152 research outputs found

    Faraday Rotation Correction for Passive Microwave Remote Sensing from Space

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    Faraday rotation (FR) is one of the main error sources for passive microwave remote sensing from space especially in frequencies less than or equal to 10.7 GHz. In this paper, Faraday rotation correction for the vertical brightness temperature at L band and the third Stokes parameter brightness temperature at 10.7 GHz are discussed. Two approaches are studied to remove the influence of FR: correction by auxiliary data and correction by polarimetric mode. At 1.4 GHz, correction by polarimetric mode performs better than correction by auxiliary data. At 10.7 GHz, correction by auxiliary data is feasible while polarimetric mode correction becomes invalid. We propose a new method of using TEC data released by international GNSS service (IGS) for correction. It has been proved that the residual correction errors are reduced. IGS data method greatly improves the correction accuracy

    Aquarius Overview and Up Date

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    Aquarius is an L-band instrument designed to map the surface salinity field of the global oceans. It consists of three L-band (1.41 GHz) radiometers and an L-band (1.26 GHz) scatterometer. The radiometers are the primary instruments for measuring salinity and the scatterometer provides a correction for surface roughness. Aquarius was launched in June 2011 and has been mapping the surface salinity field since it was turned on in August. In addition, Aquarius is now producing maps of radio frequency interference (RFI), Faraday rotation and soil moisture

    Estimating Sea Surface Salinity and Wind Using Combined Passive and Active L-Band Microwave Observations

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    Several L-band microwave radiometer and radar missions have been, or will be, operating in space for land and ocean observations. These include the NASA Aquarius mission and the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, both of which use combined passive/ active L-band instruments. Aquarius s passive/active L-band microwave sensor has been designed to map the salinity field at the surface of the ocean from space. SMAP s primary objectives are for soil moisture and freeze/thaw detection, but it will operate continuously over the ocean, and hence will have significant potential for ocean surface research. In this innovation, an algorithm has been developed to retrieve simultaneously ocean surface salinity and wind from combined passive/active L-band microwave observations of sea surfaces. The algorithm takes advantage of the differing response of brightness temperatures and radar backscatter to salinity, wind speed, and direction, thus minimizing the least squares error (LSE) measure, which signifies the difference between measurements and model functions of brightness temperatures and radar backscatter. The algorithm uses the conjugate gradient method to search for the local minima of the LSE. Three LSE measures with different measurement combinations have been tested. The first LSE measure uses passive microwave data only with retrieval errors reaching 1 to 2 psu (practical salinity units) for salinity, and 1 to 2 m/s for wind speed. The second LSE measure uses both passive and active microwave data for vertical and horizontal polarizations. The addition of active microwave data significantly improves the retrieval accuracy by about a factor of five. To mitigate the impact of Faraday rotation on satellite observations, the third LSE measure uses measurement combinations invariant under the Faraday rotation. For Aquarius, the expected RMS SSS (sea surface salinity) error will be less than about 0.2 psu for low winds, and increases to 0.3 psu at 25 m/s wind speed for warm waters (25 C). To achieve the required 0.2 psu accuracy, the impact of sea surface roughness (e.g. wind-generated ripples) on the observed brightness temperature has to be corrected to better than one tenth of a degree Kelvin. With this algorithm, the accuracy of retrieved wind speed will be high, varying from a few tenths to 0.6 m/s. The expected direction accuracy is also excellent (less than 10 ) for mid to high winds, but degrades for lower speeds (less than 7 m/s)

    Aquarius and Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity from Space

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    Aquarius is an L-band radiometer and scatterometer instrument combination designed to map the salinity field at the surface of the ocean from space. The instrument is designed to provide global salinity maps on a monthly basis with a spatial resolution of 150 km and an accuracy of 0.2 psu. The science objective is to monitor the seasonal and interannual variation of the large scale features of the surface salinity field in the open ocean. This data will promote understanding of ocean circulation and its role in the global water cycle and climate

    Aquarius Mission Technical Overview

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    Aquarius is an L-band microwave instrument being developed to map the surface salinity field of the oceans from space. It is part of the Aquarius/SAC-D mission, a partnership between the USA (NASA) and Argentina (CONAE) with launch scheduled for early in 2009. The primary science objective of this mission is to monitor the seasonal and interannual variation of the large scale features of the surface salinity field in the open ocean with a spatial resolution of 150 km and a retrieval accuracy of 0.2 psu globally on a monthly basis

    On the DM interpretation of the origin of non-thermal phenomena in galaxy clusters

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    (Abridged) We study the predictions of various annihilating Dark Matter (DM) models in order to interpret the origin of non-thermal phenomena in galaxy clusters. We consider three neutralino DM models with light (9 GeV), intermediate (60 GeV) and high (500 GeV) mass. The secondary particles created by neutralino annihilation produce a multi-frequency Spectral Energy Distribution (SED), as well as heating of the intracluster gas, that are tested against the observations available for the Coma cluster. The DM produced SEDs are normalized to the Coma radio halo spectrum. We find that it is not possible to interpret all non-thermal phenomena observed in Coma in terms of DM annihilation. The DM model with 9 GeV mass produces too small power at all frequencies, while the DM model with 500 GeV produces a large excess power at all frequencies. The DM model with 60 GeV and τ±\tau^{\pm} composition is consistent with the HXR and gamma-ray data but fails to reproduce the EUV and soft X-ray data. The DM model with 60 GeV and bbˉb{\bar b} composition is always below the observed fluxes. The radio halo spectrum of Coma is well fitted only in the bbˉb{\bar b} or light and intermediate mass DM models. The heating produced by DM annihilation in the center of Coma is always larger than the intracluster gas cooling rate for an NFW DM density profile and it is substantially smaller than the cooling rate only for a cored DM density profile in DM model with 9 GeV. We conclude that the possibility of interpreting the origin of non-thermal phenomena in galaxy clusters with DM annihilation models requires a low neutralino mass and a cored DM density profile. If we then consider the multimessenger constraints to the neutralino annihilation cross-section, it turns out that such scenario would also be excluded unless we introduce a substantial boost factor due to the presence of DM substructures.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 2 Tables. Submitted to A&

    SMAP L-Band Microwave Radiometer: Instrument Design and First Year on Orbit

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    The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) L-band microwave radiometer is a conical scanning instrument designed to measure soil moisture with 4 percent volumetric accuracy at 40-kilometer spatial resolution. SMAP is NASA's first Earth Systematic Mission developed in response to its first Earth science decadal survey. Here, the design is reviewed and the results of its first year on orbit are presented. Unique features of radiometer include a large 6-meter rotating reflector, fully polarimetric radiometer receiver with internal calibration, and radio-frequency interference detection and filtering hardware. The radiometer electronics are thermally controlled to achieve good radiometric stability. Analyses of on-orbit results indicate the electrical and thermal characteristics of the electronics and internal calibration sources are very stable and promote excellent gain stability. Radiometer NEdT (Noise Equivalent differential Temperature) less than 1 degree Kelvin for 17-millisecond samples. The gain spectrum exhibits low noise at frequencies greater than 1 megahertz and 1 divided by f (pink) noise rising at longer time scales fully captured by the internal calibration scheme. Results from sky observations and global swath imagery of all four Stokes antenna temperatures indicate the instrument is operating as expected

    Soil Moisture ActivePassive (SMAP) L-Band Microwave Radiometer Post-Launch Calibration

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    The SMAP microwave radiometer is a fully-polarimetric L-band radiometer flown on the SMAP satellite in a 6 AM/ 6 PM sun-synchronous orbit at 685 km altitude. Since April, 2015, the radiometer is under calibration and validation to assess the quality of the radiometer L1B data product. Calibration methods including the SMAP L1B TA2TB (from Antenna Temperature (TA) to the Earths surface Brightness Temperature (TB)) algorithm and TA forward models are outlined, and validation approaches to calibration stability/quality are described in this paper including future work. Results show that the current radiometer L1B data satisfies its requirements

    Magnetic fields in Local Group dwarf irregulars

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    We wish to clarify whether strong magnetic fields can be effectively generated in typically low-mass dwarf galaxies and to assess the role of dwarf galaxies in the magnetization of the Universe. We performed a search for radio emission and magnetic fields in an unbiased sample of 12 Local Group (LG) irregular and dwarf irregular galaxies with the 100m Effelsberg telescope at 2.64 and 4.85GHz. Magnetic fields in LG dwarfs are three times weaker than in the normal spirals (<4.2+-1.8muG). The production of total magnetic fields appears to be regulated mainly by the star-formation surface density, with the power-law exponent of 0.30+-0.04, or by the gas surface density (with the exponent 0.47+-0.09). In addition, we find systematically stronger fields in objects of higher global star-formation rate. The dwarf galaxies follow a similar far-infrared relationship (with a slope of 0.91+-0.08) to that determined for high surface brightness spiral galaxies. The magnetic field strength in dwarf galaxies does not correlate with their maximum rotational velocity, indicating a small-scale rather than a large-scale dynamo process. If magnetization of the Universe by galactic outflows is coeval with its metal enrichment, we show that more massive objects (such as Lyman Break Galaxies) can efficiently magnetize the intergalactic medium with a magnetic field strength of about 0.8nG out to a distance of 160-530kpc at redshifts 5-3, respectively. Several times weaker fields and shorter magnetization distances are expected from primordial dwarf galaxies. We also predict that most star-forming local dwarfs might have magnetized their surroundings up to about 0.1muG within about 5kpc distance. Strong magnetic fields (>6muG) are observed only in dwarfs of extreme characteristics while typical LG dwarfs are unsuitable objects for the efficient supply of magnetic fields to the intergalactic medium.Comment: Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 pages, 11 figures, minor changes to version 1, Fig. 6 changed, discussion of interactions enlarge

    Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Project Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document SMAP L1B Radiometer Data Product: L1B_TB

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    The purpose of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radiometer calibration algorithm is to convert Level 0 (L0) radiometer digital counts data into calibrated estimates of brightness temperatures referenced to the Earth's surface within the main beam. The algorithm theory in most respects is similar to what has been developed and implemented for decades for other satellite radiometers; however, SMAP includes two key features heretofore absent from most satellite borne radiometers: radio frequency interference (RFI) detection and mitigation, and measurement of the third and fourth Stokes parameters using digital correlation. The purpose of this document is to describe the SMAP radiometer and forward model, explain the SMAP calibration algorithm, including approximations, errors, and biases, provide all necessary equations for implementing the calibration algorithm and detail the RFI detection and mitigation process. Section 2 provides a summary of algorithm objectives and driving requirements. Section 3 is a description of the instrument and Section 4 covers the forward models, upon which the algorithm is based. Section 5 gives the retrieval algorithm and theory. Section 6 describes the orbit simulator, which implements the forward model and is the key for deriving antenna pattern correction coefficients and testing the overall algorithm