27 research outputs found

    A Configuration Management System for Software Product Lines

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    Software product line engineering (SPLE) is a methodology for developing a family of software products in a particular domain by systematic reuse of shared code in order to improve product quality and reduce development time and cost. Currently, there are no software configuration management (SCM) tools that support software product line evolution. Conventional SCM tools are designed to support single product development. The use of conventional SCM tools forces developers to treat a software product line as a single software project by introducing new programming language constructs or using conditional compilation. We propose a research conguration management prototype called Molhado SPL that is designed specifically to support the evolution of software product lines. Molhado SPL addresses the evolution problem at the configuration level instead of at the code level. We studied the type of operations needed to support the evolution of software product lines and proposed a versioning model and eight cases of change propagation. Molhado SPL supports independent evolution of core assets and products, the sharing of code and the tracking relationships between products and shared code, and the eight cases of change propagation. The Molhado SPL consists of four layers with each layer providing a different type of service. At the heart of Molhado SPL are the versioning model, component object, shared component object, and project objects that allow for independent evolution of products and shared artifacts, for sharing, and for supporting change propagation. Furthermore,they allow product specific changes to shared code without interfering with the core asset that is shared. Products can also introduce product specific assets that only exist in that product. In order to for Molhado SPL to support product line, we implemented XML merging, feature model editing and debugging, and version-aware XML documents. To support merging of XML documents, we implemented a 3-way XML document merging algorithm that uses versioned data structures, change detection, and node identity. To support software product line derivation or modeling of software product line, we implemented support for feature model including editing and debugging. Finally, we created the version-aware XML document framework to support collaborative editing of XML documents without requiring a version repository. The version history is embedded in the documents using XML namespaces, so that the documents remain valid under the XML specification. The version-aware XML framework can also be used to support the exporting of documents from Molhado SPL repository to be edit outside and import back the change history made to the document. We evaluated Molhado SPL with two product lines: a document product line and a the graph data structures product line. This evaluation showed that Molhado SPL supports independently evolution of products and core assets and the eight change propagation cases. We did not evaluate MolhadoSPL in terms of scalability or usability. The main contributions of this dissertation research are: 1) Molhado SPL that supports the evolution of product lines, 2) a fast 3-way XML merge algorithm, 3) a version-aware XML document framework, and 4) a feature model editor and debugger

    Towards a holistic framework for software artefact consistency management

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    A software system is represented by different software artefacts ranging from requirements specifications to source code. As the system evolves, artefacts are often modified at different rates and times resulting in inconsistencies, which in turn can hinder effective communication between stakeholders, and the understanding and maintenance of systems. The problem of the differential evolution of heterogeneous software artefacts has not been sufficiently addressed to date as current solutions focus on specific sets of artefacts and aspects of consistency management and are not fully automated. This thesis presents the concept of holistic artefact consistency management and a proof-of-concept framework, ACM, which aim to support the consistent evolution of heterogeneous software artefacts while minimising the impact on user choices and practices and maximising automation. The ACM framework incorporates traceability, change impact analysis, change detection, consistency checking and change propagation mechanisms and is designed to be extensible. The thesis describes the design, implementation and evaluation of the framework, and an approach to automate trace link creation using machine learning techniques. The framework evaluation uses six open source systems and suggests that managing the consistency of heterogeneous artefacts may be feasible in practical scenarios

    Visualisations pour la remodularisation à large échelle des systèmes à objets

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    National audienceDans ce chapitre, nous abordons deux points critiques de la remodularisa- tion : comment visualiser la structure d'un logiciel pour aider à la rendre mod- ulaire et comment aider le développeur à prendre les bonnes décisions. D'abord nous décrivons certains outils pour visualiser la structure des logiciels et comment nous les adaptons à la remodularisation. Ensuite nous présentons des visualisations adaptées à l'identification des problèmes de modularité. Enfin, nous proposons un outil, nommé Orion, permettant de simuler les changements de structure d'un logi- ciel. Il permet d'analyser l'impact des changements dans la structure et d'évaluer les coûts associés

    A heuristic-based approach to code-smell detection

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    Encapsulation and data hiding are central tenets of the object oriented paradigm. Deciding what data and behaviour to form into a class and where to draw the line between its public and private details can make the difference between a class that is an understandable, flexible and reusable abstraction and one which is not. This decision is a difficult one and may easily result in poor encapsulation which can then have serious implications for a number of system qualities. It is often hard to identify such encapsulation problems within large software systems until they cause a maintenance problem (which is usually too late) and attempting to perform such analysis manually can also be tedious and error prone. Two of the common encapsulation problems that can arise as a consequence of this decomposition process are data classes and god classes. Typically, these two problems occur together – data classes are lacking in functionality that has typically been sucked into an over-complicated and domineering god class. This paper describes the architecture of a tool which automatically detects data and god classes that has been developed as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. The technique has been evaluated in a controlled study on two large open source systems which compare the tool results to similar work by Marinescu, who employs a metrics-based approach to detecting such features. The study provides some valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the two approache

    1st Workshop on Refactoring Tools (WRT'07) : Proceedings

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    MetaCity: ways of thinking and making city

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    Metacity launched the challenge of reflecting on the ‘implicit’ and mostly ‘invisible’ drivers that influence urban transformation. The call asked participants to explore the nexus between scientific knowledge, political and economic actors and social mobilization in the production of contemporary urban space. Questions were raised: What concepts, methods and fields of knowledge – instituted or to be established – can and will inform urban development theory(s) and practice(s) in the near future? What types of urban knowledge are still considered legitimate and what is their relevance? How public policies, governance practices and development strategies had change cities and how can we re-think these instruments? What, after all, is the effective importance of political and social mobilization of urban scientists and technicians in the process of “making cities”? We were pleased to received several contributions from different disciplines and geographies that have shown these are cross-cutting issues on a global scale. Some of these contributions were collected in this book and we will briefly present their main subjects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo de radarfacies em placeres auríferos na Baixada Cuiabana

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    Dissertação (Mestrado em Geociências Aplicadas)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2019.O estado do Mato Grosso é o quinto maior produtor de ouro no Brasil, com boa parte da produção proveniente da região da Baixada Cuiabana. Nesta região, o ouro ocorre associado a metassedimentos e veios de quartzo encaixados em rochas do Grupo Cuiabá, e depósitos sedimentares secundários (como colúvios, alúvios e elúvios), sendo estes últimos bastante rentáveis e de fácil exploração. A explotação de ouro nestas áreas muitas vezes acarreta no desmatamento do bioma do Pantanal, pois a atividade minerária utiliza escarificação aleatória do subsolo para localização dos depósitos. Neste estudo,aplicou-se o método geofísico de Radar de Penetração de Solo (GPR) para diferenciar e localizar depósitos aluvionares, coluvionares e eluvionares. O que, p or consequência,pode ajudar na mitigação do processo de desmatamento local. Assim, as aquisições dedados de GPR aconteceram em dois garimpos localizados nos municípios de Poconé e Nossa Senhora do Livramento. Os registros de GPR ocorreram com antenas blindadas de 200 e 400 MHz, ao longo de cavas e exposições de cascalhos. Além dos registros geofísicos, coletaram-se amostras de sedimentos presentes nas cavas para relacionar suas análises granulométricas com as respostas obtidas no radar. Os resultados mostram uma variabilidade da onda eletromagnética no meio entre os valores de 0,04 a 0,149 m/ns, com amplitude normalizada de -1 a 1. Os menores valores de velocidade foram identificados nos cascalhos lateríticos com matriz argilosa e cimento ferruginoso (colúvio), com amplitudes de -0,6 a 0,6. As velocidades intermediárias (entre 0,08 e 0,09 m/ns), associam-se à alúvios e elúvios, com amplitudes de -0,2 a 0,2 para elúvios e -0,8 a 0,8 para alúvios. A maior velocidade foi obtida no colúvio com matriz arenosa, clastos suportados por matriz, mal selecionados e livres de cimento ferruginoso, com amplitudes entre -0,8 a 0,8. Assim, o GPR mostrou-se eficiente para distinguir os depósitos sedimentares secundários auríferos na Baixada Cuiabana, tornando-se assim uma alternativa prospectiva para a região.The Mato Grosso state is the fifth largest gold producer in Brazil, with much of its production coming from Baixada Cuiabana. There, gold occurs associated with metasedi-ments, quartz veins mineralized in rocks of the Cuiabá Group and secondary sedimentary deposits.The gold exploitation in these areas often results in deforestation of Pantanal’s biome,as mining uses subsurface’s random scarification to locate the deposits. In this study, the geophysical method of Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) was applied to differentiate and locate alluvial, colluvial and eluvial deposits. Wich may help mitigate the local defor-estation process. Thus, the acquisition of GPR data took place in two minings located at the counties of Poconé and Nossa Senhora do Livramento. GPR records occurred with200 and 400 MHz shielded antennas, along trenches and gravel exposures. In addition to the geophysical records, sediment samples were collected from these trenches to relate their particle size analysis with the corresponding radar data. The results show an eletro-magnetic wave’s variability between the values of 0.04 to 0.149 m/ns, with a normalized amplitude of -1 to 1. The lowest velocities values were identified in the lateritic gravels with clay matrix and ferruginous cement (colluvium), with amplitudes from -0.6 to 0.6. Intermediate velocities (between 0.08 and 0.09 m/ns) are associated with alluviums andeluviums, with amplitudes from -0.2 to 0.2 for eluviums and -0.8 to 0.8 for alluviums. The highest velocity was obtained in colluvium with the sandy matrix, matrix-supported clasts, poorly selected and ferruginous matrix free, with amplitudes between - 0.8 and0.8. Thus, GPR proved to be efficient to distinguish the secondary Baixada Cuibana’s sedimentary deposits, thus becoming a prospective alternative for the region

    Artech 2008: proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Arts

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    ARTECH 2008 is the fourth international conference held in Portugal and Galicia on the topic of Digital Arts. It aims to promote contacts between Iberian and International contributors concerned with the conception, production and dissemination of Digital and Electronic Art. ARTECH brings the scientific, technological and artistic community together, promoting the interest in the digital culture and its intersection with art and technology as an important research field, a common space for discussion, an exchange of experiences, a forum for emerging digital artists and a way of understanding and appreciating new forms of cultural expression. Hosted by the Portuguese Catholic University’s School of Arts (UCP-EA) at the City of Porto, ARTCH 2008 falls in alignment with the main commitment of the Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) to promote knowledge in the field of the Arts trough research and development within UCP-AE and together with the local and international community. The main areas proposed for the conference were related with sound, image, video, music, multimedia and other new media related topics, in the context of emerging practice of artistic creation. Although non exclusive, the main topics of the conference are usually: Art and Science; Audio-Visual and Multimedia Design; Creativity Theory; Electronic Music; Generative and Algorithmic Art; Interactive Systems for Artistic Applications; Media Art history; Mobile Multimedia; Net Art and Digital Culture; New Experiences with New Media and New Applications; Tangible and Gesture Interfaces; Technology in Art Education; Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. The contribution from the international community was extremely gratifying, resulting in the submission of 79 original works (Long Papers, Short Papers and installation proposals) from 22 Countries. Our Scientific Committee reviewed these submissions thoroughly resulting in a 73% acceptance ratio of a diverse and promising body of work presented in this book of proceedings. This compilation of articles provides an overview of the state of the art as well as a glimpse of new tendencies in the field of Digital Arts, with special emphasis in the topics: Sound and Music Computing; Technology Mediated Dance; Collaborative Art Performance; Digital Narratives; Media Art and Creativity Theory; Interactive Art; Audiovisual and Multimedia Design.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Building information modeling (BIM) for energy audits (BIM4EA)

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    Orientadores: Vanessa Gomes da Silva, Regina Coeli RuschelDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e UrbanismoResumo: Com o aumento dos custos de energia e da ênfase mundial em sustentabilidade, os processos de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção e Operação (AECO) buscam métodos para redução efetiva do consumo energético em edificações, sobretudo na fase de Operação e Manutenção (O&M). Neste sentido, o Diagnóstico Energético (DE) auxilia na identificação das oportunidades de economia e colabora para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de redução de consumo. Mais que um estudo de viabilidade, o DE inspeciona e analisa fluxos de energia, e fornece um registro preciso sobre as instalações correspondentes para orientar estratégias de O&M. Esse processo, porém, requer a entrada e manuseio de um grande número de informações para a correta descrição da edificação analisada, prologando a etapa inicial de coleta de dados que subsidia as decisões posteriores do auditor. Além de consumir tempo, estes dados podem ser imprecisos, sobretudo se forem levantados manualmente. Assim, a pesquisa apresenta a Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM) como facilitador e catalisador do acesso e registro de informações. Tem por objetivo caracterizar os atributos necessários para que um Modelo da Informação da Construção auxilie no levantamento descritivo do edifício que embasa os Diagnósticos Energéticos, e as interações entre os agentes envolvidos. O método utilizado (pesquisa construtiva) baseia-se na fundamentação teórica e no desenvolvimento da proposição. Como resultados, a pesquisa gerou um meta-modelo configurado a partir dos atributos que definem a organização e parametrização de componentes, e a padronização da extração de informações energeticamente relevantes; e um plano de execução, constituído por um conjunto de diretrizes, responsabilidades, procedimentos e soluções processuais para subsidiar o desenvolvimento de modelos BIM mais completos e preparados para conter o máximo de informações relevantes que facilitem os processos de DE nas fases de levantamento. Assim, em termos gerais, as contribuições desta pesquisa apoiaram-se em duas frentes principais: i) sinalizar BIM como uma ferramenta e um suporte de TI importante ao processo de DE e; ii) revelar a integração entre DE e BIM como uma inovação técnico/cientifica em busca de construções mais sustentáveisAbstract: The increase in energy costs and the global emphasis on sustainability inspire the Architecture, Engineering and Construction and Operation (AECO) processes to pursue methods for effective reduction of energy consumption in buildings, especially in the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) phase. In this way, Energy Audit (EA) assists in the identification of economic opportunities and contributes to the development of consumption reduction strategies. More than a feasibility study, the EA inspects and analyzes energy flows, and provides an accurate record of the corresponding facilities to guide O&M strategies. This process, however, requires the input and manipulation of a large number of information for the correct description of the building analyzed, prolonging the initial stage of data survey that subsidizes the subsequent decisions of the auditor. In addition to time consuming, these data can be inaccurate, especially if they are raised manually. Thus, the research presents the Building Information Model (BIM) as a facilitator and an agile way for accessing and registration of information. Its purpose is to characterize the attributes necessary for a Building Information Model to assist in the descriptive survey of the building that bases the Energy Audits, and the interactions among the agents involved. The method used (constructive research) is based on the theoretical foundation and the development of the proposition. As results, the research generated a meta-model configured from the attributes that define the organization and parameterization of components, and the standardization of the extraction of energetically relevant information; and an execution plan, consisting of a set of guidelines, responsibilities, procedures and procedural solutions to support the development of more complete BIM models prepared to contain as much relevant information as possible to facilitate EA processes in the survey phases. Thus, in general terms, the contributions of this research were based on two main fronts: i) signaling BIM as a tool and an important IT support to the EA process; ii) to reveal the integration between EA and BIM as a technical / scientific innovation in search of more sustainable constructionsMestradoArquitetura e ConstruçãoMestra em Engenharia Civil158821/2015-7CNP

    SBE16 Brazil & Portugal - Sustainable Urban Communities towards a Nearly Zero Impact Built Environment

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    Vol. IThe organizers of SBE 16 Brazil & Portugal were challenged to promote discussions and the development of solutions for an important and, at the same time, very ambitious topic ? Sustainable Urban Communities towards a Nearly Zero Impact Built Environment. This is the main focus of the international conference SBE16 Brazil & Portugal; the only event of the SBE16/17 conference series being held in Latin America, more precisely, in Vitória (Espírito Santo), Brazil, from the 7th until the 9th of September 2016. The conference offered a unique opportunity to bring together researchers from all over the world to share evidence-based knowledge in the field and succeeded to achieve its goals since many contributions from various parts of the planet were received, addressing a tiny part of the problem or trying to perform the difficult task of making the sum of the parts a coherent whole.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio