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    Upotreba strojnog prijevoda u prevođenju kreativnih jezičnih elemenata – kvalitativno istraživanje

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    Given the rise in the quality of machine translation (MT) output in recent years and the emerging research regarding its implementation in the translation of literary texts, this paper explores the ways in which translation students use MT while dealing with creative texts. The study focuses in particular on the effects which MT has on creativity. The participants were asked to post edit one part of a journalistic text, originally written in their L1, into their L2 or L3, and to translate another part of the same text from scratch, in the same direction. Afterwards, they were given a short questionnaire in which they were asked to comment on the tasks. The results reveal some inconsistencies in the participants’ responses. For example, the majority prefer translating from scratch, but still use MT in their translation tasks even though they admit it does not provide much help. Most participants also stated that MT had a negative effect on their creativity and that this was one of the main reasons they found post editing to be the more difficult task. However, the majority would still continue to use MT even when dealing with similar texts. The participants’ lack of experience in post-editing, as well as a lack of target language competence in some cases, is likely to have contributed to such findings.Kvaliteta strojnog prijevoda posljednjih je godina značajno porasla, pa se pojačano istražuje i njegova moguća primjena u prevođenju književnih tekstova. Uzimajući to u obzir, u ovom se radu istražuju načini na koje studenti prevoditeljskog smjera upotrebljavaju strojni prijevod pri prevođenju kreativnih tekstova. U istraživanju se posebno promatraju učinci strojnog prijevoda na kreativnost. Zadatak sudionika bio je da obave redakturu strojnog prijevoda novinskog teksta, koji je izvorno napisan na njihovom materinskom jeziku (L1), na prvom ili drugom stranom jeziku (L2 ili L3) te da drugi dio istog teksta ispočetka prevedu u istom smjeru. Nakon toga su dobili kratki upitnik u kojem su trebali komentirati zadatke. U rezultatima su vidljive određene nedosljednosti u komentarima sudionika. Na primjer, većina je rekla da preferira prevođenje ispočetka, ali u zadatku prevođenja svejedno su upotrebljavali strojni prijevod iako su napomenuli da im on zapravo i ne pomaže. Većina ispitanika također je rekla da strojni prijevod negativno utječe na njihovu kreativnost i da je to jedan od glavnih razloga zašto im je zadatak redakture bio teži. Međutim, većina ispitanika svejedno bi se u budućnosti koristila strojnim prijevodom u prevođenju sličnih tekstova. Manjak iskustva u redakturi, ali u nekim slučajevima i manjak kompetencija u ciljnom jeziku, vjerojatno su doprinijeli takvim rezultatima

    Transcriptions of oral literary forms on the island of Cres and their contextualization

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    Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti usmenu književnost otoka Cresa koja do sada nije bila sustavno zabilježena, valorizirana i opisana. Zapisi verbalne tradicijske kulture otoka Cresa nalaze se zabilježeni u različitim izvorima. Ono što se željelo postići ovim radom je, osim prikupljanja, dati opis usmenoknjiževnih zapisa prema motivskim, tematskim i žanrovskim osobitostima uz osvrt na kontekst i funkcije prikupljenoga korpusa te odnos zajednice prema vlastitoj verbalnoj tradicijskoj kulturi. Kako bi se provelo istraživanje, prikupljen je korpus usmenoknjiževnih tekstova vlastitim terenskim istraživanjem koje je provedeno u više navrata tijekom 2006., 2013., 2018. i 2019. godine. Uz zapise prikupljene terenskim istraživanjem, korišteni su i već postojeći usmenoknjiževni zapisi iz različitih objavljenih i neobjavljenih izvora. Korpus je podijeljen prema vremenu zapisa te žanrovima, temama i motivima o kojima govore pojedini tekstovi koristeći uobičajene podjele usmenoknjiževne građe. Osim analize korpusa, dan je i prikaz povijesti otoka s obzirom na to da društveni kontekst i prostor na kojemu funkcionira usmena književnost utječu na usmenoknjiževnu komunikaciju, odnos prema tradicijskoj kulturi i funkcijama koje verbalna tradicijska kultura ispunjava u zajednici iz koje je potekla. Zaključci koji su izvedeni govore o tome kako je verbalna tradicijska kultura izgubila neke od prijašnjih praktičnih funkcija, ali dobila je nove funkcije prilagođene potrebama suvremenoga čovjeka. Promjene u načinu života utjecale su na formu i obradu pojedinih tema i motiva koji su se prilagodili suvremenim potrebama stanovništva. Smanjio se korpus usmene književnosti koja cirkulira u usmenoknjiževnoj komunikaciji otoka Cresa te su se promijenile govorničke situacije u kojima se odvija usmenoknjiževna komunikacija. Neki su žanrovi i teme vitalniji i čvršće ukorijenjeni u suvremenosti. To su oni koji su se uspješno prilagodili i nastavili ispunjavati potrebe zajednice. Provedenim terenskim istraživanjem utvrđeno je kako i dalje postoji usmena književnost u izvedbi. U današnje vrijeme, verbalni folklor djelomično odražava kulturu otoka Cresa. Pojedini žanrovi usmene književnosti imaju relevantniju funkciju u suvremenom društvu te pokazuju vitalnost u kontekstu življenja, očuvanja i proizvodnje mjesnoga identiteta otoka Cresa i kulturne reprezentacije otoka.The aim of this thesis was to explore the oral literature of the island of Cres, which has not been systematically recorded, evaluated and described so far. This thesis takes as its premise that an area's oral literary tradition is passed down from one generation to the next, preserving a form of narrative continuity specifics – in this case, specifics particular to the Cres Island. Transcriptions of the oral traditional culture of the island can be found in various sources. Besides recording the oral tradition of the island of Cres, another important goal was to analyse and describe the oral literary traditions according to motif, theme and genre, with an overview of the context and functions of the collected corpus obtained during the research and the society's attitude towards its own oral traditional culture. In order to carry out the research, the corpus of oral literary texts was self-collected through field research conducted multiple times in 2006, 2013, 2018, and 2019. In addition to the self-collected corpus, the author used recordings already available in numerous published and unpublished sources. The corpus was categorized according to period of collection, genres, themes, and motifs that specific texts discuss, using the general divisions of oral literary materials. Taking into account the social context that affects oral literary communication, attitudes toward tradition, and the roles that oral tradition serves in the community from which it originated, this work also provided a brief history of the island of Cres. In addition to the records I collected myself, I also compiled existing material of oral literature from various sources. The corpus used for this study thus includes 513 stories, 245 poems, and 133 proverbs, for a total of 891 inscriptions. Before 2006, 390 recordings were made, and 501 recordings were produced after 2006. Using the standard categories for oral literary materials, the corpus is divided into categories based on time collected, genre, and themes. The three main categories are oral stories, oral poems and proverbs. Oral narratives are divided into folktales (demonological, etiological, and historical), folk tales about buried treasures, legends, jokes, fortune telling, superstitions, and everyday stories. There were 513 oral tales collected. Before 2006, when the collection of folklore of the island of Cres for this thesis began, 77 recorded tales used for this study were written. Within the corpus of stories, there is the largest number of folktales – 377 of them. Secondly, following in number, 61 legends were compiled. There are also 30 jokes, 16 everyday and funny stories, 10 superstitions and 7 fortune tellings. Among the folktales, the number of demonological folk tales is the largest with 281 narrative. Most of the demonological folklore emerged in recent times (after 2006) – 230 demonological tales have been recorded. A total of 245 oral poems were gathered by the author, of which 193 are included in the older narratives and 52 in the more recent ones. The Tanja Perić-Polonijo categorization is used to categorize poems based on the themes they address, with addition of a few ballads and a few children songs. Proverbs that don't account for a sizable portion of the record are also included in the corpus. There were 133 proverbs that were noted. Thirty-six records existed prior to 2006, and thirteen records were made during the field research. Corpus was described and analysed. The specific features of the recordings and texts were described, as their contemporary function, the vitality of some genres and specific motifs, and finally attitude of the community towards its own verbal culture. The interpretation of the texts gave insight into the existence of different genres of oral literature on Cres, their characteristics, and their representation in older and newer records. Characteristics of the corpus are influenced by elements of culture and the life of local people. Oral literature primarily addresses the community. It represents shared knowledge, experience, and moral values. It must be embraced and accepted by the community as a whole in order for it to survive, and it needs to reflect the worldview of an individual within the community that uses that oral literature. Through various genres and themes, oral literature problematizes the reality of the society in which it was created in the broadest sense of the word. When interpreting verbal traditional culture, it is important to take into account the social context and space in which oral literature functions and the community that imitates it to gain insight into oral literary potential. The oral literature of Cres follows the same currents that are characteristic of oral literature in general. They are connected to the changes in the 20th and 21st centuries when it has lost the functions it had in the years before. Under the influence of the changed habits and needs of modern man, there has been a change in the attitude towards verbal traditional culture, which is still in circulation, but not within the same limits as before. Oral literature is still alive in the oral communication of the island of Cres. Recipients still exist, the functions of oral literature are narrowed, and performances are more modest, but they are still present despite dynamic social changes. The previous situation was researched and it determined that particular segments of the oral literature have taken on different functional features with time. It turned out that some themes and motifs changed their genres according to the functions that they gain or lose and according to their meaning in the social milieu they are performed in. Some genres of oral literature have a more prominent and relevant function in modern society and they appear to be more adaptable to the context of living, preserving, and producing the local identity of Cres and its cultural representation. The thesis consists of seven consecutive chapters with the literature references in the end, a list of graphics, a list of narrators, and recordings of oral literature that the interpretation of this thesis is based on. The introductory chapter describes some of the basic terms that will be discussed in the paper – oral literature, tradition, culture, traditional culture. Contemporary trends concerning the functioning of oral literature in modern times in general, as well as on the island of Cres, are described. The method of finding the tellers and the telling situations are described in the second chapter, Methodology and theoretical settings of the research, which also provides definitions of the fundamental theoretical concepts of this work, including culture, tradition and traditional culture, verbal traditional culture, cultural heritage, and identity. An overview of Croatian oral literature research history and a review of the research on Cres are provided in the chapter on the overview of existing research. In keeping with the process of reawakening national consciousness and the then-dominant interest in oral literary heritage in Europe, Croatia's interest in traditional culture and oral literature grew stronger in the 19th century. Resonance of Ilyrism is felt in Istra, Primorje, and Kvarner islands and local enthusiasts worked on assembling the oral literature recordings and narratives. Over the century there has been a vast array of incentives for collecting literature materials. The fourth chapter provides a geographical and historical overview of Cres Island. Its location was crucial for the island's social structure as well as for the island's economic, historical, and transportation infrastructure. Frequent geopolitical shifts, poor economic conditions, and deteriorated environmental conditions that Cres was exposed to throughout history had an impact on the island’s traditional culture and the community's attitude toward it, which is another topic of research in this thesis with an emphasis on oral literature. The fifth chapter, "Analysis of the thematic and motivic features of the corpus", is divided into several components. In it, the collected corpus is classified and analysed. First, the stories that make up the largest part of the collected corpus were analysed. The stories are divided into folk stories (demonological, historical, and etiological), legends, jokes, superstitions, divination, jokes, and everyday and humorous stories. Then follows an analysis of the poems, which are divided according to the topic discussed, based on Tanja PerićPolonijo's classification. The last and smallest part of the corpus consists of proverbs. The sixth chapter is divided into two parts. In this chapter it is mainly spoken about the functions of oral literature on Cres Island, the cultural identity of the inhabitants, and their attitude towards their own verbal traditional culture as well as its adaptation to the changes of the context it is developed in. While interpreting the verbal traditional culture it is significant to take into account the surrounding social context and the area where the oral literature obtains, and the community that will inherit this literature to get a sense of the future potential. In the Conclusion, the last chapter of the thesis, final observations are made regarding the current environment in which oral literature is created, adjustments to its role, and its persistence and continuing importance in oral communication. The research for this thesis led to the conclusion that verbal traditional culture had lost some of its prior functions but gained some new ones that were better suited to the needs of modern man. The literature's structure and themes were influenced by alterations in human behaviour and tailored to the requirements of the contemporary Cres population. The amount of Cres' oral literature currently in circulation has decreased, and the contexts in which it is employed have also altered. Some themes and genres are more relevant and deeply ingrained in contemporary culture. These are the ones that have effectively changed and kept on meeting the community's needs. The conclusions of the field research showed that oral literature is still being performed. Verbal folklore today reflects certain aspects of Cres Island culture. In the framework of living, preserving, and developing the local identity of the island of Cres and the cultural representation of the island, several genres of oral literature serve a more significant purpose in modern society. It shows how the community continues to preserve and pass along particular oral literary genres and topics. The community also identifies itself with the part of the oral literature heritage that serves the needs within literature and outside the literal narrative, although diminished usage of oral literature in the identity of the inhabitants is clearly visible. Although many of the narratives are definitely lost, a vast literary opus remains present

    Body in Slavenka Drakulić´s novels

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    Predmet su diplomskoga rada tjelesnost i tijelo u odabranim romanima Slavenke Drakulić, točnije u romanima Frida ili o boli, Kao da me nema i Optužena. U svojim se romanima Slavenka Drakulić bavi temama ženskoga tijela i tjelesnosti te opasnostima kojima je žensko tijelo izloženo, kao što su bolest, silovanje i zlostavljanje. Tako u romanu Frida ili o boli autorica analizira tijelo preko bolesti i prometnu nesreću koja je snašla slavnu slikaricu Fridu Kahlo. Fridino je tijelo krivo jer je ona ograničena, teško joj je ustajati i hodati, ona nema samopouzdanja i boji se odbijanja, zbog čega se povlači u sebe. Nadalje, u romanu Kao da me nema glavna junakinja S. žrtva je učestalih silovanja za vrijeme boravka u ratnome logoru, zbog čega je zauvijek oštećena. Ipak, smogla je snage i razvila ljubav prema svojemu djetetu, unatoč tome što je ono „podsjetnik“ na strahote koje su je zadesile. U trećem, ujedno i posljednjem romanu pod naslovom Optužena autorica se bavi tjelesnim i emocionalnim zlostavljanjem te zanemarivanjem djeteta. Djevojčica cijelim romanom trpi tjelesnu i psihičku bol te osjeća traumu tijela koje je podložno fizičkom kažnjavanju, uskraćivanjem hrane i vode, obavljanja osnovnih fizioloških potreba, potrebi za šutnjom, izloženo neprestanim lažima te zabrani pokazivanja ikakvih emocija, što rezultira katastrofalnim posljedicama. U skladu s time, vidljivo je da se Slavenka Drakulić u svojim romanima bavi temama koje se smatraju tabu temama u današnjem društvu i kojima se ne posvećuje dovoljna pažnja, barem ne kroz perspektivu kroz koju tim temama pristupa sama autorica. Takve traume nad tijelom rezultiraju odvajanjem žrtve od samoga tijela i rasapom identiteta, pa su psihičke posljedice takvih trauma iznimno teške.The subject of this paper is physicality and the body in selected novels by Slavenka Drakulić, more precisely in the novels Frida ili o boli, Kao da me nema and Optužena. In her novels, Slavenka Drakulić deals with the topics of the female body and physicality, as well as the dangers to which the female body is exposed, such as disease, rape and abuse. Thus, in the novel Frida ili o boli, the author analyzes the body through illness and the traffic accident that befell the famous painter Frida Kahlo. Frida's body is to blame because she is limited, it is difficult for her to get up and walk, she has no self-confidence and is afraid of rejection, which is why she withdraws into herself. Furthermore, in the novel Kao da me nema, the main character S. is a victim of frequent rapes in a war camp, so she is permanently damaged. Nevertheless, she found strength and developed love for her child, despite the fact that it is a „reminder“ of the horrors that befell her. In the third and last novel entitled Optužena author deals with physical and emotional abuse and child neglect. Throughout the novel, the girl suffers physical and mental pain and feels the trauma of her body, which is subject to physical punishment, deprivation of food and water, the fulfillment of basic physiological needs, the need for silence, exposed to constant lies and the prohibition of showing any emotions, which results in catastrophic consequences. Accordingly, it is evident that in her novels Slavenka Drakulić deals with topics that are considered taboo topics in today's society and that are not given enough attention, at least not through the perspective through which the author herself approaches these topics. Such traumas to the body result in the separation of the victim from the body itself and the disintegration of identity, so the psychological consequences of such traumas are extremely severe

    Plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima projekta CeVaS (Između istoka i zapada – dolina rijeke Cetine kao komunikacijska poveznica tijekom prapovijesti i antike)

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    Plan upravljanja istraživačkim podacima za znanstveno-istraživački projekti Hrvatske zaklade za znanost, CeVaS (Između istoka i zapada – dolina rijeke Cetine kao komunikacijska poveznica tijekom prapovijesti i antike), IP-2016-06-147

    Artificial intelligence in music production

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    Glazbena produkcija se kroz povijest uvijek razvijala u korak s tehnologijom. Od stvaranja notnih zapisa kao simboličke reprezentacije glazbe koja će biti izvođena, preko tehnologija snimanja u glazbenim studijima i pojave DAW sustava, do današnjeg automatskog generiranja muzičkog sadržaja za koje su u konačnici zaslužni algoritmi strojnog učenja. Osnova istraživanja primjene umjetne inteligencije u glazbenoj produkciji je smanjenje troškova i uključivanje te olakšavanje procesa vezanih u stvaranje audio sadržaja. Iako je primjena algoritama dubokog učenja u procesima kreiranja glazbenog sadržaja tek na svojim počecima, već sada je jasno koliko će utjecati na automatizaciju procesa unutar cijele glazbene industrije.Throughout its history, music production has always developed in step with technology. From the creation of musical notation as a symbolic representation of the music that will be performed, through recording technologies in music studios and the emergence of DAW systems, to today’s automatic generation of musical content, which is ultimately due to machine and deep learning algorithms. The basis of research into the application of artificial intelligence in music production is the reduction of costs and the inclusion and facilitation of processes related to the creation of audio content. Although the application of deep learning algorithms in the processes of creating music content is only at its beginning, it is already clear how much it will affect the automation of processes within the entire music industry

    Resistance and freedom of female characters in contemporary female prose

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    Ženski likovi i žensko pismo teme su mnogih diplomskih radova, no uglavnom u kontekstu književnih tekstova 19. ili 20. stoljeća, zato su za ovaj rad odabrani recentni romani: Sinovi, kćeri Ivane Bodrožić (2020) te Eksperiment Irene Tot Korane Serdarević (2017). U radu se navode definicije ovih naratoloških pojmova: književni lik, pripovjedač i fokalizacija. Feminizam, društveni pokret čiji je cilj bio uspostaviti jednakost između žena i muškaraca, utjecao je na književnost. Književnice koje su u svojim tekstovima progovarale o ženama u društvu bile su Dragojla Jarnević, Marija Jurić Zagorka, Jagoda Truhelka, Adela Milčinović i mnoge druge. U spomenutim dvama romanima analizirani su elementi ženskoga pisma, koji se uglavnom očituju u temama poput braka, majčinstva, muško-ženskih odnosa, odnosa između majke i kćeri iz perspektive ženskih likova. Ipak, naglasak je bio na postupcima i psihološkoj karakterizaciji ženskih likova suvremene proze, koji se ne libe progovarati o nasilju, spolnosti, braku, majčinstvu, odnosima u obitelji i najvažnije ‒ slobodi.Female characters and feminine writing are subjects of many masterʼs thesis, but mainly in the context of literary texts of the 1800s or 1900s, therefore there are two recent novels chosen for this thesis: Sons, daughters by Ivana Bodrožić, published in 2020 and Irena Totʼs experiment by Korana Serdarević, published in 2017. In this thesis there are definitions of narratological concepts as: literary character, narrator and focalization. Feminism, social movement, whose aim was to establish the equality between women and men, influenced literature. Female writers who in their texts spoke about the position of women were Dragojla Jarnević, Marija Jurić Zagorka, Jagoda Truhelka, Adela Milčinović and many others. Elements of the feminine writing are analized in the two novels mentioned above. These elements are seen in subjects like marriage, motherhood, relations between men and women, viewed from the perspective of female characters. However, the emphasis has been on actions and psychological characterization of female characters in the contemporary prose, who do not shy away from speaking of subjects like violence, sexuality, marriage, motherhood, relationships in families and the most important ‒ freedom

    Information-communication role of infographics in conveying health related messages

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    Komunikacija sadržaja koji se odnose na zdravlje svakog pojedinca treba biti razumljiva, jednostavna i lako dostupna. Infografika vizualno prenosi na jasan i precizan način podatke i koncepte i pomaže u razumijevanju i prisjećanju složenih informacija. Cilj je istraživanja ispitati razinu čitljivosti i razumijevanje sadržaja infografike kao forme prenošenja zdravstvenih poruka te njenu primjenu kao alata u postizanju više razine zdravstvene pismenosti. Metodom anketnog upitnika na uzorku od 102 studenta poslijediplomskog doktorskog studija Biomedicina i zdravstvo Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu testiralo se predznanje odabranih medicinskih područja, razumijevanje infografike i strukturiranog sažetka u odnosu na sažetak te iskustvo čitanja i dostupnost tražene informacije. Ispitivala se i razina informacijske pismenosti te stav i mišljenje ispitanika o ulozi infografike. Drugi dio istraživanja analizira razinu čitljivosti odabranih infografika kroz dva čimbenika: čitatelja i tekst. Čimbenik čitatelja iz uzorka opisan je varijablama spol, dob, obrazovanje i znanje engleskog jezika, a čimbenik teksta se mjerio sa sedam formula i indeksa čitljivosti. Prema rezultatima iz testa razumijevanja, infografika i strukturirani sažetak pokazali su se granično boljim formatom u odnosu na samo strukturirani sažetak. Infografika je ocijenjena kao format koji pruža bolje iskustvo u čitanju i dostupnosti tražene informacije. Ispitanici su imali srednju razinu informacijske pismenosti te su prepoznali uloge infografike u znanstvenom komuniciranju i popularizaciji znanosti. Infografika je sve popularniji komunikacijski oblik u znanstvenom medicinskom kontekstu koji pomaže u učinkovitom komuniciranju složenih informacija. Njena uloga primjenjiva je u promoviranju informacijske pismenosti jer pomaže u prenošenju rezultata znanstvenih istraživanja široj publici tako što izdvaja i naglašava važne informacije.INTRODUCTION: The communication of health-related content should be understandable, simple, and easily accessible for everyone. Infographics can be used to visually present data, concepts, and processes clearly and concisely, making it easier for the reader to understand and retain the information. They can play a valuable role in the scientific context of Ph.D. students by helping to communicate complex information and ideas effectively. Objectives: The main research objective is to investigate the readability and comprehension of content and infographics as a form of conveying health messages and their use as a tool to achieve higher levels of health literacy. The specific research objectives are: 1. To examine the attitudes of Biomedical and Health Sciences Ph.D. students towards the use of infographics as a tool for communicating health messages in the field of Biomedicine and Health Sciences; 2. To compare the effectiveness of structured abstracts and infographics in communicating knowledge in the field of Biomedicine and Health Sciences; 3. To determine the level of readability of selected infographics in the field of Biomedicine and Health Sciences. METHODS: To examine the effect of different abstract formats of a systematic review on the knowledge about health information presented in the review, reading experience, and perceived user-friendliness an infographic and structural abstract, were compared to a structural abstract. Prior knowledge in selected biomedical fields of the content of the review was first tested. The online questionnaire method was used on a sample of 102 students of the postgraduate doctoral programme in Biomedicine and Health Sciences at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine. In addition to the tests, the general attitude of the students towards infographics, the level of information literacy, as well as the knowledge about the use of infographics as a communication tool will be assessed based on the answers in the additional questionnaires. In the second part of the study, the readability of an infographic was examined using two indicators: an indicator of the reader and an indicator of the text. The indicator of the reader was described by gender, age, education, and English language level of knowledge variables. 2 The indicator of the text was measured using seven readability formulas and an index to check the reading level, reading assessment, and reading education grade level. Readability analysis examines the factors that influence the level of comprehensibility of the content of health messages intended for health professionals. RESULTS: Respondents scored higher on average in the prior medical knowledge tests in the field of diabetes than in the malignant disease prior knowledge test. In the comprehension test scores, the infographic and structured abstract showed slightly better results than the structured abstract alone. The infographic was evaluated as providing a better reading experience and user-friendliness compared to a structured abstract. According to the first specific objective of the research, the main components of attitudes of Biomedicine and Health Sciences doctoral students towards the use of infographics as a tool for conveying health messages in the field of Biomedicine and Health Sciences were analysed. Using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the principal components in questionnaires: attitude towards infographics, attitude towards infographics in a field of science, and attitude towards infographics during doctoral studies, two components were separated: (1) infographics as a scientific form, (2) infographics as a communication form of conveying information. The respondents recognised the role of infographics in scientific communication and the popularisation of science. The instrument also contained questions on the participants' information literacy and it was divided into five parts of the variables: information sources, general methods of searching for information sources, the method of searching databases, the habit of using information sources and the last part of information literacy, which concerned the assessment of the credibility of information sources. To determine the level of information literacy, additive information literacy was created. The index was created by summing all the values of the variables. A higher value on the index means a higher level of information literacy. On the information literacy index, respondents achieved a range from 4 to 29 with an average value of 14.67 (sd=3.928). The respondents showed an average level of information literacy. The majority of respondents (83.3%) from the sample (N=102) always or sometimes check the accuracy/credibility of information before using it and show a higher level of information literacy than respondents (16.7%) who do not check information. 3 According to the results for the last specific objective of the research, which was to determine the level of readability of selected infographics using the results of seven indexes and formulas for analysing the readability of the text, both infographics are more difficult to read and require a higher level of education to understand the content. CONCLUSION: Infographics can be a useful tool for promoting information literacy, as they can help to effectively communicate complex information and results of scientific research in a visual and concise manner. However, it is important to remember that infographics should be used in conjunction with other forms of information, such as text-based structural abstracts, and should be carefully evaluated for their accuracy, reliability, and readability

    Intertextuality in the poetry of Tin Ujević

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    Ujevićevo pjesništvo pruža izrazito plodnu građu za intertekstualnu analizu jer su se, kako je već djelomično utvrđeno u dosadašnjim istraživanjima, tragovi različitih tipova interteksta obilato reflektirali u njemu, i to na mnogim razinama pjesama: od motivske i tematske, preko simboličke i metaforičke, do razine poetske forme i žanra. U radu stoga namjeravam poduzeti intertekstualno čitanje Ujevićeva pjesničkoga opusa te ustanoviti i elaborirati dijaloške veze koje njegovo djelo uspostavlja s drugim književnim djelima, opusima i tradicijama, kao i nekim općim književnim kategorijama kao što su poetska forma ili pjesnička vrsta. Metodologija za ovakav pristup Ujeviću selektivno je preuzeta iz bogate teorijske literature o intertekstualnosti, čije ću glavne dosege predstaviti u prvom dijelu rada, gdje ću također objasniti temeljne analitičke pojmove u vlastitu intertekstualnom pristupu Ujevićevu pjesništvu. Pritom ću dosadašnje pojedinačne doprinose intertekstualnom proučavanju Ujevićeva opusa, koji su se ponajviše odnosili na zbirke Lelek sebra i Kolajna, detaljnije razraditi te usustaviti. Avangardnoj dionici Ujevićeva pjesništva pristupit ću analizirajući pjesme na podlozi pjesničkih i programatskih tekstova talijanskoga futurizma kako bih pokazao da se u ovoj Ujevićevoj fazi može iščitati poseban tip intertekstualnosti. Ujevićevu pjesništvu od 1930. do 1955. pristupit ću iz perspektive pjesničkih vrsta, kako bih pokazao zajednička žanrovska obilježja nekih skupina pjesama. Pregled Ujevićeva pjesništva iz intertekstualne perspektive zaključno će pokazati kako je u odnosu na različite vrste interteksta tekao Ujevićev pjesnički razvoj te kako se s vremenom mijenjao referentni okvir u dijalogu s kojim je nastao jedan od najupečatljivijih opusa novije hrvatske poezije.Tin Ujević is the author of a fruitful, diverse opus of poetry and prose; even during his lifetime, his works of poetry ensured him a place among Croatia's twentieth-century greats. During his lifetime, he published five volumes of poetry: Lelek sebra (1920), Kolajna (1926), Auto na korzu (1932), Ojađeno zvono (1933) and Žedan kamen na studencu (1954); the volume of his unpublished poetry nearly equals the amount published. His long poetic career, stretching nearly half a century, was marked with frequent changes; from book to book, Ujević revealed a new poetic voice, a new conception of poetry, a new perception of lyricism; the same goes for the numerous poems he published throughout the decades in periodicals only. The fields of literary criticism and literary history thus view Ujević as a poet of discontinuity, of fractures, of sudden and final breaks with his own poetic practice, and as an eternal seeker of new possibilities in poetic expression. Significantly, changes in Ujević's approach to poetry were not only the result of his immanent development as an artist; these changes were greatly impacted by his discovery of new authors and literature, whose influence caused him to change his poetic language – to a greater degree than he was willing to admit. In this sense, particular phases of Ujević's poetic opus are dialogically related to various traditions and poetic styles, making his work exceptionally suitable for intertextual analysis. Aside from this, traces of various literary traditions are abundant in Ujević's work on many textual levels, from motifs, themes, symbolism, and metaphor, to various lyrical forms and genres. In this sense, his work is exceptionally fruitful terrain for the intertextual researcher. In my doctorate dissertation, I intend to undertake such an analysis of Ujević's opus in hopes of establishing and elaborating upon the intertextual connections established in his work; I also intend to offer a typology of these connections to serve as a basis for the periodisation of Ujević's poetry. The first section will provide a brief overview of the history of intertextual theory, as well as a summary of the work of its main theoreticians, such as Mihail Bahtin, Julia Kristeva, Roland Barthes, Michael Riffaterre, Gérard Genette, and Dubravka Oraić Tolić. I will also show how the concept of "intertextuality" is interpreted and used in this research, for which reason I differentiate the semantic scope of the concept into multiple levels, such as specific intertextuality, general intertextuality, and absolute intertextuality. After the introductory section, I will analyse Ujević's entire poetic opus. I will begin with his poems published in the anthology Hrvatska mlada lirika in order to show that, even in his early phase, Ujević built his texts on a foundation consisting of numerous segments of literary tradition, from recognisable literary topos to particular genres of poetry. My analysis of the collections Lelek sebra and Kolajna will begin from current Croatian studies and comparative literary research on elements of Dante, Petrarch, and Baudelaire in these collections in order to deepen and systematise the detected intertextual connections. Finally, I shall offer my own reading of Ujević's Kolajna in the context of chansonnier poetry in order to show how Ujević typically makes use of this distinguished poetic genre, as well as how he reinterprets some of the most common features of the love lyric sequence in order to build a modern poetic cycle. I shall display the metafictional elements of Ujević's poetry in the first part of the collection Auto na korzu, which still relies on the troubadours and Petrarch as intertext, but which also now show self-reflexive references to the process of creating poetry. I shall approach the second part of this same collection and Ujević’s radical poems written during the 1920s, most of which were only ever published in periodicals, as a whole, to show reflections of avant-garde trends in Ujević's poetry. Acceptance of certain poetic principles manifested in poetics of especially Futurism and Simultaneism brought the expressive capabilities of Ujević’s poetic language to the very limits of intelligibility. In the last phase of Ujević's work, I shall analyse his collections Ojađeno zvono and Žedan kamen na studencu, as well as poems published in periodicals from 1930-1955 in order to demonstrate that they display a different interpretation of intertextuality. The dominant intertextual reference in this part of Ujević's opus is the work of Émile Verhaeren, although viewed as a whole, no intertextuality in the sense of the previous collections can be identified. Generally, Ujević's late poetry is relatively conventional in terms of form and rhetoric, however his voluminous poetic production reveals certain types of poetic text to which I shall pay special attention. This overview of Ujević's poetry from an intertextual perspective will show conclusively the course of his poetic development as related to different kinds of intertext, as well as how the referential framework within which he created one of the most outstanding bodies of modern Croatian literary work changed over time

    Plan upravljanja istraživačkim podatcima projekta EpiSpolia (Novi životi antičkih natpisa: epigrafski spoliji na području srednje Dalmacije)

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    Plan upravljanja sadrži na koji način su podatci koji su proizašli iz istraživačkog projekta prikupljani, pohranjeni i u kojem su obliku

    Artwork in the Franciscan church and convent of Saint Anthony of Padua in Koprivnica

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    Franjevci u Koprivnicu dolaze krajem XIII. stoljeća, gdje započinju život u napuštenoj romaničkoj crkvi. U prvoj polovici idućeg stoljeća izgradili su novu jednobrodnu crkvu s kontraforima i poligonalnim svetištem, međutim godinama kasnije franjevci odlučuju napustiti crkvu i grad. Njihov ponovni dolazak ključan je za temu diplomskog rada, koja se fokusira na likovnu baštinu baroknog razdoblja koju crkva i samostan čuvaju, poput djela Izaije Gassera, Johanna Josefa Carla Henricija te kipara Ivana Jakoba Altenbacha. Povratkom u grad izgradili su novu crkvu i samostan sv. Antuna Padovanskog na drugoj lokaciji, a radilo se o jednobrodnoj baroknoj crkvi pravokutnog tlocrta s trostrano završenim svetištem i zvonikom uz koju je izgrađen i samostanski kompleks. U XVII. i prvoj polovici XVIII. stoljeća dogodile su se i prirodne katastrofe koje su ostavile trag na crkvi, koja je izvorno sadržavala dvije kapele, Lauretansku i Presvetog Otkupitelja, međutim sačuvana je samo kapela Presvetog Otkupitelja. Rad donosi i pregled povijesnih okolnosti iz kojih se razvila Koprivnica, koja je dugi niz godina imala važnu vojnu funkciju budući da su stalni prodori i ratovanja s Osmanlijama bili česti. U povijesni pregled uključena je i povijest franjevačkog reda i osnutka provincije sv. Ladislava, koja ima važnu ulogu u vraćanju franjevaca u Koprivnicu.The Franciscans came to Koprivnica at the end of the 13th century, where they started holding services in an abandoned Romanesque church. In the first half of the next century, they built a new single-nave church with buttresses and a polygonal sanctuary, but years later the Franciscans decided to leave the church and the town. Their return is crucial for the theme of the thesis, which focuses on the artistic heritage of the Baroque period preserved in the church and the monastery, which holds works by Izaija Gasser, Johann Josef Carl Henrici and sculptor Ivan Jakob Altenbach. Returning to the city, they built a new church and monastery of St. Anthony of Padua in another location, and it was a single-nave Baroque church with a rectangular floor plan with a three-sided sanctuary and bell tower, next to which a monastery complex was built. In the 17th and the first half of the 18th century, natural disasters left their mark on the church, which originally contained two chapels, the Lauretan chapel and the chapel of the Most Holy Redeemer, of which only the latter chapel was preserved. The thesis also provides an overview of the historical circumstances for the development of Koprivnica as a city, for it had for many years an important military function due to constant incursions and wars with the Ottomans. The historical overview also covers the history of the Franciscan order and the founding of the province of St. Ladislaus, which played an important role in the return of the Franciscans to Koprivnica


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