3,942 research outputs found

    Biosynthesis, chemical structure, and structure-activity relationship of orfamide lipopeptides produced by Pseudomonas protegens and related species

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    Orfamide type cyclic lipopeptides (CLPs) are biosurfactants produced by Pseudomonas and involved in lysis of oomycete zoospores, biocontrol of Rhizoctonia and insecticidal activity against aphids. In this study, we compared the biosynthesis, structural diversity, in vitro and in planta activities of orfamides produced by rhizosphere-derived Pseudomonas protegens and related Pseudornonas species. Genetic characterization together with chemical identification revealed that the main orfamide compound produced by the P. protegens group is orfamide A, while the related strains Pseudomonas sp. CMR5c and CMR12a produce orfamide B. Comparison of orfamide fingerprints led to the discovery of two new orfamide homologs (orfamide F and orfamide G) in Pseudornonas sp. CMR5c. The structures of these two CLPs were determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. Mutagenesis and complementation showed that orfamides determine the swarming motility of parental Pseudomonas sp. strain CMR5c and their production was regulated by luxR type regulators. Orfamide A and orfamide B differ only in the identity of a single amino acid, while orfamide B and orfamide G share the same amino acid sequence but differ in length of the fatty acid part. The biological activities of orfamide A, orfamide B, and orfamide G were compared in further bioassays. The three compounds were equally active against Magnaporthe oryzae on rice, against Rhizoctonia solani AG 4-HGI in in vitro assays, and caused zoospore lysis of Phytophthora and Pythium. Furthermore, we could show that orfamides decrease blast severity in rice plants by blocking appressorium formation in M. oryzae. Taken all together, our study shows that orfamides produced by P protegens and related species have potential in biological control of a broad spectrum of fungal plant pathogens

    Modulation of plant autophagy during pathogen attack

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    In plants, the highly conserved catabolic process of autophagy has long been known as a means of maintaining cellular homeostasis and coping with abiotic stress conditions. Accumulating evidence has linked autophagy to immunity against invading pathogens, regulating plant cell death, and antimicrobial defences. In turn, it appears that phytopathogens have evolved ways not only to evade autophagic clearance but also to modulate and co-opt autophagy for their own benefit. In this review, we summarize and discuss the emerging discoveries concerning how pathogens modulate both host and self-autophagy machineries to colonize their host plants, delving into the arms race that determines the fate of interorganismal interaction.Fil: Leary, Alexandre Y. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Sanguankiattichai, Nattapong. University of Oxford; Reino UnidoFil: Duggan, Cian. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Tumtas, Yasin. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Pandey, Pooja. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Segretin, Maria Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Salguero Linares, Jose. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Savage, Zachary D. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Yow, Rui Jin. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Bozkurt, Tolga O.. Imperial College London; Reino Unid

    The role of cellular morphogenesis in the pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

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    Appressorium-mediated plant infection is a common strategy used by many plant pathogenic fungi. Understanding the underlying genetic network that controls cellular differentiation of appressorium is therefore pivotal to design durable resistance strategies for these devastating pathogens. This thesis describes four published studies, which investigate the role of septin GTPases in infection and the role of secretion during plant tissue invasion by the rice blast pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. Appressorium development involves a series of morphogenetic changes that are tightly regulated by cell cycle checkpoints. Entry into mitosis allows differentiation of an appressorium, while penetration peg emergence appears to require progression through subsequent cell cycle checkpoints and cytokinesis. The studies presented here show that symmetry-breaking events that occur during appressorium differentiation are mediated by scaffold proteins, named septins. Septin GTPases recruit actomyosin ring components during septation and define the site of cytokinesis. They also recruit a toroidal cortical F-actin network to the appressorium pore that provides cortical rigidity to facilitate plant infection. Septins act as diffusion barriers for proteins that mediate membrane curvature necessary for penetration peg formation. Repolarization of the F-actin cytoskeleton at the appressorium pore is essential for plant penetration and is controlled by cell polarity regulators, such as Cdc42 and Chm1. Septin-mediated plant infection is regulated by NADPH oxidase (Nox) dependent generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The Nox2/NoxR complex is essential for septin organization at the appressorium pore. Septins are therefore key determinants of appressorium repolarization. I also report an investigation of fungal secretory processes during tissue invasion and present evidence that distinct pathways are involved in effector secretion by Magnaporthe oryzae. A BrefeldinA-sensitive pathway is necessary for secretion of apoplastic effectors, such as Bas4 and Slp1, while a BrefeldinA-insensitive pathway is necessary for secretion of effectors destined for delivery to rice cells.The Halpin Scholarship for Rice Blast Researc

    Cycling in synchrony

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    The corn smut fungus uses two different mechanisms to control its cell cycle when it is infecting plants

    Ga and Gß Proteins Regulate the Cyclic AMP Pathway That Is Required for Development and Pathogenicity of the Phytopathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola

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    We identified and functionally characterized genes encoding three G alpha proteins and one G beta protein in the dimorphic fungal wheat pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola, which we designated MgGpa1, MgGpa2, MgGpa3, and MgGpb1, respectively. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses showed that MgGPA1 and MgGPA3 are most related to the mammalian G alpha(i) and G alpha(s) families, respectively, whereas MgGPA2 is not related to either of these families. On potato dextrose agar (PDA) and in yeast glucose broth (YGB), MgGpa1 mutants produced significantly longer spores than those of the wild type (WT), and these developed into unique fluffy mycelia in the latter medium, indicating that this gene negatively controls filamentation. MgGpa3 mutants showed more pronounced yeast-like growth accompanied with hampered filamentation and secreted a dark-brown pigment into YGB. Germ tubes emerging from spores of MgGpb1 mutants were wavy on water agar and showed a nested type of growth on PDA that was due to hampered filamentation, numerous cell fusions, and increased anastomosis. Intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels of MgGpb1 and MgGpa3 mutants were decreased, indicating that both genes positively regulate the cAMP pathway, which was confirmed because the WT phenotype was restored by adding cAMP to these mutant cultures. The cAMP levels in MgGpa1 mutants and the WT were not significantly different, suggesting that this gene might be dispensable for cAMP regulation. In planta assays showed that mutants of MgGpa1, MgGpa3, and MgGpb1 are strongly reduced in pathogenicity. We concluded that the heterotrimeric G proteins encoded by MgGpa3 and MgGpb1 regulate the cAMP pathway that is required for development and pathogenicity in M. graminicola

    Infection-Associated Nuclear Degeneration in the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae Requires Non-Selective Macro-Autophagy

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    addresses: School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom.notes: PMCID: PMC3308974Freely-available open access article.The rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae elaborates a specialized infection structure called an appressorium to breach the rice leaf surface and gain access to plant tissue. Appressorium development is controlled by cell cycle progression, and a single round of nuclear division occurs prior to appressorium formation. Mitosis is always followed by programmed cell death of the spore from which the appressorium develops. Nuclear degeneration in the spore is known to be essential for plant infection, but the precise mechanism by which it occurs is not known

    Molecular analysis of the early interaction between the grapevine flower and Botrytis cinerea reveals that prompt activation of specific host pathways leads to fungus quiescence

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    Grape quality and yield can be impaired by bunch rot, caused by the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. Infection often occurs at flowering, and the pathogen stays quiescent until fruit maturity. Here, we report a molecular analysis of the early interaction between B. cinerea and Vitis vinifera flowers, using a controlled infection system, confocal microscopy and integrated transcriptomic and metabolic analysis of the host and the pathogen. Flowers from fruiting cuttings of the cultivar Pinot Noir were infected with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labelled B. cinerea and studied at 24 and 96 hours post-inoculation (h.p.i.). We observed that penetration of the epidermis by B. cinerea coincided with increased expression of genes encoding cell-wall-degrading enzymes, phytotoxins and proteases. Grapevine responded with a rapid defence reaction involving 1193 genes associated with the accumulation of antimicrobial proteins, polyphenols, reactive oxygen species and cell wall reinforcement. At 96 h.p.i., the reaction appears largely diminished both in the host and in the pathogen. Our data indicate that the defence responses of the grapevine flower collectively are able to restrict invasive fungal growth into the underlying tissues, thereby forcing the fungus to enter quiescence until the conditions become more favourable to resume pathogenic development

    Virulence- and signaling-associated genes display a preference for long 3′UTRs during rice infection and metabolic stress in the rice blast fungus

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    Generation of mRNA isoforms by alternative polyadenylation (APA) and their involvement in regulation of fungal cellular processes, including virulence, remains elusive. Here, we investigated genome‐wide polyadenylation site (PAS) selection in the rice blast fungus to understand how APA regulates pathogenicity. More than half of Magnaporthe oryzae transcripts undergo APA and show novel motifs in their PAS region. Transcripts with shorter 3′UTRs are more stable and abundant in polysomal fractions, suggesting they are being translated more efficiently. Importantly, rice colonization increases the use of distal PASs of pathogenicity genes, especially those participating in signalling pathways like 14‐3‐3B, whose long 3′UTR is required for infection. Cleavage factor I (CFI) Rbp35 regulates expression and distal PAS selection of virulence and signalling‐associated genes, tRNAs and transposable elements, pointing its potential to drive genomic rearrangements and pathogen evolution. We propose a noncanonical PAS selection mechanism for Rbp35 that recognizes UGUAH, unlike humans, without CFI25. Our results showed that APA controls turnover and translation of transcripts involved in fungal growth and environmental adaptation. Furthermore, these data provide useful information for enhancing genome annotations and for cross‐species comparisons of PASs and PAS usage within the fungal kingdom and the tree of life

    A sensor kinase controls turgor-driven plant infection by the rice blast fungus

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    The blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae gains entry to its host plant by means of a specialized pressure-generating infection cell called an appressorium, which physically ruptures the leaf cuticle. Turgor is applied as an enormous invasive force by septin-mediated reorganization of the cytoskeleton and actin-dependent protrusion of a rigid penetration hypha. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate the generation of turgor pressure during appressorium-mediated infection of plants remain poorly understood. Here we show that a turgor-sensing histidine–aspartate kinase, Sln1, enables the appressorium to sense when a critical turgor threshold has been reached and thereby facilitates host penetration. We found that the Sln1 sensor localizes to the appressorium pore in a pressure-dependent manner, which is consistent with the predictions of a mathematical model for plant infection. A Δsln1 mutant generates excess intracellular appressorium turgor, produces hyper-melanized non-functional appressoria and does not organize the septins and polarity determinants that are required for leaf infection. Sln1 acts in parallel with the protein kinase C cell-integrity pathway as a regulator of cAMP-dependent signalling by protein kinase A. Pkc1 phosphorylates the NADPH oxidase regulator NoxR and, collectively, these signalling pathways modulate appressorium turgor and trigger the generation of invasive force to cause blast disease