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    In this technological era, some institutions in the world have scanned herbarium specimens into images and stored them in special portals. This makes it easier for researchers to access various collections spread all over the world. This study aimed to provide information about the online database portals that provide scanned images of herbarium specimens. The study was conducted by compiling the online database portals that provide scanned images of herbarium specimens in a matrix and then was scored to give recommendations for selecting a priority portal. The data were analyzed and described descriptively. This study showed that there are 13 online database portals that provide scanned images of herbarium specimens, namely portals of Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH), BioPortal: Browse Dutch Natural History Collections (BioPortal), e-ReColNat, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Kew Herbarium Catalogue (HerbWeb), Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio), JACQ Virtual Herbaria (JACQ), JSTOR’s Global Plants (JSTOR), MNHN Vascular Plants (P), NYBG C. V. Starr Virtual Herbarium, Plants of the World Online (POWO), Reflora Virtual Herbarium (Reflora), and Tropicos. The thirteen portals have characteristics (features) that are different from one another, not all of them provide fully open (free) access, scanned images of herbarium specimens downloaded are varied, and the availability of a feature for real-time observation of scanned herbarium specimens


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    The performance of the university library must always be evaluated and assessed. Assessment or evaluation activities usually have to use standard measuring tools, so that the results can be accounted for. The results of the evaluation carried out correctly can be used as a reference and basis for library development in the future. This research is an evaluated study of the library service performance evaluation of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (UINSA). The standards used as evaluation tools are the National Standards for College Libraries (SNP 13 of 2017) and the Standards for libraries in higher education issued by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). 2018. Using both instruments of national and international standards, the researcher wants to know the level of achievement of UINSA's library service performance from these two levels. This study uses the collecting data methods, namely documentation, questionnaires, and observations. Documentation is used to evaluate performance based on SNP 13 in 2017 while a questionnaire is used to evaluate performance based on the Standard for libraries in higher education. Documentation guide using the university library accreditation instrument. Meanwhile, the questionnaire was compiled based on the performance indicators of the 3 (three) principles of Standard for libraries in higher education, namely Professional Values, Education role, and Discovery. The results showed that the performance of UINSA Library services based on SNP 13 of 2017 had reached the standard, with a value of 4.6. The Evaluation based on the Standard for libraries in higher education, it also exceeds the standard with a value of 4.2. The results of this study became the basis for the preparation of a long-term library development policy document as part of the quality manual document. A document that will form the basis of library development for the next 5 years

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    ABSTRACTDigital marketing development becomes the achievement focus of one government program. The government declares the target as a digital economy country in Asia region. Industry advancement correlates to the research activity conducted by academics. There are two types of cosmetics distributed to the market, namely halal cosmetics and non-halal cosmetics. The objectives of this research were to find out (1) the growth of the numbers of research article and citation, (2) the development article and citation level’s progress, (3) the correlation among the authors (co-authors), (4) the co-occurrence of halal cosmetics-related research in digital marketing from 2016 to 2021. This study was conducted by employing bibliometric method. The data collection applied Publish or Perish method using the key words of “Halal Cosmetics” and “Digital Marketing”. The analysis was done to 60 relevant articles throughout 2016 to 2021. The collected data were analyzed using VOSviewer software. The analysis result showed that the growth of the numbers of article publication and citation level tended to increase per year. The publication achievement in 2016 showed that there were two articles with 7 citations. The articles number published in 2021 increased by 45% and there were 27 articles. Article development showed that the article entitled “Determinants of purchase intention of halal cosmetic products among Generation Y consumers” had 19 citations achievement. Co-author analysis suggested that there were 3 clusters formed. The limited number of formed co-author showed the gap of research development on halal cosmetics in digital marketing. Co-occurrence analysis indicated that there were 8 clusters with halal cosmetics’ purchase decision as the most dominant topic. ABSTRAKPengembangan pemasaran digital menjadi fokus capaian salah satu program pemerintah. Pemerintah mencanangkan target sebagai negara ekonomi digital diwilayah Asia. Kemajuan industri berkaitan dengan kegiatan penelitan yang dilakukan oleh akademisi. Terdapat dua jenis kosmetik yang berada di pasar, yakni kosmetik halal serta kosmetik non halal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui (1) pertumbuhan jumlah artikel dan sitasi, (2) Perkembangan Artikel serta tingkat sitasi, (3) Hubungan antar peneliti (co-author), (4) Hubungan antar kata (co–occurrence) penelitian kosmetik halal dalam pemasaran digital pada tahun 2016 – 2021. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode bibliometrik. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Publish or Perish dengan kata kunci “Halal Cosmetics” dan “Digital Marketing”. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan perangkat lunak VOSviewer. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan jumlah publikasi artikel dan tingkat sitasi cenderung meningkat setiap tahun. Capaian publikasi pada tahun 2016 menunjukkan 2 artikel dengan sitasi sebanyak 7. Jumlah artikel yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 2021 mengalami peningkatan mencapai 45% dengan jumlah 27 artikel. Perkembangan artikel menunjukkan artikel dengan judul “Determinants of purchase intention of halal cosmetic products among Generation Y consumers” dengan capaian sitasi sebanyak 19. Analisis co-author menunjukkan klaster yang terbentuk sebanyak 3 klaster. Terbatasnya jumlah yang terbentuk pada co-author menunjukkan celah pengembangan penelitian kosmetik halal dalam pemasaran digital. Analisis co-occurrence menghasilkan 8 klaster dengan topik yang paling dominan adalah keputusan pembelian kosmetik halal

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    Functional food consumption is on the rise and has a significant market value. Indonesia is one of the largest mangosteens (a functional food source commodity) exporting countries globally. Unfortunately, the mangosteen export is still in fresh fruit condition, not in other forms that have a higher value. Policymakers need to identify critical technologies in the development of mangosteen commodities. This study uses a patent-based technology document analysis method to map the potential of technology. The data used is patent data that has been registered with the Indonesian Patent Office and the WIPO Patentscope database. The analysis was carried out using computational methods, namely a Social Network Analysis with the Girvan-Newman algorithm. According to the study's findings based on global patent data, there are three major technology clusters used in mangosteen patents: 1) 24 percent for technology related to developing preparations for medical, dental, or toilet purposes (A61K). 2) 20% for food and food ingredient technology or non-alcoholic beverages (A23L). The remaining 43 percent is spread across many other IPC technology codes, including technology related to drug preparations (A61P). It is in line with the results of patent data analysis in Indonesia, which also shows that there are three dominant technology groups applied to mangosteen in Indonesia, namely 1) Technology related to the development of medical, dental, and toilet technology (A61K) of 47 percent; 2) Technology related to food and food ingredients or non-alcoholic drinks (A23L) by 18 percent, and 3) Technology related to drug preparations (A61P) by 13 percent and the remaining 22 percent spread over several other IPC technology codes. According to Social Network Analysis, the world's dominant technology cluster for mangosteen is technology related to the development of food and food ingredients or non-alcoholic beverages (A23L). The technology associated with medical, dental, and toilet technology is the most important mangosteen technology cluster in Indonesia (A61K)


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    ABSTRACTThe existence of useful and accounted sources of information generally are available in the library. Teenagers should be suggested to visit the library regularly. Efforts to lead teenagers to use the village library must be taken seriously by librarians. This research aims to explain how to increase the interest in reading through the village library of Kerano Kuncoro to overcome the online game trend. This research uses a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were village library officer Kerano Kuncoro and library users that also a student. The Data collection methods use interview and observant data. The data is analyzed qualitatively through the stages of data collection, data reduction, presentation of data, and withdrawal of conclusions. The results obtained are: 1) the condition of the Kerano Kuncoro library room is quite comfortable for the library users; 2) the library collection is quite complete and diverse; 3) library officials are very cooperative with library users; 4) there is free wi-fi services; 5) teenagers are motivated to visit the village library regularly. Increased interest in reading through the village library to overcome the online game trend is vital.   Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the average number of visitors per day was between 25 and 30. An average daily visit of at least 2 hours will automatically reduce their time to play online game. Researchers suggest the need for cooperation between the village library and the village government to organize a unique and exciting program; the village library should continue to try to complement and provide up-to-date collections. ABSTRAKKeberadaan sumber-sumber informasi yang bermanfaat dan kontennya bisa dipertanggungjawabkan umumnya ada di perpustakaan. Remaja seharusnya diarahkan untuk mau berkunjung secara rutin ke perpustakaan. Upaya-upaya untuk mengarahkan remaja di desa agar mau memanfaatkan perpustakaan harus dilakukan oleh pustakawan secara serius. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan bagaimana peningkatan minat baca remaja melalui Perpustakaan Desa Kerano Kuncoro untuk mengatasi kecenderungan remaja bermain game online. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah petugas Perpustakaan Desa Kerano Kuncoro dan pemustaka yang berstatus pelajar. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif melalui tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah: 1) kondisi ruangan Perpustakaan Kerano Kuncoro cukup nyaman bagi pemustaka; 2) koleksi perpustakaan cukup lengkap dan beragam; 3) petugas perpustakaan sangat kooperatif terhadap pengungjung perpustakaan; 4) adanya layanan wifi gratis; 5) remaja termotivasi untuk mengunjungi perpustakaan desa secara rutin. Peningkatan minat baca melalui perpustakaan desa untuk mengatasi kecenderungan game online sangat perlu.  Sebelum terjadinya pandemik Covid-19, jumlah rata-rata pengunjung perhari antara 25-30 orang. Dengan rata-rata kunjungan perhari minimal 2 jam otomatis akan mengurangi alokasi waktu mereka untuk bermain game online. Peneliti menyarankan perlunya kerjasama antara perpustakaan desa dan pemerintah desa agar dapat menyelenggarakan program kegiatan yang unik dan menarik dan sebaiknya perpustakaan desa terus mencoba untuk melengkapi dan menyediakan koleksi yang up to date


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    ABSTRACTInformation search is carried out by all groups to support their daily work. This is also done by content creators as content creators so that the content shared is accurate and useful. This study aims to describe the information behavior of content creators using David Ellis' information behavior model. This research is a type of qualitative research. Data collection techniques with interviews and documentation studies. Sampling in the study was selected through a purposive sampling technique. Through this technique, two people were chosen to act as content writers and editors as informants in this study because they were directly involved in developing story ideas and writing video scripts for the "How come?" Youtube channel. Data analysis through data reduction, coding, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that in the early stages, content creators identified their information needs through the main literature; chaining, understanding information, enriching information sources; browsing, tracing information sources both digital and print media; differentiate, choose sources of information according to the preferences of content creators; monitoring, monitoring the flow of development of information sources; extracting, identifying and recording information points; verify, re-check the information that has been collected; ending, do the packaging and share the videos that have been made. The conclusion of the study shows that content creator search behavior is an active information search behavior because they know the need for information and try to fulfill it by finding and selecting sources of information. The results of the analysis show that the main factors that drive information needs into information seeking behavior are due to job demands and their desire to share informative and educative content with audiences. In addition, information search is also carried out to increase their knowledge and insight. ABSTRAKPencarian informasi dilakukan oleh semua kalangan untuk mendukung pekerjaannya sehari-hari. Hal ini juga yang dilakukan oleh content creator sebagai seorang pembuat konten agar konten yang dibagikan akurat dan dapat dimanfaatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku informasi content creator menggunakan model perilaku informasi David Ellis. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Sampling dalam penelitian dipilih melalui teknik purposive sampling. Melalui teknik tersebut terpilih dua orang yang berperan sebagai content writer dan editor selaku informan pada penelitian ini karena mereka adalah pihak yang berhubungan langsung dalam pengembangan ide cerita dan penulisan script video pada kanal youtube “Kok Bisa?”. Analisis data melalui reduksi data, coding, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa pada tahap starting, content creator mengidentifikasi kebutuhan informasinya melalui key literature; chaining, memahami informasi, memperkaya sumber informasi; browsing, menelusuri sumber informasi baik media digital dan cetak; differentiating, seleksi sumber informasi sesuai preferensi content creator; monitoring, memantau arus perkembangan sumber informasi; extracting, identifikasi dan pencatatan poin informasi; verifying, pemeriksaan kembali informasi yang telah dikumpulkan; ending, melakukan pengemasan dan membagikan video yang telah dibuat. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pencarian content creator adalah perilaku pencarian informasi aktif karena mereka mengetahui kebutuhan informasi dan berusaha untuk memenuhi hal tersebut dengan melakukan pencarian dan seleksi terhadap sumber informasi. Hasil analisis diketahui faktor utama yang mendorong kebutuhan informasi menjadi perilaku pencarian informasi adalah karena tuntutan pekerjaan serta keinginan mereka untuk membagikan konten yang bersifat informatif dan edukatif bagi penontonnya. Selain itu pencarian informasi juga dilakukan untuk menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan mereka


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    ABSTRACTReading habit in today’s society comes to a new dimension. Digital or electronic books (e-books) have been considered in the groups of reading sources in the present era. It means that printed books are no longer dominant as the only reading source. Since this is new and inevitable, society seems to have no choice but to follow the development. Therefore, this study was conducted to gain specific information/study about the preferences of the public, especially researchers and academics, in reading nonfiction books through printed and digital books. This research used quantitative methods from the survey result and descriptive analysis techniques to explain the data. The result showed that among 105 respondents consisting of researchers and academics, they prefer to read academic materials in printed format rather than digital ones. Emotional impression, eye comfort, level of understanding, ease, lack of technological engagement, and employment are crucial, making most respondents prefer to read books in print rather than digital (electronic). Thus, this study shows that the availability of digital books does not necessarily shift the existence of printed books because when the respondents are asked to choose, they, researchers and academics, actually prefer choosing nonfiction books in printed form over digital ones.ABSTRAKDewasa ini budaya membaca bagi masyarakat sampai pada suatu dimensi baru. Buku cetak tak lagi menjadi satu-satunya sumber bacaan sebab keberadaan buku-buku digital atau elektronik (e-book) turut mewarnai kelompok-kelompok sumber bacaan di era masa kini. Mengingat ini adalah sesuatu yang baru dan tak dapat dielakkan, maka masyarakat seolah tidak mempunyai pilihan lain selain mengikuti perkembangan yang ada. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan satu informasi/kajian khusus mengenai preferensi masyarakat, khususnya peneliti dan akademisi, dalam membaca buku-buku nonfiksi melalui buku tercetak dan buku digital. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dari hasil survei serta teknik analisis deskriptif untuk menjelaskan data yang didapat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 105 responden yang terdiri atas peneliti dan sivitas akademisi, mereka lebih memilih membaca buku-buku dalam format tercetak daripada digital. Kesan emosional, kenyamanan mata, tingkat pemahaman, kemudahan, minimnya keterlibatan teknologi, serta lapangan kerja dianggap oleh responden sebagai hal-hal krusial yang membuat mayoritas dari mereka lebih memilih membaca buku dalam bentuk tercetak ketimbang digital (elektronik). Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketersedian buku-buku digital tidak serta merta menggeser eksistensi buku tercetak sebab jika disuruh memilih, preferensi sebagian responden yang merupakan kalangan peneliti dan akademisi justru jatuh pada buku-buku nonfiksi dalam bentuk tercetak


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