvenkar. A successful younger generation author who writes in Croatian is Marijana Dokoza. Since the aim of this thesis is to research and analyse the literary practices of Croatian writers who live and work in Germany, because of the specificity of her work, excellent reception in Germany as well as considerable reception in Croatia, we have analysed the literary creation of Jagoda Marinić who we regard as a Croatian and a German writer. Since the works of the listed authors, with the exception of Irena Vrkljan and partly Jagoda Marinić, Marica Bodrožić, Malkica Dugeč and Adolf Polegubić, do not have an appropriate reception in the homeland, it is an important aim of our research to describe and analyse their literary production as well as present and bring it closer to the Croatian literary public in order to create the preconditions for the integration of their works into the corpus of Croatian literature, and the works of certain authors even into the canon of Croatian literature. In the course of research for the purpose of professional description and definition as well as systematisation into the existing perception of Croatian literature, fundamental literature has been used from the field of literary history and literary theory, in addition available literature about the literary practices of the listed authors in the observed period as well as professional and scientific works from other fields: philosophy, sociology, political science etc., also stressing the analytical, comparatist and interdisciplinary approach to research. Since because of the very outstanding position and role of the images of Croatia, Yugoslavia and Germany in the vast majority of the works in question the imagological theory is very suitable, in this thesis, besides the fundamental research and systematisation of the corpus, the original literary material is processed through the imagological prism. In the thesis, a two-way influence is researched and confirmed, of the Croatian community in which it appears on the literary production as well as of the literary production on the community. Although in our time the social function of literature is changed and so are the key factors of national identification, the influence of literary practices of the listed authors on the conservation and development of the Croatian identity of our countrymen who live in Germany has been established

    Genocide in Tasmania and Rohan Wilson's The Roving Party

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    The aim of this paper is to elucidate how the process of the colonisation of Tasmania in the nineteenth century led to a gradual disintegration of its native inhabitants, the Aboriginal Tasmanians, and ended up with an alleged extinction of an entire race. The paper describes conditions on the Tasmanian frontier, and moments of fierce violence that eventually led to such an outcome, and places it in the context of the violence committed by the settlers in the whole of Australia, showing that there existed a pattern. What is elaborated further is how the violence in Tasmania came to be represented in historiography, from the discourses that saw Tasmania as the site of the extinction of a weaker race to the notion of Tasmania as a site of genocide committed by the British Empire. Fierce debates, especially in the last 40 years, point to the issues in defining Tasmania as a site of genocide, and whether such a definition can be applied in this case. It explains why Tasmania can be seen as a site of genocide, even though it does not conform entirely to the definition of genocide provided by the UN Convention on Genocide. The paper further provides an analysis of Rohan Wilson’s The Roving Party, novel that deals with a particularly violent moment from Tasmania’s history. The analysis of the novel shows how the events described in the novel can be seen as a part of a bigger process – of the ongoing process of genocide

    Konzeptuelle Metaphern in der Textsorte Horoskop: Anwendung im DaF-Unterricht

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    Konzeptuelle Metaphern sind ein wesentlicher Teil der Sprache und des Spracherwerbs. Sie kommen in vielen Aspekten des Lebens vor und werden meistens unbewusst verstanden, kreativ produziert und benutzt. Genau deswegen ist es wichtig, konzeptuelle Metaphern im Prozess des Sprachlernens und -lehrens nicht zu vernachlässigen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema der konzeptuellen Metaphern und ihrer Anwendung im DaF-Unterricht mithilfe von Horoskoptexten, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf dem DaF-Unterricht im kroatischen Schulsystem

    The role of distractor strength in visual working memory

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    U posljednjih desetak godina, spoznaje o funkcioniranju vidnog radnog pamćenja (VRP) iz temelja su promijenjene pojavom modela resursa VRP-a. Pretpostavka ove skupine modela jest kako je VRP ograničen skup resursa koji se kontinuirano dijeli između svih podražaja koji se pamte, bez pretpostavke o postojanju limita u broju podražaja na koje se resursi mogu podijeliti. Porastom broja podražaja koji se pamti smanjuje se količina resursa pridana svakom podražaju, a samim time i reprezentacijska snaga svakog podražaja. Ova pretpostavka potvrđena je nalazima kako preciznost dosjećanja kontinuirano pada s porastom broja podražaja koji se pamti. Premda modeli resursa imaju jasne pretpostavke o ulozi količine resursa kojom je neki podražaj kodiran u preciznosti dosjećanja, otpornost snažnijih reprezentacija na perceptivne distraktore gotovo je neistraženo pitanje. Intuitivno, mogućnost zadržavanja zapamćenih informacija uslijed distraktora ovisi o snazi reprezentacija tih informacija, pri čemu će snažnije reprezentacije u manjoj mjeri biti narušene distraktorima. Druga važna odrednica otpornosti reprezentacija VRP-a na perceptivne distraktore je snaga samih distraktora. U ovom istraživanju željeli smo sustavno ispitati ulogu ova dva čimbenika - snage distraktora i snage reprezentacija u VRP-u - na preciznost dosjećanja u zadatku kontinuirane procjene u VRP-u. U eksperimentu 1 snaga reprezentacije manipulirana je variranjem broja podražaja koji se pamtio i dostupnim vremenom kodiranja. U eksperimentu 2a nakon kodiranja podražaja jednom je podražaju dan prioritet za dosjećanje. U eksperimentu 2b tijekom faze zadržavanja pažnja je privremeno usmjerena na jedan od zapamćenih podražaja s ciljem osvježavanja njegove reprezentacije. U posljednjem, eksperimentu 3, distraktori su prikazivani tijekom različitih faza obrade podražaja (kodiranja, zadržavanja, dosjećanja) uz pretpostavku kako je snaga reprezentacije najslabija prije no što kodiranje završi. Snaga perceptivnih distraktora u svim eksperimentima manipulirana je kao vrijeme prikaza distraktora i to na tri razine (bez distraktora, slabi distraktor, snažni distraktor). Rezultati su pokazali kako snaga reprezentacije ima važnu ulogu u zaštiti reprezentacije od distraktora. Dosjećanje podražaja kojima je pridano više resursa uslijed pamćenja manjeg broja podražaja i dužeg vremena kodiranja (eksperiment 1), koji su označeni kao prioritetni za dosjećanje (eksperiment 2a), koji su osvježeni tijekom faze zadržavanja (eksperiment 2b), te kojima faza kodiranja nije ometena (eksperiment 3), bilo je preciznije i uslijed prikaza distraktora. Uloga snage distraktora je potvrđena, no bila je kompleksna i ovisila je o na cinu na koji su reprezentacije osvježene. Model mješovitih distribucija koji pretpostavlja kako se dosjećanje može opisati točnim dosjećanjima, pogreškama zamjene, intruzijama i pogađanjem, dobro je pristajao podacima. Najkonzistentnije promjene uočene su u vjerojatnosti točnog dosjećanja. Važno, intruzije su se pokazale sastavnom vrstom pogrešaka u svim eksperimentima.Introduction Our environment is overloaded with visual information, with only a fraction of them necessary for an ongoing task. What determines the success of performing everyday tasks in such an environment? Visual working memory (VWM) is considered a vital component of most complex behaviours, but previous studies provided evidence of its susceptibility to irrelevant visual information, i.e. distractors. When is VWM impervious to distractors? VWM is best described as a highly limited resource that is flexibly shared among items in a visual scene. As the number of items increases, the amount of resources allocated to each item decreases, leading to a decline in strength (i.e. quality) of memory representations, and consequently to less precise recall of each item. This finding is consistent with a resource model of VWM and has been highlighted as a hallmark observation in VWM studies. An alternative view is provided by the influential "slot" model of VWM which claims that VWM is limited with a fixed maximum number of items that can be held in memory at one time. Moreover, according to this model, an item is either represented in its entirety in a memory slot or not stored at all. Strength of memory representation is therefore almost completely neglected in this type of model. However, investigation of the role of representation strength, besides the well known set size effect, has been limited even in studies motivated by the resource model. It is an intuitive prediction that memorandum strength should influence task performance. For example, our ability to maintain relevant information in the presence of distracting visual input should depend on the strength of memoranda, with stronger representations suffering less from irrelevant visual input. Here we thoroughly investigated the roles of strength of representations in VWM and distractor strength. Method To this end, we conducted four experiments (N = 64) in which we systematically manipulated the strength of VWM representations and the strength of distractors. We employed a delayedestimation task with continuous report, wherein subjects memorized colour stimuli. We manipulated strength of representation by: manipulating set size and encoding time (experiment 1), prioritizing one item for recall (experiment 2a), refreshing a representation of a single item during maintenance (experiment 2b), or interrupting memory phases before and after a stable representation was formed (experiment 3). After showing a memory array but before recalling one of the memorized items, irrelevant visual stimuli were shown. Simultaneously with memoranda strength, we manipulated distractor strength (no distractors, weak distractors, strong distractors). Results In all experiments we consistently found evidence that strength of memoranda serves a protective role against visual distractors. Regardless of the method used to manipulate memoranda strength, recall of stronger memoranda was less vulnerable to distractors. On the other hand, the effect of distractor strength showed a complex pattern which differed between experiments and depended on the manipulation of VWM representation strength. Next, we fit the data with a mixture model which assumes that the recall error distribution is a mixture of target recall, swap errors, intrusions, and guesses. This model captured the data well and showed better fit than the alternative normal + uniform model. When analyzing parameters of this model the most consistent manipulation dependent changes were observed on the target recall parameter. Intrusions were observed in all experiments. Interestingly, they depended more on VWM representation strength than on distractor strength. Conclusion This study revealed that strength of memoranda in VWM serves a protective role against visual distractors, making any addition of mechanisms of memoranda protection or distractor inhibition unnecessary. However, we showed that distractors, regardless of their strength, are able to penetrate VWM and lead to a decrease in recall precision. These findings are consistent with a resource conceptualisation of VWM where representational strength (i.e. the amount of allocated resources) plays a crucial role in ability to perform a task


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