3,344 research outputs found

    Effects of large fires on boreal forests of China : historical reconstruction and future prediction through landscape modeling

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    Includes vita.Boreal forests of China store about 350 Tg tree biomass carbon, which is approximately 24–31 [percent] of the total forest carbon storage in China, and thus, play an important role in maintain national carbon balance. Long-term fire exclusion and climate warming have foster larger and more severe fires. On 1987 May 6, a catastrophic fire, known as the Black Dragon Fire, occurred in this region, and burned 1.3 million ha. This fire is among the top five of such megafires ever recorded in the world, resulting in high degree of tree mortality and reset forest succession stage for most burned stands. Forests have grown back since, with much more homogeneous age classes and composition, which post new ecological risks and challenges. It is predicted that the warming will continue in the next century, and thus uncertainties exist in future fire regimes and vegetation response under novel climate. Chapter II estimate the burn severity and carbon emissions from the Black Dragon fire. I combined field and remote sensing data to map four burn severity classes and calculated combustion efficiency in terms of the biomass immediately consumed in the fire. Results of this chapter showed that 1.30 million hectares burned and 52 [percent] of that area burned with high severity. The emitted carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), accounted for approximately 10 [percent] of total fossil fuel emissions from China in 1987, along with CO (2 [percent] - 3 [percent] of annual anthropogenic CO emissions from China) and non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) contributing to the atmospheric pollutants. This study provides an important basis for carbon emission estimation and understanding the impacts of megafires. Chapter III developed a novel framework to spatially reconstruct the post-fire time-series of forest conditions after the 1987 Black Dragon fire of China by integrating a forest landscape model (LANDIS) with remote sensing and inventory data. I derived pre-fire (1985) forest composition and the megafire perimeter and severity using remote sensing and inventory data. I simulated the megafire and the post-megafire forest recovery from 1985-2015 using the LANDIS model. I calibrated the model and validated the simulation results using inventory data. I demonstrated that the framework was effective in reconstructing the post-fire stand dynamics and that it is applicable to other types of disturbances. Chapter IV investigated the effects of future fire regimes on boreal forests of China under a warming climate. I simulated species composition and distribution changes to the year 2100 using a coupled forest dynamic model (LANDIS PRO) and ecosystem process model (LINKAGES). I focused on two possible fire regimes (frequent small fires and infrequent large fires). Results of this chapter showed that climate warming and fires strongly affected tree species composition and distribution in the boreal forests of China. Climate warming promoted transitions from boreal species to pioneer and temperate species. Fire effects acted in the same direction as climate change effects on species occurrences, thereby catalyzing climate-induced transitions. Frequent small fires exerted stronger effects on the species composition shifts than infrequent large fires. The combined effects of climate warming and fire on the shifts in species composition will accumulate through time and space and can induce a complete transition of forest type, and alter forest dynamics and functions.Includes bibliographical reference

    Measuring and modelling carbon stocks in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) dominated landscapes in Subtropical China

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    Rubber plantation has been rapidly expanded in Montane Mainland South East Asia in past decades. Limited by long-term monitoring data availability, the impacts of environmental change on rubber trees carbon stock development still not fully understood. Against global warming background, in order to better facilitate regional forest management, we applied synergetic approach combining field survey and modelling tools to improve predictions of dynamic carbon stock changes. The trade-off analysis regarding to rubber carbon stock and latex production optimization was further discussed in view of sustainable rubber cultivation. The first study explored the impact of regional land-use changes on landscape carbon balances. The Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve (NRWNNR), Xishuangbanna, China, was selected as a case study location. Carbon stocks were evaluated using the Rapid Carbon Stock Appraisal (RaCSA) method based on tree, plot, land use and landscape level assessments of carbon stocks, integrating field sampling with remote sensing and GIS technology. The results showed that rubber plantations had larger time-averaged carbon stocks than non-forest land use types (agricultural crops, bush and grassland) but much lower than natural forest. During 23 years (1989-2012), the whole landscape of the nature reserve (26574 ha) gained 0.644 Tg C. Despite rubber expansion, the reforestation activities conducted in NRWNNR were able to enhance the carbon stocks. Regional evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of rubber trees depends largely on the selection of suitable allometric equations and the biomass-to-carbon conversion factor. The second study developed generic allometric equations for rubber trees, covering rotation lengths of 4-35 years, within elevation gradient of 621-1,127 m, and locally used rubber tree clones (GT1, PRIM600, Yunyan77-4) in mountainous South Western China. Allometric equations for aboveground biomass (AGB) estimations considering diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height, and wood density were superior to other equations. We also tested goodness of fit for the recently proposed pan-tropical forest model. The results displayed that prediction of AGB by the model calibrated with the harvested rubber tree biomass and wood density was more accurate than the results produced by the pan-tropical forest model adjusted to local conditions. The relationships between DBH and height and between DBH and biomass were influenced by tapping, therefore biomass and C stock calculations for rubber have to be done using species-specific allometric equations. Based on the analysis of environmental factors acting at the landscape level, we noticed that above- and belowground carbon stocks were mostly affected by stand age, soil clay content, aspect, and planting density. The results of this study provide reference for reliable carbon accounting in other rubber-cultivated regions. In the last study, we explored how rubber trees growth and production response to climate change and regional management strategies (cultivation elevation, planting density). We applied the process-based Land Use Change Impact Assessment tool (LUCIA) calibrated with detailed ground survey data to model tree biomass development and latex yield in rubber plantations at the tree, plot and landscape level. Model simulation showed that during a 40-year rotation, lowland rubber plantations (< 900m) grew quicker and had larger latex yield than highland rubber (&#8807;900m). High planting density rubber plantations showed 5% higher above ground biomass than those at low- and medium-planting density. The mean total biomass and cumulative latex yield per tree over 40 years increased by 28% and 48%, respectively, when climate change scenarios were modelled from baseline to highest CO2 emission scenario (RCP 8.5). The same trend of biomass and latex yield increase with climate change was observed at plot level. Denser plantations had larger biomass, but the cumulative latex production decreased dramatically. The spatially explicit output maps produced during modelling could help maximize carbon stock and latex production of regional rubber plantations. Overall, rubber-based system required for appropriate monitoring scale in both temporal aspect (daily-, monthly-, and yearly-level) and in spatial aspect (pixel-, land use-, watershed-, and landscape- level). The findings from present study highlighted the important application of ecological modelling tools in nature resources management. The lessons learned here could be applicable for other rubber-cultivated regions, by updating with site-specific environmental variables. The significant role of rubber tree not limited in its nature latex production, it also lies in its great carbon sequestration potential. Our results here provided entry point for future developing comprehensive climate change adaption and mitigation strategies in South East Asia. By making use of interdisplinary cooperation, the sustainable rubber cultivation in Great Mekong Regions could be well realized.In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde der Kautschukanbau in den Bergregionen des sĂŒdostasiatischen Festlandes rasch ausgebaut. Die Auswirkungen von UmweltverĂ€nderungen auf die Entwicklung des Kohlenstoffbestandes von KautschukbĂ€umen sind durch die eingeschrĂ€nkte VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Langzeit-Monitoring-Daten noch nicht vollstĂ€ndig geklĂ€rt. Vor dem Hintergrund der globalen ErwĂ€rmung und um die regionale Waldbewirtschaftung zu unterstĂŒtzen, haben wir einen synergetischen Ansatz angewandt, der Feldmessungen und Modellierungswerkzeuge kombiniert, um die Vorhersage dynamischer VerĂ€nderungen der KohlenstoffbestĂ€nde zu verbessern. Die Kosten-Nutzen AbwĂ€gung fĂŒr einen nachhaltigen Kautschukanbau bezĂŒglich der Kautschuk-KohlenstoffvorrĂ€te und der Optimierung der Latexproduktion wird im Weiteren diskutiert. Die erste Studie untersuchte die Auswirkungen regionaler LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen auf die Kohlenstoffbilanz der Landschaft. Das Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve (NRWNNNR), Xishuangbanna, China, wurde als Fallstudienstandort ausgewĂ€hlt. Die Bewertung der KohlenstoffvorrĂ€te erfolgte mit der Rapid Carbon Stock Appraisal (RaCSA)-Methode. Diese basiert auf der Bewertung von KohlenstoffvorrĂ€ten auf dem Niveau von BĂ€umen, GrundstĂŒcken, Landnutzung und Landschaft, mit Einbindung von Feldprobennahme verbunden mit Fernerkundung und GIS-Technologie. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Kautschukplantagen einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren zeitgemittelten Kohlenstoffvorrat hatten als nicht-forstliche Landnutzungsarten (Ackerland, Busch- und GrĂŒnland), aber viel weniger als natĂŒrliche WĂ€lder. WĂ€hrend 23 Jahren (1989-2012) gewann das gesamte Gebiet des Naturschutzgebietes (26574 ha) 0,644 Tg C hinzu. Trotz Ausdehnung der KautschukanbauflĂ€chen konnten die AufforstungsaktivitĂ€ten in NRWNNR die KohlenstoffvorrĂ€te erhöhen. Die regionale Bewertung des Kohlenstoffsequestrierungspotenzials von KautschukbĂ€umen hĂ€ngt wesentlich von der Auswahl geeigneter allometrischer Gleichungen und des Biomasse-Kohlenstoff-Umwandlungsfaktors ab. Die zweite Studie entwickelte allgemeine allometrische Gleichungen fĂŒr KautschukbĂ€ume, basierend auf Daten aus Kautschukplantagen mit Umtriebszeiten von 4-35 Jahren, Höhenlagen von 621-1.127 m und lokal verwendeten Kautschukbaumklonen (GT1, PRIM600, Yunyan77-4) im bergigen SĂŒdwesten Chinas. Allometrische Gleichungen zur Berechnung der oberirdischen Biomasse (AGB), welche den Durchmesser in Brusthöhe (DBH), Baumhöhe und Holzdichte berĂŒcksichtigten, waren anderen Gleichungen ĂŒberlegen. Wir haben auch die AnpassungsgĂŒte des kĂŒrzlich vorgeschlagene pan-tropische Waldmodell getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Vorhersage der AGB durch das mit der destruktiv bestimmten Biomasse und der Holzdichte kalibrierte Modell genauer war als die Ergebnisse des pan-tropischen Waldmodells, das an die lokalen Bedingungen angepasst wurde. Die Beziehungen zwischen DBH und Höhe, und DBH und Biomasse wurden durch die Anzapfung der BĂ€ume beeinflusst. Aufgrund dessen mĂŒssen Biomasse- und C-Bestandsberechnungen fĂŒr Kautschuk mit artspezifischen allometrischen Gleichungen durchgefĂŒhrt werden. Basierend auf der Analyse von Umweltfaktoren, die auf Landschaftsebene wirken, stellten wir fest, dass die ober- und unterirdischen KohlenstoffvorrĂ€te vor allem durch das Bestandsalter, den Tongehalt des Bodens, die Hanglage und die Pflanzdichte beeinflusst wurden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie liefern Anhaltspunkte fĂŒr eine zuverlĂ€ssige Kohlenstoffbilanzierung in anderen Kautschukanbaugebieten. In der letzten Studie haben wir untersucht, wie KautschukbĂ€ume auf den Klimawandel und regionalen Managementstrategien (Anbauhöhe, Pflanzdichte) reagieren. Wir setzten das prozessbasierte Land Use Change Impact Assessment Tool (LUCIA) ein, das mit detaillierten Bodenuntersuchungsdaten kalibriert wurde, um die Entwicklung der Baumbiomasse und den Latexertrag in Kautschukplantagen auf Baum-, Parzelle- und Landschaftsebene zu modellieren. Die Modellsimulation zeigte, dass wĂ€hrend einer 40-jĂ€hrigen Rotationzeit die Flachland-Kautschukplantagen (< 900m) schneller wuchsen und eine höhere Latexausbeute hatten als die Hochland-Kautschukplantagen (&#8807;900m). Kautschukplantagen mit hoher Pflanzdichte zeigten eine um 5% höhere oberirdische Biomasse als solche mit niedriger und mittlerer Pflanzdichte. Der durchschnittliche Gesamtertrag an Biomasse und der kumulative Latexertrag pro Baum stieg in 40 Jahren um 28% bzw. 48%, wenn die Klimaszenarien vom Basisszenario bis zum höchsten CO2-Emissionsszenario (RCP 8. 5) durchsimuliert wurden. Dieser Trend der Zunahme der Biomasse- und Latexausbeute mit verstĂ€rktem Klimawandel wurde auch auf der Ebene der Parzelle beobachtet. Dichtere Plantagen hatten eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Biomasse, aber die kumulative Latexproduktion ging drastisch zurĂŒck. Die wĂ€hrend der Modellierung erstellten rĂ€umlich expliziten Output-Karten könnten helfen, die KohlenstoffvorrĂ€te und die Latexproduktion regionaler Kautschukplantagen zu maximieren. Allgemein ist fĂŒr ein angemessenes Monitoring ein Kautschuk-basiertes System erforderlich, das sowohl in zeitlicher Hinsicht (Tages-, Monats- und Jahresebene) als auch in rĂ€umlicher Hinsicht (Pixel-, Landnutzungs-, Wassereinzugs- und Landschaftsebene) geeignet ist. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie verdeutlichen die Bedeutung ökologischer Modellierungswerkzeuge im Naturressourcenmanagement. Die hier gemachten Erfahrungen könnten auch auf andere Kautschukanbaugebiete ĂŒbertragen werden, indem sie mit standortspezifischen Umweltvariablen aktualisiert werden. Die bedeutende Rolle des Kautschukbaums ist nicht nur auf dieHerstellung von Naturlatex beschrĂ€nkt, sondern liegt auch in seinem großen Potenzial zur Kohlenstoffbindung. Unsere Ergebnisse lieferen den Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr die kĂŒnftige Entwicklung umfassender Strategien zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel und zur EindĂ€mmung des Klimawandels in SĂŒdostasien. Durch interdisziplinĂ€re Zusammenarbeit könnte der nachhaltige Kautschukanbau in den Großen Mekong-Regionen realisiert werden

    Contrasting Development of Canopy Structure and Primary Production in Planted and Naturally Regenerated Red Pine Forests

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    Globally, planted forests are rapidly replacing naturally regenerated stands but the implications for canopy structure, carbon (C) storage, and the linkages between the two are unclear. We investigated the successional dynamics, interlinkages and mechanistic relationships between wood net primary production (NPPw) and canopy structure in planted and naturally regenerated red pine (Pinus resinosa Sol. ex Aiton) stands spanning ≄ 45 years of development. We focused our canopy structural analysis on leaf area index (LAI) and a spatially integrative, terrestrial LiDAR-based complexity measure, canopy rugosity, which is positively correlated with NPPw in several naturally regenerated forests, but which has not been investigated in planted stands. We estimated stand NPPw using a dendrochronological approach and examined whether canopy rugosity relates to light absorption and light–use efficiency. We found that canopy rugosity increased similarly with age in planted and naturally regenerated stands, despite differences in other structural features including LAI and stem density. However, the relationship between canopy rugosity and NPPw was negative in planted and not significant in naturally regenerated stands, indicating structural complexity is not a globally positive driver of NPPw. Underlying the negative NPPw-canopy rugosity relationship in planted stands was a corresponding decline in light-use efficiency, which peaked in the youngest, densely stocked stand with high LAI and low structural complexity. Even with significant differences in the developmental trajectories of canopy structure, NPPw, and light use, planted and naturally regenerated stands stored similar amounts of C in wood over a 45-year period. We conclude that widespread increases in planted forests are likely to affect age-related patterns in canopy structure and NPPw, but planted and naturally regenerated forests may function as comparable long-term C sinks via different structural and mechanistic pathways

    Resistance and resilience of social–ecological systems to recurrent typhoon disturbance on a subtropical island: Taiwan

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    Tropical cyclones (TCs) have major effects on ecological and social systems. However, studies integrating the effects of TCs on both social and ecological systems are rare, especially in the northwest Pacific, where the frequency of TCs (locally named typhoons) is the highest in the world. We synthesized studies of effects of recurrent typhoons on social and ecological systems in Taiwan over the last several decades. Many responses to TCs are comparable between social and ecological systems. High forest ecosystem resistance, evident from tree mortality below 2% even following multiple strong typhoons, is comparable with resistance of social systems, including the only 4% destruction of river embankments following a typhoon that brought nearly 3000 mm rainfall in three days. High resilience as reflected by quick returns of leaf area index, mostly in one year, and streamwater chemistry, one to several weeks to pre‐typhoon levels of ecosystems, are comparable to quick repair of the power grid within one to several days and returns of vegetable price within several weeks to pre‐typhoon levels of the social systems. Landslides associated with intense typhoons have buried mountain villages and transported large quantities of woody debris to the coast, affecting the coastal plains and reefs, illustrating a ridge‐to‐reef link between ecological and societal systems. Metrics of both social and ecological function showed large fluctuations in response to typhoons but quickly returned to pre‐disturbance levels, except when multiple intense typhoons occurred within a single season. Our synthesis illustrates that the social–ecological systems in Taiwan are highly dynamic and responsive to frequent typhoon disturbance, with extraordinarily high resistance and resilience. For ecosystems, the efficient responsiveness results from the selective force of TCs on ecosystem structure and processes. For social systems, it is the result of the effects of TCs on planning and decision making by individuals (e.g., farmers), management sectors, and ultimately the government. In regions with frequent TCs, the social–ecological systems are inevitably highly dynamic and rapid responses are fundamental to system resistance and resilience which in turn is key to maintaining structure and function of the social–ecological systems

    A combination of methods needed to assess the actual use of provisioning ecosystem services

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    Failure to recognize that potential provisioning ecosystem services are not necessarily collected and used by people may have important consequences for management of land and resources. Accounting for people's actual use of ecosystem services in decision making processes requires a robust methodological approach that goes beyond mapping the presence of ecosystem services. But no such universally accepted method exists, and there are several shortcomings of existing methods such as the application of land use/cover as a proxy for provisioning ecosystem service availability and surveys based on respondents' recall to assess people's collection of e.g. wild food. By combining four complementary methods and applying these to the shifting cultivation systems of Laos, we show how people’s actual use of ecosystem services from agricultural fields differs from ecosystem service availability. Our study is the first in Southeast Asia to combine plot monitoring, collection diaries, repeat interviews, and participant observation. By applying these multiple methods borrowed from anthropology and botany among other research domains, the study illustrates that no single method is sufficient on its own. It is of key importance for scientists to adopt methods that can account for both availability of various services and actual use of those services

    Anthropogenic activities contribute to changes in forest cover in the shale oil and gas region of Northeastern British Columbia

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    The boreal forest ecosystems have been changing due to varying levels of anthropogenic land use processes such as logging, oil and gas activities, and agriculture. However, the cumulative impacts of these processes are likely to lead to a lasting degradation of the boreal forest ecosystem; and thus, contributing to environmental change. In this study, methods from Landscape Ecology, GIS, and remote sensing were used to process Landsat images and spatial data for shale gas infrastructure. These datasets and methods were used for measuring and assessing the forest change pattern in a study area in northeastern British Columbia (BC). The results of the study show that gross loss (5.98%) of coniferous forest cover in the timber harvest land base (THLB) is higher than the rate of gross loss (3.22%) of the coniferous forest cover in the area outside the THLB. However, the rate of net loss in coniferous forest cover is smaller in the THLB than that of outside the THLB (net loss THLB=0.6%; net loss non-THLB=1.7%). These dynamics in forest cover suggest that it is more likely for forest cover to regenerate much faster in the THLB than outside the THLB. The quantity of forest cover loss (0.163%) from shale oil and gas well pads development is more than the amount of forest loss from shale oil and gas access roads (0.017%) and pipeline development (0.057%). A higher amount of forest fragmentation is associated with periods and locations that have a high amount of anthropogenic-induced land classes in the landscape. These results of the study could serve as the information for modelling land change and fragmentation in the future. The finding from this study could assist land managers in the allocation of land uses across space as well as the formulation of effective and efficient policy frameworks and management initiatives

    Relationships between on-farm tree stocks and soil organic carbon along an altitudinal gradient, Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

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    Understanding above-ground tree biomass carbon (AGC) and relationships to soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks across a landscape provide opportunities for better management of the carbon pools. This study determined relationships between on-farm AGC and SOC stocks along an altitudinal gradient on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. Fifty plots (100 × 100 m) were established, whereby all trees ≄5 cm dbh, were recorded. Soil samples from top (0–20 cm) and subsoils (21–50 cm) were collected at the centre of the plots using four subplots. Tree inventory and soil analyses were performed and statistical tests were conducted to understand relationships between AGC and SOC stocks. Results indicated that stem density increased with altitude, however the upland and the midland did not differ significantly while the lowland differs with both the midland and the upland. A similar pattern was observed for basal area and above-ground tree biomass (AGB), with no significant difference between the midland and upland whereas the lowland differed significantly from both the upland and the midland. SOC stocks varied significantly, being the largest in the upland, amounting to almost twice the size recorded in the midland or the lowland. SOC stocks indicated poor correlation (Pearson’s: r = 0.327, df = 47, p = 0.023) and poor interaction (Wald = 0.0008, df = 1, p = 0.977) with AGC. This study concludes that the relationship between AGC and SOC stocks was masked by other factors including soil types, precipitation and land management. The protocol used to test the relationships might also have contributed further to current observation. Overall, the lowland area, having low AGC and SOC stocks, requires management interventions aimed at increasing SOC stocks

    Using the SWAT model to improve process descriptions and define hydrologic partitioning in South Korea

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    Watershed-scale modeling can be a valuable tool to aid in quantification of water quality and yield; however, several challenges remain. In many watersheds, it is difficult to adequately quantify hydrologic partitioning. Data scarcity is prevalent, accuracy of spatially distributed meteorology is difficult to quantify, forest encroachment and land use issues are common, and surface water and groundwater abstractions substantially modify watershed-based processes. Our objective is to assess the capability of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to capture event-based and long-term monsoonal rainfall–runoff processes in complex mountainous terrain. To accomplish this, we developed a unique quality-control, gap-filling algorithm for interpolation of high-frequency meteorological data. We used a novel multi-location, multi-optimization calibration technique to improve estimations of catchment-wide hydrologic partitioning. The interdisciplinary model was calibrated to a unique combination of statistical, hydrologic, and plant growth metrics. Our results indicate scale-dependent sensitivity of hydrologic partitioning and substantial influence of engineered features. The addition of hydrologic and plant growth objective functions identified the importance of culverts in catchment-wide flow distribution. While this study shows the challenges of applying the SWAT model to complex terrain and extreme environments; by incorporating anthropogenic features into modeling scenarios, we can enhance our understanding of the hydroecological impact

    Quantifying and modeling ecosystem services provided by urban greening in cities of the Southern Alps, N Italy

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    Population growth in urban areas is a world-wide phenomenon. According to a recent United Nations report, over half of the world now lives in cities. Numerous health and environmental issues arise from this unprecedented urbanization. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of urban green spaces and the role they play in improving both the aesthetics and the quality of life of its residents. In particular, urban green spaces provide ecosystem services such as: urban air quality improvement by removing pollutants that can cause serious health problems, carbon storage, carbon sequestration and climate regulation through shading and evapotranspiration. Furthermore, epidemiological studies with controlled age, sex, marital and socio-economic status, have provided evidence of a positive relationship between green space and the life expectancy of senior citizens. However, there is little information on the role of public green spaces in mid-sized cities in northern Italy. To address this need, a study was conducted to assess the ecosystem services of urban green spaces in the city of Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. In particular, we quantified the cooling effect of urban trees and the hourly amount of pollution removed by the urban forest. The information was gathered using field data collected through local hourly air pollution readings, tree inventory and simulation models. During the study we quantified pollution removal for ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter (<10 microns). We estimated the above ground carbon stored and annually sequestered by the urban forest. Results have been compared to transportation CO2 emissions to determine the CO2 offset potential of urban streetscapes. Furthermore, we assessed commonly used methods for estimating carbon stored and sequestered by urban trees in the city of Bolzano. We also quantified ecosystem disservices such as hourly urban forest volatile organic compound emissions
