1,602 research outputs found

    A new governance approach for multi-firm projects: lessons from Olkiluoto 3 and Flamanville 3 nuclear power plant projects

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    We analyze governance in two contemporary nuclear power plant projects: Olkiluoto 3 (Finland) and Flamanville 3 (France). We suggest that in the governance of large multi-firm projects, any of the prevalent governance approaches that rely on market, hierarchy, or hybrid forms, is not adequate as such. This paper opens up avenues towards a novel theory of governance in large projects by adopting a project network view with multiple networked firms within a single project, and by simultaneously going beyond organizational forms that cut across the traditional firm–market dichotomy. Our analysis suggests four changes in the prevailing perspective towards the governance of large projects. First, there should be a shift from viewing multi-firm projects as hierarchical contract organizations to viewing them as supply networks characterized by a complex and networked organizational structure. Second, there should be a shift in the emphasis of the predominant modes of governance, market and hierarchy towards novel governance approaches that emphasize network-level mechanisms such as self-regulation within the project. Third, there should be a shift from viewing projects as temporary endeavors to viewing projects as short-term events or episodes embedded in the long-term sphere of shared history and expected future activities among the involved actors. Fourth, there should be a shift from the prevailing narrow view of a hierarchical project management system towards an open system view of managing in complex and challenging institutional environments

    Alignment of balanced scorecard perspectives with supply chain management objectives: a literature review

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    Having in view the fast diffusion of the Balanced Scorecard since its development in the 1990s, as well as your application in various industrial sectors, this paper aims to present a literature review on the alignment of this performance measurement system with the Supply Chain Management. This research was motivated by the finding of an increase in the annual number of papers published over the years. Through a literature review 43 papers related to the theme were localized in databases SCIELO, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Key metrics, methodological procedures most used for developing the papers localized, benefits and limitations of using the system, as well as research gaps indicated for future works are presented. The main contribution of this research focuses on condense into a single material, an overview of the assessment methods of Supply Chain Management based on the Balanced Scorecard perspectives. Several metrics have been proposed for the development of this performance measurement system, encompassing other perspectives beyond the four traditional BSC perspectives

    An in-depth analysis of a TTO's objectives alignment within the university strategy: An ANP-based approach

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    [EN] This paper presents the application of the Analytic Network Process for the analysis of the contribution of the third mission action plans to the research transfer policies set by the University Governing Body. The model is applied to the case study of the Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). The paper develops a rigorous decision-making tool that helps TTO managers analyse the effectiveness of TTO activities and their degree of alignment with the institution¿s objectives. This work considers TTO managers¿ qualitative information and value judgments about the activities performed.This work has been funded by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia PAID-06-2011/2042. The translation of this paper has been funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Aragonés-Beltrán, P.; Poveda Bautista, R.; Jiménez-Sáez, F. (2017). An in-depth analysis of a TTO's objectives alignment within the university strategy: An ANP-based approach. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 44:19-43. doi:10.1016/j.jengtecman.2017.03.002S19434

    Investigation of System of Criteria within Selection Processes for ERP Systems

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    The application and introduction of ERP systems have become a central issue for management and operation of enterprises. The competition on market enforces the improvement and optimization of business processes at enterprises to increase their efficiency, effectiveness, and to manage better the resources outside of the company. The primary task of ERP systems is to achieve the before-mentioned objectives. For this reason the selection of a particular ERP system has a decisive effect on the future operation and profitability of the enterprise, i.e. the selection phase is highly relevant step within the introduction and implementation stage of an ERP system. The issues that are worth investigating are the criteria applied at the decision. The qualitative correlation between the size of enterprises, market position, etc. and the applied selection criteria for ERP systems could be analyzed as to whether which criteria are made use of at multinational enterprises or at SMEs. Our research is grounded in a literature review and case studies of everyday practice related to introduction, implementation and roll-out of ERP systems and it tries to provide answers for the above raised questions

    A Systematic Approach to the Management of Military Human Resources through the ELECTRE-MOr Multicriteria Method

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    Personnel selection is increasingly proving to be an essential factor for the success of organizations. These issues almost universally involve multiple conflicting objectives, uncertainties, costs, and benefits in decision-making. In this context, personnel assessment problems, which include several candidates as alternatives, along with several complex evaluation criteria, can be solved by applying Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. Uncertainty and subjectivity characterize the choice of personnel for missions or promotions at the military level. In this paper, we evaluated 30 Brazilian Navy officers in the light of four criteria and 34 subcriteria. To support the decision-making process regarding the promotion of officers, we applied the ELECTRE-Mor MCDM method. We categorized the alternatives into three classes in the modeling proposed in this work, namely: Class A (Promotion by deserving), Class B (Promotion by seniority), and Class C (Military not promoted). As a result, the method presented 20% of the officers evaluated with performance corresponding to class A, 53% of the alternatives to class B, and 26.7% with performances attributed to class C. In addition, we presented a sensitivity analysis procedure through variation of the cut-off level λ, allowing decision-making on more flexible or rigorous scenarios at the discretion of the Naval High Administration. This work brings a valuable contribution to academia and society since it represents the application of an MCDM method in state of the art to contribute to solving a real problem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strategic information systems planning (SISP) in Australia : assessment and measurement

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    Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) is an important activity for helping Chief Information Executives (CIOs) and top management identify strategic applications and align Information Technology (IT) with business needs. Like all strategic planning, SISP requires measuring how well SISP is done and how planning is improving over time. The measurement of these intangibles is a complex exercise. There have been few efforts undertaken in the Information Systems (IS) literature to formally develop a model for assessing and measuring SISP efforts. In this study, two models were proposed: a five-stage SISP maturity model for defining SISP maturity and another one for assessing the degree of SISP maturity. The five SISP maturity levels were defined as: Rudimentary Planning, Ineffectual Planning, Attainable Planning, Sustainable Planning, and Adaptable Planning. The assessment model was structured as a third-order system, where eight first-order dimensions were termed as Form and Content, Collaboration, Policies, Stakeholders' Designation, Knowledge Bank, Technology, Time Dimension, and Viability. The first-order dimensions were grouped into three second-order constructs, namely Effectiveness, Efficiency and Manoeuvrability, which ultimately characterise the level of SISP success. This model was used to establish a theoretical benchmark for each SISP maturity level. To model the level of SISP maturity, an 'Integral Engineering' approach was established and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) theory was used. The study is a novel approach in using ANP to synthesize the measures of the various SISP constructs into a single overall measure of SISP maturity level. A survey was performed and data collected from 260 Australian organisations to examine the degree of SISP maturity and the relationships among SISP constructs. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the fit between the hypothesized model and the survey data The models were applied to the data collected and the findings suggested that the models fit the data well. While Effectiveness and Efficiency are well recognised planning constructs, Manoeuvrability as a measure of planning dynamics is not acknowledged in the literature as an equally important construct. This study confirmed a strong correlation between Manoeuvrability and SISP success and found it to be more important than the Efficiency construct. The empirical data did not confirm the existence of Rudimentary and Ineffectual planning levels of SISP maturity Australia-wide. SISP maturity in the majority of Australian organisations is at Sustainable and Attainable planning levels. A small percentage of the surveyed organisations have actually reached the highest planning level (Adaptable planning). The empirical data showed that current SISP is lacking strategic dimension and that the recently popularised one-year planning horizon may not be the best choice. Australian organisations did not consider the strategic relevance of IT as the key objective. IT/IS was seen as a business enabler, thus the strategic advan tage associated with IT came as a secondary objective

    Designing a Sustainable World Class Manufacturing Model in the Automotive Industry in Iran

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    This study is functional in terms of purpose and descriptive-exploratory in terms of doing research. The method of data collection is library and field studies using a questionnaire tool. Those with relevant postgraduate qualifications and at least ten years of working experience, especially management experience in the automotive industry with a sufficiently motivated executive background to participate were chosen. In the quantitative section, the experts include nine executives and senior experts in the automotive industry who were selected through snowballing. The most important dimensions and criteria of a sustainable world class manufacturing model are identified by a theoretical literature review and interviews with the experts, and they were then screened and localized with expert opinions and fuzzy Delphi techniques. After collecting data through a paired comparisons questionnaire, the data were analyzed by using a fuzzy-dimensional network analysis process hybrid technique. The findings of fuzzy DEMATEL indicated that the dimensions of "environmental", "economic" and "social" sustainability help in achieving sustainable world class manufacturing

    Addressing Climate Change in Research and Innovation Projects. A Tool for Anticipatory Carbon Footprint Calculation

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    [ES] El calentamiento global, y el cambio climático (CC) que produce, es una de las amenazas más globales y urgentes de las que es responsable la humanidad. El desafío de mitigar y adaptarse a la CC, entre otros, es una responsabilidad que ha alcanzado a todas las disciplinas, incluyendo el proceso de investigación e innovación. Durante más de 10 años, y como una forma de abordar estos grandes desafíos de nuestro tiempo, con la intención de fomentar la investigación responsable, la Comisión Europea ha estado promoviendo una temática transversal llamada: "Investigación e innovación responsable (RRI, en sus siglas en inglés)". El objetivo es sacar a la luz los problemas relacionados con la investigación y la innovación, anticipar sus consecuencias y hacer participar a la sociedad en el debate sobre la forma en que la ciencia y la tecnología pueden contribuir a crear el tipo de mundo y de sociedad que deseamos para las generaciones futuras. Esta tesis surge como un puente entre el gran desafío que representa el CC y la demanda por parte de la sociedad de investigación e innovación responsable, abordada en el contexto de la RRI. Los financiadores e impulsores de la investigación y la sociedad en su conjunto esperan que los equipos de investigación e innovación proporcionen resultados socialmente deseables, éticamente aceptables y sostenibles. Por lo tanto, la pregunta general que se responde en esta tesis es: ¿cómo sabe un equipo de investigación, sin ser especialista en evaluación ambiental, si su investigación es responsable de emisiones contribuyentes al cambio climático, y cómo puede incluir medidas para reducir o compensar esas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI)? Para responder a esta pregunta, la presente tesis doctoral inicia con la descripción de los principales fundamentos que son centrales en ella: CC y RRI. En lo que respecta al primer concepto, explicamos la importancia y los medios para calcular la contribución al CC, principalmente el enfoque de la Huella de Carbono. En lo que respecta al segundo concepto, se explica la alineación de esta tesis el área clave de la sostenibilidad ambiental de la RRI, sus marcos sustantivos y sus dimensiones de anticipación y reflexividad. Una vez establecidos estos dos fundamentos, el cambio climático se aborda en el contexto de la RRI, revisando la literatura sobre los proyectos y propuestas de la RRI, incluyendo la sostenibilidad ambiental, y el CC en particular. Como resultado, surgieron dos avenidas de investigación, que se desarrollan en las siguientes secciones. Una avenida sobre cómo evaluar la influencia de las partes interesadas en un proyecto de investigación en el contexto de la RRI, desarrollada en el capítulo 3, y una avenida sobre la necesidad de nuevas herramientas basadas en bases de datos de acceso abierto para ayudar a los profesionales a integrar la prevención del CC en sus actividades de I + D. El capítulo 4, presenta el diseño de una novedosa herramienta con un algoritmo didáctico para la medición anticipada de la huella de carbono en los proyectos de investigación e innovación. Esta herramienta permite a los investigadores que no tienen formación en evaluación del impacto ambiental estimar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de sus proyectos de investigación e innovación en las primeras etapas, momento en el que la anticipación y la reflexividad son las dimensiones fundamentales de la RRI.[CA] L'escalfament global, i el canvi climàtic (CC) que produeix, és una de les amenaces més globals i urgents de les que és responsable la humanitat. El desafiament de mitigar i adaptar-se a la CC, entre d'altres, és una responsabilitat que ha arribat a totes les disciplines, incloent el procés de recerca i innovació. Durant més de 10 anys, i com una forma d'abordar aquests grans desafiaments del nostre temps, amb la intenció de fomentar la investigació responsable, la Comissió Europea ha estat promovent una temàtica transversal anomenada: "Recerca i innovació responsable (RRI, en seves sigles en anglès)". L'objectiu és treure a la llum els problemes relacionats amb la investigació i la innovació, anticipar les seves conseqüències i fer participar la societat en el debat sobre la forma en què la ciència i la tecnologia poden contribuir a crear el tipus de món i de societat que desitgem per a les generacions futures. Aquesta tesi sorgeix com un pont entre el gran desafiament que representa el CC i la demanda per part de la societat d'investigació i innovació responsable, abordada en el context de la RRI. Els finançadors i impulsors de la investigació i la societat en el seu conjunt esperen que els equips de recerca i innovació proporcionin resultats socialment desitjables, èticament acceptables i sostenibles. Per tant, la pregunta general que respon a aquesta tesi és: com sap un equip d'investigació, sense ser especialista en avaluació ambiental, si la seva investigació és responsable d'emissions contribuents a el canvi climàtic, i com pot incloure mesures per reduir o compensar aquestes emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle (GEH)? Per respondre a aquesta pregunta, la present tesi doctoral s'inicia amb la descripció dels principals fonaments que són centrals en ella CC i RRI. Pel que fa a el primer concepte, expliquem la importància i els mitjans per calcular la contribució a l'CC, principalment l'enfocament de la Petjada de Carboni. Pel que fa a el segon concepte, s'explica l'alineació d'aquesta tesi l'àrea clau de la sostenibilitat ambiental de la RRI, els seus marcs substantius i les seves dimensions d'anticipació i reflexivitat. Un cop establerts aquests dos fonaments, el canvi climàtic s'aborda en el context de la RRI, revisant la literatura sobre els projectes i propostes de la RRI, incloent la sostenibilitat ambiental, i el CC en particular. Com a resultat, van sorgir dues avingudes de recerca, que es desenvolupen en les següents seccions. Una avinguda sobre com avaluar la influència de les parts interessades en un projecte d'investigació en el context de la RRI, desenvolupada en el capítol 3, i una avinguda sobre la necessitat de noves eines basades en bases de dades d'accés obert per ajudar els professionals a integrar la prevenció de CC en les seves activitats d'R + d. El capítol 4, presenta el disseny d'una nova eina amb un algoritme didàctic per al mesurament anticipada de la petjada de carboni en els projectes de recerca i innovació. Aquesta eina permet als investigadors que no tenen formació en avaluació de l'impacte ambiental estimar les emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle dels seus projectes de recerca i innovació en les primeres etapes, moment en el qual l'anticipació i la reflexivitat són les dimensions fonamentals de la RRI.[EN] Global Warming, and the climate change (CC) it produces, is one of the most global and urgent threats humankinds is responsible for. The challenge of mitigating and adapting to CC, among others, is a responsibility that has reached all disciplines, including the research and innovation (R&I) process. For more than 10 years, and as a way to tackle these great challenges of our time, with the intention of fostering responsible research, the European Commission has been promoting a cross-cutting issue named: "Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)". The aim is to bring the problems (such as research integrity, non-inclusion of stakeholders, application of ethical or sustainability principles, etc.,.) related to R&I to light, to anticipate the possible consequences of R&I process and outcomes, and to engage society in the discussion of how science and technology can help create the kind of world and society we want for generations to come. This thesis emerges as a bridge between the great challenge represented by CC and the demand for responsibility from R&I process and outcomes, addressed in the context of RRI. Research funders and society as a whole claim that R&I teams must provide socially desirable, ethically acceptable, and sustainable outcomes. Hence, the general question to be answered in this thesis is: how does a research team, while not being specialists, know if its research is responsible for relevant contributions to CC, and how can they include measures to reduce or compensate such contributions (Greenhouse Gas emissions, GHG)? To respond to this question, the present dissertation begins with the main foundations that are central to it: CC and RRI. As regards the former concept, we explain the importance and means to calculate the contribution of GHG to CC, mainly the carbon footprint approach. In addition, regarding the latter, how this thesis aligns with the key RRIs' area of environmental sustainability, its substantive frameworks and its anticipation and reflexivity dimensions. Once these two foundations are established, CC is addressed in the context of RRI, reviewing the literature on RRI projects and proposals, which include environmental sustainability, and CC in particular. As a result, two avenues of research arise, which are developed in the following sections. An avenue about how to assess the stakeholders' influence in a research project within the context of RRI, which is developed in chapter 3, and an avenue about the need for new tools based on open-access databases to help practitioners to integrate CC prevention in their R&I activities. Chapter 4 presents the design of a novel tool with a didactic algorithm for anticipatory carbon footprint measuring in R&I projects. This tool allows researchers who are untrained in environmental impact assessment to estimate the greenhouse gas emissions of their R&I projects at early stages, when anticipation and reflexivity are the core RRI dimensions.Ligardo Herrera, IE. (2021). Addressing Climate Change in Research and Innovation Projects. A Tool for Anticipatory Carbon Footprint Calculation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165867TESI

    Aligning a Service Provisioning Model of a Service-Oriented System with the ITIL v.3 Life Cycle

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    Bringing together the ICT and the business layer of a service-oriented system (SoS) remains a great challenge. Few papers tackle the management of SoS from the business and organizational point of view. One solution is to use the well-known ITIL v.3 framework. The latter enables to transform the organization into a service-oriented organizational which focuses on the value provided to the service customers. In this paper, we align the steps of the service provisioning model with the ITIL v.3 processes. The alignment proposed should help organizations and IT teams to integrate their ICT layer, represented by the SoS, and their business layer, represented by ITIL v.3. One main advantage of this combined use of ITIL and a SoS is the full service orientation of the company.Comment: This document is the technical work of a conference paper submitted to the International Conference on Exploring Service Science 1.5 (IESS 2015

    Full Issue (27.2, Winter 2017)

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