25 research outputs found

    Bidirectional High Current DC/DC Converters for Capacitive Deionisation Water Treatment

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    This thesis proposes three new DC/DC topologies and related technologies to control salt removal from water sources using the capacitive deionisation (CDI) technique. These technologies are critical in improving energy utilization, higher product yield and water recovery, and simpler design. A lossless bidirectional current sensing circuit is proposed. The proposed circuit avoids the use of conventional current shunt and extracts the current information from the winding resistance of the inductor (DCR) without introducing excessive conduction loss. Moreover, this improved DCR current sensing circuit has a high bandwidth and a low error over the entire range, even near the zero-crossing. A successful application of the proposed circuit is demonstrated in a 5-phase interleaved Buck/Boost bidirectional converter. The same converter has been used for CDI cell characterization. A time-domain analysis of the three-phase interleaved LLC topology is presented. The proposed analysis method reveals various facts that cannot be explained with the conventional Fundamental Harmonic Analysis (FHA) methods, including the number of resonant frequencies. The theory also gives a more accurate prediction of the gain-frequency-power relationship and the soft-switching conditions. Extensive simulations and experiments validate the correctness of the theory. Two new switch-capacitor two-phase interleaved flyback converters are proposed, which can invert the polarity of the input voltage and efficiently supply a high current while inheriting all the advantages of the Buck and Boost counterparts, such as the intrinsic current sharing, high conversion ratio, lower current ripple, and reduced switching loss. The operating principle, key waveform, simulation, and experimental results are presented. Finally, a new two-phase interleaved bipolar four-quadrant converter is proposed. Without sacrificing efficiency, it enables high-current discharge at extremely low cell voltage and features seamless transition. The proposed converter combines the switch-capacitor flyback converter with the switched-capacitor Buck converter in a creative manner so that the input and the output share a common ground reference while featuring a bipolar output, which can simplify the wiring when connecting more units in parallel. A switching pattern is proposed to enable a seamless transition between different operation modes. An auxiliary switching network is introduced to correct the loss of natural inductor current balancing in the transition mode

    A study on dc-dc resonant switched-capacitor converters for LED driving and one application as a VLC transmitter

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    This work presents a family of Resonant Switched Capacitor (RSC) dc-dc converters operating as both high efficiency power converter and fast-response data transmitter for Visible Light Communications (VLC) applications. By operating under soft-switching, the topologies allow for higher switching frequency and higher slew rate, so that the VLC functionality can be embedded into the power stage without an auxiliary switch, which it is a major efficiency bottleneck for higher transmission rates due to its inherent hardswitching operation. This justify new efforts in enabling Pulse-Based Transmission (PBT) without this additional switch. Seven fast-response resonant converters are presented in this work, implemented with a proposed Switched Capacitor Cell and inspired on classic DC-DC topologies (Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Flyback, Cuk, SEPIC and Zeta). A 10 W prototype was built to demonstrate such feasibility, operating at a switching frequency of 500 kHz, resulting in nominal efficiency of 85% during data transmission under VPPM scheme, achieving up to 100 kpbs for various brightness levels, over a distance up to 1 m. Given the switching frequency conditions, this prototype is realized using GaN-FETs and Schottky diodes.-CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Resonance mode power supplies with power factor correction

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    There is an increasing need for AC-DC converters to draw a pure sinusoidal current at near unity power factor from the AC mains. Most conventional power factor correcting systems employ PWM techniques to overcome the poor power factor being presented to the mains. However, the need for smaller and lighter power processing equipment has motivated the use of higher internal conversion frequencies in the past. In this context, resonant converters are becoming a viable alternative to the conventional PWM controlled power supplies. The thesis presents the implementation of active power factor correction in power supplies, using resonance mode techniques. It reviews the PWM power factor correction circuit topologies previously used. The possibility of converting these PWM topologies to resonant mode versions is discussed with a critical assessment as to the suitability of the semiconductor switching devices available today for deployment in these resonant mode supplies. The thesis also provides an overview of the methods used to model active semiconductor devices. The computer modelling is done using the PSpice microcomputer simulation program. The modifications that are needed to the built in MOSFET model in PSpice, when modeling high frequency circuits is discussed. A new two transistor model which replicates the action of a OTO thyristor is also presented. The new model enables the designer to estimate the device parameters with ease by adopting a short calculation and graphical design procedure, based on the manufacturer's data sheets. The need for a converter with a high efficiency, larger power/weight ratio, high input power factor with reduced line current distortion and reduced cost has led to the development of a new resonant mode converter topology, for power processing. The converter presents a near resistive load to the mains thus ensuring a high input power factor, while providing a stabilised de voltage at the output with a small lOOHz ripple. The supply is therefore ideal for preregulation applications. A description of the modes of operation and the analysis of the power circuit are included in the thesis. The possibility of using the converter for low output voltage applications is also discussed. The design of a 300W, 80kHz prototype model of this circuit is presented in the thesis. The design of the isolation transformer and other magnetic components are described in detail. The selection of circuit components and the design and implementation of the variable frequency control loop are also discussed. An evaluation of the experimental and computer simulated results obtained from the prototype model are included in the presentation. The thesis further presents a zero-current switching quasi-resonant flyback circuit topology with power factor correction. The reasons for using this topology for off-line power conversion applications are discussed. The use of a cascoded combination of a bipolar power transistor and two power MOSFETs i~ the configuration has enabled the circuit to process moderate levels of power while simultaneously switching at high frequencies. This fulfils the fundamental precondition for miniaturisation. It also provides a well regulated DC output voltage with a very small ripple while maintaining a high input power factor. The circuit is therefore ideal for use in mobile applications. A preliminary design of the above circuit, its analysis using PSpice, the design of the control circuit, current limiting and overcurrent protection circuitry and the implementation of closed-loop control are all included in the thesis. The experimental results obtained from a bread board model is also presented with an evaluation of the circuit performance. The power factor correction circuit is finally installed in this supply and the overall converter performance is assessed

    Long Life Single Stage PFC/SLC Converter driving LEDs

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    Licht emittierende Dioden (LEDs) sind heutzutage für Beleuchtungsanwendungen Stand der Technik und daher allgegenwärtig. Langlebige Beleuchtungsanwendungen erfordern allerdings ein robustes Systemdesign. Daher wurde die typische Ausfallursache von LED-Leuchten ermittelt: Die Stromversorgung ist mit 52% die wahrscheinlichste Ausfallursache. In manchen Anwendungen muss der LED Treiber theoretisch zehn Mal ausgetauscht werden, bevor die Lebensdauergrenze des LED-Moduls erreicht wird. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich daher mit der Entwicklung eines langlebigen, einstufigen LED Treibers, welcher aus einer Leistungsfaktorkorrektur (PFC) und einem Serien LC (SLC) Wandler besteht. Ein Großteil der Ausfälle des LED-Treibers wird dabei durch den Elektrolytkondensator verursacht. Durch den Ersatz des Elektrolytkondensators durch einen Filmkondensator wird prognostiziert, dass die Lebensdauer der Leuchte deutlich erhöht werden kann. Im Abschnitt 4 werden verschiedene LED-Treibertechnologien und Topologien analysiert. Nach einer ganzheitlichen Topologieanalyse wurde die PFC/SLC-Topologie gewählt. Die dabei verwendete diskontinuierliche totem pole Leistungsfaktorkorrektur (PFC) und der Serien LC Wandler wurden im Zeitbereich analysiert. Für beide Wandler wird der durchschnittliche Eingangsstrom bzw. der durchschnittliche Ausgangsstrom bestimmt. Da zwei Stellgrößen gleichzeitig eingestellt werden müssen, der AC-Eingangsstrom und der DC-Ausgangsstrom, sind für die Steuerung zwei Freiheitsgrade erforderlich. Die PFC- und SLC-Übertragungsfunktionen werden jeweils durch Frequenz und Tastgrad gesteuert. Dazu wurde eine Lösungsfunktion entwickelt, welche die Frequenz und den Tastgrad in Abhängigkeit von Eingangsleitwert, Ausgangsstrom und mehreren Messwerten berechnet. Durch die Erfassung der Zwischenkreisspannung und der Ausgangsspannung wirken sich deren Änderungen nur minimal auf den Ausgangsstrom aus. Dies erlaubt einen höheren Spannungsripple am Zwischenkreiskondensator, und damit den Ersatz von Elektrolytkondensatoren durch Folienkondensatoren. Die Lebensdauer des LED-Treibers wird dadurch deutlich steigert. Für den verwendeten Regelalgorithmus müssen mehrere Spannungen und Ströme gleichzeitig gemessen und digital gefiltert werden. Beispielsweise wird die Zwischenkreisspannung zuerst analog gefiltert, dann AD gewandelt und erneut digital durch einen resonanten Beobachter gefiltert. So kann die doppelte Netzfrequenz im Zwischenkreiskondensator herausgefiltert werden. Weiterhin wird ein Verfahren zur galvanisch getrennten Spannungsmessung entwickelt. Dadurch kann die Steuerung auf der Primärseite platziert werden, während die Sekundärseite genau gemessen werden kann. Auf Grundlage der vorgeschlagenen Messschaltung werden Schutzkonzepte entwickelt, um eine Selbstzerstörung oder Schädigung während des Betriebs vorzubeugen. Um die Anzahl der LEDs in einem LED-Modules zu erhöhen, z. B. um kleinere MidPower-LEDs anstelle von HighPower-LEDs einzusetzen, wird eine neuartige Parallelschaltungskonzept für LEDs entwickelt. Die Schaltung misst die einzelnen Strangströme, bildet dann einen Mittelwert aus den einzelnen Strangströmen, welcher wiederum dann als Vorgabewert genutzt wird. Auf diese Weise können LEDs sicher, und ohne Beeinträchtigung der Effizienz und Lebensdauer parallel geschaltet werden. Für den Betrieb des LED-Treibers wird ein ausgeklügeltes Hilfsspannungskonzept zur Selbstversorgung entwickelt. Da die Regelung digital implementiert ist, ist ein tiefgreifendes Softwareengineering erforderlich, um die Echtzeitperformance der CPU sicherzustellen. Eine unzureichende Implementierung der Regelungssoftware führt zu einem instabilen Regelkreis. Die Messungen am Ende der Arbeit zeigen, dass ein langlebiger, flimmerfreier LED-Treiber entwickelt wurde. Der Netzeingangsstrom ist dabei sinusförmig, während der LED Ausgangsstrom nahezu konstant ist. Der maximale Wirkungsgrad des LED-Treibers wurde zu 93% bestimmt

    Design and Control of Power Converters 2019

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    In this book, 20 papers focused on different fields of power electronics are gathered. Approximately half of the papers are focused on different control issues and techniques, ranging from the computer-aided design of digital compensators to more specific approaches such as fuzzy or sliding control techniques. The rest of the papers are focused on the design of novel topologies. The fields in which these controls and topologies are applied are varied: MMCs, photovoltaic systems, supercapacitors and traction systems, LEDs, wireless power transfer, etc

    Power Quality

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    Electrical power is becoming one of the most dominant factors in our society. Power generation, transmission, distribution and usage are undergoing signifi cant changes that will aff ect the electrical quality and performance needs of our 21st century industry. One major aspect of electrical power is its quality and stability – or so called Power Quality. The view on Power Quality did change over the past few years. It seems that Power Quality is becoming a more important term in the academic world dealing with electrical power, and it is becoming more visible in all areas of commerce and industry, because of the ever increasing industry automation using sensitive electrical equipment on one hand and due to the dramatic change of our global electrical infrastructure on the other. For the past century, grid stability was maintained with a limited amount of major generators that have a large amount of rotational inertia. And the rate of change of phase angle is slow. Unfortunately, this does not work anymore with renewable energy sources adding their share to the grid like wind turbines or PV modules. Although the basic idea to use renewable energies is great and will be our path into the next century, it comes with a curse for the power grid as power fl ow stability will suff er. It is not only the source side that is about to change. We have also seen signifi cant changes on the load side as well. Industry is using machines and electrical products such as AC drives or PLCs that are sensitive to the slightest change of power quality, and we at home use more and more electrical products with switching power supplies or starting to plug in our electric cars to charge batt eries. In addition, many of us have begun installing our own distributed generation systems on our rooft ops using the latest solar panels. So we did look for a way to address this severe impact on our distribution network. To match supply and demand, we are about to create a new, intelligent and self-healing electric power infrastructure. The Smart Grid. The basic idea is to maintain the necessary balance between generators and loads on a grid. In other words, to make sure we have a good grid balance at all times. But the key question that you should ask yourself is: Does it also improve Power Quality? Probably not! Further on, the way how Power Quality is measured is going to be changed. Traditionally, each country had its own Power Quality standards and defi ned its own power quality instrument requirements. But more and more international harmonization efforts can be seen. Such as IEC 61000-4-30, which is an excellent standard that ensures that all compliant power quality instruments, regardless of manufacturer, will produce of measurement instruments so that they can also be used in volume applications and even directly embedded into sensitive loads. But work still has to be done. We still use Power Quality standards that have been writt en decades ago and don’t match today’s technology any more, such as fl icker standards that use parameters that have been defi ned by the behavior of 60-watt incandescent light bulbs, which are becoming extinct. Almost all experts are in agreement - although we will see an improvement in metering and control of the power fl ow, Power Quality will suff er. This book will give an overview of how power quality might impact our lives today and tomorrow, introduce new ways to monitor power quality and inform us about interesting possibilities to mitigate power quality problems. Regardless of any enhancements of the power grid, “Power Quality is just compatibility” like my good old friend and teacher Alex McEachern used to say. Power Quality will always remain an economic compromise between supply and load. The power available on the grid must be suffi ciently clean for the loads to operate correctly, and the loads must be suffi ciently strong to tolerate normal disturbances on the grid

    Hybrid monolithic integration of high-power DC-DC converters in a high-voltage technology

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    The supply of electrical energy to home, commercial, and industrial users has become ubiquitous, and it is hard to imagine a world without the facilities provided by electrical energy. Despite the ever increasing efficiency of nearly every electrical application, the worldwide demand for electrical power continues to increase, since the number of users and applications more than compensates for these technological improvements. In order to maintain the affordability and feasibility of the total production, it is essential for the distribution of the produced electrical energy to be as efficient as possible. In other words the loss in the power distribution is to be minimized. By transporting electrical energy at the maximum safe voltage, the current in the conductors, and the associated conduction loss can remain as low as possible. In order to optimize the total efficiency, the high transportation voltage needs to be converted to the appropriate lower voltage as close as possible to the end user. Obviously, this conversion also needs to be as efficient, affordable, and compact as possible. Because of the ever increasing integration of electronic systems, where more and more functionality is combined in monolithically integrated circuits, the cost, the power consumption, and the size of these electronic systems can be greatly reduced. This thorough integration is not limited to the electronic systems that are the end users of the electrical energy, but can also be applied to the power conversion itself. In most modern applications, the voltage conversion is implemented as a switching DC-DC converter, in which electrical energy is temporarily stored in reactive elements, i.e. inductors or capacitors. High switching speeds are used to allow for a compact and efficient implementation. For low power levels, typically below 1 Watt, it is possible to monolithically implement the voltage conversion on an integrated circuit. In some cases, this is even done on the same integrated circuit that is the end user of the electrical energy to minimize the system dimensions. For higher power levels, it is no longer feasible to achieve the desired efficiency with monolithically integrated components, and some external components prove indispensable. Usually, the reactive components are the main limiting factor, and are the first components to be moved away from the integrated circuit for increasing power levels. The semiconductor components, including the power transistors, remain part of the integrated circuit. Using this hybrid approach, it is possible in modern converterapplications to process around 60 Watt, albeit limited to voltages of a few Volt. For hybrid integrated converters with an output voltage of tens of Volt, the power is limited to approximately 10 Watt. For even higher power levels, the integrated power transistors also become a limiting factor, and are replaced with discrete power devices. In these discrete converters, greatly increased power levels become possible, although the system size rapidly increases. In this work, the limits of the hybrid approach are explored when using so-called smart-power technologies. Smart-power technologies are standard lowcost submicron CMOS technologies that are complemented with a number of integrated high-voltage devices. By using an appropriate combination of smart-power technologies and circuit topologies, it is possible to improve on the current state-of-the-art converters, by optimizing the size, the cost, and the efficiency. To determine the limits of smart-power DC-DC converters, we first discuss the major contributing factors for an efficient energy distribution, and take a look at the role of voltage conversion in the energy distribution. Considering the limitations of the technologies and the potential application areas, we define two test-cases in the telecommunications sector for which we want to optimize the hybrid monolithic integration in a smart-power technology. Subsequently, we explore the specifications of an ideal converter, and the relevant properties of the affordable smart-power technologies for the implementation of DC-DC converters. Taking into account the limitations of these technologies, we define a cost function that allows to systematically evaluate the different potential converter topologies, without having to perform a full design cycle for each topology. From this cost function, we notice that the de facto default topology selection in discrete converters, which is typically based on output power, is not optimal for converters with integrated power transistors. Based on the cost function and the boundary conditions of our test-cases, we determine the optimal topology for a smart-power implementation of these applications. Then, we take another step towards the real world and evaluate the influence of parasitic elements in a smart-power implementation of switching converters. It is noticed that the voltage overshoot caused by the transformer secondary side leakage inductance is a major roadblock for an efficient implementation. Since the usual approach to this voltage overshoot in discrete converters is not applicable in smart-power converters due to technological limitations, an alternative approach is shown and implemented. The energy from the voltage overshoot is absorbed and transferred to the output of the converter. This allows for a significant reduction in the voltage overshoot, while maintaining a high efficiency, leading to an efficient, compact, and low-cost implementation. The effectiveness of this approach was tested and demonstrated in both a version using a commercially available integrated circuit, and our own implementation in a smart-power integrated circuit. Finally, we also take a look at the optimization of switching converters over the load range by exploiting the capabilities of highly integrated converters. Although the maximum output power remains one of the defining characteristics of converters, it has been shown that most converters spend a majority of their lifetime delivering significantly lower output power. Therefore, it is also desirable to optimize the efficiency of the converter at reduced output current and output power. By splitting the power transistors in multiple independent segments, which are turned on or off in function of the current, the efficiency at low currents can be significantly improved, without introducing undesirable frequency components in the output voltage, and without harming the efficiency at higher currents. These properties allow a near universal application of the optimization technique in hybrid monolithic DC-DC converter applications, without significant impact on the complexity and the cost of the system. This approach for the optimization of switching converters over the load range was demonstrated using a boost converter with discrete power transistors. The demonstration of our smart-power implementation was limited to simulations due to an issue with a digital control block. On a finishing note, we formulate the general conclusions and provide an outlook on potential future work based on this research

    Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting: Enhancing Power Output by Device Optimisation and Circuit Techniques

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    Energy harvesting; that is, harvesting small amounts of energy from environmental sources such as solar, air flow or vibrations using small-scale (≈1cm 3 ) devices, offers the prospect of powering portable electronic devices such as GPS receivers and mobile phones, and sensing devices used in remote applications: wireless sensor nodes, without the use of batteries. Numerous studies have shown that power densities of energy harvesting devices can be hundreds of µW; however the literature also reveals that power requirements of many electronic devices are in the mW range. Therefore, a key challenge for the successful deployment of energy harvesting technology remains, in many cases, the provision of adequate power. This thesis aims to address this challenge by investigating two methods of enhancing the power output of a piezoelectric-based vibration energy harvesting device. Cont/d

    Design and Control of an Electric Energy Conditioning System for a PEM Type Fuel Cell

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    Isolated electric energy generation systems are often needed to supply electric loads where the electrical network is not available. This could be caused due to geographic isolation, the necessity of load mobility, demanded values of voltage and current that are not compatible with the local networks, etc. This makes the design and construction of stand-alone energy generation systems a must.Modern designs are being pushed towards cleaner technologies. The experience has shown that the usual methods employed to produce electrical energy are not sustainable, especially because of environmental concerns. Usual stand-alone energy generation systems employ batteries and fuel engines. Batteries offer a cheap mean to feed the generation system but need rigorous maintenance routines, the substances used in their construction are strong pollutants, offer relatively low durability and the ratio charge time/discharge time is too high. Fuel engines extract their energy from petroleum based fuels, and as its well known, pollute their surrounding environment in several ways producing smoke, noise and heat.Polymer electrolyte membrane type fuel cells are among the new technologies that are being considered as a good alternative to the traditional power sources used for stand-alone energy generation systems.AIthough the basic principles of operation of the fuel cells are known since 1839, this is a technology that is far from being mature. More work needs to be done in order to make of the fuel cells systems with, high reliability, with maximum efficiency, and capable of providing electrical energy with quality comparable to the quality achieved using usual methods.The problems when working with fuel cells can be split in two big groups of interest, the first, being the handling and control of the electrochemical variables, and the second, the handling and control of the electrical variables taking care of the limits imposed by the dynamics of the fuel cell unit. This work deals with the second group of concerns, looking at the fuel cell as a black-box dc power supply with certain current/voltage characteristics. The energy provided by the fuel cells needs to be conditioned to the levels and characteristics required by the loads to be fed. In Europe, for single-phase ac loads, the specifications are a sinusoidal output voltage with 230 V ac rms and a frequency of 50 Hz. This work presents the the analysis, design, construction, and control of the electric energy conditioning system for a polymer eIectrolyte membrane type fuel cell to act as an stand-alone dc-ac inverter to feed linear or nonlinear loads with big variations.Los sistemas de generación de energía eléctrica "en isla" son necesarios en muchas ocasiones para alimentar cargas donde la red eléctrica no está disponible. Esto puede deberse a diversos factores como: aislamiento geográfico, necesidad de movilidad de la carga, requerimientos de corriente y voltaje que no son compatibles con las redes locales, etc. Todas estas razones hacen del diseño y construcción de sistemas autónomos de generación de energía una necesidad.En la actualidad, los diseños de este tipo de dispositivos están tendiendo hacia tecnologías más limpias.La experiencia ha enseñado que los métodos habituales para producir energía eléctrica no son los más apropiados, especialmente por motivos medioambientales. Los sistemas autónomos de generación de energía eléctrica típicos utilizan baterías y máquinas de combustión. Las baterías ofrecen una fuente barata para alimentar el sistema de generación de energía eléctrica, pero necesitan de rigurosas rutinas de mantenimiento, algunas de las sustancias utilizadas en su construcción son altamente contaminantes, ofrecen una relativamente baja durabilidad y la razón tiempo de carga/tiempo de descarga es grande.Por otro lado, las máquinas de combustión extraen la energía de combustibles a base de petróleo, como es bien conocido, contaminan el entorno produciendo humo, ruido y calor.Las pilas de combustible de membrana de electrolito polimérico están entre las nuevas tecnologías que se consideran como una buena alternativa a las fuentes que se utilizan usualmente para alimenta sistemas autónomos de generación de energía. Aunque los principios básicos de operación de las pilas de combustible son conocidos desde 1839, esta es una tecnología que está aún lejos de pode considerarse madura. Aún es necesario realizar más esfuerzos con el objetivo de hacer de las pilas de combustible fuentes de energía de alta confiabilidad, de máxima eficiencia y capaces de proveer energía con niveles de calidad comparables a los alcanzados al utilizar los métodos tradicionales.La problemática que se presenta al trabajar con pilas de combustible puede ser dividida en dos grandes grupos de interés, el primero, sería el control de las variables electroquímicas, y el segundo, el manejo control de las variables eléctricas tomando en cuenta los límites impuestos por la dinámica de la pila de combustible. Éste trabajo trata con el segundo, viendo la pila de combustible como una "caja negra" que constituye una fuente de potencia de corriente continua con ciertas características particulares de voltaje/corriente. La energía provista por la pila de combustible debe ser acondicionada a los niveles características requeridas por las cargas a ser alimentadas. En Europa, para sistemas de monofásico de corriente alterna, las especificaciones son un voltaje sinusoidal con 230 V efectivos y una frecuencia de 50 Hz. Éste trabajo presenta el análisis, diseño, construcción y control del sistema de acondicionamiento de energía eléctrica para una pila de combustible de membrana de electrolito polimérico, que actúa como un sistema autónomo de inversión de corriente continua-corriente alterna para alimentar cargas lineales o no lineales que pueden experimentar grandes variaciones.Postprint (published version

    Cumulative index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1963-1967

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    Cumulative index to NASA survey on technology utilization of aerospace research outpu